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Chapter 47

Chapter 47

The back alleys of Irad.

This name, which seemed quite appropriate, was not the official name.

For convenience, we just call it ‘Irad Back Alley’ after the Irad general store next door.

There is a story behind how this place first became a popular destination.

‘For the first time in Raven, a legendary skill has appeared.’

It was here that the first user to acquire legendary skills appeared.

Picking a legendary player in the second random draw was an unbelievable amount of luck that could have been recorded in history books, and the number of people coming here to inherit just a little bit of that luck has increased.

As the number of people playing card games naturally increases, it is natural that the odds increase.

As news spreads about people who have developed good skills, the number of people is increasing, and the number of successful card scammers is also increasing.

The virtuous cycle was repeated and it became the famous attraction it is today.

‘Actually, it’s close to superstition… … .’

Isn’t that human psychology?

When it comes to lotteries, people tend to look for places that have a lot of winnings, and when it comes to restaurants, they look for restaurants that have a lot of lines.

In reality, the probability simply increases as more people visit.

Because of this, some users viewed such people as pathetic, but unfortunately, Dohyun was not one of those cases.

‘Sometimes there is nothing more accurate than superstition.’

The man who sought out famous places more than anyone else was Do-hyun.

It wasn’t like that from the beginning.

As I kept pooping every time I tried to pick something, I naturally became interested in famous places.

And the day I first drew a card at an attraction!

‘I will never forget the yellow color that appeared at that time until I die.’

For the first time, a hero-level skill card appeared.

It may have been a coincidence, but it was such a great emotion for Do-hyun that from then on, he visited all the famous places.

Perhaps thanks to that, I was able to acquire a few hero-level skills.

‘Whoever believes, he will be rewarded… … .’

After praying to a god he didn’t even believe in, Do-hyun stepped into the back alley of Irad.

The smell of countless card gangs irritated the tip of my nose.

“Um, this is it. “It’s the first time I’ve felt this energy in a while.”

As I have received a lot of attention from the truth, my attitude has become relaxed.

So, I even made a LAN lottery ticket and picked a rare skill… … This cannot be done. There was a need to regain discipline.

That was the reason why I came to the famous place to get a low-level skill lottery ticket.

“Since when did I start picking lottery tickets? “This is all because my mind is weak.”

The person who was sincere about all card scams turned into a weak opportunist after reading a newspaper article called The Eyes of Truth.

This card gang was a sacred ritual to regain one’s original intention.

-… … Humans are strange too.

“Tsk tsk. What do you know? “I need to concentrate now, so be quiet.”

From the perspective of the goblin Jihad Black, it was an absurd story, but Do-hyun was sincere.

And Do-hyun had an additional reason to be sincere.

‘This is also important to me now… … .’

Similar general skills may appear for everyone else, but Do-hyun is an all-master.

You don’t know what job skills will show up.

Since skills from all kinds of occupations would appear mixed in just ten pages, I had to hope that the most useful skills would appear.

If you were unlucky and had an explorer skill, it was the worst.

For Do-hyun, who has eyes for truth, nothing would be as useless as that.

‘I still don’t understand why explorers aren’t production workers.’

Is it because you have some self-defense skills?

Or maybe it’s because the buffs are vague for a production job… … Anyway, it was a job that Do-hyun always had to be careful about.

[Would you like to use the lower skill draw ticket?]

Do-hyun looked at the message window that appeared in front of him and rubbed his hands to calm his nervousness.


I do it all the time, but it’s always a tense moment.

Do-hyun calmly composed himself and immediately tore the card pack, and soon ten cards were scattered in the air.

Do-hyun, who took a serious look at the subtle poop-colored feast, stretched out his hand.


It was the third card from the left.

If you are not sure, do not forget that number 3 is the national rule.


A poop color covers the field of vision, followed by a cheerful notification sound.

[…] … You have obtained.]

“uh? this?”

When Do-hyun saw the result, his eyes widened.

It was a skill that was not included in the list of numerous expected skills that came to mind until the moment I selected it.

But it was also the skill I wanted the most.

Do-hyun, who had a mysterious expression on his face, soon smiled. Then, as they left the back alley, Jihad followed behind and asked.

-Is it already over, master?


-So where are you going now?

The answer to that question was easy.

Because there was only one thing to do in Raven right now.

“I have to run.”

Up to level 24, the level to receive the graduation quest, the only answer was to shut up and hunt.

* * *

Deep in the forest west of Raven.

A place where users do not necessarily want to use it as a hunting ground because the terrain is uneven and there are many obstacles.

Thanks to this, one user was hunting in this place, which was overflowing with monsters.

Suddenly – boom!

Kieeek! Keck!

[The Red Goblin in the forest has been defeated.]

[The giant spider has been defeated.]

No, that was the kind of thing that couldn’t be called hunting.

Slaughter rather than hunting.

It was an abnormal structure with a ratio of more than 1 to 10, but surprisingly, the ones that were slaughtered were monsters that numbered more than 10.

Quack! Sigh!

[The giant centipede has been defeated.]



[The Blue Goblin in the forest has been defeated.]

One guy per room.

We calmly killed them one by one, and at some point, the monsters were retreating.

He instinctively realized that he was no match.

[Use a lunge slash.]

[The Red Goblin in the forest has been defeated.]

But the approaching death was inevitable.

Do you just run away and die, or do you run bravely and have your head exploded?

I had to choose one of the two.

A look so ruthless that you can feel sympathy for mere monsters.

-Tsk tsk, pitiful things… … .

In fact, Jihad Black, who was watching this scene in real time, felt sympathy.

It was a jihad with a history of turning undead to save monsters to become servants, but it was not this violent.

-What do you think is a human? In my opinion, does that mean he is Satan?

They were playing card games and all, but suddenly they got excited and rushed to the hunting ground, and they have been doing nothing but massacre for an hour now.

People say that card gang is some kind of sacred ritual or something… … .

It almost makes me wonder if that ritual was a ritual performed before tearing up a monster and killing it.

-If it’s that devil, there’s a good chance… … Huh!

Jihad, who was babbling, made eye contact with the man, Do-hyun, and quickly shut his mouth.

Jihad let out the breath he had been holding only after seeing Do-hyun coolly turning away his gaze and focusing on hunting again.

-… … You probably didn’t hear it, right?

My heart is still pounding.

I wonder if he could have heard this from such a distance, but it seemed like that devilish master would have.

To others, Do-hyun was considered quite kind, but to Jihad, who only had memories of being beaten up, Do-hyun was Satan, and Satan was Do-hyun.

… … Should I step back just in case?


It was a time when I was keeping an eye on people and gradually increasing the distance between them.

“Jihad. “Come and see me for a moment.”

-Yes? why… … yo. this?

Did you really hear it?

Jihadi expresses his refusal while breaking out in a cold sweat. Hana immediately ran over to Do-hyun, who was frowning.

Only then did Do-hyun, who cleared his expression, look at the corpses and gesture.

“Make him undead.”

-Oh, yes.

As a quick-witted goblin, Jihad quickly understood what he meant and stretched out his hands.

Then, black energy flowed out and entered the body.

From the left, one, two, three… … The moment when a total of three birds passed by.


Their eyes turned black, and immediately after that, they opened their eyes.


Those who rose up by forcibly putting their grotesquely twisted bodies back together looked like what anyone could call undead.

The guys looked at Jihad Black with horrified faces and knelt down on one knee.

[Guardian Jihad Black succeeded in turning the Red Goblin in the forest into undead.]

[Guardian Jihad Black succeeded in turning the Red Goblin in the forest into undead.]

[Guardian Jihad Black succeeded in turning the Blue Goblin in the forest into undead.]

[Guardian Jihad Black failed to turn the giant spider into undead.]

[Jihad Black’s level is insufficient.]

“Maybe three.”

-Wow, originally, he could lead an army, but that’s because he lost his original power, master.

“Anyway, three is the limit for now, right?”

-… … huh.

Jihad Black lowered his head as if he was embarrassed that he had a hard time with only three.

It seemed like he couldn’t bear to raise his face, but in fact, Do-hyun was somewhat satisfied.

‘I guess it will be useful later on?’

Necromancers are usually limited to 10 levels.

There may be help from skills or items, but other than that, there are usually three at level 10, five at level 20, and ten at level 30… … It increases in this way.

In that respect, the fact that only three level 1 creatures were turned into undead was by no means a small number.

‘Only the monsters you catch become undead… … Since it’s a guardian, I guess it includes what I caught.’

Is this the power of a hero-level Named Guardian?

Contrary to its appearance as a hero-level name, it was quite good.

That wasn’t the only thing that was unusual.

Originally, when a necromancer turned a monster into undead, it was reorganized into a skeleton soldier, whereas Jihad’s undead maintained their relatively intact appearance.

‘Is there a difference in combat power?’

I’m not sure about that since I haven’t used it in battle yet.

It was a moment when I was pondering the unexpected performance of Jihad.

[Jihad Black’s mana has been exhausted.]

[Summoning the undead is cancelled.]

… … .

[Summoning the undead is cancelled.]

[Undead List]

-Forest Red Goblin Undead × 2

-Forest Blue Goblin Undead × 1


A message that appears simultaneously with a cheerful notification.

Not to be outdone, Do-hyun turned his head to the empty spot where the undead disappeared in a puff of smoke.

-Hmm, hmm…….


Jihad then clears his throat and averts his eyes.

Do-hyun sighed as he looked at Jihad, who continued to show ignorance.

It seems that it is difficult to properly deal with the undead now.

I understand.

Because they were level 1, they were undead of a higher level than Jihad.

However, if your only skill is creating undead and you can’t even use the undead properly, isn’t that just insectivorous?

‘okay……Originally, it was said that raising a new beast requires a lot of investment.’

That guy is also close to a divine beast, so I guess he’ll do something for me in the future.

Now I think I should just give him a ride on the bus thinking I’m investing.

Of course, I really wasn’t planning on not ordering anything.



Do-hyun made eye contact with Jihad, who tilted his head, and gestured to the side.

“Pick up some items.”


“Then shall I pick it up?”

-I’ve picked it up well so far… … Yes. I’ll pick it up, master. I like picking up items.

Still, Jihad seemed to have his pride hurt because he was a named boss, but when he clenched his fists, he changed his tone as if he had never done anything like that before.

[Loyalty has increased by +1.]

Loyalty even rose. With this, Loyalty has already turned 21.

As expected, there was no doubt that the fist was more important than the law. It was the moment I lowered my fist, feeling that immutable law again.


[Loyalty Decreases by -1.]


Do-hyun couldn’t believe his eyes.

The Return of the Greatest Genius Ranker

The Return of the Greatest Genius Ranker

역대급 천재 랭커의 귀환
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"The Virtual Reality Game That has taken over the World, God of Saviors.
And Kaiser the overwhelming number one player of its predecessor, Deus Ex Machina - Ragnarok, commonly known as Demrok, He was once called a god, but disappeared due to unavoidable circumstances, and has returned after a year and six months!
"Would you like to log in to the game?"


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not work with dark mode