Switch Mode

Predicting the Future

Chapter 14

Travel has a channel points system.

Channel points are accumulated automatically based on certain conditions while watching Travel. Typically, new viewers receive 100 points when they start watching Travel.

Long-term viewers can accumulate points in the millions, though this is rare.

How these accumulated points are used varies from streamer to streamer.

The reason for this variability is that streamers set the rewards for their own channels.

In channels where points are not given much importance, even a large number of points might not have many uses.

However, in channels where points are actively utilized, viewers can use their points to modify chat text, obtain or alter emoticons, or even make requests for songs or horror game challenges.

But the real reason viewers love these points is for a different reason.

“Alright! Since we’ve given ample time, take it easy and submit your predictions, everyone.”

The reason is the channel points prediction system.


[Today during the broadcast~]

[The guest will find one or two weak points by luck.]


[No, they will find up to three or four.]


[What nonsense. The guest will strike out like others. (0)]


[No. The guest is an alien with a third eye that sees weaknesses! (Will find 4 or more)]

Various predicted scenarios prepared by Alpaca were displayed.

Viewers can now place bets on one of these scenarios, watching the real-time odds, the number of participants, and the total betting points displayed.

– “Haha, of course, they won’t find anything.”

– “Surely no one will bet on the alien thing?”

– “I think they will find one or two. Let’s go!”

– “Suckers, I’ve got insider info. A few days ago, it was a hot topic in the community, and hundreds tried but no one found it. That should give you a clue!”

Of course, points have no monetary value. They are generated solely through watching Travel and cannot be exchanged or traded, making this prediction system not gambling.

There’s no consequence to losing.

Even with a large amount of points, they can only be used to make chat slightly fancier, which is usually the extent of their utility.

Travel has a channel points system.

Channel points are accumulated automatically based on certain conditions while watching Travel. Typically, new viewers start with 100 points.

Long-term viewers can collect points in the millions, though this is rare.

The use of these accumulated points varies from streamer to streamer.

The reason for this variability is that each streamer sets their own rewards for points.

In channels where points are not actively used, even a large number of points may have limited use.

However, in channels where points are actively utilized, viewers can use them to change chat text, obtain or modify emoticons, or even make song requests or challenge the streamer to play horror games.

The real reason viewers love these points is due to the prediction system.

“Alright! Since we’ve given ample time, take it easy and submit your predictions, everyone.”

The prediction system allows viewers to bet their points on various outcomes related to the broadcast.


[Today during the broadcast~]

[The guest will find one or two weak points by luck.]


[No, they will find up to three or four.]


[What nonsense. The guest will strike out like others. (0)]


[No. The guest is an alien with a third eye that sees weaknesses! (Will find 4 or more)]

Various scenarios predicted by Alpaca were displayed.

Viewers could place bets on one of these outcomes, watching the real-time odds, the number of participants, and the total betting points displayed.

– “Haha, of course, they won’t find anything.”

– “Surely no one will bet on the alien scenario?”

– “I think they will find one or two. Let’s go!”

– “Suckers, I’ve got insider info. A few days ago, it was a hot topic in the community, and hundreds tried but no one found it. That should give you a clue!”

Points have no monetary value. They are generated solely through watching Travel and cannot be exchanged or traded, making this prediction system not gambling.

There’s no consequence to losing.

Even with a large amount of points, their use is generally limited to making chat slightly fancier.


Human psychology is such.

Even if it’s an old comic book you haven’t looked at for 10 years, if you give it to a cousin, it somehow feels like a loss.

But what if you lose points you’ve bet?

Even if it has no real meaning, the instinct to win the prediction and collect points is strong.

– “Definitely betting on the favorite.”

– “Some people are actually betting on that? Haha.”

– “Crazy underdog bets! Betting 1% on that? Haha.”

“What’s the favorite and underdog?”

Seo-jun asked, curious after looking at the chat.

Alpaca explained kindly.

“Ah. Betting on the favorite means placing your points on the team you think will win. The odds are higher, but if they win, you win less money.”

“Ah. So the underdog is the opposite.”

“Exactly. It’s usually for people looking for a big win.”

“Hmm. Then it’s strange. Why did it become an underdog bet that I can find it?”

Seo-jun knew how absurd it sounded to find weaknesses without knowing his past life.

He understood the betting odds shown in real-time: 55% for finding nothing, 39% for finding one or two, 5% for finding three or four, and 1% for being an alien.

But Seo-jun continued with a cheeky expression for fun.

“Everyone. If you bet on ‘finding four or more,’ it’s 100 times payout. Trust me.”

– “Is that even worth saying? Haha.”

– “Why would I trust you with my precious memories?”

“Memories? What memories?”

“Ah! Since these points are accumulated by watching the broadcast, we sometimes refer to them as memories.”

“Are you really betting those precious memories on something like this? Wow.”

– “Ouch, that’s a sharp comment.”

– “Yeah, but still not betting. Haha.”

“Alright. Then, let’s move on to the game…”

[‘Assassin of Joseon’ bet 10,000 won on finding more than four points with all their points collected over three years. Is that normal?]

– “No.”

– “Wow! Foreign money came in.”

– “What a sucker. Haha.”

“Ah. Congratulations. You’ll get 100 times payout. Probably.”

Seo-jun smiled.

That is, if the weaknesses system was based on the rules Seo-jun thought.

But if not?

There’s nothing to be done.

Honestly, it feels likely.

An instinct built up through past lives.

He just knows.

“Alright! Let’s check it out now. We don’t know the results either. Just because Seo-jun thinks it might be there, we can’t be responsible.”

– “Soon, three years of memories might go up in smoke.”

– “Really has the heart of a beast.”

The prediction time ended, and Seo-jun began the “Dawn of the Assassins.”

“Ah, wait!”

As Alpaca’s unidentifiable scream was drowned out, the screen changed.


In an instant, darkness quickly descended, and Seo-jun appeared in the middle of Altenon.

In his right hand was a pipe, and in front of him was a partially destroyed stage.

Seo-jun moved away, activated the “Assassinate Together” feature, and after a brief hesitation, invited Alpaca from his friends list.

After a short wait, a shadow emerged from the darkness.

It was Alpaca.

“Phew. Thankfully, you invited me correctly. I realized right after sending Seo-jun off with the viewers.”

– “There has never been an artisan like this before.”

“So that’s why you screamed?”

They first went to the tavern to open the skill window.

“Alright. Now, the place we’re heading to is one of the residential areas in District 4, known as the northeastern edge in the game.”

Alpaca pretended to explain to Seo-jun while naturally providing information to the viewers.

The area they were heading to was the northeastern edge.

It was a place with developed commercial and cultural facilities, such as high-end shops and entertainment venues for the upper class, with townhouses lined up. Moving towards the outskirts, there were the grand estates of the nobility—truly the heart of Altenon.

“Simply put, it’s the affluent district of Altenon.”

Ettore’s residence was also located in this northeastern edge.

The area had many plazas and parks, and a straight road called the Noble Path connected the residences of the great nobles to the royal castle.

The difficulty of assassinating influential figures was just below the royal castle.

Unlike the crowded District 4, the northeastern edge was spacious and open, making it easier to be detected, with patrolling guards.

The reason for coming here was…

“We’re almost there.”

As they walked, a scream was heard from beyond a grand estate.

Alpaca climbed over the wall, and Seo-jun followed suit.

With their movement enhancements, they could easily scale a wall over 3 meters high.

As they stealthily climbed over the wall like assassins, they saw a young nobleman, dressed in tattered clothes, tormenting a child with a rapier in the garden.

“That’s Louis Neville, the son of Richard Neville, the ruler of the northeastern edge.”

He was also the protagonist of the video where the weapon was destroyed.

“First, we need to test his skills, right?”


Seo-jun nodded and moved forward.

He took out the sword given by Alpaca from his inventory.

It was because aiming for precise parts with a pipe was difficult. Although, Seo-jun didn’t care much about that.

Alpaca started his commentary from behind.

“Alright, everyone, even if you know where to strike to cause destruction, doing it exactly is quite challenging. I think just recreating the video is a step above the difficulty of parrying. Of course, with Seo-jun ‘s skill, he’ll succeed quickly, but still, a few failures…”

The situation was resolved in an instant.

As Seo-jun approached, Louis Neville, who had been grinning, instinctively thrust his sword. Seo-jun deftly dodged to the side as if expecting it and then, just like in the video, slashed the blade of the rapier diagonally.

With precise positioning and the same speed as the video.

Although it was a newly acquired sword, he adjusted the distance as if it were part of his own body.

Seo-jun ’s indifferent expression showed no sign of difficulty, and Louis’s rapier split apart like a tree’s grain being struck with an axe.

– “What? Difficult?”

– “What failures? Haha.”

– “Wow, a true master.”

– “Favorites, are you starting to doubt?”

[Weakness Detection]

[Unlock Conditions: Destroy 10 weapons through weak points (1/10)]

Seo-jun ’s skill window was updated.

– “Wow. You finished it all in one go. There really is something different about you compared to us.”

Alpaca expressed continuous admiration.

He had only managed to succeed after multiple attempts and watching the video several times.

Even if the enemy’s sword stays still, pinpointing the exact location is more challenging than it seems.

Successfully achieving this in combat, and on the first attempt, was indeed an impressive feat.


Alpaca approached Seo-jun .

“But you know, it’s not proven yet, right?”

– “Those who are overly confident just because they succeeded once, it’s annoying.”

– “Please wake up.”

– “If it was something easily discovered, others would have found it already, right?”

Seo-jun nodded and dealt with Louis Neville.

“Well, that’s true.”

He recalled the sensations from earlier.

“But, I’m certain now.”

“Certain of what?”

“That the rules I thought of are correct.”

For someone who had just destroyed one weapon through the weak points, it was quite an arrogant statement.

– “Haha, you must think so.”

– “Beware of multi-level marketing if you fall for this.”

– “It’s been days since the game was released and there’s only one example so far.”

“Well, seeing is believing, so let me show you right away.”

Just as he dealt with Louis’s scream, soldiers were seen running towards them.

They were carrying shields and swords.

Seo-jun needed to find a weakness to break those.

A weakness created by subtle cracks, or distortions in the structure of objects, akin to the grain of wood.

‘The creator implemented this.’

Vital points.

‘The past leader of Shaolin with the divine sight said he had seen something similar.’

Whether it’s an object or martial art.

Is it a similar concept?

Seo-jun hadn’t obtained the divine sight of the Shaolin leader. His enlightenment of martial arts was undoubtedly high in his past life, but his insight into objects and understanding was greater in the Shaolin monks.

So, in reality, he didn’t see what was called “weak points.” No, he didn’t even know it.

Neither in the past nor now.


‘In the end, the weak points in this game are what the creator embedded.’

This means there’s no need to memorize law books or attain enlightenment to understand the object.

Understanding the enemy’s intention, or rather the creator’s intention, is sufficient.

And that kind of battle was Seo-jun ’s specialty, honed by countless battle experiences.

Seo-jun closed his eyes while holding the sword up.

The movements of the guards were predictable anyway.

– “Has he given up?”

– “Why is he closing his eyes, mister?”

In Seo-jun ’s mind, numerous lines were drawn on the shields and swords held by the guards.

From various angles.

He knew two examples of the weak points. Even that was only experienced directly once.

But that was enough.

Among the many lines drawn in his mind’s eye, those that did not match the creator’s thoughts were erased.


Seo-jun ’s arm slowly began to lower.

Swordmaster’s Stream

Swordmaster’s Stream

검술 고인물의 게임방송
Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"What's the point of being a Sword God in a past life?" For some reason, I recalled memories of my past life when I was young. Is that why? By chance, I found joy in a virtual reality game. But due to a congenital issue, I couldn’t access virtual reality, and it wasn’t until seven years later that a solution appeared. “The price of the capsule is 100 million won.” It's Expensive. “So, have you heard of Le.o.s?” League of Streaming? A streamer competition? Why? “The grand prize there is this capsule. So, what do you think? Want to give it a shot?”


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not work with dark mode