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Logging 10000 years in future chapter 7

Path of immortality

TL : eris8114

PR : Adrian Katastofi

Chapter 7


Of course, Lu Sheng’s ambitions didn’t stop here.


The standard for a Level 1 martial artist was a blood value of 1.5 and a combat power of 150.


Lu Sheng’s goal was to become a recognized Level 1 or even high level martial artist by the time of the college entrance exam.


“The benefits of being a certified martial artist are incredible. Even if I don’t do anything for a whole month, I can still receive a monthly allowance of a few thousand Yuan from the Martial Arts Alliance.


Many high-paying jobs have Level 1 martial artist as their minimum requirement.


Moreover, If I can meet that standard before the college entrance exam, I might even be able to enroll in a prestigious martial arts university.


After a few years of study, whether it’s teaching at a martial arts gym or joining the military, I’ll have a bright future…”


At this moment, Lu Sheng deeply felt how promising his future was.


All of this had been made possible by the dream he had a few hours ago.


After the test, Lu Sheng paid the testing fee of 100 Yuan and quickly returned home.


He was eager to enter that dream world again to explore further.




“Fuck, why I can’t sleep?


Lu Sheng sat up helplessly, scratching his head with a somewhat troubled expression.


Perhaps he had eaten too much for dinner, or it was due to the rapid increase in his blood value, Lu Sheng’s current mental state was unexpectedly good. He was wide awake and couldn’t feel a trace of sleepiness.


“It’s only seven o’clock. It’s too early to go to bed now. I guess I’ll do some exercises first. If I tire my body out, I’ll naturally fall asleep…”


Lu Sheng looked at the time and decided to do some pre-sleep exercises.


The exercise he chose was the 13th set of Broadcast Gymnastics, the “24 Martial Body Refining Technique.”


“Since my blood value has significantly increased, I need to consolidate it…”


Scientific research has shown that the body’s blood value wouldn’t constantly be at the same value; it has peak values.


When you engage in vigorous exercise or after supplements, it would reach a temporary peak. 


However, when you’re resting, sick or injured, the blood value would drop.


That’s why martial artists typically engage in a series of high-intensity exercises after supplementation to ensure permanent growth in their blood value and the efficiency of the supplements. This is common knowledge.


Lu Sheng’s blood value had risen significantly today, so it was necessary to follow up with exercises.


“The first pose…”


Lu Sheng began practicing the 24 Martial Body Refining Technique, which he had already performed countless times, on the yoga mattress.


However, not long after, he felt something was off.


“This movement… Why am I doing it this way?”


Lu Sheng suddenly stopped and had a weird expression on his face.


He had been practicing the 13th set of Broadcast Gymnastics announced by the Martial Union since he was in elementary school, and he had been practicing for seven or eight years. It had become second nature to him, and he could perform the movements even with his eyes closed.


Though he couldn’t perform them perfectly, he could execute them without error.


However, just then, he felt that he had subconsciously performed a different set of movements.


The movements he had just executed were ones he had never learned before.


“I get it…”


Lu Sheng quickly understood what the problem seemed to be.


He had absorbed the martial memories of two jumpsuit zombies, including the techniques and practices they had repeated during their lifetime.


What he had just practiced was the body refining technique the two zombies used when they were alive!


“The body refining technique used by the two zombies when they were alive is completely different from the one I’m practicing now!”


Out of curiosity, Lu Sheng decided to follow the body refining practice he had inherited from the two zombies’ memories.


“There’s a lot more movement than the one I’m practicing now, with more than… over 200 movements!”


“Some movements look challenging, but I’ve inherited both their memories, it’s just like I’ve practiced them countless times myself. It’s not too difficult to perform them.”


“As for the effect…”




As Lu Sheng did one of the movements, a tingling sensation spread through a part of his body as if it had been electrified.


This feeling felt very strange, almost as if there were a scalding hot stream flowing through his body, making him want to moan in pleasure.


“This sensation only occurred once when I first attempted to practice the ‘Twenty-four Body Refining Techniques’…This is the second time out of all these years!”


Lu Sheng felt like he had discovered a new continent.


He began practicing this body refining technique with intense concentration.


If there were a second person in the room at this moment, they would see Lu Sheng’s body continuously twisting into strange positions.


These movements, when connected, had a strangely harmonious beauty.


During this process, his body continuously shook lightly.


His body temperature continued to rise, and a large amount of white vapors surrounded his skin surface. His sweat can almost drench the yoga mattress below him.




Lu Sheng finally completed the last movement.


As if his body had been dissected, he flopped down on the mattress.


However, he felt that his state had never been better. It’s just like his whole body has been massaged thoroughly from the inside and out, as if he can hear every cell in his muscle cheering and singing.


“Grumble grumble——”


A strong sense of hunger arose from Lu Sheng’s brain.


“How long has it been since I had dinner?”


Lu Sheng felt amazed.


His empty stomach was reminding him constantly that his body is in need of energy supplements.


Huge supply of energy.


And the cause of this could only be one reason…


Lu Sheng’s blood value rose again!




Amazement was written all over Lu Sheng’s face.


He only did the body refining technique once, and his blood value has already increased on such an immense scale!


If this situation got spread out, maybe he’ll be seen as a genius of the martial arts immediately!

Logging 10000 years in future

Logging 10000 years in future

Status: Ongoing Type:
1st year of Martial calendar Cracks have appeared in the sky and the earth and fearsome alien monsters have started to infiltrate the planet. 100th year of the Martial calendar. Martial artists are battling the invading alien monsters as martial arts have begun to thrive. 200th year of the Martial calendar. Humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, and alien monsters are encroaching on familiar territory. The 300th year of the Martial Calendar, Lu Sheng crossed the bridge. Furthermore, he has memories from 10,000 years in the future. "Forged through 10,000 years of refinement, the Body Refining Technique from the future is ten thousand times more potent than anything we know today....." "The martial arts breathing technique that originated 10,000 years later….." "Medicinal Pill Recipes from 10,000 Years Ahead...." "From 10,000 years in the future, the Sacred Martial Scriptures..." In the 10,000th year of the Martial calendar, humanity had perished. "The Path of Martial Arts had been refined to perfection, but no one was left to inherit it." "I, Lu Sheng, am the last ember of humanity!"


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