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Clash of Martial Clans

TL: Demigod

Chapter 10

“Namgung Cheong’s funeral proceeded swiftly according to the protocol.

Numerous people bowed their heads in mourning.

People from all walks of life gathered, revealing the life Namgung Cheong had lived.

The grand funeral reached its peak with the appearance of his younger brother, Namgung Jin.

Namgung Cheong, the martial arts master, respected for his gentle temperament even competing with the leader of the Demon Sect and the world’s best martial artist.

In anticipation of his arrival, the elite members of the martial arts sect stood in formation.

The sharp wit embedded in every subtle movement showcased the martial arts sect’s prestige.

Expressions of admiration erupted throughout.

Somi, watching him, raised an eyebrow.

“But why did you decline Elder Chu’s proposal, Oppa?”

Somi, who knew that Eunho valued martial arts over wealth, understood better than anyone.

Joining the martial arts sect was the dream of every young warrior!

In truth, Eunho’s status as a martial artist with no title in the sect was inconceivable, but Somi remained unaware.

“Because troublesome incidents are bound to occur.”

Eunho’s characteristically pragmatic response.

It was true,

After Namgung Jin’s speech concluded, he turned away, and Eunho nodded.

‘Master’s words were correct.’

If a martial artist claimed to be the best in the world, they had to prove it.

Although it remained to be seen, the odds were in Eunho’s favor.

While someone else might have scoffed at the idea, Eunho’s assessment was the most accurate and rational.

As the mourners departed one by one,

Eunho also bowed and gazed at Namgung Cheong’s memorial.

‘Master, we’ll meet again someday. Let’s make it as late as possible. This life is turning out to be more interesting than expected…’

“On that anticipated day, Eunho turned around.

“Somi, let’s go.”

Not practicing his daily training left his entire body sore. Determined to return and resume training, Eunho stopped a martial artist passing by and asked for directions to the reception hall where his father was.

Surprisingly, the Namgung Clan’s headquarters in the northern region was quieter than expected. According to Elder Chu’s words, the clan leader there was known for his fiery temperament, so Eunho had expected a more intense atmosphere.

Secretly, Eunho wanted to test his skills against the martial artists of his era, including his son and followers. Despite having defeated them soundly, he wondered if there was more to this seemingly unassuming figure.

The guide assigned to Eunho and Somi remained silent throughout the journey. With a slightly stiff expression, he led the way.

Although no friendly explanations were given, Eunho sensed their proximity to the reception hall.

Suddenly, loud voices reached their ears.

Inside somewhere, four middle-aged men, including Ha Jinwi, faced each other, their faces flushed.

“Patriarch! What are you saying?”

Someone’s thunderous roar reverberated through the air.

The one who shouted was the largest man among them, his voice as forceful as his imposing presence. Yet, Namgung Yong’s demeanor remained unwavering.

“Events within our clan are governed by our rules, and exceptions are not allowed.”

“Namgung Patriarch, you claim you’ll make me, Pang Jiyeol, regret it!”

Namgung Yong’s thick eyebrows twitched.

“Regret? According to the rules, we should publicly expose their wrongdoings and punish them. However, considering your dignity, we postponed the execution. If that’s the case, Pang Patriarch, it seems you find it easier to violate Namgung principles within our clan.”

Pang Jiyeol, the head of the Northern Pang Family and one of the twenty-four masters of the era.

He glared at the man standing next to him and said, ‘Elder, say something!’

The man singled out by Paeng Jiyeol appeared slightly uncomfortable but eventually lowered his head.

“Our Moyong Clan follows proper procedures even when dealing with minor offenders. Soon, through the Patriarch, we will formally apologize.”

Unlike the direct confrontation with Namgung Yong and Ha Jinwi, the Moyong Clan gathering with the presence of only an were elder left no room for argument.

Watching from a distance, Eunho sensed how the situation unfolded.

These were the fathers of the men who had been giving Somi a hard time.

It seemed the young man from the Namgung Clan knew how to handle matters properly.

The pride being one of the five great clans must have ignited their hearts.

Among them, one man analyzed the situation with hidden eyes.

Eunho’s lips curved upward. Truly a fatherly figure.

He crossed his arms and tapped his side with his index finger.

In his mind, several moves ahead were already unfolding.

Satisfied, Eunho took Somi’s hand and stepped forward.

All eyes were on them.

Namgung Yong was the first to speak.

Looking at Somi, he said with a hint of ambiguity, ‘Well, if the party involved forgives, we can’t do much.’

Ha Jinwi’s calm expression wavered.

‘A sly fox.’

Given Pang Jiyeol’s personality, it was only natural to create a threatening situation for young Somi, leveraging both age and status.

His intense gaze was already fixed on her.

Namgung Yong, oblivious to nothing, indeed.

He intended to use it wisely, securing both authority and practical benefits.

If he forgave Pang Jeoak, who had caused a disturbance within the clan, then the Pang Patriarch’s favor would be gained, but Namgung Yong’s authority would diminish.

On the other hand, if he followed the rules and administered punishment, he would gain the favor of the world’s martial artists, but it would put him in direct opposition to the Pang Clan.

However, if Somi personally forgave them, the authority could be preserved while also considering their feelings.

As Namgung Yong referred to Somi, all eyes focused on her.

Just as the hesitant Ha Jinwi was about to speak, Somi placed her hands on her hips.

With wide-open eyes, she looked directly at Namgung Yong.

“Why should I forgive them? Isn’t it our duty to uphold principles? If forgiveness can erase their wrongdoings, then it truly becomes a rule for those in power.”


Someone chuckled at Somi’s firm stance.

Eunho nodded with pride, thinking he should send a gift to Ha Jinwi.

Teaching a child to stand up like this was commendable.

However, Pang Jiyeol’s patience seemed to have reached its limit.

His trembling arms were visible, and being the proud man he was, he couldn’t tolerate the insult from a mere child.


Driven by anger, he involuntarily released an intimidating aura.

While not overtly threatening, it was sufficient to unnerve ordinary individuals like Somi and Ha Jinwi.


Even Namgung Yong hadn’t anticipated this situation, hastily intervening to defuse the tension among the world’s martial artists.

However, he couldn’t completely block the energy that had already been released.

Namgung Yong turned around with a puzzled expression on his face, contrary to his initial concern. To his surprise, Somi looked slightly startled but otherwise unharmed. Strangely, there was no accompanying loud noise that should have followed the energy release.

Namgung Yong’s gaze landed on Eunho.

‘Has that guy dissipated the energy?’

There was no other explanation.

His eyes grazed Eunho.

His father’s warning echoed in his mind: “Don’t provoke the monster living within the Cheonhajang.”

Although he had often dismissed such tales as mere superstitions, the energy Namgung Yong felt firsthand was undeniable. It wasn’t something a young martial artist could casually dissipate.

However, there was another issue.

Daring to release energy toward a direct descendant of the Cheonhajang was no trivial matter.

The title of the Cheonhajang was not easily earned.

Moreover, Namgung Yong had personally harmed his own daughter, whom he cherished. He wouldn’t take this lightly.

Namgung Yong’s eyes and mind raced, and then he erupted in anger.

“Pang Patriarch! Have you truly lost your mind? How dare you direct energy at a non-martial artist within Namgung’s domain! In your eyes, does ‘Namgung’s martial artist and Cheonhajang seem so laughable?”

Subtly, he linked Cheonhajang and Namgung’s martial artists.

He deliberately chose to use Cheonhajang instead of Ha Jinwi.

Money was indeed a powerful motivator.

Namgung Yong glared at the Pang Patriarch, even channeling his energy.

He was ready to draw his sword if necessary!

Truly, he embodied the essence of a disciplined martial artist.

Given his temperament, once he made up his mind, there was no room for ambiguity.

Eunho couldn’t help but chuckle as he observed the situation.

Now he was even putting on a show.

It seemed he was preemptively building a defense against the impending scolding from Cheonhajang.

Like a spider lying in wait for a century, honing its cunning, he had become adept at sowing discord.

Although not a snake, to Eunho who has existed for over a thousand years, this seemed like mere child’s play, akin to kids’ fibs.

Ha Jinwi wrapped his arm around Somi’s shoulder and asked, “Somi, are you okay?”

“Yes? Yes…”

In truth, Somi had no idea what had just happened.

Being unfamiliar with martial arts, she couldn’t possibly perceive his energy.

She was merely taken aback by Namgung Yong’s sudden outburst.

Ha Jinwi’s icy gaze shifted toward Pang Jiyeol.

“Pang Patriarch.”

His tone was flat and ruthless.

Pang Jiyeol was equally bewildered.

His fiery temperament, combined with the audacity of a mere child, momentarily caught him off guard.


Pang Jiyeol attempted to speak, but Ha Jinwi cut him off.

“As a martial artist, especially one of the 24 martial masters, do you think it’s acceptable to casually threaten someone’s life?”

He had no intention of entertaining excuses.

“This incident will not be overlooked.”

Though a simple statement, Pang Jiyeol felt his bones turn to water.

Namgung Yong’s wrath, colder than anyone’s, was palpable.

In Pang Jiyeol’s mind, figures connected to Cheonhajang’s power—the highest-ranking individuals in the martial world came to mind.

Being alone didn’t scare him at all.

But he was the leader of the Family, and not just any leader, the head of the Northern Pang Family, known for valuing principles.

Initially, he had only intended to assert his son’s and his own dignity by releasing a bit of energy. However, things had escalated beyond his control.

Pang Jiyeol gritted his teeth and turned away.

If he returned to the Home, they wouldn’t let his son off easily.

“Eunho, Somi. Let’s go.”

Ha Jinwi stood there, composed.

“Huh? Eunho?”

However, Eunho remained unmoved, simply staring directly at Paeng Jiyeol.

As if memorizing his face.

“Hey, bear cub.”


It was an unexpected remark, even for those who knew Eunho’s personality, including his family.

Ha Jinwi felt an urge to shake his head in disbelief.

‘Perhaps I misheard. Yes, I must have misheard.’

Of course, it was directed solely at Pang Jiyeol.


Regardless, Eunho, with a mischievous grin, continued. “We’ll meet soon. Very soon.”


Pang Jiyeol couldn’t comprehend the situation.

Was this audacious kid really speaking to him?

Looking around, everyone seemed frozen in place.

And come to think of it, what was Cheonhajang doing? Why was he walking so casually with both legs intact?

“What did you just… say?”

“We’ll meet soon. Definitely.”


Ha Jinwi urgently led Eunho and Somi away, pressing them forward. Sometimes, political pressure requires a firm hand. Fortunately, one of the 24 martial masters, Geom Seong, was present.

Suddenly, a loud noise echoed from behind, and Eunho burst into laughter. Truly, that energetic guy was something. Youth was indeed a blessing.

“Pang Patriarch! Calm down! Elder, could you try handling him!”

As the distant commotion faded, Namgung Cheong’s funeral came to an end.




Inside the carriage, Eunho, who had been lying on the roof, disappeared.

“S-Somi. Where did that rascal Eunho go?”

“Well? He said his stomach hurt and that he’d be back soon…”

It seemed even Somi wasn’t entirely sure.

Suddenly, anxiety washed over them.

And Ha Jinwi’s intuition, which rarely failed, kicked in.

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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