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Eunho’s Revenge

PR: Freak_Guy

Episode 3


The boy who had arrogantly taunted Eunho found himself sprawled on the ground after Eunho’s sudden punch.

“What, what’s this?”

It was a reaction quite different from before.

He used to be the kind of person who would clench his fists no matter what insult was thrown at him, unable to do anything else.

Eunho grinned and grabbed the fallen boy by the hair before delivering a fierce blow to the ground.

Thud! Thud!

His forehead collided forcefully with the hard earth.


Thud! Thwack!

Ah, how nostalgic that sound was.

Eunho’s rough hands didn’t relent.

Although everyone thought he should stop, his momentum was too ominous, so they held their tongues.


Under the relentless pounding, the boy’s forehead split open, and blood flowed freely.

Smoke rose from the torn hem of the boy’s pants where his forehead had split.

“What, is this all you’ve got?”

Eunho, still gripping the unconscious boy’s hair, shifted his gaze towards the stocky boy.


Eunho and the boy locked eyes, and the boy instinctively took a step back.

Among the school childrens, he might have been a leader, but still, he was a bit older than Jihak.

Who wouldn’t be frightened after witnessing their friend’s head hit the ground dozens of times?

“Where are you going?”

The boy’s steps halted at Eunho’s stern voice.

A look of sheer terror.

Hah, to be beaten by these kinds of people.

It felt so pathetic and pitiful.

Well, I’ll make sure to get my revenge properly. It’s payback for what they did to my body.

“These people aren’t even worth killing. Just take as much as beating you deserve for your mistakes.”

Eunho approached the boy with determined steps and, just like before, grabbed his hair.

The boy, powerless in Eunho’s grip.

Thud! Thud! Crack~!

From then on, one by one, he pounded the heads of the people he remembered from his past.

Although he had a frail body, it was a body toughened by nature for over two weeks of survival.

In terms of human standards, Eunho could be considered top-notch even without martial arts skills. It was more than enough to beat up boys who hadn’t learned any martial arts.

Moreover, what Eunho was most confident in was fighting.

In his previous life, he had even been referred to as a ‘Battle God,’ so what more can be said?

And so, after equally splitting the heads of a total of seven boys and girls, Eunho’s beating came to a halt.

Upon hearing the news belatedly, the headmaster of the academy rushed out and shouted angrily, “You! How dare you cause a commotion in this sacred place!”

Although the teacher’s furious reprimand seemed to make others shrink in fear, unfortunately for him, the one he was addressing was Eunho.

Eunho, who stood facing the headmaster, cast a cold and piercing gaze

“I was just giving those bastards a piece of my mind.”

“What are you talking about?”

“These people have been bothering ‘me’ for quite some time. Why is that? Didn’t you know it all along?”

“Just some friends’ pranks…”

“No, it’s not just that. I wouldn’t have been able to bear the pressure of the whole world if things escalated.”

Eunho’s smirk grew even more pronounced.


Eunho’s demeanor had turned decidedly fierce upon his return after a year.

“Don’t roll your eyes. You must be thinking it’s the perfect opportunity to chase me away since you’ve found a convenient excuse, right?”

The wavering gaze of the school headmaster fixed on Eunho.

“Child, you’re not fooling anyone.”

“Hey, don’t force it.”

“I’m in a real dilemma right now. You’ve been tormented by ‘me’ too, haven’t you? I knew, yet I acted like I didn’t.”

Eunho turned his head to look at the children with their faces pressed to the ground.

“Do you want revenge on me too? Like them?”

But soon, he shook his head.

“I was sent to the academy, and If I come back having defeated the academy’s headmaster, Father wouldjust grieve, right? just tell me to ‘Go home’.


The director was quite taken aback.

As if causing a commotion in the academy wasn’t enough, now he had these monstrous eyes and was telling him to make him leave?

Was this some kind of strategy?

He couldn’t figure out what kind of trickery was at play.

Furthermore, with the mention of the “Cheonhajang”, Eunho’s words had him on the verge of choking.


Eunho’s soft voice made Hakjang’s eyes widen.

“I told you not to roll your eyes. I just want to become even better, so just chase me away.”

In reality, if it wasn’t for revenge, there was no reason for Eunho to bother coming to the academy, even if it meant enduring the inconvenience.

It was a busy time for him absorbing nature’s energy, so why bother?

In the end, the Headmaster had no choice but to follow Eunho’s words.

“T-then, don’t come from tomorrow.”

Seeing his awkward attitude, Eunho tilted his head again and furrowed his eyebrows.

“Now that I’m not your student anymore, isn’t it a bit strange to use informal language?”

Director startled.


Finally, Eunho turned around with a satisfied smile.

* * *

“That’s what happened”

Eunho calmly explained what had happened at the academy.

Of course, excluding the part where he threatened the Headmaster.

There were kids who had bullied him for a long time, and he beat them. Quite thoroughly.

As the story progressed, Ha Jinwi’s expression changed rapidly, and soon he burst into hearty laughter.

“Hahaha! Well done, my boy. I feel so relieved! Don’t worry. You can stay at the academy as long as you wants…”

“No, I’m done with the academy.”

“Huh? Why?”

“I think I’m being a bit shy.”

Eunho’s expression was serious.

Ha Jinwi and General Pyeong exchanged surprised looks.

He claims to be shy, yet he beat up those kids?

The General, who seemed about to offer a rebuttal.

“In that case, I’ll take my leave.”

With a brief farewell, Eunho briskly exited the room.

The remaining two individuals looked at each other.

Judging by the way they rolled their eyes, it seemed they were contemplating various thoughts.

“What are your thoughts?”

“My thoughts are the same .”

“Indeed. It feels like his body has definitely improved.”

“If you’re a martial artist, you should learn enough martial arts to protect yourself.”

Both of their faces were filled with joy.

It feels like he had just awakened not long ago, and now he is learning martial arts too!

“Director General! Let’s call that person here immediately!

Ha Jinwi said with an excited voice.

“I’ll send the fastest carriage of the manor!”

Similarly, it was General Jang.

A meal was a kind of battle and was always intense.

His chopsticks were like a master swordsman’s sword.

His swift hand movements seemed to be aimed at the Stir-Fried Blue Crab first and then went straight for the Braised Beef.

A skillful blend of herbs and veggies.

The pupils, fixated solely on the target, demonstrated a high level of concentration.

The substantial and tender Braised Beef was instantly sucked into Eunho’s mouth.

That’s it, this flavor.

Eunho, who had been enjoying it with every bite, finally looked around.

What’s going on?

Ha Jinwi, the owner of “World manor”, and General Jang Pyeong.

They had their chopsticks untouched, drawing puzzled lines on their foreheads.

Eunho’s brow furrowed.


What’s going on? What’s so great about it? You want to know too.

“Huh? No, hahaha, just watching your eat makes this old man feel full.”

“My Lord, I feel the same way. It’s almost as if I could choke. Hahaha.”

This is insane.

Eunho’s brow furrowed even more.

Well, people who laugh excessively are like that, to begin with.

In truth, Ha Jinwi and General Jang Pyeong were not particularly known for laughing. How could the faces of those who held significant responsibilities in such a large organization be nothing but cheerful?

It was merely the fact that Eunho had awakened that brought smiles to their faces.

Just as Eunho was about to resume eating with his chopsticks…


“Yes, what is it?”

Come on, if you have something to say, say it quickly.

“What do you think is important to a man?”

Eunho’s brow narrowed again at the unexpected question, but he soon contemplated it seriously.

In reality, he was content with the peaceful daily life after reincarnation, but he couldn’t shake a feeling of emptiness.



“Isn’t it money? The reason why my father is respected by countless people is also because of that.”

“Hahaha! As expected, my son has insightful wisdom. Yes, money is important! So, what’s the next most important thing?”

Eunho raised an eyebrow as if he couldn’t believe such an obvious question.

Why ask something so self-evident?

“The power to protect that money.”

The corners of the eyes of the two men who were looking at Eunho narrowed. He was born in “World manor” and grew up without worries his whole life.

Words like this didn’t usually come from a child who grew up without shortages, never having anything taken away from him.

Certainly, he had changed.

But there was a more important point left.

“That’s a fairly close answer. Specifically, it’s the power to protect your own body. Even if everything is taken away, as long as your limbs are intact, you can start over.”

Ha Jinwi’s previously grinning expression turned serious.

Eunho’s smile, in response to this change, was so subtle that no one could notice.

I understand what you’re trying to say.

“Are you suggesting that I learn martial arts?”

“You have a good sense. Yes. Just because you were born and raised as the son of the Lord of a merchant district doesn’t mean martial arts are not necessary…”

“That’s right.”

“…Do you need to think about it more?”

“What is there to think about? In fact, I’ve already resolved everything and was pondering what to do next.”

The conversation between the two was interrupted by the general.

“If there are things to resolve?”

“There are such things. I’m still a teenager with many secrets I can’t reveal yet.”

While there was some doubt about what needed to be resolved, the response was clear and refreshing.

“All right, that’s good. Then let’s build a practice arena soon.”

“Just finish your meal and get started right away.”

The drive was so refreshing that it felt like it could even chill the air.

Eunho had never put off things he needed to do. As it seemed like all business was settled, the battle on the dining table resumed, and the faces of the two who had achieved their goals were even brighter than before.

* * *

Hajinwi and Jang Pyeong stood respectfully on either side of Eunho who was sitting in the lotus position as if they were preparing for some kind of martial arts ceremony.

“It’s not difficult to build a practice arena, so let’s start before he arrives.”

“He? Who are you talking about?”

“Yes. I’ve invited someone to teach you martial arts. This person is like your father’s master.”

Eunho was somewhat excited. Given World manor’s influence, they could call in a renowned martial arts expert.

“Close your eyes and do as I say.”


“Don’t answer.”


Hajinwi’s expression twisted in annoyance. “Didn’t I tell you not to?”


The absence of a response only seemed to anger him more.

As talented as his son was in raising people’s spirits, he could be quite elusive in other ways.

“First, you need to break through the first blocked meridian,”

Eunho began to move his energy slowly, following his father’s instructions.

“It’s not a difficult task, but if you rush, it won’t be any good. So, gently tap on the blocked meridian.”

Huh? But it’s already open?

As Eunho furrowed his brow in confusion, Hajinwi cautiously spoke.

“Well, then, next is…”

Something is odd.

The meridians my father said I should open are already completely unblocked.

“Especially the Minghui meridian here plays a crucial role when you connect the Ren and Du meridians later…”

That’s not important. They’re already open.


“Shh. I told you not to speak.”

Hajinwi was more serious than ever before.

It wasn’t a particularly difficult task, but since it involved manipulating internal energy, Eunho proceeded cautiously.

“Now, starting from the left abdomen, move slowly through the Minghui meridian, then back through the right waist…”

He moved his energy slowly.


With a sound, something seemed to seep out from above Eunho’s head, a white vapor.

Ugh, Fuc…

I almost let out a curse word.

Easy? No pain? Bullshit. It’s incredibly hot.

Taking a stance without a sword, General Jang pyeong’s eyes narrowed.

“My Lord. Isn’t there something strange about this?”

Hajinwi’s pupils also trembled slightly.

However, the goal was within reach.

“Finally, when you infuse intern energy between the Conception meridian point (关元穴) and Governing meridian point (命门穴), the Dantian will be in place.”

Despite the excruciating pain coursing through his entire body, Eunho moved his energy.

He had already started, and stopping here felt like throwing away all his efforts.

Between the Conception meridian point and Governing meridian point, just a little below the navel, he gently tapped the energy.

The lower abdomen swelled as if it would burst at any moment.


Something forcefully surged up through the esophagus.

Endure it. I didn’t know what it is, but endure it for now…

I can’t hold it any longer. Fuck!


Unable to hold back any longer, Eunho began to vomit, and thick blood gushed from his mouth.

Hajinwi and General Jang pyeong reached out to support Eunho’s shoulders, but…


It felt like his hand was burning.

Eunho’s whole body was like a burning ember.

“How could this…!”

Eunho’s vomiting continued uncontrollably, repeating several times.

Ah… The virtue of a thousand years is crumbling like this.

There was no strength left in any part of his body.

And so, Eunho’s body collapsed, lifelessly.

Hajinwi, in a panic, shouted as Eunho fell unconsciousness.

“Doctor! Get a doctor immediately!”

Tears welled up in the corners of Hajinwi’s eyes as if they might fall any moment.

He had made a mistake.

He thought Eunho was completely recovered. Yes, there were more than a few strange things…

* * *

The expression on the doctor’s face, as he checked Eunho’s pulse, was unsettling.

As if he had seen something he wished he hadn’t.

Hajinwi, who had been watching from the side, shouted with a trembling voice.

“Say something! Anything!”

General Jang pyeong, with his head bowed low, silently shivered, and the floor was damp.

The concerned doctor looked at both of them and cautiously began to speak.

“What is this…”

“Why, why is this happening!”

If his son were to die again like this…

He couldn’t bear to see someone he loved die again.

“There’s too much.”


What was too much? Yes, my sins are too numerous.

“His inner energy… There’s too much of it.”

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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