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Dungeon undertaker Chapter 1

TL : Swan
PR : Hayath

# Episode 001

[Today’s news. The number of hunters who died in dungeons this year has doubled compared to last year. It is the highest figure since the Great Cataclysm, and the management agency has launched an investigation to determine the cause of the sudden increase in fatalities. Meanwhile, the number of applicants for becoming a “Tracer” is decreasing day by day, so the authorities are rallying numerous rankers to support the top-ranked Tracer, Im Gang-in….]

The sound of news spread through the bar.

Though it was quite an important news that the number of hunter deaths increased significantly, people seemed indifferent, either pretending not to care or not paying attention at all. They continued to chat, listing whatever they wanted to say while drinking their alcohol.

The only person paying careful attention to the anchor’s words was the bar owner, who was wiping the glasses.

“My cousin is a hunter, you know? He got a job offer from the Hyunmu Guild for 300 million won.”

“That’s a lie. I heard D-rank hunters get around 8 million as salary these days.”

“Didn’t I say? My cousin got promoted to C-rank this time. Our grandma was so proud, boasting about how he has the highest output in our family. It’s driving me crazy.”

“Oh, if he’s C-rank, then I acknowledge his output. With a big loan, he can buy an apartment in no time.”

“That’s right. He’s planning to take out a massive loan and move to Gangnam. I envy him.”

The group looked like a college gathering, and one young man’s cheeks flushed as he poured alcohol. Their conversation revolved around hunters and their stories from start to finish.

“I wish I could awaken and run 10 metres like hunters, and fight monsters too.”

“Why? Is there a rule that ordinary people can’t join? I wish I could awaken and make a fortune!”

“Who said you couldn’t? The ratio of “F-rank” hunters is 50 percent. Isn’t demanding anything more than that extravagant?”

“Well, it’s better to get a job at a large corporation where you don’t have to risk your life fighting monsters while gaining some decent skills.”

It was a conversation full of meaningless remarks and laughter.

Despite that, the young people’s enthusiasm, born out of ignorance, didn’t seem annoying because their lack of knowledge was evident.

“I don’t think I could risk my life fighting monsters. How crazy do you have to be to stake your life just to make money?”

“Aren’t you curious? They have abilities that ordinary people can’t even imagine.”

“I said it’s just 0.1 percent. The ratio of F-rank hunters is 50 percent. Isn’t asking for more than that a luxury?”

“Well, it’s a realistic story. They can’t even graduate, let alone awaken, so no one would listen to them.”


“Hey, look over there.”


“Look, just look there.”

One of the young men, who was in the middle of drinking his beer, was nudged by his friend. The friend’s finger was pointing at the end of the bar table.

“Why over there?”

“Do you see the person sitting over there?”

“Where? At the end? Why?”

“Do you even know who that is?”

“Who is it? I’ve never seen that person before.”

“Ah, are you the president of the Hunter Encyclopedia Society or what? That person is Tracer Shin Yohan.”


As the friend spoke, the young man squinted his eyes. When he focused his blurry gaze, the person sitting at the end of the bar table became more clear.

With a warm and gentle aura, the man had a neat appearance. Drinking a glass of soju with fish cake in his soup, he was undoubtedly a familiar face.

“Ah, that has-been?”

The young man’s voice reverberated in the now-silent bar. Although his friend immediately covered the young man’s mouth, the timing was unfortunate as everyone had no choice but to hear it, since it happened right after the anchor’s words ended.

“Hey, shush! Are you crazy?”

His friend glanced around, trying to assess the situation.

Meanwhile, Yohan, who was known as “Shin Yohan,” emptied the remaining four glasses of soju and ate the fish cake.

[Meanwhile, the management agency has announced that it will launch a campaign to encourage “Tracers” later this month. They will increase the commission fees and provide safety equipment free of charge, among other things, to support Tracers. Tracers from all over the country are on high alert in response to the announcement.]

The young man lowered his eyes and sipped his beer. He was a perceptive person, and realizing that he had spoken without thinking, he felt uncomfortable, hoping nobody had heard him.

“Guys, I’ll go first. Let me know the bill, and I’ll send the money later.”

“I’ll stay a bit longer with you guys. My mom suddenly asked me to come home.”

“Why are you all acting like this?”

The rest of the people got up from their seats, sensing an unusual atmosphere and wanting to avoid any potential trouble that might arise.

The only people left at the table were the young man and his friend, who had stopped him from speaking.

“I’ll pay.”

Yohan, after swiftly finishing his food as if inhaling it, stood up and extended his credit card. The owner of the bar looked at him with a displeased expression and raised an eyebrow.

Jolting sounds… –

Understanding the meaning of those sounds, Yohan lowered his head.

Upon seeing the total amount of 230,000 won displayed on the cashier’s monitor, he hesitated for a moment, but couldn’t back down now.

“For how many months?”

“Um, I’ll pay it all at once.”

His hand trembled slightly as he handed over the card.

They exchanged glances. The owner sighed softly and reproached him.

“Don’t act tough.”

Yohan received the card with a warm smile.

Then he walked slowly towards the table where the young men were sitting.

“Hey, hey. Why is he coming over here?”

The young man asked his friend while preparing for a possible fight.

Although it was, in fact, a question, he had no choice but to know the reason.

“I asked because I don’t know. Judging by his expression, you might get a punch.”

“Oh, I might. I should definitely apologize, right?”

“Of course, buddy. It’s a relief if you only get hit, right? You could even die.”

The young men whispered in hushed voices, while nervously fidgeting with their beer glasses.

Seeing them covering their mouths as if thinking about something, Yohan muttered while looking at his remaining balance.

“Damn, I’ll have to eat only instant noodles for a week.”

Regardless of what he said, the young men’s bill was an amount that required a speech on the necessity of saving.

The black-clothed man, Yohan, ran with all his might, trying to lose whatever was chasing after him.

Trek-Trek –

About one meter tall and with wriggly skin, the grotesque creature known as “Kobold” swung its sharp, jagged stone axe to kill Yohan.

He dodged the axe narrowly by increasing his speed. However, he kept stumbling because of the tangled weeds under his feet.

Two meters, one meter, 50 centimeters, 30 centimeters.

The creature with a springy step gradually closed the distance. Its red, bloodshot eyes craved for flesh and fresh blood.

Finally, when the distance narrowed to 10 centimeters, the creature confidently thrust its axe into the ground.

It believed that its axe would split the human’s back.

“You old cucumber-like bastard. Did you think I’d get hit?”

Yohan suddenly laughed and flew through the air at an angle.

The creature swung its axe in the air, and Yohan swiftly rolled on the ground.

Thunk –

He had activated something, that he took out from his spatial pouch. The creature was bewildered by the sudden appearance of the item.

That was the last moment it saw.


An explosion rang out. Hundreds of iron pellets flew through, piercing the air. The Kobold disappeared. More precisely, it was torn into pieces, and not a trace remained.

Only a baby’s fingernail remained on the spot.

“Man, this is more expensive than feeding a whale.”

Yohan picked up the fingernail with disappointment. The wriggly skin had no value, so the only worth was in the fingernail of these creatures.

He had lured the leader of the Kobolds here for this purpose, but it seemed that the cost of the “Cromar” he had just exploded might be more expensive.

Swoosh – Swoosh –

Hearing the noise, more Kobolds rushed in. There seemed to be at least three of them.

‘Open spaces are dangerous.’

If he just stood still, he would be attacked from all sides.

He quickly retraced his steps and climbed up the hill where he could have a clear view.

Hiding his body behind a large birch tree, Yohan took out a bow and arrows from his dimensional bag.

A dark, giant longbow.

After placing an arrow on the sturdy bowstring, he quietly waited for the Kobolds.

The sound of footsteps rapidly approached.


A cry was heard. The cunning creatures scattered in different directions, trying to surround Yohan.

They were more clever than he had expected, and if he kept hiding, he wouldn’t be able to escape their encirclement.

“You’re next.”

A long ear protruded through the bushes. Even the wicked creature couldn’t fully hide its ears.

Thock –

Yohan pulled the bowstring to the maximum.

Swoosh –

An arrow shot out like a streak of light.

Thunk –

The arrow stopped in the middle of the bushes. The halted arrow slowly tilted and fell to the ground.

At the same time, a Kobold revealed itself. It was the one that had been shot right through its forehead. It couldn’t even scream and collapsed lifeless.

A rustling was felt from the opposite side of the bushes.

Swoosh –

He shot another arrow towards the shaking bushes. It was a bait to lure them out.

Terrified, the Kobolds chose to rush forward instead of hiding.


The arrow flew just above the head of the Kobold running with an axe in hand.

Without panicking, Yohan unstrung his bow.

Taang –

The longbow, which had been stretched to its limit, transformed instantly into a staff.


He blocked the axe, that was swung by the creature, with tremendous strength. His arm was pushed back due to the powerful force.

‘Unnecessarily strong.’

Although they were low-level monsters, he couldn’t underestimate them.

The power of these dwarf-like creatures was as strong as that of an ordinary adult.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

He deflected the axe attacks with his staff, waiting for the moment when the creature would be unable to resist and falter.


Thud –

The creature, whose head was pierced by the staff’s end, fell lifelessly to the ground.

“Get a hold of yourself.” He swung the hilt of his sword at the guy, who couldn’t collect his thoughts, knocking his unique fangs into the air.

“You useless tough-skinned bastard.”

He forcefully pushed the dagger into the neck of the struggling creature, taking a deep breath as it’s body struggled and eventually succumbed to its fate.

The remaining kobold was the last one standing. It seemed to realize it was alone and was perhaps preparing to run.

“I can’t let that happen. My precious asset.”

After retrieving his bow, he pulled out a machette. He hoped this unique creature was not just a mutation, but a new species. If he could prove it and report it, he could earn at least a billion.

“Even if it’s just a mutation, I could make one billion, but I’d rather hope to have much more.”

He followed the creature stealthily, finally reaching a hidden cave. The Kobold went inside, and the hunter continued to observe.

“It’s so quiet here. It feels strange.”

The cave was glowing faintly with luminescence, and on its walls, a faintly illuminated shape, that looked like a human, figure could be seen.

“I wonder if it’s a painting or something.”

He was unsure of the significance of the glowing figure on the cave walls, but he knew that the primary concern was the Kobold that he was tracking.

“Maybe this is just a coincidence.”

The hunter continued to move cautiously and approached the Kobold, which was sitting at the end of the cave seemingly in prayer.

“If there’s anything in this cave, it’s just one more chance to make money.”

He readied his dagger and quietly approached the kobold, preparing to strike. But as he got closer, the creature suddenly vanished, turning into dust before his eyes.

“What… My one billion?”

In disappointment, he sat down inside the cave, realizing that his dreams of wealth had crumbled to nothing.

“Damn life…”

Feeling defeated, he sighed deeply, thinking that today was not his lucky day after all.


Frustrated, he left the cave. But as he did, he noticed a glowing figure on the cave wall looking at him.

“I must be seeing things.”

With a heavy heart, he left the cave and handed the machete to the gatekeeper at the portal, returning home.

“Let’s forget about the fish. I’ll just make some ramen.”

Although his dreams of wealth were shattered, he still earned three magic stones from one Kobold. If he sold them at a good price, he could probably buy another ‘Cromar’.

As he returned home, he bought a “Canned Silkworm Treat” as a small reward for himself. For dinner, he planned to have a “Spicy Silkworm stew” with onions and green peppers, along with some soju and an OTT drama.

Unaware of what he had just encountered, he arrived at his home. However, just as he arrived, he saw the glowing figure of the “mysterious” creature that was on the cave wall once again, but this time appearing right before his eyes.

Dungeon Undertaker

Dungeon Undertaker

던전 장의사
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Johann, who eked out a living by recovering corpses in the dungeon until he acquired an unusual ability. An ability that made him stronger with each corpse he recovered. "what kind of absurd ability is this?" He initially dismissed it as nonsense, but as it turns out, the world is vast, and there are far too many corpses in the dungeon. F-grade tracer. A traitor who betrayed his team. Now, it's time to break free. Trapped by a stigma


  1. toto says:

    It feels like two chapters were cut and spliced into one

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