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Chapter 45

Chapter 45

I don’t know whether to say that I like friends who are always consistent no matter when I see them, or that they are annoying.

Do-hyun easily ignored it and finished cooking the stew and setting it up.

When I lightly took a sip, the harmonious saltiness and soybean paste aroma filled my mouth.

As expected, my mother’s soybean paste stew was amazing.

Do-hyun finished a bowl of food in an instant and sat down on the sofa.

Then a familiar scene appeared on TV.

Do-hyun is unfamiliar with dramas and entertainment, but this time it was a channel that specialized more than anyone else.

“What is it, God Ose? “Are you going to God’s arrival too?”

“Is there anyone who doesn’t do this these days?”

“Huh, are you really doing this?”

“huh. My level is also pretty high. “It’s 71.”


This was truly shocking.

A kid who never even looked at games is playing God-O-Se? Even the level was much higher than myself.

“I guess 71 is a lot, huh? “You’re not good at things like this.”

“It was about 6 months, right? “I did it because my friend gave me a ride on the bus, but it was more fun than I thought, so I’m continuing it.”

“hmm. “Does it usually take half a year?”

“I don’t know? “I don’t stay busy for 10 hours like everyone else does.”

“… … .”

Do-hyun , who had nothing to say, kept his mouth shut.

Well, that was normal.

It’s abnormal for people like you who don’t have 10 hours to worry about how to make the most of it.

Since the rankers have already passed, the game is usually played simply for enjoyment.

‘I think it’s fun to do this.’

Do-hyun found people like that fascinating, but if he said that, it was obvious that Hyun-a would shake her head and say, ‘Ugh, they smell like people who are in trouble.’

Do-hyun wisely chose to keep his mouth shut and quietly watched TV.

-Today’s God O Se broadcast~ The news I’m going to tell you today is very hot news!

God-O-Se broadcast.

As a professional that established itself the fastest after the introduction of God-O-Se, thanks to quick investment, it has now been able to stand as the most popular professional among the professionals who deliver God-O-Se news.

MC Jin Hyun-mo and Jang Yena’s tiki-taka matches well together, which was one of the reasons it received favorable reviews.

The two people were talking loudly this time.

-Isn’t there news of another teenage guild raid? Viewers are complaining that it’s a ttojipre.

-Haha, I would like to meet your expectations, but unfortunately, today is different news! The news about the guild is correct, but it’s about a hero guild, not a teenage guild!

-Hero Guild? Uh, I know. Isn’t it very famous?

-You don’t know Gilma because he’s handsome, right?

-Hmm, no, isn’t it? Well, it’s just my taste, but… … That’s Jang Yena! This is a woman who knows how to distinguish between public life and life!


Then, upon hearing the familiar guild name, Do-hyun muttered without realizing it.

“Hero Guild?”

“huh? “What, do you know about the hero guild?”

“what… … “I know.”

Then Hyun-ah looks at Do-hyun .

I thought there was something strange about his expression, so he suddenly took on a solemn expression and started making a deep voice as loud as possible.

“Guilds are only for the weak. “Those guys are not worth remembering.”

“… … ?”

“Where has this person gone? “I thought I was going to die because I was not a second-year soldier, but after returning from military service, I became a different person.”

“… … ah.”

Do-hyun , who was tilting his head, fell silent as a memory suddenly came to his mind.

In the past, when I was 18, I suffered from a disease in my second year of high school because it came to me later than others.

There was a time when I answered a question like that from Hyuna, who was mildly interested in Demrock, out of annoyance.

Although it was annoying, I thought it was cool at the time, but now that I look at it, there was no dark history like this.

“What kind of life is this?” … Oh my, games are ruining people, and every time I see you say cheesy things day by day, I get goosebumps?”

“… … Did you? “I don’t remember.”

“I can’t bring my friends because I’m scared of what they’ll see.”

… … I think I understand why you were so reluctant to introduce me to your friend.

Even if it were Do-hyun , he must have been afraid.

He didn’t seem like a crazy person, but he had his own excuse.

At that time, Dohyun was on a roll based on his excellent control, and there were many users approaching him.

Among them, there were people trying to make a mark, but there were many times more people trying to stab them in the back.

Because of this, they became wary when they saw a user.

‘I’m very sick of the idea of a guild.’

Later on, Do-hyun hated guilds because they only fought on a guild basis.

If you do something, you’ll think you belong to a guild, an officer, etc… … .

Then, I wondered what was the difference between bringing the guild along and bringing in the older guys just because a neighborhood gangster had beaten them up.

Since minors have experienced such difficulties in their first games, isn’t it worth taking a critical look at them?

… … Although he tried to console himself, he could not deny that it was a dark story.

“Hmm. Well, I guess the Hero Guild is a famous guild? “As long as it’s on TV.”

Hyuna, who had been staring at me silently, sighed and looked away.

It looks like they decided to skip it at this point.

“Hero guilds are popular among people in their 20s these days. “In terms of popularity alone, it would be on par with Annihilation, right?”

“hmm? why? “It’s not even a teenage guild?”

“True education is our main field of activity… … “The intention of becoming a hero is good, the average age of the guild is young, and above all, Gilma is handsome.”

“… … ah.”

In the end, it was lookism?

Although I had all the trends that young people would like, I was convinced that the last reason played the biggest role.

“It seems like men like annihilation more, but women usually like the hero guild.”

“okay… … I see “I think so.”

In short, the thing that excites men is annihilation, and the thing that makes women fall in love is the master of the hero guild.

Although I was responding appropriately, I actually understood.

-There are probably very few people who don’t know about the Hero Guild. It is one of the few guilds that ranks high among large guilds and challenges the wildness of the top 10 guilds.

-You’re almost top tier in person-to-person combat and killing, right? I heard that its field is comparable to that of a teenage guild.

-Yes, from the beginning, the Hero Guild itself was positioned to punish villains.

-Actually, there are those reasons, but the guild master, Berge, is really handsome. Even men will fall in love with it when they see it.

In the short hunting video shown on the screen, Bergé’s appearance resembles that of an unknown person.

I heard he was Korean, but his hair and eye color were similar to that of a foreigner, so he really looked like a nobleman from a romantic fantasy.

“Isn’t it too much like a gisaeng brother?”

“That kind of thing is good-looking. “Women are fascinated by faces like that.”

“… … .”

If you’re good-looking, you’re handsome, and if you’re pretty, you’re pretty. What does it mean to be handsome?

I was tired from trying to understand, so I decided to just move on.

‘I need to go exercise.’

It’s a 20-minute walk to the gym, so if you walk now, you’ll be able to digest it.

I even deliberately ate in moderation.

While thinking that, I was about to stand up.

-But I heard that an extermination order was issued from the Hero Guild today as well?

‘… … uh?’

A familiar word grabbed Do-hyun ’s buttocks.

-Oh, the news is really fast. As everyone in Raven knows, there are a lot of mean people in Raven who particularly enjoy studying Yanghak.

-That’s right, that’s right. How harshly I was treated when I was at Raven… … .

-Jang Yena didn’t scold you, right?

-I was wondering if it was because he was a bit handsome… … No, does it matter now?

-haha. Anyway, this time, those Yanghak criminals shamelessly attempted to incite inciting posts? In the end, the news spread to the Hero Guild and it took four months… … Let’s look at the data screen.

The data screen began with interview videos of people who had been victimized by the Assassination Boy group.

“You mean it’s dog waste? “I still feel angry when I think about what was taken away from me.”

“It was my first time playing the game, so I was inexperienced, so he offered to help me. I was so thankful… … It turns out it was a trap. That’s how we attract beginners.”

“Even though I got to level 24, I didn’t graduate. why? “It’s just fun to do that.”

“No matter how much it is a game, it is very unpleasant. Even if you report it, it is not reality and the law does not apply… … “There’s nowhere to complain, and it’s driving people crazy.”

Numerous victims expressed their anger, and the reenactment video even shows how they suffered.

After that, the atmosphere changed by showing the hero guild with a magnificent BGM, and the image that was soon shown was of five heroes.

To be exact, it’s the five heroes and the assassin boy group.

Assassin Boy and his companions, whose equipment had become much worse than when we last saw them, were being massacred again and again by the Hero Guild.

“Wow, I feel refreshed. “I guess there really is a lot of trash like that.”

“All games are like that.”

With the addition of directing, it was making the viewer feel catharsis.

A handsome(?) man like that can truly educate a wicked person?

It’s impossible not to have fans.

If it were a public broadcast, they might have been offended, but since most of the people watching the God-O-Se broadcast were young people, they actually felt refreshed.

“Are all games like that?”

“It’s been like that in every game I’ve ever played.”

The only games I’ve played are Demlock and Godose, which are famous for having a lot of trash, but I think they’re all similar.

This is why people must live good lives.

Since they live badly, aren’t they receiving a true education by being shown on TV like that?

Is that why Hyuna nodded? … she muttered.

“If you look at NewTube these days, true education videos are popular.”

“New tube?”

“huh. I tried to secretly film Yang Hak-beom all the time. I tried to induce PK by pretending to be a beginner. The same video is uploaded. Oh, you might not have known about it now that I’m out. These days, all NewTube videos are God-O-Se videos.”

Interest arose in Do-hyun ’s eyes.

The content was fresh and looked interesting, but what caught my attention was the fact that GodOse had even swallowed up NewTube before that.

‘Well, they say they’ve swallowed up most cultures, so NewTube deserves a change as well.’

It’s not that I don’t watch NewTube, but I only watch it when I need to, so I didn’t realize it, but now that I look at it, it’s clear that most of it is God-O-Se videos.

Even the content is diverse.

From raid videos, arena videos, hidden camera videos, songs, creating fantasy buildings, etc… … .

“The number of views is over 10 million?”

Even the number of views on those videos was enormous.

Before I went to the military, I think I usually had a million… … .

“I’m talking about when. A popular video can reach 100 million views.”


“There’s no one who doesn’t do God-O-Se these days, so… … But it seems like it’s hard to do well like that. “There are a lot of people who can’t even use the algorithm.”

The principle of all markets is supply and demand.

There was a lot of demand and a lot of supply, but in many cases like this, the problem was that there were too many.

Since there is so much supply, most of the videos have been seen somewhere, and naturally, you only look for videos that are fresh or highly entertaining.

“100 million views sleep… … “You’ll make a lot of money, right?”

“I guess so? “I heard that Hero Gilma alone is earning hundreds of millions of dollars in monthly revenue from NewTube.”

“Uh, 100 million?”

“It is said that people like Myeolsal make over 1 billion won a month if they combine all their profits. That’s really true.”

“10, 1 billion… … .”

I feel dizzy.

Even if he maintained first place in Demlock, he earned at most 10 million won per month, but 1 billion?

Even he liked it, saying that he earned well even if he earned 1 million a month while playing Mangemtree.

In the end, making money was a miracle in itself.

‘But 1 billion… … .’

New tube?

At that time, I had to feel proud and grateful just to see it.

I never dreamed of making money from it. So Do-hyun wasn’t really interested either.

But now the world has changed.

“10 billion… … .”

“huh? What, brother? You’re not thinking something strange again, are you? uh?”

“10 billion… … What can you do with 1 billion? How many McDonald’s Big … .”

Hyuna was watching with ominous eyes next to him, but Do-hyun didn’t have the presence of mind to care about that right now.

Because distant numbers were filling my mind.

It was the first time in Dohyun’s gaming life that he was recognized as a new tube.

The Return of the Greatest Genius Ranker

The Return of the Greatest Genius Ranker

역대급 천재 랭커의 귀환
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"The Virtual Reality Game That has taken over the World, God of Saviors.
And Kaiser the overwhelming number one player of its predecessor, Deus Ex Machina - Ragnarok, commonly known as Demrok, He was once called a god, but disappeared due to unavoidable circumstances, and has returned after a year and six months!
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