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A Team Reforged

Chapter 30

After finishing his day with clam soup and Baek seju, Johan focused on accumulating more credentials for the remaining C-rank exam.

The next day, he entered the Abyss Cave, where only a few skeletons popped out without any significant incidents.

The client was decaying at the end of the cave, and Johan easily retrieved the corpse and exited the cave.

Day 2.

He fought against the Blue Kobold tribe in the Kobold Mountains. They were more agile than regular Kobolds, but they were no match for Urusa, who had newly joined.

Urusa single-handedly annihilated the Kobold tribe.

The client was dead, hanging upside down from a tree, and Johan retrieved the corpse after cutting the rope around the ankles.

In the Kobold Forest he entered next, the client was located not far from the portal, allowing him to complete the request within 10 minutes.

Day 3.

He revisited the Nest of Gula. The hunter who had died from recklessly hunting Gula was poisoned and had turned blue, and Johan leisurely strolled through the nest under the protection of Urusa and Tau before exiting.

The next location was Ghost Town, a place with maze-like paths. Johan summoned Deji to explore the surroundings and find the exit.

Once the maze disappeared, finding the corpse was a piece of cake.

Day 4.

Another fatal accident occurred in the Tomb of the Absolute.

Although he checked if the Death Guild was involved, it was simply an accident.

Johan checked to see if he could obtain any more from the reset tomb, but neither the Absolute’s body nor any other remains existed.

Day 5.

He headed in the opposite direction of the White Bone Plain this time.

Just like before, Johan conducted a hunting drive with Tau and Deji.

The settlement was subdued in 30 minutes, but unfortunately, Urusa was not present.

The next location was the Forest of Serenity, swarming with insect-type monsters.

The insect-type monsters, which overwhelmed with numbers, were not suitable to be turned into servants. Immune to poison, Johan ignored their poisonous attacks and retrieved the corpse.

Day 6.

Exhausted to the limit, Johan chose requests he could finish as quickly as possible.

One request in the plains and one in the mountains. Johan collected six random chests, saving them in his inventory to open all at once when needed.

After completing two requests in four hours, he went home and slept for the rest of the day.

Rest was absolutely necessary to pour all his remaining energy into the last day, the 7th day.

And on the 7th day.

After quickly completing one request and leaving only the final request, Johan checked the message from Alex and headed to the dungeon.

It was a confirmation message regarding a photoshoot scheduled for tomorrow.

“It’s already tomorrow, or should I say it’s finally tomorrow.”

He spent more time in the dungeon than at home.

Even Alex had asked if something was going on, seeing Johan running through the dungeons like a madman.

“There was something going on. I created work to make work.”

Tomorrow was the day to apply for the monthly C-rank exam.

He had worked hard for this day, so there should be no mistakes.

“I’ve roughly met the specs. At least, I won’t fail the exam due to lack of strength.”

From C-rank onwards, there are no stat limits. There are only guidelines for completing tasks.

The appropriate baseline is around 250 total stats. Of course, very few people meet this number.

From C-rank onwards, skill efficiency matters more than stats.

Strength: 40

Agility: 43

Stamina: 26

Senses: 51

Spirit: 39

“This should be enough.”

Around 200, this should place him in the mid-tier among those taking the exam.

In terms of stats alone.

“Hmm? Who are they?”

At the entrance of the Dobongsan Dungeon, today’s last course.

There were people gathered in front of the dungeon, which should have been quiet.

They were strangers, and they seemed to be checking their weapons as if they were about to enter the dungeon.

In front of the dungeon Johan had signed up for.

Six people, judging by their attire, were tracers.

Instead of solid combat gear, they wore leather clothes focused on mobility, with binoculars and search tools rather than large weapons.

Considering most hunters wear solid armor for safety, they were undoubtedly tracers.

“Why are they making me uneasy?”

They didn’t seem to have just come out of the dungeon since there was no dust on them.

Could they be people about to enter the dungeon?


One of the tracers pointed at Johan.

Recognizing him, Johan greeted with a simple wave.

“Mr. Shin Johan, right?”

“Remembering this humble face, you must have the fortune for your family to prosper for three generations.”

“Oh, it’s an honor. You look much better in person.”

“I get that sometimes.”

The man, who seemed to be in the position of a gravedigger, was checking his shovel and had cheeks as plump as a hamster’s.

He seemed to be in his twenties, judging by the lack of wear on him.

“So, what brings you here? Were you just passing by?”

“I came to complete a request.”

“Huh? Which request?”

“This request here.”

“The dungeon we’re about to enter?”

As the person questioned him, Johan checked his phone.

Indeed, the request form assigned to him indicated this location.

“Oh dear.”

Johan held his head. It seemed like there was a duplicate request.

“Of all times.”

He grabbed the back of his neck in frustration.

Duplicate requests occasionally happen. The app isn’t always perfect, and a 0.01-second difference in clicking the submit button can sometimes lead to duplicate completion screens.

“Usually, a local management office staff member would mediate in such cases, but where did they go?”

“Well, the staff member was here until about 10 minutes ago but left due to an urgent call. They said they would come back in two hours after confirming that we were here.”

“So, no one to mediate, huh.”

Typically, in such cases, the person who clicked the submit button even slightly earlier is favored, but checking the app log is a hassle.

“What should we do? We can’t wait for two hours.”

Seeing the hamster-faced man looking troubled, Johan couldn’t just tell him what to do.

They were also victims of the situation, and it was possible the issue lay with his log.

“I guess there’s no choice. I’ll give way.”

Johan had no other choice but to yield.

It was better for his mental health to take on another request during the time they would argue.

“In situations like this, the larger group has the advantage. Numbers have power, after all.”


“When parting ways, the star always yields. Agreed?”


“How about posting a good story later about my consideration?”

“Totally agreed!”

At times like these, he needed to maintain his image; he could consider it a cost of maintaining dignity.

“Wait a minute,”

Someone called Johan from behind.

A man with a somewhat sharp impression.

The man, with a long scar on his right cheek, had an aura that clearly distinguished him from the others.

Seeing him in a different steel armor from the others, it seemed he was the guard responsible for the team’s strength.

“Wait a second. You look familiar.”


“Huh? Lieutenant?”

He almost didn’t recognize him due to his somewhat changed appearance, but the voice brought back memories.

The man was someone Johan knew very well, if not the best.

“How long has it been, Johan!”

The man warmly hugged Johan, making him flutter like a paper doll in his strong embrace.

“Ugh, I can’t breathe!”

“I’m just happy to see you. It’s been so long. Isn’t this the first time seeing you since you were discharged?”

His name was Yang Mu, also known as Lieutenant Yang.

He was Johan’s platoon leader during his military days.

He was known for his easygoing personality and often made ramen with the soldiers during night duties. Johan never imagined seeing him here.

“Why are you here? Wait, were you a tracer?”


“Come on, this isn’t the military.”

“Keukuk, you rascal. I’ve been a tracer for three years now. I’m a C-rank.”

“Huh? C-rank?”

There were more surprising things than he could count.

Well, the last time he saw him, his rank was First Lieutenant, so considering the average service period of an officer, it wasn’t strange.

Come to think of it, he remembered hearing a bell sound that felt like magic in the past.

Maybe it wasn’t just a bell sound, but the real thing.

“Come with us. It’ll be a hassle to catch another request right now.”

“Together? That might be uncomfortable for the others.”

He received an unexpected proposal.

In dungeons, where teamwork is crucial, it’s common practice not to team up with strangers.

“It’s fine. You’re not a stranger, and everyone here has worked with me for a long time, so they’ll understand. I’ll cover your fee from my share.”

“Hey, you’re a family man. Are you trying to get nagged by your wife?”

“That’s not something I worry about!”

Yangmu waved his hand in embarrassment. He probably had kids by now, but his bold personality remained unchanged.

He was still in his mid-thirties.

“Yangmu is right. We don’t mind. We’re actually sorry we sent the staff away without knowing there was an issue.”

The hamster-like man agreed with Yangmu’s words.

He seemed even more eager than Yangmu.

“Also, I’ve always wanted to go through a dungeon with you, Johan. You’re a legend of our time.”

“Come on, I’m no legend.”

“It’s like wanting to play StarCraft with Lim Yo-hwan. You understand, right?”

“I understand that a thousand times over.”

It wasn’t a bad proposal. It was rather welcome.

After all, the goal was stats, not money, and it didn’t matter who handed over the bodies.

‘If I go with them, the work will be easier. More hands make light work.’

The other team members also nodded readily. There was no reason to refuse.

Given his extreme laziness, moving to another area for a different request would be a significant hassle.

“Then, I’ll be in your care.”

Thinking calmly, deciding quickly.

He judged there was nothing to lose and accepted immediately.

Yangmu laughed heartily and patted Johan on the shoulder.

“Then let’s do a mission together after so long? See if you still have the same skills?”

“Hey, in the tracer world, I’m the senior. I might end up teaching you.”

“Just call me Yang-hyung. We’re both civilians now.”

“You might have to check your skills, Yang-hyung. This feels so refreshing.”

“Haha, good. Shall we go in? It’s time, and we’re ready. Johan, don’t stray too far from us.”

Yangmu’s team prepared and took their positions.

Seeing their relaxed expressions, they all seemed to be experienced tracers.

Yangmu, being meticulous, must have carefully selected his team.

“There’s no need to be tense. Think of it as a casual outing. Peaceful Cave’s monster respawn rate is almost zero.”

Yangmu’s light-hearted conversation eased the team’s tension.

Indeed, he was capable both then and now.

The portal shimmered.

Yangmu entered the portal confidently, and Johan followed them in.

The dungeon was a massive cave with a 5-meter diameter.

“Everyone, take your positions.”

As soon as the portal’s safety was confirmed, Yangmu moved back.

The scout took his place, followed by the searcher, gravedigger, transporter, and meerkat in that order.

“Starting the search!”

The lead scout checked the ground and objects for traces.

A blue light from his hand illuminated the ground.

“That guy has a skill that specializes in finding blood traces. The light from his hand can find bloodstains up to 10 days old.”

As Yangmu explained, the light from the scout’s hand made the bloodstains glow.

It wasn’t a particularly useful skill, but it was quite handy for a scout.

“Found it.”

He successfully located the faint bloodstains and found the path created by those traces.

A huge rock blocked the path of the traces, and the hamster-like gravedigger stepped up.

“Removing the rock!”

He effortlessly lifted the massive rock.

The rock, weighing over a ton, was lifted as easily as moving a box.

“That guy can reduce the weight of anything he touches. It makes him extremely efficient in situations like this.”

“This is quite a good combination, isn’t it?”

It was definitely a well-balanced team.

The scout and gravedigger, crucial roles in the team, significantly enhanced the team’s overall level.

“There’s nothing unusual ahead, except for bats 180 meters above.”

The woman playing the meerkat role scanned the surroundings with her keen eyesight, preparing for any incoming danger.

The searcher carefully examined the area around the scout’s findings, looking for additional clues.

The transporter checked the surrounding magic with a detector, preparing for any traps or dangers before finding the bodies.

It was a well-organized team.

A team capable of swiftly resolving most problems and moving forward, with rare skills.

Johan advanced with Yangmu, confident that this mission would be completed quickly.

At least until something unexpected happened.

Dungeon Undertaker

Dungeon Undertaker

던전 장의사
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Johann, who eked out a living by recovering corpses in the dungeon until he acquired an unusual ability. An ability that made him stronger with each corpse he recovered. "what kind of absurd ability is this?" He initially dismissed it as nonsense, but as it turns out, the world is vast, and there are far too many corpses in the dungeon. F-grade tracer. A traitor who betrayed his team. Now, it's time to break free. Trapped by a stigma


  1. Oruonice says:

    Thanks for the translation!…. but, no chapter 29?

    1. swan says:

      Thank you for pointing out, I think we made a mistake will fix it soon.

    2. swan says:

      Chapter 29 is up now

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