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Logging 10000 years in future Chapter 1


TL : eris8114

PR : Adrian Katastofi

Chapter 1



Have you ever jolted awake from a nightmare, and found yourself in another?


That’s what Lu Sheng is going through right now.


“Lu Sheng!” 


A stern voice rose like thunder cracking beside his ears.


He raised his head drowsily, still feeling dazed and lost from just waking up.


The middle aged man standing at the podium at the front of the classroom pushed the glasses resting on his nose, and glared menacingly at Lu Sheng with looks of disappointment and disapproval.


“There’s only two hundred or so days left till the National College Entrance Examination, you should be focusing on studying harder, how dare you spend effort on sleeping in class? 


With those grades of yours, you might not even get a job at a construction site!


Do you even know what’s the lowest HP needed to work as a cement worker at a construction site? 


0.8! Have your HP even reached 0.8 yet?!…”


With his head lowered, Lu Sheng rubbed his swelling temples, listening to the homeroom teacher obediently.


The little fat dude sitting to his left secretly turned to look at him.


“Nightmares again?”


Lu Sheng nodded, but kept silent, a deep sense of helplessness written in his eyes.


He has already been continuously and frequently dreaming about the same dreams for three days.


He can’t describe what the dream is, but he remembered the broken, deserted and depressing feeling radiating off the scenery within the dream.


And there he stood, at a loss in the vast wilderness, with monsters roaming all around…


It’s a nightmare.


That is something Lu Sheng can absolutely be sure of.


All because after having this dream, he became drowsy all the time, and his sleeping quality has gone worse.


Even though he has been sleeping for more than 10 hours everyday, his whole mental state feels like he’s been staying awake for days.


Causing his HP to drop to 0.02 just within three days time!


0.02 that is!


How many tonic will need to be consumed and how many days of risky workouts will be needed just so the HP can recover!


Lu Sheng felt dreadful.




After school, Lu Sheng wearily walked towards the school gate with his backpack slumped over his shoulders.


Someone called his name, and caught up to him from behind to block his path.


“Lu Sheng, wanna go to the internet cafè?”


It’s the little fat dude from the class this morning.


His name is Liu Qiming, counts as one of the very few friends Lu Sheng has.


Facing Liu Qiming’s invitation, Lu Sheng shook his head.


“Nope, I’m going home.”


“This early? This isn’t your style. Come on, come to the internet cafe with me, I’ll pay for all your internet fees and drinks today.”


Liu Quming thumped his chest and invited him again sincerely.


However, Lu Sheng still shook his head and explained, “I’m really not going, I want to go home and get some sleep.”


“You’ve slept through the classes all day, shouldn’t you be awake by now?”


An exaggerated expression appeared on Liu Qiming’s face.


Lu Sheng can’t be bothered to explain, waved at Liu Qiming and kept walking.


Liu Qiming wanted to persuade him even more, but right this moment, a few boys came rushing over.


“Liu Qiming, are you going to the internet cafe or not?”


“Coming, coming, I’ll be right there!”


Liu Qiming glanced one last time at Lu Sheng and ran after the other boys without saying anything else.


Lu Sheng stared at Liu Qiming’s back, students dressed in the blue and black school uniform continuously passed by his sides.


These people rushed towards the school gate, and quickly scattered after getting out the gate. Just like a muddy river, floating away busily.




He lightly sighed, thoughts tumbling within his head.


He almost forgot that he had already lived for nearly 18 years in this world.


His memories of his past life is in a blurry state now. Sometimes, he even feels like those were just dreams.


A dream that he’ll repeatedly have ever since childhood.


Just like the dream is he seems to be having recently.


“…no car…single…white collate worker…by foot… falling from cliffs…waking up…”


Lu Sheng muttered key words under his breath, one after the other. And his eyes seems to have drifted away and empty, until the last word rolled off his tongue.




Yes indeed, Lu Sheng transmigrated to this places


“In the world of his previous life, there’s no martial arts, nor are there monsters that came out from the cracks from underground.


And the news on TV won’t be about any monster attacks or martial art battles.


And students wouldn’t need to worry about any HP, battle effectiveness or the grades of practice battles. Instead, they’ll have loads of exam papers that couldn’t be completed to worry about.


Sometimes, Lu Sheng kind of missed that world, ‘cause in that world, everything is at least


Peaceful and quiet.




Lu Sheng pushed open the front door to his home.


And he saw his father Lu Dahai lying topless on the sofa armrest. His Mom, Zheng Yufen was just opening a poster and finding a suitable spot to place on Lu Daihai’s back.


Lu Sheng noticed all the ”patches” on his father’s back, and a pain flash through his eyes. And he called out, “I’m home.”


“Are you hungry? Do you want to have some fruit first, I’ll be making dinner right away.”


Zheng Yufen said while still sticking the plaster tightly on Lu Dahai’s back.


Lu Sheng shook his head, and dragged his bag towards his room.


Stopping midway, he turned a whispered towards the sofa. “Should we buy a blood moxibustion device? That thing can stimulate your blood circulation, it is very effective for massage therapy. My classmate has one at home…”


“Heh. This doesn’t count as injuries, it’ll be over in a few days, instead of spending money on these things, why not use it to buy tonics for you guys…”


Lu Dahai rejected Lu Sheng’s suggestion, and tried very hard to turn his head to look at him.


“How’s your HP recently, has it went past 0.85 yet? The news said that the undergraduate score for this year’s National College Entrance Exams went up by 0.01 again this year…”


“Got it, I’ll go back to my room to exercise right now…”


Lu Sheng’s heart skipped a beat after hearing his father’s words, and rushed back to his room.


He felt very guilty.


If Lu Dahai found out that his HP level didn’t go up, instead it went downwards. He’ll definitely jump up from the sofa immediately to beat his arse off with his shoes.


Logging 10000 years in future

Logging 10000 years in future

Status: Ongoing Type:
1st year of Martial calendar Cracks have appeared in the sky and the earth and fearsome alien monsters have started to infiltrate the planet. 100th year of the Martial calendar. Martial artists are battling the invading alien monsters as martial arts have begun to thrive. 200th year of the Martial calendar. Humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, and alien monsters are encroaching on familiar territory. The 300th year of the Martial Calendar, Lu Sheng crossed the bridge. Furthermore, he has memories from 10,000 years in the future. "Forged through 10,000 years of refinement, the Body Refining Technique from the future is ten thousand times more potent than anything we know today....." "The martial arts breathing technique that originated 10,000 years later….." "Medicinal Pill Recipes from 10,000 Years Ahead...." "From 10,000 years in the future, the Sacred Martial Scriptures..." In the 10,000th year of the Martial calendar, humanity had perished. "The Path of Martial Arts had been refined to perfection, but no one was left to inherit it." "I, Lu Sheng, am the last ember of humanity!"


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