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Donation Frenzy

Chapter 17

“Hello, nice to meet you in real life. I’m travel streamer Jin Seojun.”

As Seojun opened the door, he approached the desk with the camera and waved.

Then, he sat down in the prepared chair.

Alpaca pulled out the chair for Seojun and spoke as he took his seat.

“What do you think, everyone? Doesn’t Seojun look exactly like his avatar? Didn’t I tell you?”

Alpaca laughed smugly, feeling triumphant.

– Wow
– Why is he actually handsome? Why is he actually handsome? Why is he actually handsome?
– Reality is even better, lol
– The world is really unfair, it’s just cruel
– But why are you so happy, Alpaca? lol
– Alpaca touched his nose, eyes, and jaw

Alpaca laughed but frowned and got angry when he saw one chat message.

“Hey! I still have the same face I scanned in my 20s! What did I touch! I look the same as I did a few years ago.”

– Really?
– What? Does he really not know?
– [Drawing of Alpaca’s face]

“Well… I know I’ve put on a little weight…”

– A little?
– Just a little?
– Looks like he took the full brunt of time’s attacks
– Having Seojun next to him makes the comparison so stark, lol

“Hmph, I can’t hear you, I can’t see you.”

Alpaca closed his eyes and pretended not to notice.

He subtly moved his chair to the opposite side of Seojun and spoke.

“Seojun, could you move a bit to the side so you can fit better on the screen…?”


– He’s totally self-conscious
– Hey, why is he moving away? lol

Seojun took it in stride, while Alpaca positioned himself slightly away and grabbed the mouse.

“Alright! Now, let’s have a brief Q&A session. Nothing like this to kill time. Donations are open again… Oh, my goodness.”

Alpaca suddenly exclaimed and moved the mouse frantically.

“What’s wrong?”

“I set the minimum donation to 10,000 won, but the donations piled up quickly. Are people really that curious? I’m raising the minimum to 50,000 won. If you’re not seriously curious, just ask in the chat. Done!”

Alpaca let go of the mouse and showed Seojun how to stream on the computer.

The basics were the same as broadcasting from a capsule.

Since streaming through Travel on a computer was also an option, it was natural.

However, the interface details were slightly different, and Alpaca explained those points.

“Seojun, do you like beef?”


Alpaca clapped his hands after setting down the mouse.


Seojun nodded.

Not many people dislike beef.

“Good to hear. Well then, I’ll go set up the food and the streaming equipment in the living room. Let’s see how well you can interact with the viewers.”

With that, Alpaca got up from his chair, went off-screen, and started rummaging through the drawers for the streaming equipment.

After all, grilling meat in the room wasn’t an option.

Seojun picked up the first donation.

[Oppa, I love you.]

“Ah, thank you. But are you really a female viewer?”

Seojun replied with a smile.

– Oppa, my foot
– caca
– (wiggle wiggle)

These kinds of comments started popping up.

Meanwhile, Alpaca, carrying the streaming equipment, shouted as he exited.

“You guys never gave me donations like this! It was 10,000 won!”

– Did he leave?
– He’s gone.
– If you’re upset, be reborn, Alpaca lol
– It’s not like we can lie
– People need to have a conscience

Once Alpaca left, the viewers started gossiping.

Then, Alpaca suddenly reappeared on the screen after leaving the room.

“I was watching everything on my phone, you guys.”

He gestured by pointing to his eyes and then to the viewers, indicating that he was watching them.

Alpaca kept repeating this gesture while backing out of the room.

Did he come back just to say that?

“That was almost as scary as ‘Dad’s not sleeping.'”

– Really, lol
– Dad’s not sleeping, lol

Seojun chuckled and moved the mouse to check the next donation.

“Oh, this one’s about the game.”

[I’d like to get the Weakness Detection skill too. Can you show us some other examples of Determination?]

Most of Seojun’s skills were still locked in his skill window.

Given his lack of playtime and proper assassinations, it would be strange if many skills were unlocked.

However, there was one newly unlocked skill in his skill window.

It was the Weakness Detection skill, the goal of this collaboration.

‘Give it a try!’

Both Alpaca and the viewers were excited about Seojun unlocking the skill, and Seojun moved the streaming screen to his point of view and used Weakness Detection.

The background momentarily changed as if he were seeing through a thermal camera, as described by the viewers, and lines appeared on everything he looked at.

Since he used it in the middle of the market, he could only see items like fruits, but the lines were clearly weak points.

By following the lines, you could identify weak spots in the equipment.

The viewers were thrilled and wanted to get the skill themselves.

The only problem was…

– How do you destroy equipment while fighting Richard?
– Is this difficulty for real??
– Even regular NPCs are hard to target, but a ruler?
– Help

“Hmm… If you want to see other examples, come to my stream tomorrow.”

That’s it for today.

“And I’m sure more skilled players than I will soon get the skill and share it with you.”

– Our host is pretending to be humble, lol

“Hello, it’s nice to meet you in person. I’m travel streamer Jin Seojun.”

Seojun opened the door and approached the desk with the camera, waving his hand.

Then he sat down on the prepared chair.

Alpaca pulled out the chair for Seojun and spoke once he was seated.

“What do you think, everyone? Doesn’t Seojun look exactly like his avatar? Didn’t I tell you?”

Alpaca smiled confidently.

– Wow
– Why is he really handsome? Why is he really handsome? Why is he really handsome?
– Actually, reality seems better, lol
– Damn, the world is unfair, really sucks
– But why are you so happy, Alpaca? lol
– Alpaca probably had his nose done, eyes done, and jaw shaved

Alpaca frowned at a particular chat message and got angry.

“Hey! This is the same face I had scanned in my twenties! What did I change? I look the same as I did years ago.”

– Huh?
– What? Does he really not know?
– (Alpaca’s face exactly)

“Well… I do know I’ve gained some weight, but…”

– Just a bit of weight?
– Really, just weight?
– Seems like you’ve been hit hard by the passage of time
– Seojun being next to you really shows the comparison, lol

“Yeah, I’m not listening, I’m not seeing.”

Alpaca closed his eyes and pretended not to hear.

He then slightly moved his chair to the opposite side of Seojun and said,

“But Seojun, could you move a bit to the side so you fit well on the screen…?”


– A hundred percent conscious of it
– Oh? Why is he moving away? lol

Seojun didn’t mind, while Alpaca settled a bit further away and grabbed the mouse.

“Okay! Now, let’s have a Q&A session. It’s the best way to kill time. The donations are open again… Oh my goodness.”

Alpaca suddenly exclaimed and moved the mouse quickly.

“What happened?”

“I set the minimum donation amount to 10,000 won, and it piled up so quickly. Why do you all have so many questions? I’ll raise the price to 50,000 won. If it’s not a serious question, just ask in the chat. All done!”

Alpaca put down the mouse and explained the computer streaming methods to Seojun.

The basic structure was similar to streaming in the capsule.

It made sense since you could stream through Travel on a computer as well.

However, Alpaca explained the details of the interface as they were slightly different.

“Seojun, you like beef, right?”


After putting down the mouse, Alpaca clapped his hands.


Seojun nodded.

Not many people dislike beef, after all.

“That’s a relief. Now, I’m going to set up the cooking equipment and the streaming gear in the living room. Let’s see how well you can communicate with the viewers.”

With that, Alpaca got up from his chair and went off-screen to find the streaming equipment.

After all, you can’t grill meat in the room.

Seojun picked up the first donation.

[Oppa, I love you.]

“Ah, thank you. But are you really a female viewer?”

Seojun replied with a smile.

This was due to the following chat messages:

– Oppa, really?
– Lol
– (Bouncing animation)

Meanwhile, Alpaca shouted from behind as he left with the streaming equipment.

“You guys never gave me such donations! And it’s 10,000 won!”

– Did he leave?
– He left.
– If you’re upset, be reborn, Alpaca, lol
– You can’t lie about this
– People should have some conscience

As soon as Alpaca left, the viewers started talking behind his back.

Then, Alpaca, who had left the room, suddenly reappeared on the screen.

“I’ve been watching everything on my phone, everyone.”

He gestured with his index and middle fingers from his eyes towards the viewers, indicating he was watching them.

With that, he repeated the gesture and backed out of the room.

Did he come back just to say that?

“That was almost as scary as a dad saying, ‘I’m not sleeping.'”

– For real, lol
– Dad saying, ‘I’m not sleeping,’ lol

Seojun chuckled and moved the mouse to pick up the next donation.

“Oh, there are some questions about the game here.”

[I’d like to get Weak Point Detection too. Could you show other examples of determination skills?]

Most of the skills in Seojun’s skill window were still locked.

It would be odd if Seojun, who lacked playtime and proper assassination experience, had many skills unlocked.

However, there was one newly unlocked skill in his skill window.

And that was the goal of this collaborative stream: Weak Point Detection.

‘Try it out!’

Alpaca and the viewers were excited that Seojun had indeed unlocked the skill. Seojun moved the streaming screen to his view and used Weak Point Detection.

The background momentarily changed to show things that couldn’t be seen normally, resembling thermal imaging, as viewers described it, and lines appeared on everything he looked at.

– Ettore, Drake Perkle Richard too. He fought 1 vs 30 without failing a single parry, and without skills, he broke the guards’ shields and weapons by seeing the grain, and he stripped Richard’s armor in one shot. I’d like to meet someone better than Seojun.

A particularly noticeable chat appeared.

Alpaca sent it from outside.

“Haha, okay then, next.”

[I own 25 million points. Everyone worship me. No, worship Seojun.]

The Assassin of Joseon sent a proud donation.

He had bet the maximum of 250,000 points that Seojun would find more than four and won a 100x payout, obtaining 25 million points.

The Assassin of Joseon’s point ranking is now number one.

With more than twice the points of the second-ranked viewer who had 10 million points.

It was an event that could be called historic in the world of Travel.

Seojun clapped and said,

“Congratulations. Next!”

[What is the Shard of Order?]

It was another game-related question.

The Shard of Order.

[The Dissembler’s boss Drake has been defeated]
[You have obtained Shard of Order (1/4)]

This was the alert that popped up when he defeated Drake the day before.

And it also appeared when he defeated Richard Neville.

[The Knight King Richard Neville has been defeated]
[You have obtained Shard of Order (2/4)]

There was no description of the item, but people were curious about it, much like Weak Point Detection.

This was because Seojun was the first to obtain this Shard of Order item.

The condition was apparent to anyone.

– Favoritism for the unmatched?
– How do you expect us to defeat the Dominator?
– Envious that it’s a content only he can do

Defeating the Dominator in an open battle rather than in a hidden attack.

However, unresolved parts still remained.

Its purpose.

The Shard of Order was not a consumable or equipment, just an item stuck in the miscellaneous tab.

Even though he had obtained a Shard of Order when he defeated Drake previously, it hadn’t been much of an issue since there were fewer viewers then.

Seojun briefly shared his thoughts on it.

“I don’t know much about the Dawn of the Assassins’ world.”

Then, Seojun scratched his cheek and looked off into the distance.

He felt self-conscious even after speaking.

– A newbie got the developer’s ultimate bait, lol
– Truly legendary
– Do we have to find it ourselves?
– Who can defeat the Dominator?

Seojun continued to answer various questions and moved on to the next donations one by one.

[What kind of exercise do you usually do?]

“I just run.”

– Running noted…
– Don’t you do martial arts or anything? lol

“I don’t do martial arts, but if I did, I’d be good at it.”

He could probably give pointers to the professionals.

Seojun swallowed the last part of his sentence.

– Although virtual reality and reality are different, people who are good at one usually are good at the other
– Seems likely, lol

[What do you do in real life?]

“I’m just an ordinary college student.”

– Saying you’re ordinary with that face is deceptive…

[Why did you start with Dawn of the Assassins?]

“A friend recommended it.”

And so on.

He also answered questions from the chat in between, making sure no one felt left out.

He didn’t forget to thank people either.

Seojun handled the piled-up donations that way.

“Hmm, should I lower the donation amount?”

While some people would still donate 50,000 won each time,

Seojun thought about lowering the donation price, considering there might be people who really wanted to ask questions but couldn’t due to the high price.

The current price did seem a bit too high.

“Hmm, how do you do it?”

The sound of the mouse clicking kept repeating.

However, the streaming settings didn’t change at all.

– Could he really not find it?
– Wow, he really doesn’t know how to use machines, lol
– This is why he came in late at the start

Streaming settings are more complicated and meticulous than expected.

“Haha, everyone, I’ll find it soon. Just a moment.”

Seojun couldn’t rely on the viewers for help. Unless they had experience with streaming, most of them only watched the broadcasted screen.

Eventually, Seojun searched the internet for “how to set up Travel donations.”

He browsed through several websites.

But he couldn’t find the method because none of them provided detailed instructions from the beginning.

“Once I learn it, I’ll never forget it… I’ll call Alpaca for now.”

Seojun sighed with a dejected expression.

[Ugh. So frustrating, lol. Just take this.]

[Bro, this isn’t a joke, right? I believe it isn’t.]

[Watching you struggle makes me feel suffocated. Even my grandpa could find it faster, lol]

Donations over 50,000 won kept coming in.

“Oh, thank you for the donations. But hold on. Stop sending them. I’ll lower the amount soon.”

[No, it’s my money, and I’ll spend it. Don’t stop me.]

[A streaming monster! A fundraising genius has appeared!]

[What if we made this man play computer games instead of virtual reality?]

[This might be a meticulously calculated script, omg]

Despite Seojun’s attempts to stop them, people happily sent donations, smiling.

They were charmed by Seojun.

– Just how far did he plan this?
– Wow, a streaming genius
– He shouldn’t learn this stuff too quickly, lol

“Food is ready, so come out now. But Seojun, you’re really good at fundraising. You definitely have a talent for streaming.”

Alpaca gave a thumbs-up and opened the door, calling Seojun.

“If you were watching, you could have come to help.”

Seojun grumbled.

Where can an elderly man struggling with computers live without feeling wronged?

Alpaca smiled slyly while disconnecting the streaming setup from the computer.

“Well, thanks to you, the donations exploded.”

Swordmaster’s Stream

Swordmaster’s Stream

검술 고인물의 게임방송
Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"What's the point of being a Sword God in a past life?" For some reason, I recalled memories of my past life when I was young. Is that why? By chance, I found joy in a virtual reality game. But due to a congenital issue, I couldn’t access virtual reality, and it wasn’t until seven years later that a solution appeared. “The price of the capsule is 100 million won.” It's Expensive. “So, have you heard of Le.o.s?” League of Streaming? A streamer competition? Why? “The grand prize there is this capsule. So, what do you think? Want to give it a shot?”


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