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A Desperate Gambit

Episode 007
In the barren plains, there was no presence of a King Kobold.

This is because King Kobold is not just the head of a simple tribe.

He is an exalted being, bestowed with the title of king among all the Kobolds.

You could only encounter such a being in a D-rank or higher dungeon.

“Damn it. What the hell is going on?”

It was a phenomenon different from the sudden surge of monsters pouring into real world.

A surge is when monsters living inside a dungeon pour out, but until now, King Kobold had never appeared in the barren plains.

‘This is an urgent matter, severe enough to reverse the classified dungeon ranks.’

King Kobold, wielding a giant axe of unknown origin.


He kicked over the headless body of a Kowan that was standing still.

The body of Kowan rolled and tumbled down.


Amazingly, the headless body fumbled around to find its head.

It was a natural action, as if it was searching for a missing part.

“Hey, over here.”

When the head was handed over, it gave a thumbs up as if to say thanks. What followed was even more grotesque.


After dusting itself off, it reattached its head on its own.

“This is definitely a day full of surprises. I should have brought some calming pills.”

After moving its neck a few times, it nodded as if everything was fine. Even the severed bandages were somehow restored.

[Durability: 45/100]

The only thing that dropped was the durability.

As long as the durability did not reach 0, it seemed like it could somehow repair itself.

“These onion-like creatures. They just ooze charm, don’t they?”

After confirming that it was safe, he focused all his attention on King Kobold ahead.

“Should I run away?”

At this point, that seemed like the most realistic judgment.

A King Kobold at D-rank was not an opponent to be taken lightly.

A creature with the strength to decapitate a Kowan in one blow. Even three of them together would barely be able to handle it, so there was no need to be greedy.


He was tempted. By the unseen loot on the hill, the magic stones, and the weapons.

“Even that axe is something I’ve never seen before. Normally, King Kobold’s axe is just an ordinary iron axe.”

The jade-colored axe seemed to have far superior cutting power compared to a regular axe.

It was the rare item that a boss might possess, like a lottery ticket.

A month’s worth of earnings lay there.


But what tempted him the most was something else.

“That body. I really want it.”

What if he made such a strong body his servant?

How would it feel to ride around on a creature that could easily take down lower-level monsters?

Johan’s thoughts had already reached the level of riding the creature like a horse.


The creature’s body trembled slightly.

It had caught a glimpse of the madness in the person looking at it with such ridiculous thoughts.


Its angry eyes turned red. It was about to charge.

“This isn’t the first time I’ve seen a boss. I can’t be scared by something like this.”

Johan was ranked F, but the people he had worked with were of far higher ranks.

That meant he had encountered and defeated countless monsters far beyond his own level.

To the extent that he could call a King Kobold “just” a creature.

“I’ve mastered giving orders.”

This kind of situation was all too familiar.

A situation where he commanded someone in battle, he had almost forgotten it while roaming dungeons alone, but he was originally more accustomed to this.

“Let’s go!”

Johan took the initiative. Practicing the saying that the momentum in battle is key, he had his two servants spread out to distract the creature’s attention.

The creature was momentarily confused, seeing attackers splitting and coming at it.

That moment was enough.

Since Johan was handling the front.


He sprinted without hesitation, closing the distance. The heavy coffin swayed like a tail.

In such situations, the creature usually showed only one pattern.



The giant axe swung down towards his head. The sharp blade seemed like it would split Johan in half any moment.

“I’m not planning to get hit!”

Timing his movement, he ducked. The creature lost its balance, failing to hit its target.

To strike an opponent lower on the hill, it had to bend over more than usual, and Johan exploited this by slipping between its legs to get behind it.


The trailing coffin tripped the creature’s leg. Losing its balance, the creature tumbled down the hill.

“Good. I’ve taken the high ground.”

He quickly drew his bow and pulled the string taut.


The arrow shot like a ray of light aimed at the creature’s forehead.

The creature frantically blocked the arrow with its axe and charged with a surprising speed for its size.

“Block the front.”

Cottu leapt forward without hesitation. Its wide-open mouth seemed ready to swallow the creature’s head.


The creature swung its axe in a wide arc. The axe struck Cottu’s forehead precisely.



It was split exactly in half. The dry, empty shell fluttered as it fell.


The creature, regaining its fighting spirit, became even more ferocious.

“Indeed, bosses are different.”

It was impressive enough to make him exclaim.

The level was different. The disparity in power crushed the advantage of being undead.

“Of course, that’s when they were ordinary monsters.”



In a brief moment, Cottu, having reattached its head first, crawled and bit the creature’s ankle. Its body, split in two like a snake’s tongue, looked bizarre.

Thud- Thud- Thud-

The enraged creature stomped on the attached head until it was completely crushed. It turned into a perfect mush.

[Durability has reached 0. The servant is destroyed.]


Cottu, having exhausted all its power, dispersed like dust in the wind.

Johan, maintaining a calm demeanor, briefly looked at the scattering remains of Cottu before turning his gaze away


The enraged eyes were on Johan. They seemed to say, “What now? Quietly die and become food.”

“You can’t kill me that easily.”

Johan’s taunt made the creature climb the hill again.

At that moment,


The creature stumbled. It panicked as its legs lost strength and checked its own leg.

The ankle was swollen like a balloon.

“How’s that? How does it feel to be hit by your own paralyzing poison?”

Johan smiled with satisfaction. He hadn’t sent Cottu out just to use it as a mere shield.

“Corpse Poison. Quite useful, isn’t it?”

Corpse Poison was not just a skill that enhanced poison resistance.

It was a useful skill that could gather and collect poison emitted from corpses and, depending on the situation, use it on weapons or the body.

Corpse Poison (Lv.1)
Capacity: 100ml
Effect: Shows excellent effects in decay and paralysis. The paralysis lasts about 10 minutes.

It was the paralyzing poison extracted from the Kobold he had just killed. Thanks to extracting it from creatures that spat paralyzing liquid, it had a quite decent effect.

“Thanks to that, I learned I can also imbue my servants with the poison. How’s that? Pretty cool, right?”

Hiss- Hiss-

The creature seethed in frustration but couldn’t easily climb the hill with its paralyzed leg.

The paralysis would wear off in 10 minutes, but in battle, 10 minutes was a matter of life and death.

“Battles are not fought with ranks. They’re fought with brains.”

He hadn’t ranked number one for nothing.

Johan, confident in his strategic fighting skills, showed a sense far beyond the ordinary.

“If you just stay put, you’ll die.”


An arrow aimed at the creature’s forehead. Instinctively, the creature raised its axe in a defensive stance.

But Johan was not the only one the creature had to block.


Kowan’s axe dug into the creature’s back. Although it couldn’t penetrate the thick skin deeply, it succeeded in diverting its attention.


Without missing a beat, Johan shot another arrow. The creature, turning back late, couldn’t completely block the arrow.


The creature hastily lowered its head. The arrow grazed over its forehead.

Blood dripped from the torn skin. Angered, the creature looked up to find Johan.


But Johan was nowhere to be seen. The human who was on the hill just moments ago had vanished.

He couldn’t have disappeared. He couldn’t have hidden.


The voice came from above. Johan, jumping down to strike with the huge coffin.

Panicking, the creature tried to get up.

But Kowan didn’t let it.


It struck the other ankle, targeting the Achilles tendon.


The sound of ligaments tearing. The creature, losing the strength to support its ankle, collapsed.

In desperation, it crossed its arms.

A huge shadow approached rapidly.


The hill shook. It was a powerful blow that made the surroundings tremble.


Johan wasn’t unscathed either. No matter how sturdy the coffin was, it still had a recoil.

The recoil, transmitted through his arms, made his entire body tingle. He momentarily couldn’t breathe.


If there was any relief, it was that both were in the same state.

However, the slippery Kowon did not easily yield despite being craftily struck.

Showing dare by swiftly teasing the smaller body and slipping through gaps between the armpits.


Adding insult to injury, Johan’s eye was fixed on the bowl to break the pot.

It was a tight spot.

Crunch – Crunch – Crunch –

Pain spread throughout his body. The shocking impact on his bones gradually dulled his senses.

His expression truly tasted like death. He was falling into despair as he couldn’t see any way out.

Wobbling –

Blood oozing from wounds all over his body made the kid’s mind dizzy.

The boy’s eyes, as if half asleep, let him know he was running out of time.

Then the boy’s body suddenly stopped. The pupils of his eyes were full of a murderous spirit.


Finally, the boy’s reason was cut off. Continuously damaging his body and mind until he could not endure and exploded.

Whack –

Muscles swelled and eyeballs turned as red as blood. Even though it was already large, the figure became a gorilla that could be believed.

“That’s enough.”


King Kobold’s strongest skill, the last resort when cornered.

Thud –

The severed tendons stood up and stepped on the ground. The power of the ferocity that healed all the fatal injuries before.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that King Kobold is divided into before and after ferocity.

No matter how hard he tried, healing fatal injuries made him feel like he had two lives.

“10 minutes. Just hold on for 10 minutes.”

Although it prevents all pain, the pain comes all at once 10 minutes later.

If you can endure it, you will die, but if you can’t endure it, you will die together.

“I can’t die with you.”

Now Johann’s life is at stake, too. At least with that determination, you can survive from the kid’s grip

Hwoo –

The axe poured down. The strong wind that swept fiercely over my head.

“Back away. If you disappear, you won’t be able to grab it.”

I pushed the bowl back and pushed the tube. He had been playing a crucial role in pressing the kid so far.

If you lose even the ones you have developed, the chances of turning the tide of the war will be further reduced, so you must save them.

John’s body flew away like a kite with a broken string. A shock that paralyzed his body for an instant flowed through his pipe.


I expected it, but it was still powerful. It was an attack that would have been impossible to stop without the coffin.


I ran to catch up with the flying Johan.
The only thing you can do now is figure out its attack route and then attack it.


flew away once again. I felt nauseous due to the muddy insides.

Its power, which had doubled, was not at a level that Johan, who had just risen to the rank of E, could handle.

‘I expected it, but it’s still not easy.’
Two, three, four times.

It withstood successive attacks. It was difficult to even lift his arms.

I thought I could endure it well enough, but maybe it was because I was overconfident in my abilities.

Then something unexpected happened.

Cowon, who had ordered him to fall, moved on his own and went behind him.



I took a picture of his shoulder without hesitation. Cowon’s attack that cut through the seams was clearly excellent.

Kowon tries to retreat after retrieving the axe.

… … !

However, the ax stuck in the muscle did not move. Rather, it was caught by dense muscles.


The guy’s clumsy hand grabbed Cowon. The guy who puts his disgusting, drool-dripping face on Cowon.

Puck- Puck- Puck-

A merciless fist struck the entire body. A body that dents every time it gets hit by a fist.
[Durability: 40/100]
[Durability: 35/100]
… …

In an instant, durability dropped. The tattered bandages fell off without any strength.

If it continues like this, it will be completely destroyed. It was a shame to lose Kowon, who had risen two levels, like this.

“Go in!”

I opened the coffin with the feeling of gambling. We need to get Kowon out of the clutches of that monster.


Dozens of bandages poured out of the coffin.

Kowon’s entire body was wrapped in bandages, as he was unable to use his strength as he fell limp in the man’s grip.


The guy who sensed something was strange started punching like crazy.


The hand that hit the bandage was thrown away in vain. The impact is gently absorbed as if hitting the bed.

I tried cutting it with an axe, but the bandage was not affected in the slightest, like it was made of something other than human.

They just kept moving to drag Cowon into the coffin.


The guy who was pulled by the strong tension fell forward. Cowon succeeded in entering the coffin without any obstruction.

“Phew, that’s a relief.”

Although they succeeded in saving Cowon, the problem came next.


All the anger was focused on Johan. The guy approaches, shaking off the remnants of bandages from his hands.

“Yeah, don’t come closer~”

He held out his middle finger and smiled.

She took her steps backwards just in time and then ran like crazy.

“You just have to last 5 minutes. Then he dies.”

I chose to run away rather than fight. Life is precious, and no matter what the process is, as long as it produces the same result, that’s it.

Thump thump thump thump-

A bloody sound rang in my ears, but I never looked back. I ran and ran while looking only ahead.

When I got to the top, I threw down the coffin and ran faster.

The summit of a gently flat land. It was also John’s first time coming up here. Even if I didn’t look for it, the monsters came and there was no need to come up.

“There’s nothing special. “At most, there are only skeletons.”

Even in this tense situation, the surrounding objects came into view. Unlike in my head where I had imagined jewels, the summit was desolate.

There were only skeletons that I didn’t know when they had been eaten. Today seemed to be a day with more misfortune than luck.


At that time, a light sparkled from the pile of skulls.

It was a light that signaled emotions and that admission was possible.

“It’s a lotto, a lotto!”

Dungeon Undertaker

Dungeon Undertaker

던전 장의사
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Johann, who eked out a living by recovering corpses in the dungeon until he acquired an unusual ability. An ability that made him stronger with each corpse he recovered. "what kind of absurd ability is this?" He initially dismissed it as nonsense, but as it turns out, the world is vast, and there are far too many corpses in the dungeon. F-grade tracer. A traitor who betrayed his team. Now, it's time to break free. Trapped by a stigma


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