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Master and Disciple

TL: Nmalda_micah

Chapter 4

Ha Jin-wi gazes alternately between Eunho and the legislator, seemingly perplexed.

“What do you mean by possessing a considerable inner strength?”

The concept appeared unlikely.

He had recently crafted a basic Dantian ; how could it contain such significant inner strength?


The legislator, equally puzzled, cautiously spoke after contemplation.

“Have you ever explored an alternative approach to cultivating inner strength, Lord Sojang?”

“No, I haven’t. Without a Dantian , how could I cultivate inner strength?”

“No, it’s plausible to harness inner strength without a Dantian , but the challenge lies in the energy dispersing throughout the entire body rather than being concentrated in the Dantian .”

While not precisely cultivating inner strength, the reality was that energy had permeated his entire body, unbeknownst to others.

“In such instances, if a Dantian is suddenly created, the accumulated energy might converge and result in a significant impact.”

The governor interjected at that moment.

“Could you have secretly acquired some knowledge? Your sudden health improvement is a tangible fact, isn’t it?”

A deep furrow formed on Ha Jin-wi’s forehead.

“We’ll need to inquire with Eunho when he wakes up. Regardless, there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with his body, correct?”

“Yes, not only is there no issue, but it’s actually quite exceptional.”


What’s exceptional when he lies unconscious?

“Not only did he forcefully clear blocked blood vessels with a substantial amount of inner strength, but he also harmonized the main and toxic vessels.”

The astonishment on the faces of the two was even more pronounced.

Harmonizing the main and toxic vessels indicated that, in terms of inner strength alone, he had surpassed the pinnacle.

“Just how much inner strength does he possess? Allow me to sense it for a moment.”

Ha Jin-wi, displacing the legislator gently, cautiously assessed Eunho’s pulse and channeled his energy.

As his energy traversed Eunho’s body, it swiftly approached the Dantian .

“This, this can’t be…”

It was beyond belief.

What he had amassed in forty years was merely a bit more than…

The recently created Dantian by the son was, incredibly, worth more than forty years of accumulation.

“Sudden convergence of such abundant inner strength in one place would have resulted in immense pain due to the incapacity to fully assimilate it. To simplify…”

At that instant, a resonant voice cut through the legislator’s words.

“It’s a bottleneck.”

“Yes, a bottleneck… But who are you?”

The legislator inquired in astonishment.

An elderly man had materialized unexpectedly.

Despite his formidable physique for his age, he moved discreetly, slipping under notice.

The silver-haired elderly man, with his hair loosely tied, cast a glance at Eunho and nodded.

“I witnessed this lad in his youth. He’s grown so much that I could hardly recognize him.”

The first to acknowledge the old man was Ha Jin-wi, realizing it was none other than Nangung Cheong, Eunho’s martial arts mentor.

“Master, have you been well?”

Ha Jin-wi bowed.

Yet, at a certain point, his head wouldn’t lower any further.

Nangung Cheong supported Ha Jin-wi’s forehead with his index finger.

“You’re still the same. I’m not your master; no need for formalities. We’re both aging, aren’t we?”

In reality, the age gap between them seemed significant enough to be considered aging together.

“Haha… Anyway, concerning Eunho now…”

Deep regret shadowed Ha Jin-wi’s expression.

He believed that if someone as experienced as Nangung Cheong had been with Eunho, things might have unfolded differently.

Nangung Cheong turned towards Eunho, settling beside him and examining his body.

“It’s not your fault. Moreover, it appears to be an extraordinary amount of inner strength.”

“Yes, I don’t understand how this happened.”

“Has even reached the stage of bone and muscle transformation.”

The transformation of bones and muscles into a state suitable for martial arts was known as bone and muscle transformation. Typically achieved after reaching the peak and gaining enlightenment.

“Though the practical level is low, you attained it with raw inner strength. Haha, truly a naive fellow. Anyway…”

Nangung Cheong’s penetrating gaze focused intensely on Eunho.

“He wasn’t like this in his youth. Was he naturally such a clumsy child?”


“Quit pretending to sleep and get up.” Eunho felt embarrassed.

When did this old man figure it out? Was he pretending not to know? He seems even more clumsy.

Eunho debated whether to get up or remain down. If he got up now, it would be quite comical.

Yes, let’s endure it.

As Eunho continued to feign ignorance, a hint of anger surfaced in Nangung Cheong’s eyes.

“Get up! How can you stay lying down when your master is speaking!”

The sudden outburst startled not only Eunho but also Ha Jin-wi, Chief Officer Jang, and the legislator.

Eunho’s forehead slightly furrowed.

Why is this young one scolding me? And why is he sounding like a master when he’s not?

Eunho realized he had no other choice.


Scratching the back of his head, Eunho reluctantly got up, surprising Ha Jin-wi with an astonished expression.

“Eunho, how…”

Did he pretend to be asleep like a thief?

Everyone knew the omitted part was about that.

Nangung Cheong, who had been observing Eunho, relaxed his expression and chuckled.

“Haha, never mind. You’re at an age where you can’t hold back a lot of things.”

Nangung Cheong lifted Eunho as if there was no time to waste.

Eunho’s forehead wrinkled.

Why is he lifting me?

“I’ll take him with me.”

Nangung Cheong swiftly headed towards the door.


Ha Jin-wi still couldn’t comprehend the situation, gazing at the vacant seats of the two.

“Haha, when you come, you quietly come, but when you leave, you break down the door. Master.”

Ha Jin-wi still regarded him as his master.

In the expansive fields on the outskirts of Cheonhajang.

Eunho and Nangung Cheong stood facing each other, assessing one another.

“Show some respect to your master.”

“Fancy words. Why are you my master?”

What’s so admirable about someone who brought shame in front of everyone?

Nangung Cheong’s expression remained unchanged, even with Eunho’s somewhat arrogant tone.

“It’s my decision.”

But Eunho was not ordinary either.

“Is it just your decision?”

Childishness that made a thousand years pale.

Even Nangung Cheong seemed momentarily at a loss for words.

“Fine. If you touch the hem of my clothes, I’ll go back the way I came.”

“I don’t want that either.”

For a moment, a thousand years flashed through Eunho’s mind.

He’s joking. How much have I suffered to live this ordinary life?


It’s a proposition that should be declined. In the old days, he wouldn’t have given a moment’s thought to someone like him, but in his current state, it was impossible.

Yet, this darn pride kept stabbing at him sharply.

Pride, the driving force that made him the king of demons in his past life, was now an instinct.

The energy radiating from Nangung Cheong’s body expanded, causing his attire to ripple. Eunho, unaccustomed to someone gracefully deflecting his energy, couldn’t resist his instincts and charged at Nangung Cheong.

Time seemed to stretch for both of them.

Simultaneously, Nangung Cheong unfolded a sequence.

Eunho received a forceful blow to his back, propelling him airborne in a single strike.

A formidable impact.

Even though he remained suspended for a considerable duration, he continued soaring.

Ordinary life… might be in jeopardy.

Eunho’s awareness dimmed.

Was I fifteen? That old man is clearly about seventy years older, and he’s showing no mercy.

Experiencing unconsciousness twice in a day was an unfamiliar occurrence for Eunho.


Eunho’s eyes snapped open.

He found himself beneath an unfamiliar ceiling.

Somewhere indoors, perhaps.

Estimating the size of Cheonhajang was a task he had abandoned.

As anticipated, this was the courtyard Hajinwi utilized for martial arts instruction with Nangung Cheong, just as Eunho had predicted.

“Awake, are you? Your body appears weaker than expected.”

Eunho’s eyes glared.

Weaker? Weaker? If this guy employs such techniques, even the toughest martial artist’s skull would shatter in an instant.

“Haha, why do you look at me like that? I mean ‘master.’ You should go practice or something.”

Nangung Cheong emphasized ‘master’ while conveying it through his gaze.

Surely, he won’t break the promise? “Haa…”

After exhaling a deep breath, Eunho rose from his bed.

Breaking a promise would inflict even greater damage to Eunho’s pride.

“Alright. You’ve thought it over well. I’ll make you a decent martial artist.”

The two headed to the training ground adjacent to the courtyard.

Though named a training ground, it comprised colossal rocks, artificially crafted waterfalls, and towering bamboo reaching high into the sky.

Even the training ground alone radiated the grandeur of Cheonhajang.

When Nangung Cheong pondered what Eunho urgently needed, it was control over his strength.

Eunho thought, ‘The old man won’t cut me any slack,’ but in reality, he hadn’t cut him any slack.

It was an involuntary reaction when confronted with the man who wielded the power of a first-degree Demon.

“Your inner strength rivals that of the legendary Woo Nae 24 Joins, known as the strongest in the martial world. However, your control over strength is too inexperienced.”

“Isn’t it good to be strong?”

“No. Foolish disciple. Focus your inner strength on that rock and extend your strength with it.”

“Why me?”

“Haha. If you’re going to become cowardly, I won’t stop you. But don’t regret it if you become weak.”

Sigh. Fine.

Eunho moved his body as slowly as possible.

This was the only rebellion he could muster at the moment.

Standing before a rock similar in size to his body, he infused it with his inner strength.


The rock Eunho struck disintegrated in an instant.

It shattered into fragments and even turned to dust, truly an incredible power.


“Not ‘wow.’ You foolish disciple.”

At the word ‘foolish,’ Eunho shifted his gaze away.

“Why are you hesitating again? Attack!”

“There’s nothing I can’t do.”

This wasn’t breaking a promise. The master instructed the disciple to attack. Humans are no different from rocks when it comes to smashing.

Eunho exerted all his strength to deliver another blow.

This time, it wasn’t a rock but Nangung Cheong!

Contrary to expectations of evasion, Nangung Cheong confronted it directly.

Moreover, it was his chest.


However, unlike the rock, Nangung Cheong remained unharmed.


Eunho couldn’t conceal his confusion. Was this guy’s body harder than a rock?

“It’s called the Tiger’s Body Art. My disciple.”

A thin stream of blood trickled down from Nangung Cheong’s smiling lips.

Then, Nangung Cheong’s wrinkled palm approached Eunho.


This marked the third time Eunho succumbed to unconsciousness.

Awakened Eunho shook his head from side to side due to a headache.

“Damn old man.”

“Are you talking about me?”

In the darkness, Namgung Cheong suddenly appeared, causing Eunho’s shoulders to tense.


Suddenly popping out of nowhere—what the hell?

Regardless, Namgung Cheong’s guidance continued.

“Now, let’s start from the beginning. This time, I’ll properly teach you power control.”

Eunho’s pupils narrowed.

What was that earlier then?

Namgung Cheong struck a rock as if swatting Eunho away.


The rock shattered. “Watch closely.”

He struck another rock, and another resounding noise echoed. However, this time, there was no actual impact.

“See? Depending on how you use your inner energy, different results occur. Of course, it might be challenging at first…”


“Like this?”

Eunho replicated Namgung Cheong’s previous strike perfectly.

Namgung Cheong looked at Eunho with skeptical eyes.

Looking at him, Eunho couldn’t help but smirk.

“I’ve handled energy for over a thousand years. Haha! Creating Dantian and the fusion of natural energy into inner energy made me realize the subtle difference between power and inner energy.”

Eunho’s shoulders straightened as he looked at Namgung Cheong.

See that?

However, his expression was… too mocking.

“You’re a genius. Well, genius is good. The next step is sparring.”


It was Eunho’s first time as a disciple and his first time practicing martial arts, but he could sense that it wasn’t time for sparring yet.

However, Namgung Cheong was determined.

Once again, they faced each other, and Eunho skillfully avoided a strike.

Phew, am I fooled twice? Now it’s my turn.

Simultaneously avoiding the tension, he twisted his right ankle and forcefully pushed the ground. Eunho’s fist extended towards Namgung Cheong’s face.


Avoided by a narrow margin.

One, that was within Eunho’s expected range. Foolish guy. The real deal is this.

Rather than retracting the extended fist, he pushed even harder.

At the same time, he bent his arm towards his body, swinging his elbow towards Namgung Cheong’s jaw.

The most foolish elbow struck towards Namgung Cheong’s face.

Namgung Cheong felt a chill running down his spine.

This can’t be avoided.

In the face of imminent danger, his instinct, deep in Dantian , emitted a powerful force, and his instinct used his inner energy to strike Eunho forcefully.


With an enormous explosion, Eunho was sent flying again, gracefully collapsing onto the grass.

“Cough, you made a mistake because you were too surprised.”

Eunho’s strike was sharper than he expected.

Namgung Cheong stared at the fallen Eunho with disbelief.

He reached out cautiously with his finger and touched Eunho’s nose.


He’s alive.

It was fortunate that he was such a tough guy.

If Namgung Cheong, a peerless martial artist, had killed the son of Hajinwi, a fellow martial artist, with a single blow, it would be a monumental event.

It was highly likely to become a martial arts anecdote. Fortunately. Really fortunate.

Namgung Cheong raised his head and surveyed his surroundings.

Thankfully, there was no one witnessing this bizarre scene.

Jang Gwanpyeong was still staring at the two with a bewildered expression.

“I, I, I’ll take my leave now…”

Still with unfocused eyes, Jang Gwanpyeong hurriedly took steps away.

In the empty space where he left, the past snacks and plates were scattered on the ground.

“Yes. Lucky that no one saw. Though I handled him a bit forcefully, he’s a naturally tough guy. Well, would he say anything against his master?”

Namgung Cheong’s casual thoughts were shattered in an instant.

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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