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Echoes of Influence

TL: Demigod

Chapter 20

I’m glad I’ve come out, the Wudang Sect was so boring.

“You’ve been staying with the Wudang Sect?”

“Why? Did you send someone to spy on me?”

“Doing that would make our Hao Sect disappear.”

Even for the Hao Sect, sending a spy to live with the Wudang Sect was suicidal.

“By the way, I sense a familiar energy. Are the bandit folks here too?”

It was unbelievable.

Even the bandits were part of the arrangement.

I thought there would be some impressive criteria.

Of course, that was Eunho’s perspective. To the Hao Sect, the Green Forest was one of the “influential martial artists.”

“Are you planning to fight? You won’t stay still.”

Although the handsome young man intrigued Eunho, he had no intention of fighting in front of esteemed guests.

“Just in case. If I have a purpose, there are very few beings in the world who can stop me. I’ve done it so far, and I plan to continue.”

Eunho grinned, thinking of his father and Somi.

“Hmph, it’s true that a man should have spirit, but excessive arrogance invites trouble.”

Eunho stood up.

“If you’re still unsure, I can demonstrate.”

Surin jumped up, blocking Eunho.

“I told you not to.”

Her stern expression was unwavering.

“It’s a joke, a joke. We’ve enjoyed ourselves enough, so let’s go, Lee Ryang.”

As Eunho turned to leave, Surin grabbed him.

“You should pay for the drinks and food.”

“Didn’t you just give it to me?”

“This is a business place. Surely you’re not leaving without paying? And you’re not just anyone—you’re the Young Leader of the Cheonhajang.”


Eunho extended the money he received from the Wudang Sect.

Seeing it, Surin chuckled and said, “Half the cost of your drinks and food, right? You must have the other half.”

Eunho glanced at Lee Ryang.

However, he only returned a puzzled expression, saying, “What? How?”

“In the name of the Cheonhajang, put this on credit.”

“How audacious. Credits are not allowed.”

Eunho drew his sword.

“Seems like I’ll have to deal with these bandit folks!”

“Go! Just go!”

“Good idea. I’ll inform the nearby Cheonhajang branch, and you can collect it there.”

Eunho’s sword, once sheathed, was now unsheathed, ready for action.


“Master Lu, even though he’s the Emperor’s eldest son, was it necessary for him to personally perform the music?”

A disciple who greatly admired Master Lu spoke up.

“He was a man of value. Thanks to him, we’ve incurred a debt from the Cheonhajang,” replied the disciple.

“But still…”

“I have some things to think about. I’d like to be alone for a moment. Please excuse me.”

After bowing respectfully, the disciple left the room, leaving an air of silence in the study.

“It was a good choice not to step forward earlier.”

Surin muttered to herself, and from the shadows of the ceiling, a low voice echoed.

“Master Mun, it wasn’t that I didn’t step forward, I couldn’t.”


“As soon as I touched my sword, his energy surged. It was as if he wanted me to draw it.”


“Although seven others were hidden, they were all overwhelmed by his intangible qi.”

Gu Hwi, the leader of the Dark Shadow Corps.

He was the one who protected Surin’s father, the former Hao Sect leader, and now served as her guardian.

His cultivation level was at the pinnacle of the Hao Sect, a transcendent state.

‘He recognized his concealment and even pressured me to draw his sword…considering their similar cultivation levels, it’s safe to say they’re both at the pinnacle.’

Surin unfolded a scroll and dipped her brush to make corrections.

“Even as I write this, it’s hard to believe.”

Ha Eunho, the eldest son of the Cheonhajang, is at the pinnacle.

At best, he appeared slightly more than an ordinary disciple.

Considering his age, it was truly a level beyond comprehension.

‘In the not too distant future, perhaps 24 martial masters will become the 25 martial masters.’

Surin felt a sense of urgency at the thought of capturing him before the world knew him.

“I must use the most certain method.”

Surin summoned the most outstanding disciples.

“What a man that already has money and martial arts, the only thing he needs is a beauty.”

It was clear from his previous attitude that he preferred the seven-stringed zither to a beauty, but he isn’t going to marry music?

Surin’s eyebrows furrowed as she slowly looked around the disciples who had gathered.

“Aren’t I the best?”

She didn’t have much luck, but no one could argue with her. It was a fact.

“I guess I’ll have to go myself.”

Then, Surin’s maid, who was holding her hands, said with a displeased expression.

“Huh? Are you going to go yourself, Lady?”

“More than anything, I’m the best option.”


Eunho stretched as he breathed in the fresh, pure air of the Wudang Sect.

“My whole body feels stiff after a few days of not training.”

“Ugh, why did you run? We could just have taken the carriage.”

“When will we get there at that speed? We have to travel in our own way.”

A familiar voice came from behind the two people who had just left the Wudang Sect.

“Are you going?”

It was Myungjin.

“Let’s have something to eat before you go.”

“The Wudang’s food is too bland for human beings.”

Myungjin just smiled wryly at the rather blunt remark.

Even he knew it was tasteless.

“Haha, I guess the Headmaster is going to be quite disappointed. Well…”

Myungjin seemed to have something to say.

“If you have something to say, say it quickly. I’m busy, more than it seems.”

“Thank you.”

With a triumphant expression, Myungjin lowered his head.

His gaze was as straight as when they first met at the foot of the sacred mountain.

What Eunho had shown him was truly a stroke of luck.

Determined not to forget even a single detail, he opened his eyes and immediately went into training.

In the midst of this, he rushed out at the news that Eunho was leaving.

“Don’t worry about it.”

Eunho just shrugged and looked at Myungjin.
When he first saw him, he thought he was just an unlucky Taoist, but looking closer, he realized he was even unluckier.

Still, among the people he had met since, he was the most like a swordsman.

Judging by his talent, he seemed like someone he would hear about often.

And so, Eunho turned around and left the Wudang Sect.

Myungjin remained in his place, watching his back and savoring the lingering effect.

Until Taeho, who arrived late, shouted, “You left? You really just left? Why didn’t you call me?”


After finishing their meal at the inn, Eunho and Lee Ryang came across a familiar face.

“Were you waiting for us?”

A mysterious woman, dressed in clothes that revealed her figure, answered, brushing her hair.

“I thought of something I need to do in Muhan, so why don’t you come with me? I’ve already prepared a carriage.”

Surin’s smile under the sunlight was even more dazzling than before.

“It’s not a difficult task, but I refuse the carriage. It’s too slow.”

“Then how…?”

Just then, Lee Ryang bowed his waist and took a stance.

Then he said with a serious expression.

“Try not to open your eyes as much as possible, and it’s better to breathe through your nose. The moment you open your mouth, a tremendous gust of wind will dry out your throat.”

“What’s that all about…”

Before Surin could grasp the situation, Eunho picked up Lee Ryang.

Only then did Surin realize what was going on, and her cheeks flushed.

“I’m a woman too, so how can I…”

“Then there’s no other choice. Let’s meet again when the opportunity arises.”


After much deliberation, Surin made her decision.

She mimicked Lee Ryang’s posture.

“Well thought out.”

Eunho’s firm hand grasped Sulin’s delicate waist.

Her cheeks flushed momentarily, but it was only a fleeting reaction.

Eunho lightly rolled his foot.


In the place where the three disappeared, only Surin’s scream remained.



Surin stepped out, clutching a tree for support.

She hadn’t expected to move this quickly.

Were all those who reached the pinnacle this fast?

Now, she wondered if she should have taken the carriage after all.

Just then, a warm hand tapped her shoulder.

Still, she worried.

However, the voice that reached her was different from the one she expected.

“I’ve been in situations like this too. But with a few more experiences, you’ll get used to it. You’ll be fine.”

Lee Ryang’s words lacked credibility.

Surin’s face had turned pale, except for the nausea she managed to suppress.

“Now, let’s set off again.”

Both Lee Ryang and Surin looked flustered.

“Oh, and tell the guy following us to stop.”


Although Lee Ryang turned to look, no one was there.

But Surin knew.

It was probably a message for the Dark Shadow Corps leader.

While Eunho’s pace frustrated her, she couldn’t deny that he was considerate.

The handsome brat… was truly insufferable.

No one could guess the reason behind Eunho’s delayed pace.

And the fact that the Leader of the Dark Shadow Corps, who was chasing Eunho, was also breathless to the point of his chin being pulled up.


“…So who is that next to you?”

Ha Jinwi was dumbfounded. How is it that his son brings someone new every time he comes home from somewhere?

And he’s even brought a pretty one this time. Look at her timid posture and expression. She’s totally different from my son…. Oof!

Surin slapped Lee Ryang on the forehead with her palm.

At the unexpected attack, Lee Ryang rubbed his forehead and flared up.

“H-Hey, why did you do that all of a sudden!”

“Come to think of it, you left without re-enabling the secret traps!”

“People forget things sometimes. I can just go and get it back later!”

“When? When are you going to go all the way back there again!”


Ha Jinwi closed his eyes tightly.

At that moment, the door to the study was flung open and General Jang rushed in, in a panic.

“Lord Ha, something terrible has happened!
But… who are these people?”

General Jang hesitated as he looked at Lee Ryang and Surin, and Ha Jinwi said.

“They’re Eunho’s guests, so it’s fine. Speak.”

With permission granted, General Jang swallowed his saliva and opened his mouth.

“Three people have been killed at the Honam Chamber of Commerce.”

“What!? Those bastards are really crossing the line!”

Then a small voice intervened in the conversation between the two men.

“It must be the bastards from the Fortress (人王寨) in Hyeongsan.”

Everyone’s attention focused on Surin.

In particular, General Jang, who was about to mention the Inwangchae, was surprised and asked.

“How did you know?”

Surin smiled and said.

“I know that the Green Fortress has recently started to interfere with the city’s business. That means it will overlap with the Cheonhajang’s sphere of influence. The Heavenly General must have tried to compromise with them, and considering the Fortress King’s personality…”

Ha Jinwi’s gaze at Surin became even more serious.

“He refused.”

“Yes, that’s to be expected. If he shows signs of compromise from the very first business deal, it will damage his reputation.”

General Jang nodded.

“That’s right. Not only compromise, but even just trying to compromise is not easy.”

“It must be the secret manual, right?”

“Oh, no, not that!”

General Jang’s eyes seemed like they would pop out of their sockets.

It was natural that Surin knew so much about the Green Forest Fortress

She was the leader of the Hao Sect.

Information about the q4 martial masterswas always a buzzing topic.

“Even if he tries to meet with the Fortress King to negotiate, it won’t be easy to even approach him because of that secret manual.”

General Jang said as if he was making excuses, and Lee Ryang scratched the back of his head.

“I think I can handle that problem somehow. But still, the time you’ll spend sheltering and feeding me…”

Not really?

Come to think of it, he was scared to step foot in the Cheonhajang, and then he was caught by Eunho and ended up going to the Wudang Sect.

Well, at least he’ll have something to eat and sleep for now, so think of it as preemptive repayment.

“You have time to sleep, don’t you? Ha ha.”

Lee Ryang had become shameless since he started hanging around Eunho.

At that moment, General Jang’s eyes lit up.

Come to think of it, Eunho introduced that young man as a fortune teller. Considering Eunho’s way of speaking, maybe…

There was a high possibility that he was a Taoist or a shaman.

“Are you well-versed in secret manuals too?”

“I specialize in exorcism, so I may not be as good as those who only deal with secret manuals, but I should be able to solve any average secret manual if I have the time.”

“Can we talk for a moment?”

“Of course.”

Lee Ryang and General Jang sat down at a table prepared on one side and talked about secret manuals for a while.

It was mainly General Jang asking questions and Lee Ryang answering them.

Wow! Oh! How!

General’s exclamations continued to come out of their conversation.

He’s about the same age as the Young Lord, but he has this much knowledge!

Surin became anxious.

She came here to capture Eunho.

Her plan was to conquer his family first.

But the unexpected Lee Ryang got in the way.

“Or maybe we could make the Fortress King come out of the mountain stronghold himself?”

Surin shouted urgently, and General Jang’s hot gaze turned to her.

She had at least succeeded in capturing his attention.

“After all, I have all sorts of methods available to me.”

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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