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Forging the Fireseed

TL: Eris

Ch.21 TL

Next, Lu Sheng checked all the people he was familiar with.

The results showed that except for his sister, Lu Qinghe, whose historical evaluation reached one star, none of the others could achieve one star. Most of them had half a star or even no star evaluation.

Lu Sheng speculated that his two-star evaluation might be due to the military merits he obtained after joining the military district and the sacrifice he made on the battlefield.

After all, it could be considered a contribution to the continuation of human civilization.

“Not entirely the same,”

Lu Sheng muttered to himself. “According to the data, my score on the college entrance examination was based on a blood value of 2012, a combat power of 257, and an actual combat grade of A, which earned me the 23rd place in the city and admission to Baihe Martial University.

If we exclude the dream realm, and calculate based on my speed of practicing body refining techniques, breathing techniques, and the resources available, it is normal to achieve this score in over two hundred days.

However, if we include the cultivation and gains I had in the dream space,

then I should be far beyond this score!”

A strong determination flashed in Lu Sheng’s eyes.

“Two hundred days, two hundred days of entering dreams, two hundred days of gains.

I don’t believe that my progress is only this much.

How could I, Lu Sheng, only be the 23rd in the city? My ranking should be at the national level, my name should be known by more people.

“My future.”

Lu Sheng tightened his fist. “Will not be just this!”

“If it’s the future, then it can be changed.

My own future can be changed, and the future of the human race can be changed too.”

“If the future of human civilization is heading towards destruction, then I, Lu Sheng, will be the one to change history, to turn the tide!”

Lu Sheng looked at the flashing blue light of the “Fireseed Resource Repository” on the brain interface screen and spoke calmly and firmly.

“I am the Fireseed, and I will ignite the fire!”

At this moment, Lu Sheng’s feelings of desolation, confusion, and disappointment were swept away, replaced by unprecedented firmness and confidence.

His temperament underwent a new transformation, and it seemed as if flames were burning in his eyes.

The path of martial arts should always be forward.

If the future is doomed, then in the midst of despair, a path must be forcibly opened!

This is Lu Sheng’s belief.

“Why didn’t you change into your school uniform, Xiao Sheng? Don’t you have school today?”

Zheng Yufen asked, curious, as she brought a basin of breakfast dishes to the table, seeing Lu Sheng, who was dressed casually, sitting at the table.

Lu Sheng picked up a meat bun and nodded. “Yes, the teacher said I can choose to study at home from now on.”

“There’s really such things as this?”

Zheng Yufen muttered in confusion, but she was too busy with several part-time jobs, preparing breakfast and rushing to work, so she didn’t have the energy to think about it more.

Lu Qinghe, who was next to her, was about to sarcastically say, “How come I haven’t heard of this new rule at No. 3 Middle School?” But when she met Lu Shengchao’s deep, dark eyes, she swallowed the words back.

“This guy,”

Lu Qinghe took a bite of her bun fiercely.

Recently, Lu Sheng’s changes had become more and more significant, far from the mediocre and timid appearance he used to have.

Before, she just thought that Lu Sheng had become a bit deep and mysterious.

But today, Lu Sheng gave her the feeling as if he were a mountain, a piece of iron, a fire.

Sitting next to Lu Sheng, she even felt a suffocating sense of oppression.

This feeling was too terrible.

Lu Sheng didn’t notice Lu Qinghe’s unusualness. After quickly finishing breakfast, he went straight back to his room to practice the physical exercises.

After completing the twenty-seventh round of physical exercises, Lu Sheng’s phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number.

“Lu Sheng, your scholarship has arrived. Come to school this afternoon to collect it.”

As expected, it was a call from Zhong Zhengguo.

“Got it, Teacher Zhong.”

“By the way, why didn’t you come to class today? Didn’t we say we would discuss your school hours? I forgot to inform your parents and got your private phone number from your classmates.”

“Teacher Zhong, I don’t have much time, so I can’t waste any more.”


Without paying attention to whether Zhong Zhengguo on the other end of the phone could understand his words, Lu Sheng hung up.

Since returning from the dream last night, Lu Sheng’s mentality had completely changed.

Before this, Lu Sheng was still carefully hiding his strength, not daring to reveal too much, not daring to let too many people know.

He considered many factors, such as it’s difficult to explain to his family, it’s easy to be targeted if he stands out, and the tree that stands out gets hit by the wind, etc.

But now, Lu Sheng no longer thinks about these things.

He wanted to show his edge, he wanted to shock others.

Only by revealing more talents could he obtain more resources.

He needed to rush to the peak at the fastest speed, and then find a way to change the future.

Every moment was precious.

In addition to this, Lu Sheng also wanted to verify a thought in his heart.

Lu Shengchao repeatedly practiced the physical exercises, combined with breathing techniques.

Again and again.

The purpose was

His goal was to exhaust his energy as quickly as possible, generate fatigue, and then enter the dream state.

When Lu Sheng finished the twenty-seventh round of physical training, he finally collapsed to the ground, unwilling to move even a finger.

Sleepiness overcame him, and he gradually fell asleep.

Opening his eyes, he found himself in the same place he had left yesterday, with the brain interface in front of him.

Lu Sheng skillfully opened the brain interface and gave an order.

“Retrieve all martial arts-related cultivation methods, insights, and notes that I have access to with my permissions.”


Soon, a massive amount of information appeared before Lu Sheng.

It was densely packed, all related to martial arts.

There was too much.

With over ten thousand years of accumulation and countless people’s inspirations and wisdom, even with only Level 2 permissions, the knowledge available to Lu Sheng was vast.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Sheng continued, “Filter for the most suitable cultivation methods and the most valuable content for a Level 1 martial artist.”


The content before Lu Sheng quickly reduced, and finally, the information left in front of him

only comprised three articles.

Logging 10000 years in future

Logging 10000 years in future

Status: Ongoing Type:
1st year of Martial calendar Cracks have appeared in the sky and the earth and fearsome alien monsters have started to infiltrate the planet. 100th year of the Martial calendar. Martial artists are battling the invading alien monsters as martial arts have begun to thrive. 200th year of the Martial calendar. Humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, and alien monsters are encroaching on familiar territory. The 300th year of the Martial Calendar, Lu Sheng crossed the bridge. Furthermore, he has memories from 10,000 years in the future. "Forged through 10,000 years of refinement, the Body Refining Technique from the future is ten thousand times more potent than anything we know today....." "The martial arts breathing technique that originated 10,000 years later….." "Medicinal Pill Recipes from 10,000 Years Ahead...." "From 10,000 years in the future, the Sacred Martial Scriptures..." In the 10,000th year of the Martial calendar, humanity had perished. "The Path of Martial Arts had been refined to perfection, but no one was left to inherit it." "I, Lu Sheng, am the last ember of humanity!"


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