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Breaking the Ice

Episode 26

Everyone gaped at Johan as he walked out unscathed.

His clothes were a bit dirty and torn, but that was it. There were no fatal injuries anywhere.

“This is impossible,” Han Seok murmured. Defeating five Tau single-handedly required at least a B-rank hunter.

But how did someone who had just become a D-rank hunter come out of the dungeon unscathed?

“Did he hide his strength…?”

“You’re all gathered here? Seems like everything’s almost sorted?”

“H-How did you get out?”

“How do you think? I just walked out~”

Alex shook his head, watching Johan, who had entered the realm of the impossible.

He thought he had just figured him out, but he had been mistaken.

“Looks like I worried for nothing.”

“Were you surprised?”

“Of course! Do you even know where you went in alone? And you just signed a modeling contract.”

“I told you, ranks should be divided by conviction, not letters.”

“Hmph. Talk is cheap.”

He could only laugh.

In the world of awakened ones, results were what mattered most, and he had produced the best outcome.

“This counts as a mission, right? Rescuing a top star should be worth 10 million won.”

“You don’t come down from the tens of millions anymore? Seems like the extras are bigger than the main.”

“I’ll pay that money! It can be a reward.”

“A reward is a reward, and a commission is a commission. Ha ha.”

“Being too obsessed with money will make you go bald.”

“Yusol, that’s a yellow card for you.”

Alex started giving proper instructions to the surrounding people.

Since the portal was stabilizing, the waiting guild members would soon attack the dungeon.

“You can go. Oh, and we’ll add a clause to the contract: No dangerous acts during the contract period.”

“Huh, banning dangerous acts for an awakened one. That’s really effective.”

“Without such a clause, who knows what you might do. See you then. I’ve got a lot to sort out.”

Alex, called countless times a minute, retreated to a quieter place.

Wishing Alex luck, Johan avoided looking at the gleaming eyes next to him and headed for the subway.

Even a single glance from those rather burdensome eyes would cause trouble.

“Are you really not going to look at me? Why are you so different from before?”

“Nothing’s really changed.”

“What happened to when you desperately asked for my number?”

“Oh, I wasn’t desperate. I just thought it’d be nice to have.”

“That’s the same thing. Here, remember my number well. I just finished a project, so I’m free these days.”

She took Johan’s phone, entered her number, and called herself.

She moved to a secluded spot and answered the incoming call. Yusol’s refreshing voice came from the other end.

“Keep in touch. It’d be great if you contact me every day.”

“Well… I’m busy these days. I’ll contact you when I can.”

“Gee, boring. Anyway, I’ll go now! Make sure you repay me for saving your life.”

Yusol disappeared. Watching her light footsteps made Johan chuckle. It reminded him of meeting someone for the first time.

“It’s been a while. I guess they’d still be the same if we met now?”

In the end, he gained a lot.

A modeling contract, a connection with Yusol, and even a new servant, Tau.

“I didn’t expect to obtain a Tau’s corpse already. I was lucky.”

Before exiting the dungeon, Johan relentlessly used his slicing skills to defeat the swarming Tau.

He pushed his servants to their limits, and the result was two Tau.

Only two, but these Tau had the destructive power equivalent to Durge, doubling his combat strength. They were valuable assets.

Though he wanted to hunt every Tau in the dungeon, he decided to leave it for next time.

Surviving alone was a stroke of luck, and killing two Tau was a miracle.

There was no need to be impatient. He had already reaped the fortune that came his way, so he could relax today.

However, Johan’s resolve didn’t last long.

“Ah, memory capacity exceeded, no more thinking for today.”

The world didn’t move as slowly or predictably as he imagined.


News about Johan spread rapidly through the internet.

Articles with the sensational title “Return of the Ranker” were posted on every community and website.

> “Meanwhile, it has been confirmed that Johan, the former number one tracer, recently received a D-rank awakening certificate. His grade, which had never risen above F-rank since the Great Cataclysm, now being elevated, is expected to cause a new wave in the world of the awakened.”


His phone buzzed incessantly. So many people who knew his number were calling that his phone felt hot like it was about to catch fire.

“Should I turn it off for a bit?”

He had 300 unread messages. Among them were messages from Lim Kang-in.

> “Brother, brother?”
> “This is not right.”
> “Brother? I’m coming to see you?”

He had no choice but to contact the persistent Kang-in.

Johan turned on his laptop and sent a message to Kang-in via PC messenger.

> “I’ll explain everything later.”

The unexpected attention was a bit overwhelming. Which crazy reporter managed to take a photo amidst the chaos?

> “Top star Yusol revealed that it was Johan who saved her life from the rampaging dungeon. It has been confirmed that she is currently resting at home.”

“Is this because of Yusol?”

Mentioned at the end of the article, Yusol.

The puzzle pieces fit together.

Given her popularity, it wouldn’t be surprising if paparazzi were following her. Considering the commotion at the burger place, it made sense.

They probably stayed hidden until she emerged from the dungeon.

“The life of a star must be exhausting.”

What kind of life will she choose now?

Having briefly experienced the life she wanted, she would likely change from now on.

Humans are naturally like that.

“Well, you should live doing what you want.”

Johan had one reason for getting her number.

“By my side.”

If she truly desired the life of an awakened one, it was natural to help her.

Her buffing abilities surpassed those of most support-type awakeners.

She might not realize it, but everyone would covet such abilities.

The most crucial thing in choosing good members was seizing the opportunity.

Although he hadn’t fully formed the idea of a team yet, if he decided to, she could be the first member.

“Then I should show her how excellent a choice it is to be by my side.”

He thought about his next move. Having proven his existence, it was time to demonstrate his skills.

Johan’s specialty: solving unsolved commissions that no one else had succeeded in.

“I’ve got a few commissions in mind.”

On the last page of the app, there were commissions that had remained unsolved for years.

They might eventually be forgotten records.

But while the records could be lost, the families who eagerly awaited their return would live in perpetual despair.

Johan would complete these commissions one by one.

Having had similar experiences, he could never ignore the feelings of those people.

And someday, he would achieve the goal he had to stake his life on.

“To do that, I need to get stronger.”

Just one week, Johan would build the necessary stats for the C-rank exam within a week.

Two commissions a day,

It wasn’t too difficult. If he maximized the use of his servants, he might even complete three commissions a day.

Bzzz Bzzz

The phone, which had just calmed down, started ringing again. The caller was someone he hadn’t expected at all.

“Huh? Why is she suddenly calling?”

Seeing the name Song Ji-ah on the caller ID, Johan hesitated to answer.

He knew he wouldn’t hear anything pleasant if he picked up.


But the outcome was predetermined. If he didn’t answer, she would come over and break down the door.

“Why are you answering so late?”

A woman’s voice came through the phone.

Her clear yet sharp tone made it obvious she was holding back deep anger.

“How was I supposed to know you’d call?”

“Did you really think no one would call after that fiasco?”

Her sharp voice left him speechless. It made sense, though, because Song Ji-ah was a fellow tracker who used to roam dungeons with him.

“Come see me.”

“Why should I?”

“Why should you?”

“I mean, that’s not—”

“No more talking. Be at Yeonnam-dong in an hour. If you don’t come, I’ll break in. Kang-in gave me your address.”

“Yes, ma’am.”


She hung up as soon as she finished speaking. Johan, bewildered, plugged his phone into the charger and collected his thoughts.

“I figured someone would contact me, but not this quickly.”

It was unexpected. He thought the first person he’d see would be Lim Kang-in, but Song Ji-ah was the last person he anticipated.

“Well, if she says jump, I jump.”

Whoever from the tracker team contacted him, Johan would comply without hesitation.

After putting on a light hat, he took the bus to Yeonnam-dong.

He confirmed the address Ji-ah sent him and headed to a quiet café at the edge of Yeonnam-dong.

It was a place with no people, perfect for a chat.

“Ah, there she is.”

From a distance, he saw Song Ji-ah. Checking his reflection in the glass, Johan cautiously opened the door.

It had been five years since they last met. Even Johan couldn’t help but feel nervous.

“Meeting with the witch alone is tough, even for me.”

As soon as he entered the café, he saw Song Ji-ah.

With her long silver hair down to her waist, she sat with a cold expression, aggressively sipping an iced café latte.


Johan greeted her casually. Ji-ah responded by loudly crunching on the ice in her cup.

“How have you been?”

With an awkward smile, Johan watched Ji-ah silently stare at him, chewing the remaining ice.

“Haha, it’s nice to see you after so long.”


Killing intent radiated from Ji-ah. Instinctively, Johan took a step back and raised his hands.

“Showing up in the media after five years of no contact, and you think that’s nice?”

‘Well, who wouldn’t be upset about no contact?’

“Haha, yes, I’m the sinner, it’s my fault.”

He prostrated himself. He had no intention of fighting, so he was ready to do whatever Ji-ah wanted.

‘If we fight, I’d definitely lose, so why bother?’

Contrary to Johan’s mindset, Ji-ah just stared at him without speaking.

It would have been better if she said something; her silence and piercing gaze made his chest ache.


“Come back.”

“Did you not hear me? I said come back.”

“Are you serious…?”

What Ji-ah said was so shocking it seemed unreal.

“You said you’d cut me off if we ever met again?”

Five years ago, when he decided to leave to avoid dragging the team down.

Ji-ah was so angry at Johan’s unilateral decision that she slapped him.

He hadn’t told anyone about his decision, so Johan had only bowed repeatedly, apologizing to everyone.

“Since then, my jaw still clicks occasionally.”

Johan had thought that, if anyone, Ji-ah would hate him the most.

But now, Ji-ah was asking him to return.

“How long are you going to wallow in old feelings? You’ve given us enough trouble, it’s time to come back instead of fooling around outside.”

Her harsh words were filled with affection. Ji-ah was always like that.

She hurriedly expressed her true feelings in a brusque manner.

“You’re going to hold a grudge over a single failed mission?”

“It wasn’t just any mission, we couldn’t find Kang-in’s parents.”

The atmosphere turned heavy.

Remembering the past, Johan’s expression darkened.

The only mission he ever failed, it had thrown him into a slump, causing him to hole up for a month.

He couldn’t face his teammates, especially Kang-in, who looked up to him.

“It was an S-rank dungeon. Anyone would have failed.”

“At least no one else would have run away from the charging monster.”


Unable to contain her anger, Ji-ah slammed the table.

The table, unable to withstand the impact, shattered into pieces.

“Stop ruining the mood with your stupid talk about who could face a Cyclops!”

Johan closed his mouth.

Seeing the edge of the table freeze, he knew another word could get him shattered while frozen.

“Why are you lingering if you’re not coming back? You swore you wouldn’t show up again! Why complicate things for us?”

Back then, Johan said he wouldn’t be of any help and wanted to leave the team. He wanted to live quietly and leisurely.

“Yes, that’s right.”

He had nothing more to say. Song Ji-ah, like Lim Kang-in, had been a devoted follower of his.

Maybe that’s why Johan wanted to share something he had never told anyone else.

At least, he wanted to convey his feelings and situation to those he cherished the most.

“I realized something after spending five years at rock bottom.”


“Without the team, I am nothing. My reputation and skills were all thanks to the team.”

“That’s a misunderstanding.”

“That’s why I have a new goal.”

“A goal?”

“I want to reach the top with my own skills and strength. I want to achieve things no one else has, all on my own, as Shin Johan.”


“I want to prove that I can accomplish anything by myself. That way, I won’t tarnish the tracker’s reputation.”


Song Ji-ah closed her eyes. Her eyelids trembled, indicating she was trying to calm her emotions.

Though she always acted tough, Johan knew she had the most fragile heart. He waited patiently.

Once she had composed herself, she appeared much calmer.

“So, you don’t want to come back because of guilt?”

“Well, partly because I’m scared of you.”

“Damn it.”

“See, you’re scary.”

A smile appeared on Song Ji-ah’s face. It was the first time she had smiled in years.

“I’ll let you go for today. But from now on, you better stay alert.”

“For what?”

“What do you think? Do you think we’ll just sit by and watch you try to become the best without us?”

Johan chuckled at Song Ji-ah’s provocative words.

Her teasing finally put his mind at ease.

The chains that had bound him felt looser.

“We’ve grown too. We’re not the naive kids who used to follow your every word.”

“When will you start calling me oppa? I’m still five years older than you.”

Song Ji-ah responded by flipping him off. Her expression was still slightly pouting but noticeably softer.

“If you want me to call you oppa, surpass us first. Though, I doubt you can.”

“Oh, I’m so scared. Hearing that from the best guard in the country makes me tremble!”

“Ugh, you’re so annoying.”

For the first time, Song Ji-ah laughed. She placed ten checks on the pulverized table and left the café.

“Take care of yourself. Don’t go running around without checking things out just because you’ve gotten stronger. And, please, stay in touch. That’s the biggest favor you can do for us.”


With a slightly flushed face, she said her piece and left abruptly, just as she had arrived. Despite her abrupt departure, Johan felt a burden lift from his heart.

“I’m glad I came.”

It felt like a pardon from the guilt he had carried, and now he felt ready to aim higher.

It felt as if Song Ji-ah had given him the comfort to move forward.

“Alright, let’s really compete. I’ll show you all how much I’ve changed.”

He would make them understand through his actions rather than words.

“I never said I wouldn’t form a team, did I…?”

Surely, they wouldn’t be mad if he gathered a few people.

With that thought, his eyes settled on the checks fluttering on the table.

It was quite a hefty amount for compensating a broken table.

“Maybe I should only take half…?”

Dungeon Undertaker

Dungeon Undertaker

던전 장의사
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Johann, who eked out a living by recovering corpses in the dungeon until he acquired an unusual ability. An ability that made him stronger with each corpse he recovered. "what kind of absurd ability is this?" He initially dismissed it as nonsense, but as it turns out, the world is vast, and there are far too many corpses in the dungeon. F-grade tracer. A traitor who betrayed his team. Now, it's time to break free. Trapped by a stigma


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