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Bonus Time (8)

Chapter 50

Episode 5: Bonus Time (8)

“Wow, enjoying a vacation in style.”

I was staying at a hotel overlooking Gwanganli Beach.

After finishing a shower, I put on a robe and flopped onto the bed.

How long has it been since I had a real vacation?

Back when I was on dungeon patrol, vacation meant taking a break from work and spending the whole day at home with the hire. But now, here I’m in Busan, enjoying a seaside vacation.

Of course, today’s visit was for a dungeon raid, but my heart was as relaxed and excited as if I were on a real vacation.

The expansive seaside location contributes to this, but it was also because I had just obtained a great item.

I lay on the bed, looking at the item I had just acquired.

**[Great Sage’s Bracelet]**

**[Grade: Transcendent]**

**[Effect: Intelligence +30, Magic Power +60, Magic Resistance +8]**

**[Additional Effect 1: Mana Increase – Increases the wearer’s maximum mana by 25%.]**

**[Additional Effect 2: Mage’s Wisdom – Reduces the mana cost of skill usage by 35%.]**

**[Additional Effect 3: Sage’s Protection – Reduces the damage taken from magic skills by 5%.]**

This bracelet had been upgraded from the [Radiant Sage’s Bracelet] to [Great Sage’s Bracelet] after completing the quest for the Sage’s Ring.

Its grade had changed from Rare to Transcendent.

The name changed from [Radiant Sage’s Bracelet] to [Great Sage’s Bracelet], and its stats had nearly doubled. The additional effects also saw a slight increase.

The Mana Increase went from 20% to 25%, the mana consumption reduction went from 30% to 35%, and a new effect, Sage’s Protection, reduced the damage from magic skills by 5%.

Even the Radiant Sage’s Bracelet was a high-performance item, but the Great Sage’s Bracelet was so good that even top-tier players would covet it.

It partially alleviates the chronic problem of mana shortage in [Character Summon] and also increases magical resistance.

With this, I could at least maintain spells like “Illusionary Phantom” or “Dark Darkness,” even if I couldn’t handle simultaneous summons.

And there was more good news.

**[The sixth achievement will be unlocked upon meeting the prerequisites.]**

**[Prerequisite – Reach Level 100 (99/100)]**

Having completed the Water Dungeon, I was just one level away from reaching Level 100, the prerequisite for the sixth achievement.

‘Hmm, it feels like a waste to end it here. Is there a dungeon I can enter immediately?’

Initially, I had planned only to complete the Sage’s Ring quest, but with just one level remaining, the urge to hit that milestone was irresistible.

I was curious and excited to see what achievements and rewards would come with reaching Level 100.

Though I had planned to rest, I felt I wouldn’t be able to sleep due to curiosity and anticipation.

“Let me check if there’s an immediately available dungeon. If not, then never mind.”

I picked up my phone, which was set for automated hunting, and logged into the Hunter app.


“Lucky me.”

I placed a bid for a C-grade dungeon in the Gwanganli hunting grounds.

Since the Water Dungeon was such a popular area, most other dungeons were still available.

‘Just get to Level 100 and then rest.’

That old gaming habit of being persistent hadn’t changed.

However, unlike my game character, my body couldn’t move indefinitely, so I needed to rest.

If any rewards or additional quests appeared, I would check them tomorrow.

With that firm resolution, I changed clothes and headed out to the hunting grounds.

* * *

“We’re finally out. Great job, everyone.”

“You worked hard too, oppa.”

In front of the Water Dungeon in Gwanganli’s hunting grounds.

Hunters who had completed the raid emerged and began chatting.

But the atmosphere was unusual.

“Hard work? Are we all going to the after-party?”

“No, I have an appointment, so I don’t think I can make it.”

“I don’t think I can make it either, too tired.”

“Ah, well, it can’t be helped. Actually, it’s not really a festive mood…”

Usually, after a successful raid, everyone would be excited, but the expressions of the hunters leaving the Water Dungeon were uniformly grim.

Moreover, most were making excuses to skip the after-party.

The reason was simple.

“Ugh, this feels awful…”

It was because of the party leader, Yoon Hyung-min.

After fainting during the battle with the masked hunter, Yoon Hyung-min had proceeded to raid the Water Dungeon with his party members.

In truth, he wasn’t in the mood to do a dungeon raid when he woke up.

Being knocked out by someone was a first for Yoon Hyung-min.

Had it been his usual self, he would have immediately sought revenge against the masked hunter.

But he couldn’t do that.

The massive crowd and the attention made him feel like an outsider.


It was a feeling Yoon Hyung-min had never experienced before.

After regaining consciousness, instead of seeking out the masked hunter, he fled to the Water Dungeon and proceeded with the raid.

He didn’t care whether his party members followed or not.

What mattered was that he had been publicly embarrassed, and he needed an excuse to escape.

Yoon Hyung-min slaughtered monsters in the Water Dungeon without any regard, and his party members followed suit to help improve his mood.

However, their efforts were in vain.

From start to finish, Yoon Hyung-min expressed his displeasure, which shattered the raid’s atmosphere and even affected the quality of SNS photos that were supposed to be taken for sentiment.

This wasn’t the first time.

Yoon Hyung-min’s temper was known to be erratic, and he had occasionally ruined the mood before. But this time, it was too severe for even the party members to endure.

“Well then, see you all next time.”

“Yeah, take care.”

The party members bade their farewells and dispersed. Even Yoon Hyung-min’s loyal armored hunter bowed and fled.

“Tch, looks like I’ll have to go alone for a while.”

Although it seemed difficult to regroup, Yoon Hyung-min didn’t linger on it and left the hunting grounds.

But just as he was about to leave Gwanganli Beach.

“Wait, that guy…”

A familiar silhouette caught his eye.

A B-grade hunter.

The same person who had humiliated him earlier was now walking away from the hunting grounds and heading toward the beach area.

The moment Yoon Hyung-min saw him, he called over one of his party members.

“Hey, Seo Hee-jin. Come here.”

“Yes? Me…?”

Seo Hee-jin, a woman with short hair, shivered as she was called by Yoon Hyung-min.

She looked at her colleague beside her, but he just shook his head.

Indicating that there was no other choice.

Seo Hee-jin sighed softly and walked over to Yoon Hyung-min.

Yoon Hyung-min pointed at a man in the crowd from a distance and said.

“That guy, is he the B-grade hunter from earlier, isn’t he?”

“Oh? Yes, it looks like it.”

The black jacket and hairstyle matched the B-grade hunter Yoon Hyung-min had seen earlier.

Was he about to start a fight again?

Seo Hee-jin looked at Yoon Hyung-min with a worried expression, and, as expected, he was planning something malicious.

“Good. Heh, lucky me. Or should I say unlucky?”

Yoon Hyung-min, who had been glaring at Han Sang-woo from a distance, said in a low tone.

“Hey, you.”

“Yes, yes?”

Seo Hee-jin, who was about to leave, was startled by Yoon Hyung-min’s cold voice.

“Find out where that guy is staying.”

“W-why should I…?”

“Just do it if I tell you to.”

At that moment, Yoon Hyung-min’s eyes flashed red and fierce. It was an inherent intimidation from someone who had taken countless lives, despite being a monster.

Seo Hee-jin, an Awakener with little combat experience, was quickly overwhelmed.

“Whether you tail him or ask directly, it’s up to you. Got it?”


Seo Hee-jin, trembling in fear, nodded involuntarily.

Seeing her frightened state, Yoon Hyung-min smirked.

“What are you so scared of? You’d think I was going to eat you.”

Seo Hee-jin felt a shiver at Yoon Hyung-min’s words and, following his orders, began trailing Han Sang-woo to find out where he was staying.

It wasn’t a difficult task.

The speed wasn’t fast, and she only needed to keep a distance and follow.

But it felt a bit unsettling.

The person she was trailing was the same B-grade hunter who had vanished like the wind with the masked hunter earlier.

The fact that someone like him could be so easily tracked felt strange.

However, she couldn’t stop midway.

After hesitating for a moment, Han Sang-woo entered the hotel and stood in front of the elevator.

If she delayed any further, she would miss him.

Seo Hee-jin hurriedly followed and entered the elevator with Han Sang-woo.

Thump-thump-! Thump-thump-!

Her heart was pounding so hard it felt like it might burst out of her chest. Her ears were also burning.

‘What if he notices me?’

Seo Hee-jin, who was nervously gripping the sweaty elevator wall, noticed that Han Sang-woo didn’t seem to be paying attention.


“11th floor.”

As the elevator reached the target floor, Han Sang-woo disembarked without suspicion.

Seo Hee-jin followed him to the 11th floor. Just as she tried to check the room number assigned to Han Sang-woo, she was suddenly confronted.

“What are you doing?”

The indifferent voice made her heart sink.

Seo Hee-jin was standing in front of Han Sang-woo’s door, looking suspicious.

But why?

Seo Hee-jin felt a strange sense of relief, as if the malevolent energy from Yoon Hyung-min was being washed away.

With that thought, she approached Han Sang-woo and quietly said,

“Be careful.”


Though it was an unusual situation, Seo Hee-jin gave Han Sang-woo a low warning and then quickly returned to the elevator.


Her heart raced so fast it felt like it might explode. Her ears were burning.

She quickly regained her composure through deep breaths, but it didn’t help much. As she exited the hotel and saw Yoon Hyung-min waiting outside.

“Did you find out?”


“Answer me.”

Once again, Yoon Hyung-min’s voice was menacingly low.

“…Room 1106. I’m leaving now. And don’t contact me again.”

There was no need for further conversation.

Seo Hee-jin quickly delivered the key information and then turned away to rejoin her waiting friend.

After giving the answer, Seo Hee-jin felt a sudden sense of relief, but Yoon Hyung-min was focused solely on Han Sang-woo.

The reason was simple.

“Dare to humiliate me? You’re going to die today.”

His target was solely the B-grade hunter, Han Sang-woo.

Yoon Hyung-min looked up at the hotel windows and noticed that, as Seo Hee-jin’s information suggested, a light was on in one of the rooms on the 11th floor.

“It was a bit under-equipped before, but… full gear should be different.”

Having confirmed Han Sang-woo’s location, Yoon Hyung-min didn’t move immediately. Instead, he headed back home.

“I’ll make sure to finish you off properly.”

Yoon Hyung-min firmly believed that with the right equipment, he could defeat Han Sang-woo.

Leveling up With The Character I Raised

Leveling up With The Character I Raised

내가 키운 캐릭터로 레벨업
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Han Sang-woo, sentry of the Taste Awakening Dungeon. Being the top-ranked player in all sorts of games was once my glory. Ten years ago, everything changed after 'that incident.' The era of Gates, Monsters, and Hunters. Even in a world with greater entertainments, I still held onto my top ranking. But one day, it was snatched away by a top-tier ranker. Simultaneously, on the same day I suffered from a dungeon break. [Awakening Conditions Confirmed] [Qualification Granted] [Awakening: Obtain the Lord of Higher] [Character Summon: Taeseng gilgeoI.] With this message, an unidentified knight appeared before me and said, "My name is 'Taeseng gilgeoI.' I am a guardian knight protecting the twilight. Are you the lord I must serve?" He was the game character I had raised


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not work with dark mode