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The Eruptive Pursuit

Chapter 16

Yohan remained undisturbed by the Moul’s outburst. He quietly picked up a broken sword lying on the ground.


He threw the sword at the charging monster, which had long claws.

The sword aimed once again at the Moul’s forehead.


The leather was not pierced at all. Instead, the attack perfectly disrupted the monster’s senses.

“Striking where it hurts.”

The Moul’s sensory organs are located between the eyebrows, within the skull bones.

By continuously applying shock to this area, Yohan could dull the Moul’s fine senses.


As the monster’s nerves were increasingly disturbed, it involuntarily turned its head.

Thanks to this, Yohan’s dagger found the heart area exposed. Yohan aimed the dagger towards it, a position that could potentially cause instant death.

Although he managed to cut only a small depth into the leather, causing just a few drops of blood to surface.

“It seems impossible to pierce the leather of a C-grade monster.”

Even though his sensory and agility stats exceeded the D-grade hunter standard, he lacked the decisive strength needed to pierce the tough hide.

While the worry about being caught was less, the concern about catching the monster had increased.

“There are others to handle the strength for me.”

Since he was not alone, there was no need for him to use his own strength directly.


“The King’s strength is comparable to most C-grade monsters.”

Taking advantage of the Moul’s dulled senses, the King, who had stealthily approached, grabbed and lifted the Moul’s front paw.

Struggling, the Moul was lifted and held like a pig at a butcher’s shop by the King, who showed no change in expression.

“Kowon, start the dissection.”

Kowon, who had moved beside Yohan, eagerly prepared for the task.


The Moul, sensing something was wrong instinctively, realized too late. Yohan and Kowon relentlessly wielded their daggers as if painting a picture.


The skin was effortlessly sliced away. The black-furred hide gradually split open, revealing the pink flesh beneath.


In agonizing pain from the torn flesh, the Moul twisted its body madly.

Finally, blood began to pour from its body.

With blood dripping down, the King maintained a steady stance and firmly restrained the Moul.

With its primary weapon, the claws, blocked, the Moul lost control and began to flare up.


Its head, swinging back and forth, fortuitously struck the King.

The King’s center of balance wobbled, and the Moul seized the opportunity to kick with its hind legs, freeing itself from the restraint.


Immediately after escaping, the Moul began to dig the ground. Its bloodshot eyes were streaming with blood tears.

“This is bad!”

In less than three seconds, it vanished without a trace. It seemed to be fleeing, but the real attack was just beginning.

“This is troublesome.”

Even a small Moul, less than 50 centimeters, is classified as a monster for a reason.

“Surprise attacks from underground are tricky even for me.”

The Moul, a master of digging, had the extraordinary talent to dig 10 meters in just one second.

Moreover, it did so with minimal noise, contrary to its incredible speed.

Quietly approaching and targeting the Achilles’ tendon, the Moul exhibited persistent and grotesque precision.

Thus, ankle guards were essential for Moul hunters.

Otherwise, one might end up living as a cripple forever.

“Let alone, getting caught by that thing would mean at least a severed limb.”


The Moul, emerging like a landmine, swung its front claws.

The claws narrowly missed Yohan, who, knowing the Moul’s habits, quickly pulled back as soon as he heard the sound of the ground exploding.

“Got you!”

Yohan struck the Moul’s head with the coffin as if hitting a mole. The surprised Moul, evidently not expecting this, hurriedly retreated underground.

“I’m the one who’s hunted over a thousand Mouls just for rent.”

Yohan was the one who had collected the claws of these creatures, used in crafting, whenever he had time, making him second only to the Cobad in Moul hunting.

“The pattern is the same. As long as you watch your feet, it shouldn’t be too difficult.”

Though it was larger, its attack patterns were like those of a typical Moul. In fact, its larger size made timing the attacks easier.

Of course, perfect evasion was impossible. The excessively long claws continued to leave wounds on Yohan’s body.

While only scratches, they had stained his body with blood.

“Damn mole, do you think I look the weakest?!”

The Moul kept targeting Yohan alone.

Even though King and Kowon joined in, catching the nimble creature was not easy. Ultimately, it was Yohan who had to draw it out.


The solid coffin repeatedly smashed the Moul’s head. No matter how weak the blows, there was no countermeasure to the relentless hammering.


The Moul’s body shook. The blood flowing from its unhealed belly caused disruptions.

“Phew, phew.”

Yohan was not in perfect shape either. He had expended a significant amount of energy and was breathing heavily.

“Well, it’s time to run now. You don’t risk your life easily, do you?”

Yet, the Moul did not show any signs of giving up. The Moul’s pattern, when facing an unmanageable opponent, was quite predictable.

The Moul was not an irrational monster. Even in its current state, it was more cautious, prioritizing its life above all else.


The Moul, digging deeply, had blood tears flowing from its bloodshot eyes.

“That was close!”

After confirming the Moul’s deep dig, Yohan pulled out a potion and poured it over himself. If the Moul had held out a bit longer, Yohan might have staggered as well.

“Now, let’s see if I can level up a bit.”

There was no need to rush. As long as the monster rested, Yohan could too.

Even for a monster, it would take at least 5 minutes for bleeding to be controlled, and there were still 4 bodies to process, so it was a well-deserved rest.

“Storing the bodies.”

Yohan gathered the scattered body parts and, after collecting all the information from 4 bodies, opened the coffin and paid his respects.

[Storing 4 bodies. All stats increase by 4.]

He invested 1 point each into agility and perception, and poured the remaining points into strength. An immense power flowed through his muscles.


The muscle density had surpassed its limit, nearly doubling in strength.

With this level of strength, Yohan could now pierce through the Moul’s hide.

Strength: 29
Agility: 30
Stamina: 15
Perception: 30
Spirit: 26

“You’ve surpassed the D-rank standards. Oran. It seems you’ve outgrown it now?”

Checking the total stat points, which summed up to 130, Yohan felt like he had entered the clear realm of D-rank. His field of vision seemed to have broadened a bit.

He had somewhat escaped the mental pressure associated with the difference in ranks.

“Now, it’s time to lure that thing out.”

Preparation was complete. It was time to draw out the creature hiding deep underground.

‘First, I need to locate it.’

Finding the hiding creature was no easy task. If he couldn’t determine where it might emerge from, there was no point in trying to lure it out.

“Normal senses won’t work.”

Visual, olfactory, and auditory senses were inadequate. To find it, Yohan needed to use his magic-enhanced perception.

“Expanding perception with magic, that’s something Kang-in excels at.”

Back during his days as a tracker, Im Kang-in had used magic to extend his senses and detect nearby threats.

His range could easily exceed 500 meters, allowing his team to prepare for monsters comfortably 2 minutes before their arrival.

‘What did he say back then?’

To praise Kang-in’s skills, Yohan always asked him for the method.

Kang-in, who liked Yohan, had explained in detail every time.

– “Think of it as layering your senses on top of your magic. Magic is just another way to describe your sixth sense. Don’t think of senses and magic as different things.”

Kang-in’s words replayed perfectly in Yohan’s mind. It was worth repeating them countless times.

“Let’s try it. Why wouldn’t I be able to?”

With his perception stat now at 30, it was possible. Even if he couldn’t extend it like Kang-in to 500 meters, he could manage to find the Moul.


After calming himself, Yohan unleashed his spirit. He gathered the sticky spirit under his feet and infused all his senses with it.

– “Focus. Magic is yourself. The magic that’s connected to you can share your senses.”

He continued to repeat this. He slowly extended the spirit he had infiltrated into the ground, reaching deeper and wider.

He concentrated on capturing every subtle sign, including the sound of the creature hiding behind a door and laughing silently.

He thought of the spirit not just as spirit but as an extension of his body.

“I found it. The heartbeat.”

About 10 meters underground, he detected the heartbeat of the creature curled up and nursing its wounds.

He could feel its rapid heartbeat. The vibration of the drum-like sound traveled up through his toes.

With it came the sensation of a shiver.

“I did it. I’m someone who can control magic too.”

Spirit was not merely MP for skills.

The inherent, more primal energy within the human body, magic, had become potent enough to extend his senses.

Now, it would also be entirely possible to infuse his attacks with magic.

“Scared, huh? Little bastard.”

The creature was frightened. It was trembling, waiting for Yohan to leave.

“Unfortunately, that’s impossible. I need to catch you to get out myself.”

The door would not open unless the creature was killed. Yohan had only one thing he could do for it.

To kill it quickly and grant it peace.


He threw the lid of the coffin. The emanating death energy was sucked into the coffin.

“Everyone, come out.”

Yohan was going to use the fastest and easiest method to draw out the hiding creature. It was a method he hadn’t used before because he was too busy avoiding attacks earlier.


More than 20 Urks appeared. Arranged in rows and columns, they could be considered a unit.

“No guild would deploy twenty people for a single dungeon.”

A total of 26 subordinates. With their 2-meter frames filling the space, the once spacious chamber now felt cramped.

Yohan climbed to a visible spot and raised his hand high.

“Every time I say three, stomp your feet. With all your might!”

The method to capture the Moul was simpler than expected.

If you create vibrations strong enough that those sensitive to them cannot endure, it’s done.

Usually, a jackhammer is used to create strong vibrations, but such a large machine couldn’t be used here.

Instead, Yohan had 5 tons of subordinates at his disposal.

Using them, he could produce an effect even grander than a jackhammer.

“One, two, three.”


The creatures, each weighing over 200 kilograms, stomped their feet simultaneously, causing the entire chamber to shake.

Dust from the ceiling fell down in a shower.

“Again, one, two, three!”


The vibrations began to accumulate. The oscillating vibrations burrowed deeper and deeper into the ground.


The Moul’s movements were sensed. Its heartbeat was accelerating.

“Sorry, Cowon. Come here for a moment.”


Cowon, who weighed less than 20 kilograms, was called over.

Drooping his shoulders, Cowon was stationed in the upper level of the Moul’s crouched position.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The vibrations, carried by the flow, grew faster and more intense.

The shaking was so violent that even the outside observer, Lee Kang-han, stood up in alarm.

“W-What’s happening?”

The frantically pounding door was impenetrable even for Lee Kang-han.

Thus, Yohan could continue without concern for subtlety.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The vibrations felt as if ten jackhammers were being used at once.

The effects were even better than expected, boosting Yohan’s confidence. “Good. Just a little more.”

Thanks to the sensitive perception, the Moul was going insane. Its organs absorbed all the spreading vibrations, and the creature gradually began to lose control.

Eventually, it couldn’t hold back any longer and began to move.

The wild movement of its legs was filled with the intent to eliminate everything that was tormenting it.

It fell into the trap.

Yohan, with a gleam in his eyes, didn’t miss the opportunity.

His expanded senses detailed the Moul’s movement path more clearly than anyone else.

“It’s coming out. Over there!”

He moved towards the origin of the smallest vibrations.

The creature moved diagonally and targeted the smallest Urk.


The long claws pierced through the ground. The streaks of blood mixed with dirt came from the Moul’s still-healing wounds.

Dungeon Undertaker

Dungeon Undertaker

던전 장의사
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Johann, who eked out a living by recovering corpses in the dungeon until he acquired an unusual ability. An ability that made him stronger with each corpse he recovered. "what kind of absurd ability is this?" He initially dismissed it as nonsense, but as it turns out, the world is vast, and there are far too many corpses in the dungeon. F-grade tracer. A traitor who betrayed his team. Now, it's time to break free. Trapped by a stigma


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