Switch Mode

Synesthetic Warrior

Chapter 22

As soon as Seojun stepped beyond the boundary, he noticed that something had changed.

Just as expected, a guard rushed towards him.

Seojun reflexively tried to draw his sword with his right hand from his inventory.

But his left hand flailed in the air.

“It’s not easy to get used to from the beginning.”

“What are you doing?”

“No matter how low your rank is, this is just unacceptable.”

“If you were just a regular person, this would be hard too.”

Seojun awkwardly backpedaled and drew his sword with his right hand.

And swung it.


“What? Why is there a parry?”

“Even though his senses have changed, he can still do this? LOL.”

Seojun laughed and swung his sword again.


“Yeah, I’ve got the hang of it now.”

Seojun quickly adapted to the new sensation.

Controlling his body down to a 1mm precision, it was just a matter of a little awareness for Seojun.

Although his reaction speed had slowed,

This small gap could be a major disadvantage in a fight against a master, but it was negligible when facing NPCs.

“This game is so easy.”

Seojun blocked an incoming fireball with his sword, like a right-handed person writing with their left hand.

It felt awkward, but he executed it perfectly.

“What can’t this streamer do?”

Stream Settings

“Honestly, I’ve never seen a game as easy as this one. Just go and fight.”

There’s always a way.

Seojun slowly walked towards the mage and dealt with him.

“Is this that saying ‘if the body is good, the head is comfortable’ or something?”


“I’m so jealous of your physical skills.”

“Did you even play any other games? Stop being deceitful!”

After fully adapting, Seojun repeated what he did on the 4th floor.

Putting random items into the experiment mage’s test tubes.

Taking the mage’s book and closing it without marking the page.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Just pretend you didn’t see it and go!”

Such a jerk LOL

Of course, Seojun had his reasons for doing this.

He was experimenting to see if there were any special changes based on reactions.

Honestly, Seojun had a skill level where it was difficult to find enjoyment in combat difficulty in games.

Additionally, if the opponents were human, he could at least enjoy teaching them, but Dawn of the Assassin was not a PVP-focused game.

This game wasn’t designed with combat as its main feature.

It focused on detailed elements and an open world.

These were the aspects Seojun found fun.

Even finding the right rhythm was similar.

Unfortunately, he found the stairs to the 6th floor.

“Let’s go right away.”

After exploring the 5th floor, it felt like he’d already seen all the magic that could appear since the 4th floor.

Of course, it was better to check thoroughly, but since when did he ever care about missing one or two spells?

It wouldn’t be something he couldn’t find later.

“Why regret?”

“The remaining mages are sweating and praying for him to leave.”

“Regretting is real madness LOL”

As Seojun stepped onto the stairs to the 6th floor, his senses returned to normal.

“So, it’s like this.”

Seojun flexed his right hand, adapting to the returned sensation as he climbed the stairs.

The next floor was slowing,

A debuff that slowed the body.

As he opened the door and entered, it felt like iron bars were laid on his body.

It was like the gravity had suddenly more than doubled.

He even felt fatigue all over his body.

Others considered this debuff to be much easier than the confusion of the 5th floor.

But Seojun thought that in terms of combat, not stealth, this slowing was just as difficult as the confusion debuff.

“Hmm, it’s a bit frustrating.”

Seojun began to move, predicting the enemy’s attacks in advance.

He judged that if he didn’t do so, he would get hit while trying to dodge.


Rocks emerged from the ground.

Sharp rocks aimed at Seojun and quickly surged towards him.

Seojun’s sword precisely struck the tip of the approaching rock at the right moment.

Following the pattern, the magic split.

Seojun nullified the magic and killed the guarding mages.

He quickly found the stairs to the 7th floor afterward.

“Yo. I’m getting tired just watching this LOL.”

“When the sneaky ones slowed down, it was fun, but when the warrior doing the slaughter slows down, it’s incredibly frustrating.”

“Quick, skip ahead.”

“Alright, I’ll reflect your opinions and skip the 6th floor.”

If it weren’t for the stream, Seojun might have leisurely explored, but he didn’t really mind.

As he climbed the stairs, he was thinking about something else.

“The environments this game creates would have been great for training in my past life.”

The high skill levels of virtual reality users over the past decade might be due to the diverse environments where they could gain experience without the fear of death.

He suddenly thought about how people who wouldn’t even scratch the surface in ten years of training in the past life were now active as professionals with high skills.

The increased accessibility to martial arts also played a role.

Unlike in his past life, where martial arts were exclusive to a few, now anyone could easily access them by entering a capsule room.

“We’ve already reached the 7th floor.”

The debuff here was darkness.

His vision was completely blocked.

Seojun opened the door wide.

He could see the stairs to the 8th floor on the opposite side.

“Oh, there’s no need to search on the 7th floor.”

This was likely a consideration by the developers, recognizing that finding the stairs in total darkness would be too difficult.

However, it wasn’t easy.

Two mage NPCs were visible in the middle of the long corridor.

Just like the previous floors, they were waiting for Seojun to cross the door.

“Will he die here?”

“Honestly, darkness is too much.”

“How is he supposed to do anything if he can’t see?”

“Just climb the outer wall now.”

“Even Spider-Man couldn’t do this, LOL.”

Seojun glanced at the fussing chat window, then laughed and took a step forward.

He recalled all the senses he had gathered from the previous floors.

The screen quickly replaced the space with nothing but darkness.

The only visible thing was Seojun himself.


Even the smallest sound of breath was loud in this silent world.


The sound of a fireball being created.

Seojun began to walk forward slowly, recalling the shape of the corridor.



Seojun tilted his head to the left, and something brushed past where his head had been.

He felt heat.

A second later, the red magical residue left a trail of the passed spell in the dark space.

“Is this an effect? The production is beautiful.”


In that state, Seojun spun his body, slicing through the rock emerging from the wall with his sword.

Brown glowing dust scattered in the dark space.


He dodged the vines creeping up from the floor and threw himself forward.


This time, there were two.

Seojun rolled forward, naturally rising to his feet, dodging one with a slight tilt of his body and destroying the other with his sword.


Red sparks flew.


Right in front of him, he heard the sound of ice magic being cast.

Seojun immediately swung his sword upward towards the forming ice arrows, and as the magic was destroyed, he caught the sound of the mage stumbling backward and slashed his sword in the air where the blue powder was falling.

“Return it all.”

Then he quickly started running.

‘Above? Below? Or from the sides?’

It wasn’t just the recently killed mage casting ice arrows.

The mage waiting by the stairs was also casting ice arrows simultaneously.

The problem was that the sounds overlapped, making it difficult for Seojun to pinpoint them accurately.

Seojun ran as fast as he could to deal with the magic before it was completed.

But he was too late.


He felt a faint airflow being sucked into the magic like a vortex.

It was a sign that the magic was completed.

It didn’t matter, though, as he felt the wind.


‘Fortunately, it’s within range. Three shots.’

Seojun swung his sword diagonally to the side while in midair.

Two projectiles passed through the spots where his head and legs had been, and he felt the cold wind following them.

The arrow aimed at his heart was blocked by Seojun’s sword and fell to the ground.

He had identified the position of the arrows through the movement of the wind.

He began to stroll leisurely through the darkness again.

Step, step.

In the dark silence, only the sound of his footsteps echoed.

“An assassin is always stronger in the dark.”

Excuse me, this isn’t just dark; you’re completely blinded!

-Assassin? Or in the dark? Or is it…

-Holy Roman Empire meta, LOL

-It’s neither holy, Roman, nor an empire, “that place.”


Magic was cast again right beside Seojun.

Seojun grabbed the mage’s arm.


The casting was naturally canceled.

-Spider-Man exists and is now a streamer on Travel!

-???: You can’t deceive me anymore.

-Info) The host has never been deceived.

Seojun dealt with the mage and then climbed the stairs, looking back.

As the darkness receded around Seojun, the corridor he had passed through came into view.

“Wow. Luckily, I dodged well.”

The glowing particles in the darkness were indeed the remains of the magic.

-Did I just watch a circus or a game?

-That was insane.

-All of that was magic, and he really dodged it, LOL, I can’t help but laugh in disbelief.

The chat window exploded with enthusiastic reactions, and donations started pouring in.

Normally, he had it set so that donations wouldn’t appear during gameplay to avoid distractions, but now it was a short break, so it was okay.

[‘○○’ donated 10,000 won!]

[That was awesome.]

[‘Sital’ donated 10,000 won!]


[‘I’m the one watching this live’ donated 10,000 won!]

[I’m a winner.]

[‘Director Bong from the Couch’ donated 10,000 won!]

[Why are you shooting a movie alone?]

“Thank you all for your donations.”

Seojun sat down on the stairs for a moment.

“But honestly, this level is just what’s it called, sound play? As long as you know how to do that, anyone can do it, right? Don’t you all do it too?”

He started engaging with the viewers.

-Oh, here we go again.

-Frankly, with skills like this, he can brag, but I still want to punch him once.

-If he makes one mistake, everyone will pounce on him, LOL.

-How is this sound play? It’s superpowers.

-I… I guess I couldn’t do sound play…

Sound play refers to a tactical playstyle where players use sounds to identify information like enemy positions.

However, what Seojun showed came across differently to the viewers.

It was almost like…

[‘Is this it’ donated 100,000 won!]

[Is this that thing called visualizing sound? I’m a 9th-grade Korean student, but I totally get it now.]

-That joke is hilarious, LOL.

-The host must definitely be a Korean teacher.

-“The synesthetic expression is amazing, LOL.”

-“Mom! I’m studying! Mom! I’m studying! Mom! I’m studying! Mom! I’m studying!”

Seojun couldn’t help but laugh.


Streaming is fun.

Swordmaster’s Stream

Swordmaster’s Stream

검술 고인물의 게임방송
Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"What's the point of being a Sword God in a past life?" For some reason, I recalled memories of my past life when I was young. Is that why? By chance, I found joy in a virtual reality game. But due to a congenital issue, I couldn’t access virtual reality, and it wasn’t until seven years later that a solution appeared. “The price of the capsule is 100 million won.” It's Expensive. “So, have you heard of Le.o.s?” League of Streaming? A streamer competition? Why? “The grand prize there is this capsule. So, what do you think? Want to give it a shot?”


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not work with dark mode