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Fate’s Gift Box

Chapter 21

The community used by Awakened individuals, Evil.

A post left by a user presumed to be an employee of the Bureau has become a hot topic there.

[Everyone should be on their guard]

Title: Just had an Awakened person come in ID: ilil

For security reasons, I can’t say who, but there’s someone who got their E-rank Awakened certification a week ago. But this person came in today with a D-rank Awakened certification.

Does that even make sense? They increased their stats enough to update their certification in just a week? Raising stats isn’t as easy as raising electricity bills.

According to the employee in charge of the assessment, they came in way past the D-rank stat limit.

They might come back soon for a C-rank certification.

I’ve been doing admin work here for five years, and I’ve never seen anyone like this. I can’t mention names because it’s illegal, but everyone should keep their eyes wide open.

There might be a major shake-up in this field soon.

Reply: 지성팍씨: Are you serious, lol?

Reply: 새회사: Proof or it didn’t happen~

Reply: 렉카의 품격: Lying is also a disease. Barcode nicknames are a science.

Reply: Lililiillll: If you don’t have anything to prove, stop whining. If it’s a lie, I’ll quit and hand in my employee ID immediately.

The post garnered over 100,000 views and more than 10,000 likes.

Most comments were about how unbelievable it was, and telling the poster to stop lying.

The author swore on their employee ID that the post was true.

As undeniable proof started flooding in, the post quickly filled up with comments guessing the identity of the Awakened person.

– In my opinion, it’s probably someone who was actually evaluated as A-rank trying to create a stir. They can control how much energy they emit, right?

Reply: They visited the Bureau six times just to create a stir? I acknowledge that kind of effort.

Reply: Why is the world so harsh? It could be true.

Reply: Scouts should be on their toes, lol. A big rookie is coming.

Reply: Take me first. I’m tired of running E-rank dungeons all the time.

The subject of the post chuckled while reading it.

They seemed pleased with how excited everyone was about their news.

“My lips are itching.”

What’s the point of keeping it a secret?

In a short life, there are no second chances.

Rather than living quietly and disappearing without a trace, isn’t it better to leave behind a name, to leave behind fame?

“Life is short, so we might as well get some spotlight.”

Of course, there should be style in the process.

There was a reason he didn’t boast about what he had done.

“There will be more surprises. I’ll make an even grander entrance for the C-rank test.”

From C-rank onwards, there are other tests besides measurements.

You must compete with others and win to get the C-rank.

“My whole life has been a competition.”

What was needed from the beginning was growth. Having satisfied that, he had confidence in everything now.

After paying off his overdue utility bills, rent, and remaining credit card installments, Johan carefully transferred the remaining money to his emergency fund account.

He had about 7 million won left. Thinking about how to manage this large sum of money, he soon closed his eyes and transferred part of it somewhere.

– Transferred 30 million won to Kang In Im.

“Well, I might not have money, but I have pride.”

A whopping 30 million won, with only three words in the sender’s name: “Potion Payment.”

Kang In Im would know who sent it just by those words.

“This may not be enough, but it’s a matter of face.”

The potion Kang In sent would likely cost more than 50 million won. It might even exceed hundreds of millions.

Regeneration potions were that rare.

Even though his bank account was cut in half, he felt refreshed.

A person who lives in debt and doesn’t repay it is the most uncool person in the world.

“I’ll be earning many times what I’ve made so far. I don’t need to worry about such small amounts.”

As his rank rises and he takes on more challenging commissions, the commission fees skyrocket.

The commission fee Johan received before leaving his team was about 500 million won. So, the first goal is to restore his previous earnings.

“Let’s figure out what to do next. There are still too many things undecided.”

Because of unexpected events, I still haven’t fully adapted to my new situation.

Although I’ve roughly understood my skills, I can’t say I’ve completely mastered them yet.

“To survive, you need to use your skills as naturally as you breathe.”

I need time to familiarize myself with the new skills I’ve obtained from the Absolute One.

This is essential, non-negotiable time.


At that moment, a notification arrived.

The timing was so perfect, it was as if someone had been eavesdropping on Johan’s monologue.

[A daily quest has arrived. A quest directly given by the God of the Dead cannot be refused.]

“A quest?”

A quest directly from the God of the Dead. This quest, which cannot be refused, is probably related to why he was given this job in the first place.

Johan opened the quest from the God of the Dead. His curiosity was piqued, as the god’s existence was not even clearly defined.

[Corpse Enshrinement]

Time limit: 24 hours

Difficulty: E

– Enshrine at least one corpse within 24 hours. This quest is updated weekly. Failure to comply will result in the loss of the undertaker job.

Reward: Random box

“What a harsh penalty.”

Losing the job is more than a penalty; it’s practically a threat.

“Of course, it’s not impossible. One request per day is manageable.”

Even before becoming an undertaker, he could handle at least one request per day without much trouble.

Now, he could easily handle three requests a day.

“And there’s a reward, so there’s no reason to refuse.”

“There are many requests today, so I should get going.”

The number of requests had increased. It seemed Alex’s claim about the Bureau’s manpower shortage was true.

For Johan, this was great news. He successfully applied for a dungeon request of his choice.

It was a D-rank request in Bucheon, a bit far away.

Feeling confident, Johan prepared without hesitation.

Having fewer things to pack now, Johan arrived at the dungeon empty-handed.

He planned to sell all his leftover items at a second-hand market, including cloths, gloves, and other supplies.

“Are you Mr. Johan? Did you apply alone?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Are you sure you’ll be okay alone?”

“Of course.”

The staff checked Johan’s Awakened certification.

As he stamped the request agreement, he glanced at Johan repeatedly and then made a call on his phone.

“Are you with Management Team 1?”

“Huh? Oh, yes.”

“Thought so.”

He was an employee under Alex’s supervision.

It seemed they had decided to specifically support Johan, as he was making it quite obvious.

“You may enter.”

As soon as permission was granted, Johan stepped into the portal. Alex would probably be there to greet him when he finished the request.

“It’s been a while, Nest of Ghouls.”

This was the first D-rank dungeon he was visiting since leaving the team. He used to frequent this place.

Recalling the terrain vividly in his mind, Johan ran toward a hill with a good vantage point.

In this place, securing a high position was advantageous.

Unlike other places, the monsters here spawned in groups of ten.

“This will do.”

The steep hill became more gradual toward the peak, just the width and angle Johan wanted.

“Let’s get started.”

Johan took a small bead from his pocket and threw it forcefully onto the ground.


Red liquid splattered out. The liquid, with a putrid smell like rotten corpses, began to spread its scent.


Soon, ghoul howls could be heard from afar. Johan immediately pulled out a coffin and released his minions.

“If anyone saw this, they’d think I was crazy, using a blood bomb in a ghoul nest.”

Ghouls were undead creatures that used corpses as mediums. It’s said that this place held millions of buried corpses.

Trapped within a massive barrier of dark magic, the monsters here could never be reduced to zero.

“Whew, even just the visible ones number around 200.”

Since the area had been cleared once, there were only about 200 this time.

It’s said that a blood bomb could attract up to 10,000 enemies if someone mischievous set one off.

“Let’s get ready too.”

Johan arranged seven Boks, fifteen Uruks, Cowan, Kim, and Durgi in two rows.

Their bright eyes were fixed on Johan. The death energy contained within the bandages was much purer and more viscous than the ghouls’.

“Let’s see how well the command works.”

With 25 minions, it was almost the size of a small guild. The effectiveness would vary greatly depending on how well they were commanded.

This place was the perfect testing ground for tactics.

“Durgi, you hide underground.”


Durgi, following the order, hid himself within five seconds. Johan intended to use him as support if the front lines broke.

Thud thud thud thud

The ground began to shake more violently. It was the sound of 200 ghouls charging.


The ghouls were rushing together like a scene from a zombie movie.

Johan organized the Uruks into lines based on their weapons.

Five Uruks with shields formed the front line, five with spears behind them, and the remaining Uruks and Kim with axes were in the rear.

“Kim, assist any Uruks that seem in danger.”

Kim nodded, gripping his jade axe tightly.

Johan felt as if Kim’s words, despite being silent, were conveyed through sheer will.


“Woni, you’re on free roam. Go wild and gain some experience.”

The ghouls climbing up the hill became visible. Disgustingly, half-rotted and exposing their putrid guts, they included grotesque humans, dogs, kobolds, and Uruks.

“Ghoul” didn’t refer to a single type of monster.

It was a term for the cursed hordes, eternally craving sustenance, no matter how decayed.

Bark bark!

Ten dog-like ghouls led the charge.

Johan waited and waited until the ghouls were almost upon him.


As soon as the ghouls entered the 34-meter range, he gave the order without delay.


Five Bokh leapt vigorously, smashing the heads of the ghouls with their forepaws and tearing into their necks.


Among them, Dubo, the leader, was outstanding. With his massive forepaws, he shredded the ghouls’ bodies to pieces.

The faster Boks held off the ghouls, which were a rank higher, with minimal damage.

“1.1 times stronger. Just a 10% increase makes this much difference.”

The Bokh was already at the top of the E-rank. Now stronger, they could easily match D-rank.

One ghoul bit into a Bokh’s belly and shook it, but the Bokh didn’t care and bit into the ghoul’s neck.

The difference between the two was whether they had a body.

While ghouls’ movements were restricted if their bones broke, Boks could move indefinitely unless their bodies were completely torn apart.

A small difference created a significant disparity.

“Uruks, move out!”


Spears shot out between the shield-bearing Uruks.


Forty kobold-like ghouls charged directly into the spears.

The weight of the ghouls was hard to withstand as they swarmed.

“Push them back!”

Thankfully, they lightened as they became corpses.

While the shields successfully blocked the ghouls, the spearmen and axemen Uruks continued to land effective hits through the shield gaps.

Foul green blood splattered everywhere, soaking the bandages, which began to rot black.

But that was all.

The spears pierced the ghouls’ heads, and those with shattered brains twitched and fell limp.

“The ghouls’ poison doesn’t work. The servants are natural enemies to monsters that cause status ailments.”

The ghouls’ physical abilities didn’t reach D-rank.

They were D-rank due to their recklessness, charging without regard for their bodies, and their potent corpse poison that could intoxicate even B-rank monsters.

[‘Corpse Poison’ activated. Immunity to poison increased.]

Johan also had expertise in poisons. In fact, this place was perfect for extracting and collecting potent poisons.

“Push harder!”

He remained calm, assessing the situation.

Over 150 ghouls were still left, and human-like ghouls with decayed weapons were rushing in from behind.


Johan focused on Durgi, who was deeply hidden underground.

A thin connection linked Johan and Durgi.

Johan, gripped by a peculiar sensation, sent a signal to Durgi.

It felt as if he could sense the soil slipping between Durgi’s forepaws.

“It feels like we’re sharing senses.”

Not just Durgi, but all the servants within a 34-meter radius felt as if they were in his mind.

### Translation and Explanation

Thinking alone would broadcast the thought as a command.


A long claw sliced through the air. Emerging from the ground, Durgi severed five human ghouls’ ankles in one stroke.


The ghouls, losing their footing, fell clumsily. As they tried to rise, Durgi coldly cut off their hands.


The collapse of the front line caused the ghouls charging from behind to tumble over in a heap.

The ghouls, unable to maintain their balance on the sloped hill, rolled down.

“We’ve bought enough time.”


Kim smashed the head of a kobold-type ghoul attempting to leap over the shield.

With Kim joining the fight, the front line, which was on the verge of collapsing, quickly stabilized.


Taking advantage of the moment, Kowan leaped over the shield.

Without hesitation, he beheaded a ghoul.

His cleaner, more precise movements left no room for the ghouls to counterattack.

“The tide of battle shifts quickly when the two team up.”

As bosses, the two quickly ended the evenly matched fight. Despite the lack of explicit orders, they perfectly executed their roles.

Covered in blood, the two wreaked havoc among the ghouls like reapers on the battlefield.


Kim crushed the head of the last ghoul underfoot.

The ghouls that rolled down were easily dealt with by Durgi and the Uruks.

[You have successfully commanded. Leadership proficiency has increased.]

It was a flawless victory.

Kowan reached level 12, with only three Boks and five Uruks taking damage.

Considering they defeated over 200 ghouls, sustaining such minimal casualties was as good as no damage at all.

[Minion ‘Kim’ has leveled up. Lv. 1 -> Lv. 2]

Kim also leveled up. Although he only gained one level, likely due to needing more experience than Kowan, the increase in his magical power was significant.

“With this synergy, clearing D-rank dungeons should be straightforward.”

Durgi, Kowan, and Kim—this trio’s synergy was better than expected.

Their roles were well-distributed, making organic coordination possible.

With Johan joining in, even C-rank dungeons could be within reach.

Johan extracted the ghoul’s mana stones and collected the corpse lying at the northwest edge of the dungeon.

Despite being mostly eaten, leaving only bones, Johan bowed his head respectfully.

“May you rest in peace.”

[You have stored one corpse. 4 stat points acquired.]

He allocated the points evenly to agility and perception.

The surroundings grew quiet.

Johan considered taking the ghoul’s corpse but decided against it since ghouls weren’t particularly powerful monsters, nor did they fit well with team play.

It would be better to bring back monsters from another dungeon.

[Daily quest completed. A reward box is granted.]

After completing the embalming, a quest completion notification appeared.

A square box materialized in the air and gently descended into his hand.

The box was quite heavy, prompting Johan to wonder what might be inside.

“Let’s see what’s inside.”

He didn’t expect much. Daily quest rewards were rarely impressive.

“Free stuff is always welcome, though.”

He placed the box on the ground and opened it, ready to be happy with whatever he found.


He slowly opened the box, eyes shining with curiosity despite his words.


Expecting something useful, Johan was taken aback by the unexpected contents of the box.

Dungeon Undertaker

Dungeon Undertaker

던전 장의사
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Johann, who eked out a living by recovering corpses in the dungeon until he acquired an unusual ability. An ability that made him stronger with each corpse he recovered. "what kind of absurd ability is this?" He initially dismissed it as nonsense, but as it turns out, the world is vast, and there are far too many corpses in the dungeon. F-grade tracer. A traitor who betrayed his team. Now, it's time to break free. Trapped by a stigma


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