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Raven Meadow

TL: Enigma
PR: Kai

Chapter 25: Raven Meadow

Raven has two entrances.

The east gate is called the main gate and the west gate is called the back gate.

Among these, the grassland outside the east gate was the hunting ground for users who first entered Raven.

[Raven Meadow]

It is the first hunting ground you encounter on the main continent and the most uncharacteristic hunting ground.
It’s the first hunting ground you encounter on the main continent and the most uncharacteristic hunting ground.

True to its reputation, even the monsters are ordinary.

There are goblins from various tribes such as red goblins and blue goblins.
There are goblins from various tribes, including red goblins and blue goblins.

What’s different from Arde is that the goblins have unique weapons and attack methods as the tribes are diverse.
What sets them apart from Arde is that the have unique weapons and attack methods due to the diversity among tribes.

‘It’s not chosen as the most ordinary hunting ground on the main continent for nothing.’

In other words, it was a place that was easy to adapt to.

For users who have just graduated from Beginner City, there is no place like this.
For users who have just graduated from Beginner City, there’s no other place like this.

And this was the reason why the value of the Warrior set was highly regarded and why it was Arde’s graduation item.
And this was why the value of the Warrior gear was highly valued and why it was Arde’s graduation prize.

-3set: Gives an ‘intimidating’ effect when dealing with goblin types. Additional damage + 7% against goblin types, all abilities + 2
-3set bonus: Gives an ‘Intimidating’ effect when facing goblin types. Grants an additional damage boost of +7% against goblin types, and enhances all abilities by +2.

‘There’s nothing like this against goblins.’

This is because, limited to goblins, you can inflict not only status ailments but also additional damage.

Do-hyeon grinned and walked in the middle of the meadow.

Groups of goblins from each tribe were spread out all over the place, but no one dared attack Dohyeon.
Groups of goblins from each tribe were spread out all over the place, but no one dared to attack Do-hyeon.

[The effect of the warrior set option gives an ‘intimidating’ effect to the enemy.]
[The warrior set option inflicts an ‘intimidating’ effect on the enemy.]

[The Red Goblin is feeling an unknown fear.]

… …

[The Blue Goblin’s morale is broken.]

It was an effect of coercion.

Although it didn’t specifically lower stats or provide a stun effect, breaking morale was an important effect.

‘When you feel intimidated, your judgment slows down, and it soon shows in your actions.’

Also, there was no need to worry about being ambushed by them while walking in the middle of the hunting ground.

It is not for nothing that emphasis is placed on raising morale in war.

It felt like a bunch of bullies trying to beat up good goblins who had no intention of fighting back, but they were the type to attack first by nature.

To those who didn’t have the Warrior set, they were bullies.

‘I heard that Red Goblins have high attack power, and Blue Goblins have high stamina.’

Blue Goblin seemed like a good choice for testing.

After making his decision, Dohyeon immediately used his skill.

[Use the skill ‘Dashing Slash’.]

Then the body slipped in an instant.

Considerable speed despite holding a greatsword.

Thanks to the effect of the necklace and title, the speed increased by 15%.


Kirik!? Kirik!!

As the distance suddenly narrowed, the Blue Goblins who had been watching carefully retreated in surprise.

Unfortunately, the guy in front wasn’t even given time to do that.


The moment I made a mistake, my body had already been cut.

And right after that.


[Inflicts additional damage due to the effect of the warrior set option.]

[You have defeated the Blue Goblin.]


The Blue Goblin disappeared, leaving behind a cheerful notification.

He died in one hit.

“I didn’t expect this.”

Do-hyeon couldn’t help but feel a little dazed.

Blue goblins have 1.5 times more physical strength than other goblins. This figure is more than twice that of the Green Goblin caught in Arde.

But I caught that guy in one blow.

It wasn’t even a special skill, just a single lunge slash.

‘Is this the power of the Warrior t?
‘Is this the power of the Warrior Set?’

Actually, it wasn’t just the set.

Dealing 7% additional damage is huge, but other than that, Dohyun’s gang stat itself has increased ridiculously compared to when he was in Arde.
Dealing 7% additional damage is huge, but other than that, Do-hyeon’s gang stat itself has increased ridiculously compared to when he was in Arde.

It’s amazing that it’s not just an old iron sword, but a rare+ grade greatsword.

In particular, considering that the greatsword has the highest attack power among swords, it was only natural that such incredible damage would appear.
Considering the greatsword boasts the highest attack power among swords, it was only natural that such incredible damage would manifest.

[By killing the enemy, the attack power of the variant Goblin Warrior’s red great sword increases.]
[By killing the enemy, the attack power of the variant Goblin Warrior’s red greatsword increases.]

What’s surprising is that the more you hunt, the stronger it becomes.

If you don’t kill the enemy within 10 minutes, you’ll be down, but there was no option that suited Yanghak better than this.
If you don’t kill the enemy within 10 minutes, you’ll be down, but there was no option that suited Yanghak better than this.

Do-hyeon was definitely not the only one who reacted to that incredible performance.

Key… Kirik!

Even though their comrade was dead, the Blue Goblins instead of running towards them began to tremble and retreat.
Despite their comrade being dead, the Blue Goblins, instead of running towards them, began to tremble and retreat.

A different personality from the warlike goblins.

In a situation where their morale was already broken due to ‘coercion’, they seemed to have lost their will when they showed a one-kill show.
In a situation where their morale was already shattered due to ‘coercion’, they seemed to lose their will completely when confronted with a one-kill show.

“And… What is that person? Didn’t you just catch him with one hit?”

“What? Ah, you must have read it wrong. Some kind of Blue Goblin dies in one hit.”
“What? Ah, you must have misread it. Some kind of Blue Goblin dies in one hit.”

“It’s not… I just tried it and it died.”

The whispering sounds of the players hunting around him could be heard.

Fortunately(?), there were only a few people who saw it properly and most of them did not believe it, but in other words, it was also said that it was something that went beyond common sense.

Is that why? The topic quickly moved on to another topic.
Is that why? The conversation swiftly shifted to a different subject.

“But that person’s clothes are unique. Why are you so red?”

“Huh? Huh, warrior set? That’s right. Look at the goblins being scared.”

“Warrior set? What is that?”
“Warrior set? What’s that?”

However, the problem was that the topic was still about Do-hyeon.

“It’s an Arde graduation item… It’s very difficult to get it because it’s not for sale. Is he a fairly wealthy person?”

“Is it that much? How much is it?”
“Is it that expensive? How much does it cost?”

“Well… You’ll have to spend thousands of dollars. Usually, there aren’t many people in this section who act like that. It’s useless if you go to the next city anyway.”

“Aha. Then what do you live for?”

“But the performance here is superb. He’s a goblin-only gangster… So, rich people try to grow quickly… Tsk.”
“But the performance here is superb. He’s a goblin-only gangster… So, rich people try to level up quickly… Tsk.”

The man, who suddenly clicked his tongue, muttered as if he were annoyed.
The man, who suddenly clicked his tongue, muttered as if he was annoyed.

“Anyway, here too, if you have a lot of money, it’s the same thing.”
“Anyway, here as well, if you’ve a lot of money, it’s the same thing.”

“If I look any further, my stomach hurts. Let’s just go somewhere else.”

Do-hyeon scratched his head as he caught a glimpse of the woman leaving with the man, suitably agreeing with him.

‘Hmm. I didn’t even pay 10 won.’

Although I was misunderstood, I didn’t feel particularly bad.

It would have been better to be honest, since he was literally committing fraud.
It’d have been better to be honest, since he was literally committing fraud.

Even if I were one of them, I would have died from stomach pain.

‘Rather than that… The atmosphere is definitely different from Arde.’

Unlike Arde, where everyone was looking for a party and hanging out together, this place felt like a total stranger.

There are some people who hunt as a party, and some who don’t, but it feels like there’s a wall between them.

It was worth it.

When you party, experience points are divided, so in theory it is better to play solo.

However, approximately two-thirds prefer party play.

‘Because it has to be that way.’

This was because hunting would be difficult without that.

That means that everyone who plays solo is either a god, a trait, or an item… Whatever it was, they said it was better than those who were partying.
That means everyone who plays solo is either a god, possesses a unique trait, or owns an item… Whatever it is, they claim it’s better than those who are partying.

So, the man from before must have looked at Do-hyeon playing solo wearing a warrior set with disapproval.

‘Wherever you go, there are people like that.’

Even in Demrock, there were many people who looked down on anyone who was even slightly successful and gossiped behind their backs.

Do-hyeon was also among the targets of their gossip.

He was praised as a god and sat on a throne, so he had a lot of fans, but on the other hand, there were also a lot of haters.

Some made surprise attacks, while others pretended to be good-natured people, joined the party, and then tried to paralyze them with poisoned food.

To gain fame, to get a request just because you don’t like it…

The reasons were varied.

‘Well, I trampled them all.’

It was a series of varied days until I met my colleagues.

After becoming a regular party with my colleagues, I guess I thought a surprise attack would be too much of a hassle, so I stopped getting into trouble.

Dohyeon, who had been thinking about old times for the first time in a while, smiled and turned around.

‘That’s not important now.’

Anyway, that’s just the past.

Do-hyeon’s opponent now was just a goblin.

“So… let’s warm up a bit, shall we?”

As I turned around, the goblins that made eye contact trembled.

I felt some kind of ominousness in the smile of Do-hyeon that I met. Although the message did not appear, I was sure that their morale would have been further reduced.
I felt some kind of ominousness in the smile of Do-hyeon that I met. Although the message did not appear, I was certain that their morale would have been further reduced.

[You used the skill ‘Dashing Slash’.]


That’s how Do-hyeon’s peerless reign began.

* * *

“And… what is he doing?”

“He’s just going at it alone… How good are his items?”

“Tsk. Enjoy it now. He won’t be able to do that in the second half anyway.”
“Tsk. Enjoy it for now. He won’t be able to do that in the second half anyway.”

“But… something about it doesn’t sit right with me.”

How long has it been since you last hunted?

As soon as I wiped out all the goblins in the area, with the exclamations(?) of those around me, an alarm rang.
As soon as I wiped out all the goblins in the area, with the exclamations(!) of those around me, an alarm rang.

[Sword mastery increases.]

[Sword mastery has reached LV8.]

[Your level has increased.]

‘Oh, sword skills and level up.’

Did you catch about 50 to 60 fish?

It was certain that he had killed more than ten groups of goblins, so he would have killed more than that.

And the reward was this.

[Player: Kaiser]

[Level: 15]

[HP: 1,810 / 2,250]

[MP: 340 / 600]

[Stamina: 200 / 350]

[Class: Last Adventurer ]

[Title (3)]

-Maximum likeability from the start?

-The first slayer

-Throne of Time Attack


Remaining Points: 21

The level has risen three levels.

‘It climbs better than I thought.’

It may be because my level is still low, but it was a big benefit that there were no experience points to be shared by playing solo.

Because they were all about hogging the experience points, they were catching it faster than most other parties.

And there was one thing I learned while hunting.

‘When I start using skills, my stamina wears out faster.’
“When I use skills, my stamina depletes more rapidly.”

I didn’t feel any discomfort even with lower stamina, but now I’ve already used 110 stamina.

The only thing that has been added is a dash slash.
The only thing that has been added is a dashing slash.

At this rate, it was clear that if you use a back grab or even use multiple skills, it will decrease in an instant.

That was the reason.

‘Let’s keep it for now.’

The reason for saving the remaining points instead of investing them.

Even now, there was no need to invest since the goblins were just one hit away, so I decided to save it for an unexpected situation.

It was also to see the physical strength situation and see whether to invest in physical strength…
It was also to assess the physical strength situation and determine whether to invest in physical strength…

‘Because you never know when what skill will appear.’

Dohyun is an all master.
Do-hyeon is a master of all.

Fortunately, now we have an assassin’s skill whose main stats are sense and agility, so it’s a shame. What if a heroic or legendary skill is released, but what if it’s a wizard or tanker’s skill?
Fortunately, now we have an assassin’s skill whose main stats are sense and agility. However, it’s a shame. What if a heroic or legendary skill is released? But what if it’s a wizard’s or tanker’s skill?

‘I’m crying.’

It was good to leave some spare stats for such situations.

Dohyun turned off the status window and this time checked the inventory.
Do-hyeon closed the status window and this time checked the inventory.

It was to see the harvest obtained during hunting this time.

-Blue Goblin’s Skin (21)

-Red Goblin’s Skin (23)

-Goblin’s Tooth (11)

In addition to that, there are various miscellaneous items obtained from Arde.
In addition, there are various miscellaneous items obtained from Arde.

The inventory was full of various items, but surprisingly, all of them were miscellaneous items.

No matter how low the chance of finding an item down as a drop is extremely low, you can usually get one even if you don’t hunt it at this point…
No matter how low the chance of finding an item as a drop is, it’s extremely low. You can usually obtain one even if you don’t hunt for it at this point….

‘… Yes, this is me.’

It was a very familiar phenomenon to Do-hyun, who had the worst luck in Demrock.
It was a very familiar situation to Do-hyeon, who had the worst luck in Demrock.

Therefore, such trivial things did not cause any damage.

And anyway, what Dohyeon was aiming for wasn’t the equipment item.
And anyway, what Do-hyeon was aiming for wasn’t the equipment item.

[Exterminate goblins]

-Grade: General

-Description: It is said that the number of goblins in Raven Meadow has increased these days and is causing trouble. Scout ‘Palson’ wants to reduce the number of goblins.

-Kill goblins regardless of tribe (40/40)

-Reward upon clearing: 70 silver, a certain amount of experience

-Risks in case of failure: None

-Time limit: 24 hours

[Hunter’s Request]

-Grade: General

-Description: ‘Taver’, a hunter who lives in Raven Alley, has a bad taste for collecting goblin teeth. He said let’s get him the goblin’s tooth.
-Description: ‘Taver’, a hunter who lives in Raven Alley, has a bad habit of collecting goblin teeth. He said, “Let’s get him the goblin’s tooth.”

-Goblin’s Tooth (11/10)

-Reward upon clearing: 80 silver, a certain amount of experience, a necklace made from beast teeth
-Reward upon clearing: 80 silver, a certain amount of experience, a necklace made from beast teeth.

-Risks in case of failure: Taber’s favorability may be reduced.
-Risks in case of failure: Taver’s favorability may be reduced.

-Time limit: 24 hours

[Collect goblin skins]

-Grade: General

-Description: This is a request from ‘Emily’, a tailor who cuts goblin leather. Let’s collect her skins for her endless customers.
-Description: This is a request from ‘Emily’, a tailor who cuts goblin leather. Let’s collect skins for her endless customers.

-Red Goblin Leather (21/30)

-Blue Goblin Leather (23/30)

-Reward upon clearing: 1 gold, a certain amount of experience, Red Goblin leather belt or Blue Goblin leather pants.

-Risks in case of failure: Emily’s favorability may be lowered.

-Time limit: 24 hours

The conditions for the two quests ‘Extermination of Goblins’ and ‘Hunter’s Request’ have already been met, but all the leather has not yet been collected.

It was time to take steps to go deeper to find more goblin groups.

‘… Hmm?’

Something strange caught Do-hyeon’s eyes.

There was no way to explain it other than that it was really strange.

It was glowing red overall and looked like a red dot at first glance…

‘Person… No, a ghost?’

Although it was translucent, it clearly had a human shape.

And it was getting closer. Slowly but surely towards Do-hyeon.

The Return of the Greatest Genius Ranker

The Return of the Greatest Genius Ranker

역대급 천재 랭커의 귀환
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"The Virtual Reality Game That has taken over the World, God of Saviors.
And Kaiser the overwhelming number one player of its predecessor, Deus Ex Machina - Ragnarok, commonly known as Demrok, He was once called a god, but disappeared due to unavoidable circumstances, and has returned after a year and six months!
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