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The real test

Immortal genius spear knight (5)


With a shout, the applicants lifted rocks as big as a person’s head.

Although the rocks weren’t large, they weighed over 30 kg.

‘It’s clear they’re trying to weed out the overly eager rookies.’

A simple yet challenging test.

Especially since the rocks were round without handles, making them easy to lift to the waist but difficult to raise above the shoulders.


But Damian, gripping the rock firmly with both hands, took a short breath and lifted it up.


“What the—!”

“That kid… he’s pretty good.”

Most of the test-takers were young men in their late teens to early twenties.

There were no others as young as Damian .

When Damian , expected to fail, succeeded, the surrounding people looked a bit surprised. But…

“He’s still just a kid.”

“The military isn’t so easy that a kid like him can just walk in, haha.”

Damian smirked at the ones openly mocking him.

‘These guys will be the first to run when a war breaks out.’

The reason guys like this want to join the military is simple.

It’s a stable job where they can get paid regularly with minimal effort.

But the story changes completely when the continent becomes a bloodbath due to the Empire’s conquest war five years later.

Every day becomes a life-or-death battle on the front lines.


Having passed the first test, Damian prepared for the next one.

There were only a few physical endurance tests left, followed by a test on the kingdom’s history.

The process itself wasn’t particularly difficult, but since the number of recruits was limited, the competition was fierce.

Some were already looking at Damian with hostile eyes.

‘I can understand them.’

More than half of them will go back home after failing.

Ignoring the others, Damian prepared for the next test. But then…



Suddenly, a boy approached Damian.

He appeared noticeably younger than the other applicants.

Is he around my age?

However, as the boy approached Damian, he grinned and said, “You’re an interesting one, aren’t you?”


But why was that?

Somehow, Damian felt like he had seen this face somewhere before.

He couldn’t quite pinpoint why, but the face seemed familiar.

Damian looked at him curiously. But then…

“Ah, huh!”

Unintentionally, Damian let out a gasp. The boy chuckled.

“…Why are you acting like you’ve seen a ghost?”

“You… by any chance, your name…”

“My name? It’s Apel.”

Apel… Vanstrill.

“That’s right, it’s him.”

Unbelievably, he met Apel.


Apel Vanstrill.

How can you not know this guy?

He’s the most successful commoner Damian knows.

By the age of thirty, he ascended to the rank of general and received the title of Viscount.

But why did I describe him as a “damn brat”?

Isn’t it obvious?

“Because… I’m envious!”

To Damian, he’s like a role model.

Just once… he saw him, but Apel’s face was etched in his memory.

Just not as sharp as before.

He thought he was sharp and serious.

But in some ways, it feels a bit different.

But regardless…

“…I’m so shocked I can’t speak.”

Maybe meeting him here at the 3rd Training Ground was fate.

“Do I have to think about this?”

I don’t know how it will go with him in the future, but one thing is certain.

“There’s no reason to have a bad relationship.”

Damian asked with a puzzled expression.

“I’m Damian. But what’s so fun about that?”

“Do you know why?”

Apel glanced around and approached Damian, whispering softly.

“You… you’re mastering magic.”

His expression stiffened slightly at Apel’s words.

“Is it because of that reason?”

Mastering magic is not forbidden for commoners, but generally, it’s extremely rare for them to do so.

It’s because you either have to receive support from a very wealthy family or have a very special background.

Damian chuckled, and Apel extended his hand to Damian.

“Since there’s no one my age here, I was bored. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too.”

Damian shook Apel’s hand, and as they shook hands, Apel grinned.

“Let’s both pass and get in together.”

“Yeah, you too.”

Of course, he wouldn’t say this unless he thought Apel would pass. Perhaps he might even have the best score among the applicants here.

Damian turned to look at Apel, then quickly turned away.

“So… now… the next test.”

Damian checked the next test. And…

“Ah, this one?”

A 15-kilometer long run.

It might seem like an ordinary test, but there was a reason why this 15-kilometer long run was considered a bit special.

“Applicants, we will now begin the second test! Please gather quickly at the training grounds according to your numbers!”

Since there were so many applicants, the 15-kilometer long run was divided into four training grounds.

Damian walked towards the training ground indicated by his number.

Then the instructor on the platform shouted as he looked at the applicants gathered below.

“You have 1 hour and 30 minutes! You must complete the run within that time, and while running, bumping shoulders or minor collisions are allowed, but you must not attack other applicants with fists or kicks. Also, if you stray from the designated track, it will result in disqualification, so please be mindful of this!”

Following the instructor’s announcements, there were no questions from the applicants.

They all already knew what to expect.

Moreover, there was one interesting aspect to this long run.

“Minor collisions are allowed, but attacking…”

Damian could already see through it.

Those who appeared as “instructors” before were participating in disguise and were there for the test.

And the applicants lined up at the starting line, their faces tense with anticipation.

Damian was simply loosening his wrists and ankles.

“Huh? You’re in the same group?”


“Let’s do our best.”

Apel approached and tapped Damian on the arm. Damian nodded.

And so, the test began.


With the sound of a horn, about fifty applicants started running simultaneously.

The training ground was quite large, but still…

With more than fifty people running together, it felt a bit crowded.

Thud! Thud!

At that moment, some groups started running ahead quickly.

“Right from the start… they’re off.”

These were the “instructors” Damian had observed earlier.

They sped ahead and soon began to form a lead.


“What are they doing?”

Some applicants who didn’t understand the situation looked confused.

“…Well, here we go.”

“That seems to be the wall of tears I’ve only heard about.”

Already anticipating it, the applicants looked at the instructors with serious expressions.

Strictly speaking, this isn’t just a long run…

“It’s about overcoming the instructors’ interference and completing the 15 kilometers within 1 hour and 30 minutes.”

That’s why most of those who fail are unable to come in within the time limit without being separated from the instructors.

And the situation is the same in other training fields.

So everyone must have come up with various strategies for this situation.

Interference from instructors during long-distance running is like an old tradition in the training camp.

“Well, breaking through that barrier or not is practically the gateway to this test. Running 15 kilometers within 1 hour and 30 minutes is just the basics.”

“Got it?”

“Well, it’s pretty famous. Still, it doesn’t matter. Just follow slowly and save energy, then overtake them at the end.”

Apel shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal.

Upon hearing this, Damian looked at the instructors ahead.

Certainly, as Apel said, it’s fine to just slowly conserve stamina and overtake the instructors towards the end. ‘That’s a good enough plan.’


“…That doesn’t suit me.”

I hate dawdling and playing mind games for no reason.


Everyone must have their own strategy.

“My strategy is this.”


Damian muttered quietly, making Apel tilt his head. But soon…



Seeing Damian swiftly move ahead, Apel couldn’t hide his surprise.

He’s already starting to surge ahead in the test?

“…Isn’t that crazy?”

Apel’s gaze was fixed on Damian’s back as he ran towards the instructors.


Many participants participate in the military examination held every quarter.

There are five training camps in the capital alone, and they are striving to strengthen the national power by training soldiers every year.

“How many people do you think will pass this time?”

“Well, now more than 200 people have passed the first practical test. Shouldn’t we eliminate half of them here?”

“Hehe, what’s half? Honestly, if we don’t try to pass on purpose, I think a few won’t be able to pass?”

A quite big instructor chuckled softly. But the senior-looking instructor shook his head.

“Still, don’t be too strict. We need to pass the decent ones. I think at least ten will pass.”

“Yes, yes. I’ll keep that in mind.”

The big instructor replied, glancing back.

It’s difficult to break through them unless they all rush at once.

From the start, this test isn’t just about physical stamina.


“Well, it’s all a bit much. Ten… doesn’t seem easy.”

The big instructor said again, looking at the senior.

It’s a natural thing.

They are instructors who have been training here for over two years.

You will be disqualified, if you deviate from the designated track.

Escaping the wall they made while adhering to these rules is not easy.

Rather, the rule against attacking is no different from a rule intended to protect applicants.

In response, the big instructor chuckled, smiling knowingly.

“In any case, as we go along, towards the end, they’ll suddenly rush in with their backs on fire.”

It happens every year.

However, even so, the pass rate for the long-distance run has never reached 50%.

The senior instructor nodded at the big instructor’s words.

“First, let’s adjust our pace slowly. The real race begins in the last 10 minutes.”

“Yes, understood.”


All the other instructors responded to the senior’s words. And at that moment,

Thud, thud, thud, thud…


Suddenly, hearing a sound from behind, the big instructor turned his head to look back.

Clearly, the sound of something running towards them…


“What’s that crazy guy doing?”

Frowning, the big instructor looked back at the other instructors.

Isn’t that young kid running towards them like a bull?

The big instructor smirked.

“This year, we’ve got some lively ones.”

“…Just make sure he doesn’t get hurt and instill some caution. He might get hurt if he keeps running around alone.”

“Hehe, if he crashes into my steel shoulders, who knows what’ll happen… But I’ll try to be gentle.”

They wondered how to spend their time but started running from the beginning.

The big instructor laughed softly and approached the kid running towards him. And…

“Hey there, you might get disqualified if you keep pushing like that right from the start. No personal feelings… but you should step back!”


Then, as the big instructor lifted his shoulder towards the boy…



Dodging lightly, Damian jumped over the instructors who were running ahead and said,

“Excuse me.”

The Immortal Genius Spear Knight

The Immortal Genius Spear Knight

죽지 않는 천재 창잡이
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
Damian, a commander of the Punitive Force of the Baroque Kingdom. "Damn it." Just once. If I were given just one more chance... 'I would have truly dominated the battlefield with these guys.' At the age of 30, he closed his eyes on a nameless battlefield. But when he opened his eyes, he had returned to 17 years ago. And this time, he had a fully functional mana core, capable of learning magic. 'This time.' I will rise higher than anyone. Instead of being swept away by the era of war, 'I will dominate.' Damian, who has returned to the past, wields his spear towards the world.


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