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Fragments of future world

TL: Eris
PR: Adrian_Katastofi

Chapter 19

“Parallel universe? Or is there some connection between the two worlds?”

Lu Sheng’s eyes flickered, feeling that he seemed to have grasped something.

He quickly picked up the disc and started to study it carefully.

The surface of the disc was very smooth, without any visible buttons.

Lu Sheng was not sure what this disc was, so he had to search inch by inch.

Soon, he found a groove about one millimeter deep at the center of the disc.

Lu Sheng compared the size with his hand, and found the groove about the same size as his thumb.

“Fingerprint lock?”

Lu Sheng thought to himself and gently placed his thumb into the groove.

After waiting for about a minute, Lu Sheng was about to give up.

At that moment, he heard a “beep” sound, and then the disc in his hand began to emit a faint blue light.

The blue light grew stronger, but it was not dazzling.

In this room full of dust and lifelessness, it seemed to gradually awaken with the appearance of this blue light.

“Thanks for using Tianheng Technology.”

A soft female voice came from the disc.

Then, the blue light on the disc began to quickly condense into the outline of a woman.

“It can actually be activated!”

Lu Sheng felt a hint of excitement.

But this excitement did not last long. The disc in his hand seemed to have exhausted all its energy and quickly dimmed.

After a few seconds, it turned back into a cold iron plate.


Lu Sheng exhaled a breath, his eyes bursting with strong light

“It seems that this city still retains some energy. If I’m lucky, maybe I can find more information about this world.”

Lu Sheng picked up the disc and quickly walked out of the room.

He began to search house by house. During this process, he found more discs that were different in color and style from the first one.

Lu Sheng guessed that these discs might be similar to computers, and many families had them, mostly found in study rooms and bedrooms.

Lu Sheng collected dozens of similar discs and finally tried to open them one by one in a place.

Soft blue light lit up and extinguished in front of his eyes.

Most of the discs had exhausted their energy, and the remaining ones either were damaged or reminded Lu Sheng that he did not have enough access rights.

“It needs a password.”

Lu Sheng was somewhat helpless.

Finally, when Lu Sheng picked up a silver-gray disc, things finally took a turn.

This disc was found by Lu Sheng in a box, as if it had not been opened yet.

“Thanks for using Tianheng Technology.”

The blue light condensed into a female figure over a foot tall, with a soft and beautiful face, wearing a pink jumpsuit, and a perfect body proportion.

Lu Sheng waited for a while, but there was no hint of a password or iris scan popping up, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

“How should I use this?”

Lu Sheng hesitated.

But almost instantly, the soft blue light woman in front of him smiled and said, “For first-time users of the brain interface computer, you can operate according to the following instructions.”

Luckily, there was a beginner’s tutorial.

Lu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, he mastered the operation method under the guidance of the intelligence of the brain interface computer.

“Next, it’s time to slowly understand this world.”

Lu Sheng took a light breath, thought for a moment, and issued a command.

“Help me retrieve the latest news information.”

“Connecting to the SkyNet.”

“SkyNet connection failed.”

“Connecting to the civilian database of Base 1359.”

“Connection successful.”

In the next moment, Lu Sheng’s eyes flickered through a large amount of information.

Wherever Lu Sheng’s eyes stopped, the corresponding text would immediately enlarge and present itself in front of him.

“In the 11024 year of the Martial calendar, on June 21st, Base 2 successfully launched the 58th batch of life exploration spacecraft, targeting the Lyra star system.”

“On July 12th, 11024 of the Martial calendar, Base 105 fell.”

“On September 24th, 11024 of the Martial calendar, Major General Sun Canghe successfully promoted to the tenth-level Star Realm, becoming the 472nd tenth-level Star Realm powerhouse in the history of the World Martial Union. Currently, there are a total of 23 tenth-level Star Realm experts in the World Martial Union.”

“On September 30th, 11024 of the Martial calendar, Bases 114, 893, and 1022 fell, and the World Martial Union will convene the 274th Grandmaster Conference at Base 1.”

“On October 3rd, 11024 of the Martial calendar, Bases 585, 697, and 1253 fell.”

“On November 19th, 11024 of the Martial Calendar…”

Lu Sheng quickly browsed through the news presented by the light brain.

Various information constantly impacted Lu Sheng’s brain nerves.

Tenth-level experts, planetary immigration plans, grandmaster conferences…

Just as Lu Sheng had expected, the martial civilization of this world was far more advanced than the one he was in, and it had even explored the path beyond the ninth level, the tenth and eleventh level of martial arts!

But even so, what Lu Sheng saw most in the news was martial bases falling one after another.

“The martial civilization of this world is extremely brilliant and has flourished to an unimaginable height. However, the enemies they face are even more terrifying. Even the tenth-level and eleventh-level martial artists cannot protect the human race, which is on the verge of collapsing under the claws of the alien beasts.

In the end, they even decided to abandon their mother planet and began to try to find a second suitable life planet.

But from the news…”

Lu Sheng lowered his eyelids, and the speed of the blue light information passing in front of him also slowed down.

“Until the day when Base 1359 fell, there was no exciting news coming back from those exploration spacecraft that had been launched.”

Lu Sheng mourned for them.

From those cold news messages, what Lu Sheng saw was the helplessness and pain of a brilliant civilization heading towards destruction.

Lu Sheng stopped reading the news and instead said, “Retrieve the world history for me.”

“The world history data is being retrieved.”

Logging 10000 years in future

Logging 10000 years in future

Status: Ongoing Type:
1st year of Martial calendar Cracks have appeared in the sky and the earth and fearsome alien monsters have started to infiltrate the planet. 100th year of the Martial calendar. Martial artists are battling the invading alien monsters as martial arts have begun to thrive. 200th year of the Martial calendar. Humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, and alien monsters are encroaching on familiar territory. The 300th year of the Martial Calendar, Lu Sheng crossed the bridge. Furthermore, he has memories from 10,000 years in the future. "Forged through 10,000 years of refinement, the Body Refining Technique from the future is ten thousand times more potent than anything we know today....." "The martial arts breathing technique that originated 10,000 years later….." "Medicinal Pill Recipes from 10,000 Years Ahead...." "From 10,000 years in the future, the Sacred Martial Scriptures..." In the 10,000th year of the Martial calendar, humanity had perished. "The Path of Martial Arts had been refined to perfection, but no one was left to inherit it." "I, Lu Sheng, am the last ember of humanity!"


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