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Level Up

Episode 30: Level Up


Key profit! Kiyi!

Its identity was a giant centipede.

A giant centipede, looking for an opportunity from behind a large grey rock, attempted to plunge its fangs into Do-hyun’s neck.

Do-hyun frowned as he grabbed the guy’s head.

“Anyway, the insects are the same little cowards wherever they go.”

These things don’t change in Demlok or Godose.

Even in Demrok, for an insect-type monster, there was none that didn’t use cowardly and dirty fighting methods.

Everything looks dirty and there is nothing I like about the things I do.

And since this is a hunting ground full of such insects, Do-hyun was anticipating the insects’ surprise attack pattern from the beginning.

They prey on users when they let down their guard.


Even though I used too much force to burst its head, it still wriggled around and tried to scurry away.

As expected from an insect type, its vitality is also strong.

Pow, puk-.

After stabbing him a couple of times with the great sword, a cheerful notification sound came up.

[The giant centipede in the forest has been killed.]

[Sword mastery increases to LV10.]

[Your level has increased.]

The battle is now over.

It was only then that Do-hyun, who had happened to pick up miscellaneous items that had fallen while hunting, checked the condition.

‘I didn’t know it would rise to proficiency level 10.’

I heard earlier that my ax proficiency was also increasing, and it was definitely good to be a Weapon Master. The skill level increases at an incredibly fast rate.

As a result, sword-related damage has already increased by 10%.

If things continue like this, there won’t be any scammers, but unfortunately, Godose is not a very easy game.

‘Damage does not increase much from level 10.’

Weapon proficiency increases damage by 1% only up to level 10.

From level 10, it increases by 1% for every 2 levels, and the proficiency required to level up also increases significantly.

It even gets ridiculously bigger every time you level up.

Most people aim to reach level 20 proficiency, which shows how difficult it is.

‘There’s a long way to go.’

The experience required for the proficiency level would continue to increase, so there was a long way to go.

But, this is something to think about later… … .

Do-hyun flicked away his sword and opened the status window.

[Player: Kaiser]

[Level: 19]

[HP: 2,110 / 2,450]

[MP: 320 / 600]

[Stamina: 170 / 350]

[Class: Last Adventurer ]

[Title (3)]

-Maximum likeability from the start?

-The first slayer

-Time Attack Throne


Remaining Points: 49

“I’ve already risen 2 level.”

I heard that it is difficult to level up in the western forest, but I went up 2 levels in less than an hour.

It was a speed that other users wouldn’t believe when they heard it.

Starting from level 17, the experience points increase, and since party play is the default in the preface, raising only 1 level per hour was a good level up.

That was also the standard for an experienced party.

If the party wasn’t aligned well, it could take 2 hours to level up.

Do-hyun raised two levels in just one hour, which was truly an insane growth rate.

‘It may be a bit troublesome, but it is a honey hunting ground. Even though they are under pressure, they attack well.’

I don’t know if you trust the terrain, but it’s so sweet that it attacks on its own without you having to go looking for it.

It was a possible idea because Do-hyun could kill one person with one blow.

Ordinary users would have suffered from neurosis due to their surprise attack.

Their escape?

That wasn’t a big problem for Do-hyun, who had a backslash and a lunge slash. You could catch it at any time as long as you caught it in sight.

‘The backstab is, of course, a dog fighting skill.’

This combo-type instantaneous skill that deals damage and moves, but is also highly usable, is hero-level?

Even the cooldown is only 50 seconds?

If you add some skill acceleration items later, it will go down to 40 seconds, so you won’t be able to escape unless you really run away.

The balance was right because the assassin had it, but if you look at the skills alone, there was no morale skill like this.

‘What if I take the judge’s ‘thing’ or the prosecutor’s ‘thing’ here?’

And every job has at least one skill like this.

Wouldn’t it have been a scam if I had another job like this? That’s the skill.

It’s ambiguous if you ask if it’s just a scam, but depending on your perspective, it could be a better skill than that.

Even if you mix just a few skills that come to mind right away with back-jabbing, a picture can be drawn.

‘Yes, it is drawn. A painting that completely destroys one’s balance.’

Well, this is only possible if he can pull it off, but for Do-hyun, who has the eyes of truth, it was just a matter of time.

And that second chance is just around the corner.

‘If you raise just one more level, it’s drawing time.’

There is only one level left until level 20, which gives you the second random skill draw ticket.

In the past, I waited for this moment but didn’t have much expectations. Even if you expect it, you’ll fail anyway, so what’s the point of expecting it?

Rather, I was more obsessed with the guaranteed grade lottery ticket.

That was the reason Do-hyun didn’t have legendary skills.

‘Because legendary skills only come from random draw tickets.’

In other words, Do-hyun was unable to obtain a legendary skill even after completing a total of ten draws, quests, and random draws received as hidden piece rewards up to level 100.

Truly amazing luck !
(PR/n: Amen brother)

It was Do-hyun’s type of lottery luck, which was called the luck that God threw away.

‘I’m so excited.’

But this time it’s different!

Because Do-hyun in this life of God has the eye of truth, which is his strongest and only characteristic!

I was so excited to see what grade I would get.

demrok, which was not permitted to the Kaiser in the past… … No, it is the only drug allowed in God Ose!

It was a time when I was walking while imagining that moment.


[You have completed exploring the western forest.]

[Go to Linda and tell her about the situation in the western forest.]


When I checked the quest in the notification window that suddenly popped up, I found that the conditions had indeed been met.

I had already caught 20 giant insects, so there was only one quest left.

[Lost Pendant]

-Grade: Normal+

-Description: A request from Camilla, a girl whose beloved pendant was stolen by a cat. Let’s find the pendant outside the west gate for the girl.

-Lost pendant (0 / 1)

-Reward upon clearing: 1 gold, a certain amount of experience, and a small gift from Camilla

-Risk in case of failure: Emily’s favorability may be lowered.

-Time limit: 28 hours

Among the introductory quests, this is the only quest that is rated Normal+.

However, it wasn’t difficult.

Quite the contrary.

‘Because this location is already well known.’

All I had to do was go to the location written in the strategy book and pick up the pendant.

Since I could pick it up at any time anyway, I just prioritized other quests.

Jump and jump.

Do-hyun cleared his thoughts and moved along with the strategy book.

After walking like that for about 10 minutes, Do-hyun saw people gathering in the distance.

As he got closer, he heard a rumbling sound.

“Now, everyone, stand in line.”

“Everyone took time out of their busy schedules to come, so let’s not cut in line.”

That was indeed a line.

Users were lining up to take the pendant hanging from a tree branch.

It was popular because it was a free quest, but it only had one item, so it happened.

‘Did you say that if you take the pendant, it will regenerate in 10 seconds?’

In some ways, it was only 10 seconds, but as the number of people increased, it was no longer so short.

Even if there are only ten people in line, it takes 100 seconds.

So, it was a quest that wasted a lot of play time if it was taken incorrectly when there were a lot of people.

This was also the reason why Do-hyun didn’t come to look for the pendant right away.

The line was so long that the time slots overlapped.

‘It’s worth the wait this time.’

Fortunately, the line this time wasn’t that long.

About six people at most.

Since I only had to wait one minute, I was able to give myself this much time.

As I was standing in line blankly, I heard the person in front of me talking.

But some familiar words came out from them.

“Hey, did you hear that the order to kill those Yang school criminals has just been issued?”

“Assassination boy, that bastard? You know, it’s ugly.”

“It was decided on a guild-by-guild basis, so right now we’re suffering because we can’t even use it.”

“Tsk tsk, so let’s live kindly. “I really hated seeing what they were doing.”

Assassination boy. Yang Hak-beom.

Do-hyun was a name everyone knew.

‘Those PK criminals? Was an extermination order issued in the meantime?’

It was impossible not to know that Do-hyun was the one who gave them a harsh and true education.

However, it was somewhat surprising that an extermination order was issued.

‘There’s no way the guild would go to that trouble… … Did I touch it wrong?’

Do-hyun has only played demrok, but listening to the comments of users who have played other RPGs, they were all similar.

The only time the guild issued an order to kill someone was when it was beneficial to them or for revenge.

Of course.

Pursuing an opponent no matter where he or she is and slaughtering them indefinitely is killing.

How much manpower, resources, and time would go into such a killing?

‘It’s all about money.’

There was no reason to make such an investment in something that was not a big deal.

It may be that there is a benefit to the guild by killing them, or it may be to avoid being looked down on as revenge for those who messed with them.

As expected, Do-hyun’s thoughts were right.

“But I don’t like the idea of people sucking up to the Hero Guild just because they like it. “Honestly, has it been once or twice that they did something trashy?”

“Well, dungeon control and quest control… … “If you don’t like it, just take a picture and press it down, and there is no such thing as a villain who only calls himself a hero.”

“I don’t know why they’re so popular.”

“It’s all because we have a large fan base. Gilma’s fan base tells most celebrities to go away. I heard that two-thirds are female fans… … .”

“I can’t even say a word in front of the execution guild, tsk tsk. Anyway, if there is no tiger, the fox is king.”

“Shhh. “Your voice is too loud.”

Do-hyun looked away, pretending not to hear the two of them looking at their surroundings.

Fortunately, the two people’s voices seemed to have gotten quieter, but they did not stop talking.

‘Hero Guild… … There were similar guys in Demlok too.’

Was it a hero guild?

They founded the guild with the goal of helping the weak and becoming unyielding heroes in front of the strong, and they were clearly people of faith at first.

‘Yes, at first.’

Such heroes changed as time passed and they tasted money.

He pretends to be nice in front of him, but behind his back he has become a piece of trash who does all sorts of dirty things.

They were also the ones who sent all kinds of assassins to Do-hyun.

Even though they never bumped into each other, it seemed like the people were annoyed by Do-hyun standing firm.

I thought I would have to give it a proper shake sometime, but in the end, there was no need for it.

‘When the game failed, I left without looking back.’

Hero Guild and Hero Guild.

Is it because of my mood that the two guilds seem to overlap?

“Is it once or twice that we have recovered our image by catching PK criminals like this… … Tsk. In reality, it’s trash catching trash, so what’s so good about sucking it up? … .”

“That’s how tired people are of PK.”

“Well, looking at the post on the year of the assassination, I see that he is not an American guy at all. “They are cosplaying as victims while being perpetrators.”

“Kkkkkk, that’s what I’m saying. “I heard you were talking about Kaiser and something else in the post?”

Do-hyun, who had been listening in silence, flinched without realizing it.

Why does my name come up here?

The Return of the Greatest Genius Ranker

The Return of the Greatest Genius Ranker

역대급 천재 랭커의 귀환
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"The Virtual Reality Game That has taken over the World, God of Saviors.
And Kaiser the overwhelming number one player of its predecessor, Deus Ex Machina - Ragnarok, commonly known as Demrok, He was once called a god, but disappeared due to unavoidable circumstances, and has returned after a year and six months!
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not work with dark mode