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Elder’s Proposal


Chapter 8

In the midst of the bustling market, an old man in tattered clothes and another adorned in silk stood out like sore thumbs. Despite their seemingly mismatched appearances, a deep camaraderie seemed to bind them together.

“Have you seen it too?”

“Yes, it was quite something.”

“Quite something? Those three are among the top late-stage practitioners. And yet, he subdued them with ease.”

The old man in shabby clothes shone with excitement in his eyes, while the old man next to him sighed.

“It’s starting again. The head of the Namgung family is waiting, let’s hurry.”

“Ha ha. My judgment has never been wrong. Just you wait and see.”

The old man quickly moved on.

“Hey! Even if the head is waiting!”

Despite the urgent cry, his steps were unhurried.

The old man, knowing the stubbornness of his long-time friend, shook his head.

“Don’t be late.”

“I’ll follow soon.”

The old man, having given a brief answer, headed towards the dining place of Eunho and Somi.


At the sudden sound of a fake cough, Somi’s eyes widened.

“Is there a seat for this old man here?”

“Yes! There is a seat here…”

“There isn’t.”

At the contrasting responses of Somi and Eunho, the old man laughed heartily and sat down.

“Ha ha, the young man is quite cold-hearted.”

Nevertheless, Eunho focused on his meal without making eye contact, as if ignoring the old man. Elder Chu sent a glance to someone far away, as if he was being ignored.

A young man hurried over.

“Woo Bang-Gae, a disciple of Sagyeol, greets the respected elder!”

Everyone’s eyes, except for Eunho’s, grew as wide as lanterns.

The young man introduced as a disciple of Sagyeol was clearly a figure from the Beggars Sect.

The Beggars Sect, an organization made up of beggars, could not be ignored by anyone.

One of the Nine Martial Arts Sects, known as the eyes and ears of the orthodox schools, The Beggars Sect!

To be called an elder there meant he was one of the most respected among the wise.

Only then did the eight knots tied around the old man’s waist become visible.

The Beggars Sect distinguished ranks by the number of knots.

Nine knots represent the deputy leader. And eight knots symbolize the elder. The elder called Chu Gwang-Gae had a smug expression. However, Eunho’s reaction was entirely different from what he had expected.

“Did you say a gaze from afar was bothering you? How childish.”

Elder Chu’s eyes sparkled with mischief, having revealed his status indirectly through the young man he had waiting. He hadn’t expected him to notice.

But acting nonchalant is a beggar’s basic skill, and Elder Chu was an excellent beggar.

“Ha ha, the older one gets, the more childish one becomes.”

Regardless, Eunho continued to focus on his meal.

Only Somi felt uneasy in the strange atmosphere.

Elder Chu, surprised by the unexpected reaction, licked his lips and continued.

“I hear you’ve received teachings from the Traveler?”

The Traveler was none other than Namgung Cheong’s nickname.

Even mentioning his master, the continued disregard made Elder Chu’s temper rise.

“Hey. When an adult speaks, you should at least respond.”

Elder Chu reached out his hand.

His target was Eunho’s right hand, which was playing with chopsticks!

His expectation was missed again. He tried to grab his hand to stop him from focusing solely on his meal, but Eunho’s hand dodged with a bizarre movement.

“What, what?”

Elder Chu was flustered.

It wasn’t full strength, but he had put enough skill into it that a young warrior couldn’t have avoided it.

However, it seemed he had succeeded in momentarily stopping Eunho’s meal.

Still bowing his head, he murmured softly.

“Old man.”


He didn’t seem to think he was the one being called, looking around.

However, the only person who could be called ‘old man’ was himself.

Eunho’s head lifted, and their gazes met.

“Ah. So it was me you were referring to.”

A hollow laugh burst out.

To be called ‘old man’ by someone so much younger in both age and status.

Well, if he’s a disciple of the Traveler, perhaps our status is somewhat similar…

Eunho spoke calmly.

“Let’s get to the point.”

Eunho was quite displeased at having his meal interrupted.

Elder Chu wore an awkward expression.

How long had it been since he had been insulted in front of so many people?

But if he backed down now, he couldn’t call himself an elder of the Beggars Sect.

“Ahem, come join the alliance.”

That was his original purpose.

Recruiting young and talented individuals into the alliance was Elder Chu’s only hobby.

Not just from Eunho’s table, but murmurs could be heard from around them.

Such was the shocking nature of Elder Chu’s statement!

The Murim Alliance, the greatest coalition of the righteous martial world.

Moreover, every individual personally recruited by Elder Chu was walking a smooth path within the alliance.

Being directly recruited meant he would push them hard.

Of course, this was of no interest to Eunho.

“I’d rather not.”

“Do you realize that the guy you just beat is the eldest son of the Northern Pang Family?”

Eunho nodded nonchalantly.

“And you must know that his father, the head of the Pang Family, has a temper like a fiery volcano. Pang Jiyeol, the King of Fists, head of the Northern Pang Family, and one of the Twenty-Four Honored Masters of the Murim. He’s even here today. He has eyes. Even if he doesn’t kill you, he could make things very uncomfortable for you.”

“I wasn’t aware of that.”

Eunho remained calm, but Somi, who was listening beside him, turned pale.

Even Somi, who was not a martial artist, had heard rumors about Pang Jiyeol, the head of the Northern Pang Family.

An elder of the orthodox faction is usually expected to value justification and dignity, but he was never such a person. He was someone who did what he wanted, regardless of the reason! Pang Jiyeol was the epitome of the vigorous and generous Northern Pang Family.

TL/N: generous when delivering punishment.

“If you join the Murim Alliance, I can protect you. There are many elders of the alliance here, and there are swordsmen friendly to the alliance as well. The leader of the alliance will also attend soon, so even the head of the Pang Family will have to be cautious.”

Elder Chu was confident of victory.

No matter how strong the kid was, he was just a late-stage practitioner. There was no young man who wouldn’t fear the wrath of the head of one of the Five Great Families, especially one known for his fiery temper like the head of the Pang Family.

Eunho put down his chopsticks with a clack and looked at Elder Chu.

“I said no.”

His eyes did not waver.

There was only one thing Elder Chu could read in Eunho’s eyes.

Huh? Annoyance?

Had he ever seen such a young man recently?

Normally, countless people would bow their heads to the ground just knowing he was an elder of The Beggars Sect. But not this man. Even after mentioning the name of the King of Fists, he still seemed only annoyed.

Elder Chu was growing fond of him.

He chuckled at Eunho.

“Then there’s nothing I can do.”


Eunho tilted his head in surprise as Elder Chu backed down easily. Someone who had risen to such a position would usually be more stubborn.

It was strange to see him retreat so easily.

Of course, it wasn’t important enough to delay his meal.

“If you’re done, please leave.”

Eunho focused on his meal again.

“I should finish my meal as well.”

And so did Elder Chu.

As the two ate silently, the awkward air settled down.

The surrounding people were almost sick to their stomachs.

Elder Chu kept glancing at Eunho, but Eunho did not return the gaze.

Soon after finishing his meal, Elder Chu stood up from his seat.

“I have a feeling we’ll meet again.”

“Oh, that’s really something I don’t want to hear.”

Elder Chu’s eyes narrowed.

“I can tell you’re skilled, but always be careful what you say in the martial world. That’s sincere advice.”

“It sounds more like a warning.”

“Ha ha, it’s all in how you take it.”

With that, Elder Chu left his seat without any hesitation.

Eunho watched his back and smiled enigmatically.

‘It’s about time for the Pang family to make their move.’

Eunho had fully anticipated what Elder Chu was worried about.

How could it be just a day or two that he had been rolling around in this world?

Including his previous life, it’s been over a thousand years. A thousand years!

Just by the way he was acting, it wasn’t clear whether this guy was the type to give up or the type to sharpen his sword and come back.


“What on earth happened!”

A deep voice echoed thunderously in the dark underground prison.

“That is….”

“Speak honestly.”

“I just wanted to have a little chat, but….”

Pang Jiho’s expression contorted beyond the bars.

“You fool. I’m sure I told you to be careful with your actions here.”

“I’m sorry, Uncle.”

Pang Jeok cradled his head and fiddled with his wrist.

As if to say, ‘look at this.’

“Why is your wrist like that? Don’t tell me it was the Namgung family’s doing!?”

Pang Jiho glared at the Namgung family’s warrior guarding the prison.

“No, Uncle. In fact, that bitch’s btother… sob!”

Pang Jeok did his best to act pitiful.

He didn’t know what the young master of Cheonhajang had been eating to become so strong, but one thing is for sure, he can’t be beaten.

Pang Jeok was not one to just let things slide. Behind him stood the most reliable Northern Pang Family and his father, who had ascended to the Twenty-Four Honored Masters of the Murim.

Of course, Pang Ji-Hu knew what Pang Jeok was thinking.

But what could he do?

His brother, the family head, cherished his son terribly.

“Ahem, so all three of you were defeated by that guy?”

“…He was no ordinary man.”

“Tsk, just wait here. I’ll speak to our family head and get this sorted out quickly.”

“Yes, uncle. I’ll wait. I’m sorry.”

Watching Pang Ji-Hu’s retreating back, a smile involuntarily appeared on his face.

He already felt a sense of exhilaration.

If his father learned of this, not only that guy but also his father would be in trouble!



A loud noise came from the guest room prepared by the Namgung family.

Pang Jiyeol, having heard the story from Pang Ji-Hu, could not contain his anger and smashed the table.

Pang Jiyeol glared fiercely, his breath heavy.

With a body twice the size of an ordinary man, a neck as thick as a tree trunk, and a jaw that looked solid.

His already massive stature turned red and blue with rage, making him look like a wild beast.

“So, Jeok is locked up in the prison?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“And you came back without bringing Jeok?”

“Well, that is, the Namgung family refused too strongly…”

“How dare these insolent people!”


Pang Jiyeol threw a teacup carelessly.

“Hopyeong Grandmaster!”

As he called out roughly, the door opened, and a man with a stern look entered and bowed his head.

“Yes, family head.”

“You’ve heard what happened?”


“I will go and meet the head of the Namgung family myself and bring Jeok back. What should you do then?”


The Hopyeong Grandmaster remained silent, just looking at Pang Jiyeol.

Are you saying you’ll go and fetch him yourself? What else is there to do?

Pang Jiyeol thumped his chest in frustration and exclaimed.

“Are you saying we should just let the person who dared to touch the great son of the Northern Pang Family go?”

“Huh? But, family head.”

Hopyeong Grandmaster showed his reluctance.

Are you telling me to go and beat him up?

That’s absurd.

He himself was the leader of the elite of a martial arts family, one of the Five Great Families at that.

Ordinary martial artists couldn’t even make proper eye contact with him.

Even without the backing of the Northern Pang Family, he was a peak master among the top hundred masters.

Would such a person beat up just one late-stage practitioner?

“Especially since he’s the young master of the Cheonhajang.”

If this gets out, the Northern Pang Family will become a laughingstock in the orthodox martial world, and Cheonhajang will use its immense financial power to pressure us.

As Hopyeong Grandmaster was thinking all this and about to object.

“If you can’t do it, then I’ll have to do it myself.”

He briefly imagined the family head stepping in.

The family head making his way through the crowd to the young master.

He would shout.

“Hey, come with me. No? Then let’s fight here.”

He beats him up. In front of everyone. The crowd murmurs, and the Martial Alliance will take action.

Ah, the Namgung family won’t just sit still either.

They caused a scene at the elder’s funeral.

Cheonhajang will pressure us with its financial power and connections.

The Northern Pang Family, suddenly reduced to beggars.

Worn-out martial uniforms. A diet mainly of vegetables. A weapon rack missing its teeth.

“…No, I’ll go.”

Swearing inwardly.

No matter how you look at it, it’s better to go myself.

Hide my identity, and just give him a good thrashing where no one is around.

It’s unsettling, but it’s a hundred, no, a thousand times better than the family head stepping in himself.

As long as I don’t get caught. Just don’t get caught.

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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