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Logging 10000 year in future chapter 11

1st change

TL : eris8114

PR : Adrian Katastofi

Chapter 11


Boxing techniques, palm techniques, footwork….


Every combat-oriented zombie had a specialty in independent martial arts skills that set them apart.


Although some of these memories overlap, they at the same time supplement each other, just like puzzle pieces filling the gaps in my practical combat skills.


So far, I have accumulated the most memories related to boxing techniques that lead me upon an unprecedented obstacle in my martial arts journey; a bottleneck .…..”


Lu Sheng pondered to himself.


The dream world’s greatest gift is that it’s an endless mine of memories, seamlessly integrating into his very being.


Achievements ; what took countless trials and tribulations for others to achieve , Lu sheng obtained in a breeze.


It was as if he stood on the shoulders of countless predecessors, progressing rapidly.


During this period, absorbing memories from numerous jumpsuit zombies not only propelled Lu Sheng’s progress in martial arts, there’s also one other benefit.


He gained information about Base 1359.


Through clues gathered from various memories, Lu Sheng gradually pieced together a genuine route to reach Base 1359.


“The direction is correct; as long as I keep moving forward, one day I’ll find Base 1359.”


“And that day shouldn’t be far away.”


Lu Sheng looked ahead at the area shrouded in dense fog, occasionally catching glimpses of a few unsteady figures within the mist.


His gaze was determined as he took large strides forward.


“Regarding the solution to this problem…”


In class, Lu Sheng attentively listened to the teacher’s lecture.


Ever since entering formal cultivation, he noticed his brain had become much more agile.


According to his speculation, absorbing a large number of memories in the dream world ; stimulated brain development, enhancing his memory, cognitive speed, and other aspects.


In simpler terms, he became smarter.


In more fantastical terms, his spiritual understanding improved.


Anyway, learning textbook knowledge now felt exceptionally easy for Lu Sheng.


Topics he couldn’t comprehend before, he now understood at a glance, making him a “learning prodigy.”


Liberal arts knowledge is not completely useless for Lu Sheng.


After all, the college entrance examination also included liberal art subjects, although it contributed little to the overall score.


“Alright, class is over.”


With the sound of the dismissal bell, the math teacher stopped the lecture, announced the end of class, and reminded, “The next class is practical combat. Remember to gather in the practical combat classroom promptly, students.”


Having said that, the math teacher left with textbooks and a tea cup in hand.


Lu Sheng organized his class notes and books, getting ready to leave the classroom.


Practical combat classes were usually held in the school’s martial arts hall, a few minutes away from the teaching building. Considering changing clothes and other preparations, leaving immediately was necessary to avoid being late for class, a situation even strict teachers like the math teacher wouldn’t risk.


“Hey, Lu Sheng.”


As soon as he left the classroom, Lu Sheng heard someone calling him from behind.


Liu Qiming quickly ran up, instinctively wanting to put his arm around Lu Sheng’s shoulder. 


However, halfway through the action, he involuntarily withdrew his hand.


“Wait for me, let’s go together.”


Liu Qiming didn’t know what was happening to him. He and Lu Sheng often teased each other with playful banter and had no hard feelings about physical contact.


But now, when he approached Lu Sheng, he felt an inexplicable timidity.


It was as if there was an invisible aura around Lu Sheng, overwhelmingly repelling him.


“You’ve changed a lot recently.”


Liu Qiming tried to walk beside Lu Sheng, speaking with an unintentional caution in his tone.




Lu Sheng didn’t notice Liu Qiming’s strangeness, casually responding, “After all, the college entrance examination is approaching, and you know my family’s situation. If I don’t work hard, I’ll become a burden to my family.”


“I need to start working hard too, considering our families are quite similar.”


Liu Qiming intentionally lagged behind Lu Sheng, walking alongside him. Suddenly, he felt much more relaxed.


He didn’t have to directly face the imposing aura Lu Sheng emitted, and conversation became smoother.


“But my family is a bit better than yours; I’m the only child.”


Lu Sheng nodded.


Liu Qiming was correct in saying that. If his family had only him or his younger sister, Lu Qinghe, the pressure on his parents would undoubtedly be much less.


“But your sister is so talented. She’s guaranteed to be admitted to Martial Art University with a full scholarship and various other subsidies. It shouldn’t be a problem.


We’ve arrived at the locker, let me open the door for you”


Lu Qiming quickly ran in front of Lu Sheng, opening the locker room door ahead of Lu Sheng for him.


They were originally supposed to be best friends, yet now one of them looks like the other’s 

attendant. Liu Qiming didn’t even notice this, as if this was the way it should be all along.




A glint of thought shone in Lu Sheng’s eyes.


Liu Qiming’s words gave Lu Sheng an inspiration.


He had been contemplating how to make money recently.


On one hand, it was to ease the burden on his family, so his parents wouldn’t have to work so hard.


On the other hand, as his martial arts cultivation continued to advance, he would inevitably need a substantial amount of money to support himself.


Take something as simple as eating, for example.


Lu Sheng’s current diet of ordinary meals was falling increasingly behind the nutrients required for the growth of his blood values.


Continuing like this would undoubtedly hinder his progress speed and turn him into a formidable feces-producing machine.


Before, Lu Sheng’s idea of making money was becoming a first-level official martial artist, allowing him to receive a monthly allowance from the Martial Alliance. This money could be used to purchase things to supplement his blood values.


Now, Liu Qiming’s words made him think of another method—scholarships.


Every school rewards students with good academic performance with material incentives, and The third highschool of Baihe city was no exception.


“I remember the first-place scholarship at The third highschool of Baihe city is ten thousand yuan. If I can get that money…”


An idea sprouted in Lu Sheng’s mind.


To strive for this money, he would have to display the talent and strength expected of a first-place scholarship winner.


Logging 10000 years in future

Logging 10000 years in future

Status: Ongoing Type:
1st year of Martial calendar Cracks have appeared in the sky and the earth and fearsome alien monsters have started to infiltrate the planet. 100th year of the Martial calendar. Martial artists are battling the invading alien monsters as martial arts have begun to thrive. 200th year of the Martial calendar. Humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, and alien monsters are encroaching on familiar territory. The 300th year of the Martial Calendar, Lu Sheng crossed the bridge. Furthermore, he has memories from 10,000 years in the future. "Forged through 10,000 years of refinement, the Body Refining Technique from the future is ten thousand times more potent than anything we know today....." "The martial arts breathing technique that originated 10,000 years later….." "Medicinal Pill Recipes from 10,000 Years Ahead...." "From 10,000 years in the future, the Sacred Martial Scriptures..." In the 10,000th year of the Martial calendar, humanity had perished. "The Path of Martial Arts had been refined to perfection, but no one was left to inherit it." "I, Lu Sheng, am the last ember of humanity!"


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