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Chapter 10 (Proof of Humanity )

Proof of Humanity

Chapter : 10

TL : Anna Yildiz
PR : Adrian Katastofi


Ten plus minutes later, Zhang Ping arrived at the small park.

To ensure that the stranger was a friend and not a foe, he found a corner and crouched down, using the darkness as cover while waiting for their arrival.

This Fire Eater ability can be further enhanced. (Aside)

While waiting, he practiced controlling the fire element energy within his body, gradually getting accustomed to its flow.

Zhang Ping held immense fire energy but releasing it raw would cause an explosion. As of now, he is similar to a pressurized gas container with a faulty valve; able to release but unable to regulate.

As he pondered the possibilities of consuming peculiar types of fire, preparing to test their effects, a dark circle materialized beneath his feet, prompting him to jump away instinctively. However, before he could fully comprehend, he stumbled into the circle and plunged into complete darkness.

Despite sensing his rapid descent, he couldn’t prevent it, even employing explosive bursts of energy or destroying his shoes. 

After roughly thirty seconds, he landed with a heavy thud on solid ground, which was coated in a black liquid ; that liquid stuck to him like a second skin, leaving only his head uncovered.

“You now have five minutes to prove you are a human.”

A familiar voice echoed, and a white-robed woman, wearing an ice mask, stood before him, brandishing an icicle-sword threateningly near his throat. The chill emitted from the blade cleared his grogginess.

Proving he is human? That ought to be easy, as he was one. But then, he recalled the possibility of the stranger mistaking him for an exotic beast.

“Is it that you cannot locate the exotic beasts hiding within the city?”

The woman did not respond, instead using silence to answer Zhang Ping’s question. The eyes beneath the mask were calm and still, without a ripple of emotion.

Presumably, they detected issues within the city indirectly, without concrete understanding. Nevertheless, he rejected this assumption. After all, the woman prevented him from killing a Celestial Fox cub in the past. Clearly, she knew about their existence and capabilities, yet struggled to precisely identify each exotic beast lurking in the city. Hence, requiring him to verify his own identity.

In their perspective, everyone could potentially be an exotic beast.

Calming down, Zhang Ping wracked his brain for a solution, desperate to demonstrate his humanness. Traditional DNA verification wouldn’t suffice, as the woman could manipulate perceptions, thwarting standard methods.

“Could I have a hint?”

Zhang Ping requested, gazing hopefully at the woman, who maintained her stoic expression. Predictably, she offered no reply, simply waiting for him to comply.

Considering his options, Zhang Ping employed his identifying skill. Eight consecutive failures ensued, leading him to question his ability’s functionality. Determined, he eventually succeeded after two minutes.

Name: Liu Si Shan

Race: Human

Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Lifespan: 122

Level: High-ranked Awakener (21)


Water Element Control – Store water element energy by drinking water and freely control the body’s water element energy.

Intermediate – Energy Compression – Compress water element energy within the body, greatly increasing energy storage capacity.

High-ranked – Temperature Adjustment – Manipulate the temperature of water element energy between negative 150° to 200°.

Remarkable! Zhang Ping encountered numerous high-ranked awakened individuals, but Liu Si Shan’s abilities astounded him, particularly her potential, reaching five stars. Could she become a supreme awakened or even a legendary king?

With little time remaining, Zhang Ping prioritized proving his humanity over displaying abilities. Initially, he sought confirmation via identification, planning to search original records for familiar names, ideally exclusive to them. However, this strategy presented challenges.

Even if the Celestial Foxes wouldn’t access such data, contingencies required alternative plans. First, consider the name ‘Liu Si Shan’. No leads surfaced in Zhang Ping’s memory. He hypothesized two scenarios: either Liu Si Shan adopted a pseudonym, or they knew each other, whereas he remained oblivious.

“One minute remains!” Liu Si Shan announced.

Desperate, Zhang Ping rummaged through childhood memories, listing girls he knew.

“Are you Liu Si Si?”

“Liu Xiao Xiao?”

“Liu Ping Ping?”

“Liu An An?”

Liu Si Shan remained silent, compelling Zhang Ping to cycle through additional guesses. Eventually, he paused, meeting her gaze.

“These facts alone don’t prove you’re human.”

True, generic personal information might be accessible elsewhere, possibly beyond the Celestial Foxes’ interest, but redundancy provided reassurance. Of the candidates, Liu Si Si seemed likeliest, sharing a single character distinction. During high school, Zhang Ping boasted a handful of friends, primarily acquaintances. Notably, Liu Si Si, three grades older, graduated early, joining the investigative team.

Recollections triggered recall of Liu Si Si’s graduation contribution to the orphanage. Back then, Zhang Ping dismissed it, secure in his burgeoning abilities. Revisiting the memory, he felt convinced that Liu Si Shan was, indeed, Liu Si Si.

Ideally, they could exchange private information, establishing definitive proof of their shared history, thereby validating his humanity. Small Park, martial arts practice… Suddenly, Zhang Ping remembered another relevant event. Years ago, he trained martial arts with Liu Si Si. Granted, their sessions comprised playful banter, but Liu Si Si earnestly taught him the “Invincible Thoughts Fist”.


Initiating the moves, Zhang Ping mimicked her words.


“Step one, ha, step two, ho, step three, ha-ho, Invincible Thoughts Fist!”


Looking at Liu Si Shan, Zhang Ping felt awkward, but desperation drove him to perform the memorized sequence. Instantly, her stern countenance morphed into laughter, eyes reflecting waves of emotion.

I contracted myself

I contracted myself

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
A world full of dangers. Mutated beasts and savages lurk in the cities and wilderness, eyeing humans with hostility. Savage Serpent Gods lie dormant beneath the earth, while the King of Mist hides between reality and illusion, leaving human civilization on the brink of collapse. Amidst this treacherous landscape, Zhang Ping finds himself transported through dimensions to a world on the brink. and his first challenge is to confront the omnipresent Celestial Foxes in pearl City.


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