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Eun-ho’s Hidden Intent

TL: dishanna

Chapter 17

Myeongjin flew in a beautiful arc through the air.

The Eight Trigram Formation, practiced for years by the second-generation disciples of the Wudang Sect, was ruthlessly destroyed.

“Senior Brother!”

Their respected senior brother was taken down with one strike.

He even fainted.


Foam was coming out of his mouth.

The second-generation disciples ran over and shook Myeongjin.

Eun-ho tilted his head as he watched.

The strike wasn’t that powerful though?

Eunho, despite appearances, was a thoughtful person.

There was no way he would knock out a second-generation disciple in front of the sect leader and first-generation disciples of Wudang .

‘He’s acting.’

He was definitely pretending to faint out of embarrassment in front of his disciples.

Eun-ho chuckled.

He’s craftier than he looks.

Eun-ho’s gaze turned to the platform in the training yard.

The sect leader and the first-generation disciples were standing with their mouths agape.

The first to regain his composure was Tae-heo, the head of the Medicine Hall.

He walked over to Myeongjin.

“Move aside.”

Taeheo checked Myeongjin’s pulse.


He was in better shape than expected. He had twitched and foamed at the mouth, so Taeheo thought he might have internal injuries.

Tae-heo looked closely at Myeongjin’s face.

His eyelashes were trembling.

‘Is he pretending to be unconscious?’

Looking around, he saw the worried faces of the second-generation disciples.

‘This kid….’

If Myeongjin were fine, they would have laughed at him for being knocked out with one hit.

Understanding the situation, Tae-heo shook his head and picked up Myeongjin.

He was feeling guilty for scolding him earlier in front of the disciples.

Taeheo decided to help him just this once.

“Sect leader, Myeongjin’s condition is not serious, but I will take him to the Medicine Hall for a check-up.”

Jinyang, still in a daze, nodded absent-mindedly.

‘Though the Eight Trigram Formation was set up by the second-generation disciples, it shouldn’t have been broken so easily….

What if… this person is more incredible than we had originally thought?

No matter how hard he tried to dismiss the thought, it lingered in his mind.

Jang Sam-bong, who broke the Hundred and Eight Arhat Formation of Shaolin at the age of fifteen.

The first Heavenly Demon, who single-handedly destroyed half of the Kunlun Sect at the age of twenty.

Though breaking the Eight Trigram Formation is a trivial matter compared to their feats…

The process….

He just swung his sword a few times, didn’t he?

Jin-yang’s eyes sparkled anew as he looked at Eun-ho.

‘Should I recruit him? Into the Wudang sect?’

Never did he expect to have such an ambition in his later years.

While the sect leader was deep in thought, Taeheo, carrying Myeongjin, approached Eunho.

“Come with me.”

Though his expression was stern, Eunho followed without complaint.

He had secretly heard Taeheo’s voice.

‘To the benefactor who found my Azure vital Pill, I have something to repay you with.’

If it was something like that, he’d gladly accept it.

Eun-ho walked cheerfully.


After laying the unconscious, or pretending to be unconscious, Myeongjin in a corner of the Medicine Hall, Taeheo called Eunho outside.

He led him to a small hut behind the Medicine Hall.

Eun-ho frowned slightly.

What kind of hut was vibrating with such spiritual energy?

It was so sacred it was uncomfortable.

“Young master, do you feel anything here?”

Taeheo asked, his face glowing with pride.

This was Taeheo’s most cherished place in all of Wudang .

“Hmm, is the Azure vital Pill here?”

“Hahaha! Exactly! You know your stuff!”

Tae-heo laughed and was delighted just by looking at Eunho.

With a lively movement, he opened the door wide.

“This is the Medicine Hall, where we manage all of Wudang ‘s spiritual elixirs.”

His face was full of pride.

As soon as he opened the door, an enormous wave of spiritual energy gushed out.


Eun-ho gagged.

An assassination? Revenge for his disciple?

“Why, why are you like this?”

Taeheo asked, greatly alarmed, and Eun-ho, breathing heavily, shook his head.

He had to endure. There was a gift awaiting him.

“I guess… I ate too much for breakfast.”

“Huh, the sect leader was excessive indeed. Come to the Medicine Hall later. I’ll examine you personally.”

In one corner of the Medicine Hall were heaps of pine needles gathered from the medicinal pines of Mount Wudang .

They were full of Wudang ‘s sacred spiritual energy.

Tae-heo carefully removed the pine needles.

Underneath were several small pills.

“These are pills made with Wudang ‘s secret recipe. When aged in pine needles for about ten years, most of them become Lesser Vitality pills. They absorb the spiritual energy of Mount Wudang . And occasionally, like this…”

Taeheo picked up the most sacred-looking pill.

“They become the Azure Vital Pill you found. Sometimes, even after more than ten years, not a single Azure vital Pill appears. It’s up to the will of the heavens. That’s why they are precious.”

Eun-ho’s eyes sparkled.

Ho, so that’s how it’s made?

Seeing Eunho’s focus, Tae-heo smiled and said,

“Though it’s not the Azure vital Pill, I cannot ignore your favor. If you don’t mind, take some Lesser Vital pills. Though slightly inferior to the Azure vital Pill, these are also rare spiritual pills in the world.”

But Eun-ho shook his head. “Just those pills are fine for me.”

Eun-ho pointed to the pills that hadn’t even been placed in the pine needles.

“Though they are made from various medicinal ingredients and are as good as a well-prepared herbal medicine by a skilled doctor, they don’t help in internal energy enhancement.”

“It’s alright. Instead, I’d like to take them for my father and the chief at home, so could I take them generously?”

Huh! Such filial piety!

Tae-heo’s eyes were deeply moved.

“Take as many as you want! Those pills are overflowing here in Wudang anyway.”

“Thank you. Do you have a wooden box?”

“Of course. Wait a moment.”

Taeheo rummaged through a corner and handed over a wooden box.

“Here it is.”

“Uh… hmm… it’s too small.”

“Huh, your filial piety is really great. Wait a moment.”

He rummaged again and brought out a larger wooden box.

“Is this enough?”

“It’s small.”


Taeheo, after a few moments of contemplation, picked out the largest wooden box he could find.

“This should be enough, right?”

“It’s still small.”

“How big…!”

Almost losing his temper, Taeheo went into the storage behind and brought out a box the size of an adult’s torso.

“This should do it.”

“Yes, that will do. Perfect.”

It seemed slightly insufficient, but he felt asking for a bigger one would get him kicked out.

Eunho, receiving the box, transferred the pills with both hands.

One, two, three times….

After about fifteen trips, the large box was full.

Eun-ho looked at the box with great satisfaction and smiled.

“I will use it well. I’ll take my leave.”

Then he took the box, leaped, and disappeared.

Taeheo, left behind, watched his departing figure with a somewhat blank expression.

“Use it… well?”

Did he not say he would take it home? Oh well, what does it matter?

Though there was a lingering discomfort, Taeheo felt it was fair recompense for finding the Azure vital Pill.

As dark clouds covered the moon, a pitch-black darkness descended upon Mount Wudang .

In the dead of night when everyone was asleep,

someone stealthily moved through the shadows.

Their destination was none other than Yokai Cave, a cave made by Eunho in his previous life.

Thick demonic energy wafted and enveloped Eunho.

Eun-ho closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled.

“Ah. Refreshing. To think there would be such a clean area filled with demonic energy in Wudang .”

In Eunho’s hands was the box full of pills.

He turned his head left and right, checking his surroundings.

Since it was a restricted area in Wudang , unnecessary misunderstandings could arise.

Though unlikely, it was better to avoid any chances.

Confirming no one was around, Eunho entered the cave with a sly grin.

Deeper and deeper.

He felt the demonic energy growing stronger.

The outer part of the cave had somewhat faded due to Wudang ‘s spiritual energy over time, but the inside remained almost unchanged.

“I remember hitting this place a few times.”

It’s quite deep.

He could feel his past life’s strength anew.

Using light footwork, Eunho reached the innermost part of the cave and began digging carefully.

Once the hole was big enough, he placed the box inside.

The box contained about five hundred pills.

“In a few years, they will become extraordinary demonic pills.”

If the Azure vital Pill could be made with pine needles covered in spiritual energy, how great would the pills made in this immense demonic energy be?

“If someone steals and consumes them….”

It was obvious that anyone else would fall into qi deviation, but for Eunho, who could easily handle the demonic energy, these pills would be even better than the Azure vital Pills.

What a fulfilling day.

He had thoroughly beaten up Myeongjin, who had been a constant annoyance, and had managed to obtain 500 Lesser Vital pills in exchange for a single Azure Vital pill.

Humming a tune, Eunho walked out of the cave.


Eunho flinched in surprise.

Someone was standing at the entrance of the cave.

Normally, he would have sensed their presence before they got close, but the overwhelming demonic energy had dulled his senses.

He cautiously enhanced his vision to identify the person.

It was a familiar face.

“I saw everything.”

The person approaching with a resolute expression was none other than Myeong-jin.

“What, what did you see?”

“Come on, just be honest.”

“What, you little…!”

Eun-ho tried to play dumb.

If that didn’t work…

He clenched his fist tightly.

There was something his master had once told him.

Sometimes, a hard blow to the head can cause temporary memory loss. Whether Myeong-jin knew this or not, his expression remained resolute and determined.

“Earlier today, you intentionally only beat me up like that!”

Eun-ho sighed and unclenched his fist.

So that’s what this was about.

He tilted his head to the side, standing with one leg bent in a casual stance, trying to look as menacing and intimidating as possible.

“So, what if I did? Got a problem with it?”

“Teach me.”


Myeong-jin lowered his head.

“How can I become as strong as you?”

Eunho couldn’t help but laugh.

He hadn’t come to complain, but to ask to be taught?

He was conflicted. Although Myeongjin was annoying, his determination to become stronger and his daily offerings to the yokai Eunho early in the morning showed his sincerity.

He didn’t seem completely hateful.

“I’ve never taught anyone before. I don’t even know how.”

A look of deep disappointment crossed Myeongjin’s face.



“You can show me?”


Eun-ho drew his sword without hesitation.

“You call that the Eight Trigram formation?”

He closed his eyes.

Memories of meeting Jang San-bong came flooding back.

Things that were invisible to him before he learned martial arts became clear.

Impressive, indeed.

To think a human could create something like that within their lifespan.

Of course, in terms of sheer strength, Eunho was stronger now.

But did that make the Heaven splitting Sword Technique a higher level of martial art?

Not necessarily. It was just that the user was overwhelmingly strong.

Eun-ho, having glimpsed Jang San-bong’s martial arts, opened his eyes again and looked at Myeongjin.

“Just once, only once. I don’t know if you’ll be able to see anything, but if you do, even if it’s just a tiny bit….”

Everything would change. A new world would open up.

Because it contained the essence of the creator’s intent, who had comprehended, or rather invented, the ultimate principles of the martial art they practiced.

“Draw your sword.”

With a determined expression, Myeongjin nodded and drew his sword.

Apparently, he intended to show him in the form of a duel.

“Focus with all your might! Give it your best shot.”

This was all Eun-ho could do for him.

Myeongjin swallowed hard and blinked once.

A split second? No, an instant within a split second.

He had only blinked once.

Eun-ho’s sword, which had been more than three meters away, was already descending towards his head.

The sword had already reached just before his eyes.

He couldn’t even react.

Myeongjin was struck on the head and fell.

But one thing was certain.

Just before he fell.

In that brief moment when even the wind and clouds stopped.

Myeong-jin’s eyes were filled with euphoria.


Looking down at the fallen Myeongjin, Eunho smiled in surprise.

“In that short moment, he entered a state of no-self?”

Truly, he was an annoying but not entirely detestable guy.

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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