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Arrival the Giant Fortress

TL: Eris
PR: Adrian_Katastofi

Chapter 17

In the familiar wilderness, Lu Sheng’s silhouette appeared discretely.

A burly zombie noticed Lu Sheng’s appearance at the first moment and quickly pounced on him with a low growl.

Without hesitation, Lu Sheng charged quickly.

Block, then punch.

With just two moves, the burly zombie in front of him, wearing unrecognizable clothes, had his neck twisted by Lu Sheng.

A black line of smoke appeared and quickly merged into Lu Sheng’s body.


Lu Sheng breathed out gently after absorbing the memory of this zombie.

“My strength has indeed increased.”

The recent fight gave Lu Sheng a more intuitive understanding of his current strength.

He had encountered this type of burly zombie more than once before.

This was a new type of combat zombie different from the ones in jumpsuits, with fluctuating strength.

Some were weaker than the gray jumpsuit zombies, while others were stronger than the blue jumpsuit zombies.

The combat effectiveness of these zombies could only be roughly distinguished by observing their size.

The one Lu Sheng had just dealt with was not weak; it could even be said to be the strongest he had ever encountered, with its strength and speed approaching twice that of an ordinary blue jumpsuit zombie.

“My estimated combat power should have reached the standard of a level one official martial artist.”

Even so, it still couldn’t withstand Lu Sheng’s two moves.

“After the breakthrough, my fist technique is very strong. I feel a relaxed feeling of being able to deal with opponents weaker in skill, similar to an adult fighting a child.”

A hint of joy appeared in Lu Sheng’s eyes.

After dealing with this zombie, Lu Sheng continued forward.

He had been walking in the gray mist wilderness for who knew how long. According to his estimate, he should be very close to Base 1359, as described in the memories of these zombies.

“According to the memories of the zombies, Base 1359 should have been destroyed in a sea of black mist and an almost endless tide of beasts. I haven’t encountered a single beast in all this time. It’s strange.

Could all the beasts be living in the ruins of the base?

Or did they retreat after destroying the base?”

Lu Sheng didn’t know.

Although his martial arts strength had improved rapidly, the dream world was still a dangerous and unknown realm for him.

So far, Lu Sheng had never died in his dreams, and he didn’t know what would happen if he did. He didn’t want to find out.

Along the way, Lu Sheng killed several more zombies.

The martial arts memories he obtained from these zombies quickly filled the gaps in his leg technique, palm technique, footwork, and so on, continuously approaching the bottleneck.

At the same time, his martial arts proficiency in the new realm continued to slowly and steadily rise to a higher level.

Just as Lu Sheng punched off the head of a zombie and absorbed its memory, his eyes suddenly froze.

Lu Sheng saw what was in front of him.

The gray mist dispersed like flowing water, revealing the outline of a magnificent and dilapidated building in his field of vision.

“I’ve finally arrived.”

The legendary Base 1359.

Lu Sheng’s heart was unusually calm and cautious.

Sometimes, the unknown also represented danger.

Moreover, Lu Sheng had witnessed countless times in his memories the base being submerged in a sky-covering tide of beasts.

That sense of despair and oppression had always weighed heavily on his heart.

Lu Sheng’s speed was fast, but his steps were light.

The closer he got to the giant city, the more zombies roamed in the gray mist, and as their numbers increased, their strength also continued to rise.

From several zombies, Lu Sheng had already sensed the long-lost, intense aura of danger.

Fortunately, the perception of these zombies had not increased much due to the improvement in individual strength. As long as he was careful enough, he would not attract their attention.

What seems close might actually be far away.

Lu Sheng ran for more than half an hour before gradually getting close to the giant city, maintaining his fastest pace all this time.

Therefore, we can imagine how large the city was.

Finally, Lu Sheng arrived at the foot of the giant city.

He hid under a piece of rubble, looking up at the city before him.

This magnificent city was now truly revealed before him.

It’s hard to describe how big this city was.

Lu Sheng had to tilt his neck to an almost extreme angle to barely see the top of the city wall.

The entire city was surrounded by towering walls that reached into the clouds.

This reminded Lu Sheng of an anime from his past life where a huge walled city fought against evil giants.

Compared to that anime, the city wall in front of him was undoubtedly much higher.

It was hard to imagine what kind of force in this world could tear through such an impregnable defense.

But what Lu Sheng saw.

Was a series of huge, eye-catching tear marks.

The entire city, from the outside, looked like a giant broken bowl full of gaps.

The piece of rubble Lu Sheng was currently relying on was just a insignificant small fragment knocked off the giant bowl.

Thinking about the scenes of despair he had seen in his memories, Lu Sheng’s expression became solemn.

Perhaps the apocalyptic scenes he had seen in his memories were not even a thousandth of the real situation.

The width of vision depends on height.

The despair from those zombies he can easily kill, was undoubtedly just a glimpse of the true horror.

“Base 1359, which means that there are at least over a thousand similar bases.

So, where are the remaining bases, and are they still intact?

What have the people of this world experienced, and are there any survivors?”

Many doubts arose in Lu Sheng’s mind.

About the origins of this world, about the origin of his dreams, about the mysterious body refining techniques and breathing techniques he was practicing now.

He walked towards the giant city.

He felt that the truth was waiting for him ahead——

Logging 10000 years in future

Logging 10000 years in future

Status: Ongoing Type:
1st year of Martial calendar Cracks have appeared in the sky and the earth and fearsome alien monsters have started to infiltrate the planet. 100th year of the Martial calendar. Martial artists are battling the invading alien monsters as martial arts have begun to thrive. 200th year of the Martial calendar. Humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, and alien monsters are encroaching on familiar territory. The 300th year of the Martial Calendar, Lu Sheng crossed the bridge. Furthermore, he has memories from 10,000 years in the future. "Forged through 10,000 years of refinement, the Body Refining Technique from the future is ten thousand times more potent than anything we know today....." "The martial arts breathing technique that originated 10,000 years later….." "Medicinal Pill Recipes from 10,000 Years Ahead...." "From 10,000 years in the future, the Sacred Martial Scriptures..." In the 10,000th year of the Martial calendar, humanity had perished. "The Path of Martial Arts had been refined to perfection, but no one was left to inherit it." "I, Lu Sheng, am the last ember of humanity!"


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