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Logging 10000 years into future chapter 3

Memories, movie of a lifetime

TL : eris8114

PR : Adrian Katastofi

Chapter 3

“Run away?”

This was the first thought that crossed Lu Sheng’s mind.

That was what he did before.

The zombie wearing a jumpsuit was slow, and it couldn’t catch up to him.

Before this, Lu Sheng had gradually lost consciousness during the process of constantly running away, and then he would wake up.

But this time, Lu Sheng changed his mind.

“I won’t run…”

Lu Sheng rolled up his sleeves rather boldly.

“It’s just a dream anyway. If I get bitten, it doesn’t matter. Maybe I’ll wake up faster if I die in the dream…”

With this in mind, Lu Sheng decided to confront the zombie in the jumpsuit head-on.

“Although my grades at school aren’t good, my blood value is at least 0.7. In terms of strength and speed, I surpass the standard for grown-up men from my previous life. How can I be afraid of a mere zombie?”

According to the standards of the World Martial Union, a first-level martial artist has a vitality and blood value of 1.5 and a combat power of 150. Lu Sheng was now close to being considered a half-formal martial artist.

Even though Lu Sheng’s practical combat scores were very poor, and he only knew a few simple fighting techniques, it didn’t affect his current confidence.

“Rising sole kick”

Lu Sheng shouted the name of a move he had seen in novels from his past life, took a running start, and delivered a powerful kick to the chest of the tall zombie.

The tall zombie stumbled backward, its bulky body unsteady under the massive impact, and it fell flat on its back.

A clear shoe print of size forty-one and a half was left on its jumpsuit.


With this successful kick, Lu Sheng’s confidence soared.

He saw the tall zombie, still in its jumpsuit, struggling to get up, so he rushed in to deliver the finishing blow.

Lu Sheng delivered two powerful punches to the tall zombie’s face.

It felt like his fists were hitting a dried coconut shell, and it made his knuckles hurt.

Lu Sheng gritted his teeth and looked around for any available tools.

He quickly found a rock the size of a watermelon a few meters away.

He picked up the rock and aimed it at the tall zombie’s head.

“Zombies in the movies always have their heads as their weak point, so this should work…”

Lu Sheng muttered to himself and put his strength into the throw.


A crisp sound of a broken nose bridge bone sounded.

The watermelon-sized rock embedded itself in the tall zombie’s face, and the tall zombie’s body convulsed a couple of times before falling completely still.


Lu Sheng confirmed that the tall zombie was dead, and then he sat down on the ground, gasping for breath.

This dream was incredibly realistic.

Lu Sheng could even feel the sound of his heart pounding in his chest.

“Why haven’t I woken up yet…”

Lu Sheng mumbled to himself, just about to stand up.

At that moment, he saw the tall zombie in front of him dissolved like a pile of sand, quickly disintegrating in a matter of seconds.

And wisps of black smoky lines emerged from the disintegrating corpse of the tall zombie, shooting into Lu Sheng’s chest like arrows.


Lu Sheng was taken aback, and before he could react, he felt a surge of heat spreading from his chest. Along with it came a flood of fragmented memories, flashing through his mind like movie scenes.

[“After graduation, what do you want to do?”
“Join the Base Defense Corps.”
“I’ve heard that the training for the Defense Corps is tough and dangerous.”
“It’s okay, it’s been my dream for a long time.” (laughs)]

[“From now on, you are a member of Base Defense Corps team 1359, Number: YH48549.”
“Yes, sir! I won’t let you down!” (excited) ]

[“Breathing techniques and body refining techniques, I will teach you guys these two techniques. You better practice them while eating, sleeping, and even using the bathroom! Every bit of strength counts, and it may give you an extra chance to survive when you encounter monsters in the future.”
“Understood, sir!” ]

[“Second squad! Second squad! Third squad… Damn, where are these people, are they all dead? …Stop right there! Who are you?”
“Number YH48549, reporting, sir!”
“What are you doing here? Which squad are you from?”
“Sir, I’m from the Seventh Squad.”
“Let your squad leader come see me immediately!”
“Si-sir, my squad leader and the others… they’re all dead. I’m the only one left of the entire seventh squad.” (silence)

[Gate of the base, broken…
Monsters, monsters everywhere!
Black mist. ]

[What is… that?]

Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes, his gaze filled with deep sorrow.

It was as if he had just watched a long movie.

The protagonist was a tall and handsome young man.

The first half of the movie was slow and monotonous, primarily showing the young man’s arduous training and practice.

The second half became heavy and dark.

One battle after another.

Every battle was accompanied by bloodshed and death.

The young man’s companions dwindled one by one.

The sky was always gray, and every memory was filled with sadness and pain.

The final scene froze on a broken city wall as terrifying monsters and vast expanses of black mist engulfed the earth and sky.

The despair and depression before the world was engulfed by darkness even shocked Lu Sheng.

“What did this guy experience in his lifetime?”

Lu Sheng murmured to himself.

Undoubtedly, the memories he had just received were the memories of the tall zombie he had just killed.

And these memories were just like a doomsday disaster movie.


Logging 10000 years in future

Logging 10000 years in future

Status: Ongoing Type:
1st year of Martial calendar Cracks have appeared in the sky and the earth and fearsome alien monsters have started to infiltrate the planet. 100th year of the Martial calendar. Martial artists are battling the invading alien monsters as martial arts have begun to thrive. 200th year of the Martial calendar. Humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, and alien monsters are encroaching on familiar territory. The 300th year of the Martial Calendar, Lu Sheng crossed the bridge. Furthermore, he has memories from 10,000 years in the future. "Forged through 10,000 years of refinement, the Body Refining Technique from the future is ten thousand times more potent than anything we know today....." "The martial arts breathing technique that originated 10,000 years later….." "Medicinal Pill Recipes from 10,000 Years Ahead...." "From 10,000 years in the future, the Sacred Martial Scriptures..." In the 10,000th year of the Martial calendar, humanity had perished. "The Path of Martial Arts had been refined to perfection, but no one was left to inherit it." "I, Lu Sheng, am the last ember of humanity!"


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