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Opportunity for new path

TL: Eris
PR: Adrian_Katastofi

Chapter 14

“Perhaps my mind plays tricks, but did you mention your last blood value test was 0.8?

Is that just then the power of someone with just 0.8 blood value?”

Lu Sheng felt Zhong Zhenguo’s eyes on him, piercing and intense, right after they walked into the office.

Lu Sheng felt a bit helpless and replied, “Mr. Zhong, as you said,you’ve said it yourself, you asked for the result of the last time I tested my blood values.”

Zhong Zhenguo was briefly at a loss for words. After some contemplation, he then said, “Let me test you again now.”

Lu Sheng nodded.

After a while, the result is out.

Zhong Zhenguo sat on the chair, looking at Lu Sheng with a complex gaze that was hard to describe in words.

It’s a look with a mixture of delightfulness within surprise, unexpectedness within delightfulness and suspicion within unexpectedness…

Suspicion towards him, and towards the liability of the reality before him.

It’s a complex gaze.

Zhong Zhenguo took a deep breath, trying his best to calm himself down, then asked Lu Sheng.

“When’s the last time you tested?”

Lu Sheng thought for a moment, then replied. “At the last monthly exam, no more than a month ago.”

If private testing counts, then it’s about a week ago.

“Not more than a month ago…””

Zhong Zhenguo is at a complete loss of words.

He glanced at the testing results.

Blood Value: 1.532

Combat Power: 192

Two astonishing data.

It has already surpassed the standard for a level one martial artist.

Even though the testing device in school is not as precise as the one of the martial arts alliance, the fluctuation shouldn’t be huge. So,the actual result would be somewhere around those numbers.

That is to say,

Lu Sheng, who is currently standing in front of him, has achieved the status of an official level one martial artist .

He’s not yet 18 years old, and still two months away from the college entrance exam.

In Baihe third highschool, a genuine, under 18, level one martial artist emerged from the practical combat class taught by him, Zhong Zhenguo.

He had a hard time processing this fact.

Although being an under 18, level one martial artist wasn’t considered much of a big deal within the land of the dragon, or even in Baihe City.

However, in Baihe Third High School, he was undoubtedly a top-tier genius, a unique talent.

At least among the high school seniors preparing for the college entrance examination in Baihe Third High School, there was not a single student who could reach this height, not even close.

However, Zhong Zhenguo was not dumbstruck because of that point

but rather the combat power he possesses and the combat proficiency in practical combat class made him absolutely flabbergasted.

A combat power of 192, has completely exceeded the blood value standard by more than 40 times.

It’s worth noting that before becoming an official level one, or rather, level three martial artist, a martial artist’s combat power generally followed the trend of the blood value.

Because the blood value meant speed and strength.

How much blood value one has naturally determined how much destructive power you could unleash.

There’s a threshold in between level three martial artist and level four martial artist. Many would remain in this stage to refine their muscles and bones.

Before this point, the martial skill in practical combat will bring various differences, yet it contributed little to the increase of combat power.

Take Zhong ZHenguo himself, a level two martial artist, as an example.

With a blood value of 15, his combat power is no more than one thousand and five hundred. Only exceeding his blood value by a few dozen points.

With this in mind, Lu Sheng, who could raise his combat power by more than forty points above the blood value standard at the first-level warrior,

is truly a monster!

The move where Lu Sheng sent Yang Yifei flying in the practical combat class, others might not have seen it clearly, but he saw it clearly.

The skill displayed in Lu Sheng’s punch made even him admire.

“This is definitely a combat-oriented martial arts genius!”

At this moment, Zhong Zhenguo had an extremely strong intuition.

this time, Baihe third high school…

Have really hit the jackpot!


Lu Sheng watched Zhong Zhenguo’s eyes flickering rapidly, indicating that he was quickly contemplating something.

His eyes, once restless, now held a serene intensity, the storm within stilled.

Although the exposing of his strength caught him off guard this time, upon careful thought.

It presented a good opportunity.

It was the perfect time to apply for a scholarship from the school. With his current strength, there was no reason he wouldn’t pass.

This test also gave Lu Sheng a fresh understanding of his abilities. He had almost reached the standard of a level one martial artist, and it was time for him to participate in the official assessment for a level one martial artist..

What Lu sheng really needs is money.

At that moment, Zhong Zhenguo had also sorted out his thoughts.

“With your current grade, you can apply to enter the school’s elite class…”

Zhong Zhenguo didn’t ask Lu Sheng about the reason for his nearly doubled blood value within a month.

It could only be for a few reasons.

Perhaps he had been hiding his true strength all along.

Or, his body suddenly entered a high-speed growth period, gradually unlocking the hidden talents.

These two situations had occurred in other students as well, and there was no need to delve deep into the matter.

Pursuing it further might even cause resentment among the students.

“Sir, I think it’s good to stay in the current class. There’s no need to change.”

Lu Sheng replied.

Zhong Zhenguo nodded with a complicated expression.

He also felt it was unnecessary.

The cultivation of blood value relied entirely on the students themselves. What the school teachers could teach was just some practical combat techniques.

In this regard, Lu Sheng had even surpassed many teachers.

“Well then, if you have any requests, if you think the school can help you or provide convenience for you, you can mention it now.”

Zhong Zhenguo inquired.

Lu Sheng had been waiting for this opportunity.

“I want to apply for the school’s martial arts scholarship, and… I hope to have more flexible school hours.”

Lu Sheng put forward his two thoughts. The second one was something he came up with on the spot.

Lu Sheng had always felt that staying in school now was more of a waste of time. If he could have more time every day to practice his body refinement techniques and explore dreams, his strength might increase even faster.

Logging 10000 years in future

Logging 10000 years in future

Status: Ongoing Type:
1st year of Martial calendar Cracks have appeared in the sky and the earth and fearsome alien monsters have started to infiltrate the planet. 100th year of the Martial calendar. Martial artists are battling the invading alien monsters as martial arts have begun to thrive. 200th year of the Martial calendar. Humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, and alien monsters are encroaching on familiar territory. The 300th year of the Martial Calendar, Lu Sheng crossed the bridge. Furthermore, he has memories from 10,000 years in the future. "Forged through 10,000 years of refinement, the Body Refining Technique from the future is ten thousand times more potent than anything we know today....." "The martial arts breathing technique that originated 10,000 years later….." "Medicinal Pill Recipes from 10,000 Years Ahead...." "From 10,000 years in the future, the Sacred Martial Scriptures..." In the 10,000th year of the Martial calendar, humanity had perished. "The Path of Martial Arts had been refined to perfection, but no one was left to inherit it." "I, Lu Sheng, am the last ember of humanity!"


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