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Fate Rides the Wind (8)

Chapter 33

Episode 4: Fate Rides the Wind (8)

“How did that guy sneak in…!”

Hwang Daegun and the Luminous Hunters gritted their teeth at the sudden appearance of Han Sangwoo.

There had been no sign at the dungeon portal, but suddenly, Han Sangwoo emerged from behind their formation and attacked the support team leader and field commander, who could be considered the command tower.

It was the worst-case scenario for Luminous.

The only fortunate thing was that support team leader Min Sooah was still alive, and Luminous Hunters were stationed around.

“Damn it!”


Min Sooah cast [Shadow Transfer], a skill that allows instant movement over a short distance, to escape, and the Luminous Hunters charged at Han Sangwoo.

However, the battlefield’s atmosphere had already reversed.

“Don’t underestimate me.”

“Block him!!”



Kang Cheolman, who was surrounded by the support team leader Hwang Daegun and the Luminous Hunters, broke through the encirclement and charged toward the rear formation.

Blood splattered in the air, and broken blades scattered.

After a moment of loud noise and screams, Kang Cheolman was standing next to Han Sangwoo.

“Your timing for support is perfect. When did you arrive?”

“That’s… a trade secret.”

“…Hunter Han Sangwoo, you have many secrets.”

Actually, it wasn’t much of a secret.

Han Sangwoo had simply followed protocol, picked up an item, and exited the portal.

The only reason no one noticed was because the timing coincided with the clash between Kang Cheolman and Luminous, which filled the surroundings with dust.

Right after leaving the dungeon, Han Sangwoo quickly hid behind a tree to observe the situation.

He didn’t expect to attack at the exact moment he was with Kang Cheolman, but he had some suspects.


As a dark organization operating in the shadows, they had come to avenge their pawns Lee Gyujin and Kang Doosik, but it seemed they clashed with Kang Cheolman, who exited the portal first.

Once Han Sangwoo understood the situation, he quickly devised a plan.

The enemies were significantly more numerous, and even with his addition, they would still be only two people until support arrived.

He doubted he could make a big difference by killing a few more of the underlings. If they turned into monsters like Lee Gyujin did, they might even become a burden.

So, he decided to wait for the right moment to ambush the leaders effectively.

The problem was whether Kang Cheolman could hold out until he ambushed the leaders, but being an SS-rank Hunter, he seemed to be pressuring Luminous instead.

In the midst of this, Han Sangwoo’s opportunity came. A large man wielding a greatsword, who appeared to be one of the leaders, directly charged at Kang Cheolman.

Han Sangwoo didn’t miss that chance.

[Character Summon: Little Smith]

[Summon Little Smith to activate the Little Blacksmith’s Blessing.]

[Passive Skill: Lv 2. Little Blacksmith’s Blessing – When summoning Little Smith, the stats of engraved items increase by 10%.]

“Stay here quietly without making a sound.”

-Yes, my lord.

To ambush the leaders, Han Sangwoo summoned Little Smith in a thick bush to enhance the abilities of the Volcanic Sword and Volcanic Shield with the [Little Blacksmith’s Blessing].

Then, he used [Burrow], a skill for moving to blind spots, to instantly get behind the leaders.

This was only possible because Kang Cheolman was pressuring the enemies despite being outnumbered.

Although Kang Cheolman might feel used, he didn’t seem to mind, even making a light joke.

“They say to avoid people with many secrets, but I’ll make an exception for you, Hunter Han Sangwoo. Thanks for the help.”

“No need to thank me. I can’t go home unless I deal with these guys. It was bound to happen eventually.”

“I actually think this is a good outcome. It’s better to eliminate scum who target humans in times when we’re short on monster hunters.”

Maybe because the result was good.

Han Sangwoo and Kang Cheolman exchanged warm words while getting ready.

Of course, although the field commander was dead and Min Sooah was injured, Luminous didn’t lose their momentum.

Hwang Daegun gripped his greatsword and shouted.

“You’re all cocky over a single successful ambush. Adding a mere B-rank Hunter changes nothing! Commence full assault!!”

“Yes, sir!!”

Even though Han Sangwoo appeared, Luminous had been pressuring Kang Cheolman until just a moment ago.

If they could eliminate B-rank Hunter Han Sangwoo and the heavily exhausted Kang Cheolman, it would be a great achievement.

Thinking they could win, Hwang Daegun ordered an all-out attack, and the Luminous Hunters, regaining their morale, anticipated victory.

Dozens of new types of enemies charged at the two of them.

Holding his greatsword with both hands, Kang Cheolman asked Han Sangwoo,

“Can you handle them? If it gets too much, hide behind me.”

“That’s what I was going to say. If you have a hard time, come behind me.”

Despite the situation of dozens of enemies charging, the two of them were full of confidence.

It was only natural for the Luminous Hunters to lose their minds.

“How dare they chat…!”

“Kill them!!”

Dozens of weapons, including swords, spears, and axes, gleamed menacingly.

Along with that,

Woong! Boom boom boom!!

Various skills were unleashed.

From sword winds to flames and electricity.

Although the destructive power wasn’t high, the sheer number of skills pouring down on Han Sangwoo and Kang Cheolman was overwhelming.

If they were hit directly, their lives could be at risk.

However, there was no way the two of them would fall easily.

“Hmph, laughable.”

Kang Cheolman swung his greatsword, sending out a sword wind more powerful than the Luminous Hunters’, and Han Sangwoo used [Lava Deployment] with his volcanic shield to expand his defensive range.

As a result,



It was the Luminous Hunters who suffered.

The sword wind from Kang Cheolman, which was stronger than the combined attack of Luminous, tore through the arms, legs, and sides of the Luminous Hunters.

Furthermore, after blocking an attack with his volcanic shield, Han Sangwoo counterattacked with [Eruption].

This alone significantly weakened the Luminous Hunters’ forces, but the real damage came after.

After exchanging long-range attacks, the battle shifted to close combat, where most could not withstand Kang Cheolman’s strikes and either retreated or fell.



“What the… he’s just a B-rank!”

“Damn it! Someone do something!”

Han Sangwoo’s skills were also outstanding.

Even when five or six Luminous Hunters attacked him simultaneously from all sides, he blocked with his volcanic shield and overwhelmed them with [Crescent Slash].

Dozens of Luminous troops were being defeated by just two hunters.

Seeing this, Hwang Daegun, who was commanding from behind, gripped his greatsword tightly and spoke.

“We’re changing the plan. Focus all firepower on Han Sangwoo and prioritize retrieving the key fragment.”

“What? What are you saying all of a sudden?”

At Hwang Daegun’s words, Min Sooah, who was kneeling and staunching the blood from her shoulder, raised her head.

Hwang Daegun, glaring at the battling Kang Cheolman and Han Sangwoo, responded.

“You should know since you’ve experienced it. It’s going to be tough to take them both down, so we should just achieve our goal and get out. Our target was never Kang Cheolman, but Han Sangwoo and the key fragment he has.”

At Hwang Daegun’s low words, Min Sooah’s mouth dropped open.

Because Hwang Daegun, known for his pride, was effectively admitting defeat.

For Luminous, who revered strength, this was a blow to their pride, but Min Sooah couldn’t argue.

She too felt it.

That they could never win against those two.

However, they couldn’t just retreat, so Min Sooah nodded.

“I’ll open the escape route once we retrieve the key fragment.”

“Then, I’ll leave it to you.”

With those words, Hwang Daegun took out a strength-enhancing potion from his pocket, drank it, and charged at Han Sangwoo.

Much faster than before.


Hwang Daegun closed the distance in an instant and swung his greatsword at Han Sangwoo.

Han Sangwoo, busy blocking the Luminous Hunters’ coordinated attack, had his back exposed.

But just as the ambush was about to succeed,


Something blocked Hwang Daegun’s path.

“If you want to bother my comrade, you’ll have to go through me.”

Kang Cheolman.

The guild master of the Asin Guild, who had been far away, flew over in an instant and blocked Hwang Daegun’s ambush.


“You seem a bit stronger than before… Did you drink ‘that’ too?”

He smirked at Hwang Daegun.

Even though Hwang Daegun’s attacks had become several times stronger, Kang Cheolman, far from struggling or being surprised, taunted him as if saying this was all he could manage even after doping.

And that remark touched not only Hwang Daegun’s pride but also his inferiority complex.

“How dare you! You became an SS-rank hunter through gear and now you’re unbearably arrogant!!”

“Gear, you say? That’s disappointing.”

Whooosh! Boom! Bang! Crash!

Hwang Daegun swung his greatsword, even showing the Luminous mark on his cheek.

He pushed his strength to the limit to attack Kang Cheolman.

Swoosh! Thud!

Hwang Daegun wielded his greatsword lightly and widely, as if it were a dagger, driving Kang Cheolman back.

Both his speed and strength were incomparable to before.


The gap with an SS-rank hunter was beyond imagination.

His attacks, drawn out with all his might, became monotonous, and Kang Cheolman easily disrupted their trajectory with mere nudges of his greatsword.

Since Han Sangwoo was dealing with the lesser enemies single-handedly, there was no need to worry about other attacks like before.

Repeated attacks without effective hits eventually created a huge gap, and a counterattack was inevitable.



Hwang Daegun’s side was slashed, and he was kicked in the abdomen, rolling to the ground.

Then Han Sangwoo approached Kang Cheolman and gave his assessment.

“An empty barrel makes the most noise. You’ve worked hard to deal with him.”

“No, the hard work was done by Hunter Han Sangwoo. Are you really a B-rank? It seems to me that you must be at least an A-rank to handle someone like him.”

“…I was measured recently, so I should be. Maybe those guys are just too weak?”

Han Sangwoo said that, but inwardly he was impressed by Kang Cheolman’s skills.

While it was true that he could handle monsters in dungeons due to the sheer difference in power, and given enough time, he could have dealt with them,

if he had been alone against the current Luminous, he wouldn’t have stood a chance without summoning Tenguilgi.

The two exchanged compliments casually.

In the meantime, Hwang Daegun barely gathered himself and looked around.


“Is this an SS-rank hunter…?”

“It’s impossible, we can’t win….”

The masked Luminous Hunters were lying around, muttering in despair.

At that moment,

one of the fallen Luminous Hunters made a remark that snapped Hwang Daegun’s remaining sanity.

“It seems an A-rank hunter can’t beat an SS-rank hunter after all.”

Although it was a quiet comment to himself, unfortunately, it was clearly heard by the potion-enhanced Hwang Daegun.

Right after hearing that, Hwang Daegun quietly stood up.

And then,


he decapitated the Luminous Hunter who made the comment and pulled out seven or eight strength potions from his pouch, downing them all at once.

The Luminous Hunters’ eyes widened in shock.

“T-Team Leader!”

Crack! Crunch!!


As he drank the enhancement potions, Hwang Daegun’s body began to swell and contort irregularly with a scream.


“That madman..! Everyone retreat! Abandon the mission and retreat!!”

Min Sooah, watching from afar, gave the order to retreat without any hesitation, unlike before.

The surviving Luminous Hunters quickly broke formation and fled into the mountains.

Of course, Kang Cheolman was not one to let that slide.

“Where do you think you’re going……!”

The grunts were unimportant.

Kang Cheolman used a skill to charge towards the fading figure of the support team leader.

But at that moment,


a massive shadow blocked his path.

Kang Cheolman hurriedly raised his greatsword above his head.


‘What strength…!’

The force was on a completely different level from before. Although he managed to block the attack, the shockwave was so powerful that his shoes sank into the ground.

Kang Cheolman looked up to identify the assailant.

And his eyes widened.

A bloated body, the Luminous mark engraved all over, and the recognition tag above the head.

[Mad Butcher Hwang Daegun (S)]

Hwang Daegun had transformed into a monster.

‘What is this? Has a human turned into a monster? Or has a monster been pretending to be human?’

For a moment, Kang Cheolman was confused.

He had faced countless enemies before, but he had never seen a human transform into a monster.

Moreover, the transformation was not just in appearance.

Bang! Bang! Crash!!


Kang Cheolman barely pushed back Hwang Daegun’s greatsword, creating some distance, but a larger attack followed.


The monster Hwang Daegun gathered mana and used a skill, [Enlarge], which increased the size of his weapon. He then brought the enlarged greatsword down on the distant Kang Cheolman.

Kang Cheolman hurriedly tried to use a defensive skill.

Seeing the light emanating from Hwang Daegun’s greatsword, it was clear that the attack would explode upon contact.

But then,

‘Damn it, I’m out of mana…!’

Just as he was about to use the defensive skill, his mana was completely depleted. He had been conserving it bit by bit, but the recent clashes had drained it all.

It was too late to think of an alternative.

But at that moment,


Han Sangwoo appeared in front of Kang Cheolman, raising his shield.

Leveling up With The Character I Raised

Leveling up With The Character I Raised

내가 키운 캐릭터로 레벨업
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Han Sang-woo, sentry of the Taste Awakening Dungeon. Being the top-ranked player in all sorts of games was once my glory. Ten years ago, everything changed after 'that incident.' The era of Gates, Monsters, and Hunters. Even in a world with greater entertainments, I still held onto my top ranking. But one day, it was snatched away by a top-tier ranker. Simultaneously, on the same day I suffered from a dungeon break. [Awakening Conditions Confirmed] [Qualification Granted] [Awakening: Obtain the Lord of Higher] [Character Summon: Taeseng gilgeoI.] With this message, an unidentified knight appeared before me and said, "My name is 'Taeseng gilgeoI.' I am a guardian knight protecting the twilight. Are you the lord I must serve?" He was the game character I had raised


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