Switch Mode

A Test of Strength and Strategy

TL: Demigod

Chapter 9

Upon returning to his lodging, Hopyeong Grandmaster was filled with dissatisfaction.

“Must I concern myself with kids’ fights at my age…”

A strong sense of self-reproach overwhelmed him. He knew that the family head cherished the young master, but was it really necessary to go this far?

However, actions spoke louder than words, and he was already dressed in black attire.

Despite everything, he was still a martial artist of the Northern Pang Family, and the mission he had undertaken upon descending was non-negotiable.

He changed into his clothes and briefly picked up the sword lying nearby, only to set it down again.

“No need to carry the sword.”

Not only did he lack any desire to wield it against the late-stage practitioner, but he was also attending the funeral of the most esteemed elder in the martial world.

Using the sword would only create more trouble.

Of course, it wouldn’t come to that.

At that moment, the door to the room opened, revealing a familiar face.

It was the deputy commander of Hopyeong.

“Ah? Where are you going, Grandmaster? You’ve even dressed in black attire, and…”

He swallowed the unspoken words, sensing that they were inappropriate.

Hopyeong Grandmaster lowered his head slightly.

“There’s something I must attend to. The family head has given a direct order.”

“Surely not? It’s not because of that incident?”

“Most likely, your assumption is correct.”


His voice trailed off, and Hopyeong Grandmaster gently patted his shoulder.

“Surviving in this world is tougher than I thought.”

With those words, Hopyeong Grandmaster’s silhouette swayed slightly and then disappeared from the room.


Hopyeong Grandmaster concealed himself within the building’s shadows, cautiously approaching Eunho.

He had initially thought it would be a simple matter to deal with just one late-stage practitioner.

However, it turned out to be more challenging than he expected.

He had overlooked the fact that numerous martial arts experts gathered here.

Deceiving all their watchful eyes while moving around, even for someone as esteemed as Hopyeong Grandmaster, was no easy task.

Currently positioned near the garden wall, he could avoid direct scrutiny, but to approach the young leader of the Cheonhajang, he’d have to navigate through the crowd.

‘What should I do?’

Hopyeong Grandmaster’s brow furrowed.

Merely engaging in this task was uncomfortable enough, but encountering an unexpected obstacle was frustrating.

If it came down to it, killing would be easier—whether by poison or a swift strike.

However, he needed to handle it discreetly. Being caught would be disastrous.

Suddenly, the young leader of the Cheonhajang turned to look in his direction. Despite using the Turtle Breath technique to suppress his presence, Hopyeong Grandmaster couldn’t escape the gaze.

Being recognized here was impossible.

But why…

‘Why isn’t he turning away?’ It was as if the young leader of the Cheonhajang saw right through him, staring directly at this spot. The unyielding expression remained fixed.

Cold sweat began to bead on Hopyeong Grandmaster’s forehead.

No matter how esteemed he was as a peak master, there were countless other experts here, some even more advanced.

If the young leader of the Cheonhajang made a sound now, the gazes of all these martial artists would converge on him. Being exposed was only a matter of time.

Should he increase the distance now and wait for another opportunity?

He pondered, caught in a dilemma.

Hopyeong Grandmaster smirked and then turned his head again.

‘He’s smiling?’

Anxious thoughts flooded his mind, but he quickly shook them off.

After all, the young man appeared to be around the same age as the young master.

There was no way he could recognize Hopyeong Grandmaster’s presence.

As long as no one forcibly focused their attention on him, he could deceive even the keenest eyes among the late-stage masters.

So Hopyeong Grandmaster waited and waited.

He waited for an opportunity.

Occasionally, thoughts like ‘What am I even doing here?’ crossed his mind, but he pushed them aside out of loyalty to the Northern Pang Family.

As one figure passed, then another…

Gradually, drowsiness set in.

Typically, young men of his age were full of curiosity and ambition.

With so many late-stage masters gathered here, they would undoubtedly be exploring every nook and cranny.

How did this guy manage to sit still, doing nothing, without arousing suspicion?

He even glanced in this direction occasionally.

Look at that, over there.

Then he looked again, whispering something to the woman beside him.

The distance was too great to hear what they were saying.

However, her expression remained unchanged, suggesting it was probably nothing significant.

When she nodded, the young leader of the Cheonhajang gently patted her head and stood up.


Then he moved somewhere else.

Finally, the opportunity had come!

Despite feeling conflicted between self-reproach and a sense of accomplishment, he decided it didn’t matter.

At least he could finish this task.

Hopyeong Grandmaster cautiously followed behind Eunho.

If he had known what was going on in Eunho’s mind right now, he might have been startled, but fortunately…

Thankfully, Hopyeong Grandmaster didn’t possess telepathic abilities.


Eunho continued to move, glancing around and adjusting his steps. He sought out less crowded areas.

Hmm, where would be a good place?

Where could he create a favorable situation?

His steps were light.

Initially, he felt confused.

How had someone managed to erase their presence so effectively? Perhaps they were an insect or a wild animal.

Well, for now, they posed no threat, so Eunho left them be.

He continued walking, occasionally nodding off.

At first, he was puzzled.

How had this person erased their presence so cleanly?

Maybe they weren’t even human—some kind of bug or wild creature.

But for now, they weren’t a threat, so he let it go.

He kept nodding off.

Looking around, he saw no one nearby.

This should be far enough.

Eunho stopped abruptly. “Hey, come out.”

Since his reincarnation, he had tried to adhere to human etiquette and rules.

Even though he was older, he used polite language.

People would occasionally test him like this.

Silence settled in.

As Eunho stopped walking, Hopyeong Grandmaster quickly hid in an alley, wiping his chest.

Surely, he wouldn’t detect any presence.

He was too tired, and the mistake was evident.

Thinking this, he once again employed the Turtle Breath technique to completely conceal his presence. No, he thought he had concealed it.

“Come out.”

Amidst a brief silence, a voice resonated once more, clear and piercing.

There was something he had said, keeping himself in mind.

One thing was certain he persisted.

Now was not the time.

This place was occasionally frequented by people.

As Hopyeong Grandmaster concealed himself, even holding his breath, Eunho raised an eyebrow.

“Hmm, did I imagine things?”

Eunho spoke, resuming his steps.

Finally, Hopyeong Grandmaster exhaled a relieved sigh.

‘This time, I almost got caught…’


A section of the wall where Hopyeong Grandmaster hid exploded outward.

“That can’t be.”

“Did he?”

Eunho’s fist aimed for his temple.

“Hey. Didn’t I tell you to come out?”

When people are surprised, their eyes widen.

Is the degree of widening proportional to the surprise?

While uncertain, one thing was clear, Hopyeong Grandmaster’s eyes couldn’t get any wider.

“Uh, how?”

He either feigned surprise or genuinely felt it, but Eunho spat on the ground.

“How? Isn’t it stranger not to notice someone approaching with such murderous intent?”

Of course, it was a lie.

From Eunho’s perspective, Hopyeong Grandmaster’s martial arts were top-notch.

However, Eunho relied on natural instincts.

No matter how well hidden, he could sense changes in the air flowing through Hopyeong Grandmaster’s body.

At that moment, Hopyeong Grandmaster made a decision.

Even if it meant using rough tactics, he had to subdue him before anyone else arrived.

Of course, this thought lasted only until Eunho’s fist was about to connect with his face.

And so, Hopyeong Grandmaster floundered comically.

“I don’t even know how I got hit. First, pain arrived, and as I regained my senses, the fist that had struck my face was returning.

Eunho’s peculiar expression, with his lips slightly raised, caught his eye.

“Did you come from the Northern Pang Family?”

Hopyeong Grandmaster tilted his head.

Eunho grabbed him by the collar.

Thwack! Thud! Crunch!

Three precise blows landed.

Each sound brought a different kind of pain.

“I’ll ask again. Are you from the Northern Pang Family?”

The Grandmaster’s thoughts shifted.

This guy wasn’t someone he could easily handle.

But he wasn’t the type to give up easily either.

Given the choice between revealing himself or taking fewer blows…

Whack! Oof!

This time, Eunho didn’t even nod.

Gradually, his consciousness grew hazy.

“Last question. Answer.”

“Meos (Yes). Heubeubenobenpenfawy (I’m from the Northern Pang Family).”

Though his thoughts were polite, his mouth couldn’t keep up.

Eunho crossed his arms and nodded.

“Well, it seems you’re indeed from the Northern Pang Family.”

Hopyeong Grandmaster was dumbfounded.

First violence, then confirmation—wasn’t that how it went?

At that moment, Eunho raised his palm high above his head.

“Eun-deu! Eueuk! (Didn’t I say it all? Show some respect for your opponent!)”

Beneath the descending palm, his cries were futile.


Eunho tilted his head.

Humans were truly fragile.

To think that this level of beating and disorientation was all it took.

Suddenly, he missed his master.

That old man had an unwavering spirit.

At that moment, the flow of energy shifted once again.

Eunho’s gaze turned toward the direction of the change.

“Come out.”

This time, he accurately predicted who the opponent was.

The familiar aura indicated as much.

The elderly master, whom he had seen before, emerged, scratching his head in confusion.

“Hehe, quite the perceptive young man.”

“Master Chu, why were you spying on me like a rat?”

“Rat, you say.”

Eunho shrugged his shoulders.

“Your words suggest as much.”

Master Chu alternated his gaze between the fallen Hopyeong Grandmaster and Eunho.

As an open-minded master, he certainly recognized Hopyeong Grandmaster.

A peak master leading one of the elite divisions in the Northern Pang Family—a pinnacle expert.

To unilaterally defeat Hopyeong Grandmaster…

He was truly a genius.

Like the martial arts leaders or the head of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

A prodigy who would leave a mark on a generation, akin to the 24 Grandmasters.

Perhaps the person he faced now could become the future greatest under heaven.

However, that remained a matter of the future.

“Listen. Do you know who this person is?”

“Isn’t he someone sent by the Pang Family?”

Master Chu nodded, scrutinizing Eunho.

Despite knowing, he still fought back. Quite the reckless fellow.

“You may not realize, but the fact that the Pang Family dispatched someone like this won’t be easily overlooked. If you find out the truth now… rest assured, your life will be in danger. I stake my thirty years of beggarly existence on it. When that time comes, even if it was your father, he won’t be able to stop it. First, your life must be at risk for any action to be taken.”

Mentioning his father felt oddly uncomfortable, but Eunho listened calmly.

Ultimately, it was an invitation to join the Martial arts Alliance, but the genuine concern in Master Chu’s eyes was palpable.

“I appreciate your concern, but it’s unnecessary. And staking your life on thirty years of beggary…”

“That’s hard to believe.”

Master Chu felt genuinely disappointed.

Eunho’s overflowing determination!

His decisive actions, taken without hesitation!

And the strength backing it up!

He truly couldn’t be anything other than a remarkable talent.

But anyway…

“Are you just going to leave him like this?”

The dazed Hopyeong Grandmaster lay sprawled on the ground.

It wasn’t appealing to take the guy who had relentlessly chased after Eunho and gotten beaten by him to the physician. But leaving him there seemed heartless.

“It’s fine. Those folks from their household all seem sturdy. He’ll probably get up soon.”

With those words, Master Chu turned and left abruptly.

He felt oddly embarrassed.

‘This stubborn guy. To beat him so badly and assume he’ll get up soon. That can’t be…’


He got up.

“Master Chu, isn’t it? What happened here?”

“I was just passing by. But why are you lying on the ground dressed in black?”

Only now did he realize that he had donned black attire and pursued a late-stage master, resulting in his own disorientation.

He had been hit so hard that he momentarily lost his memory.

Hopyeong Grandmaster blushed and coughed awkwardly.

“Ahem. There’s a good reason for this. It’s a highly confidential matter, so don’t pry! Even if you’re an open-minded master, some things are beyond acceptance!”

Master Chu was dumbfounded.

He didn’t want to get angry over something so embarrassing.

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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