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Return of the greatest genius ranker 8

“Episode 8: The Downfall of the Iron Blood Bound Dragon”

A sound so dreadful that it saps the strength of everyone who hears it.
A sound, so dreadful that it saps the strength of everyone who hears it, could be heard.

Dohyun slowly raised his head, listening to that familiar sound he had heard countless times before.


He saw the Imprisoned blood-dragon roaring majestically.

However, since it was now covered in blood, it did not exude the same intimidating aura of a predator, as it did the first time.

Its roar was absolutely savage, like a frightened animal howling more fiercely.

The bold hand gesture, that was like swatting a mosquito before, had turned into a plea that pleaded not to come any closer.

-HP [80:???]

Only 80 vitality left.

[The basic skill ‘Bang’ can be used.]

And Kangta’s cooldown time had just reset.

After more than five hours of bloody fighting, the battle was drawing to an end.

Did it even realize that?

Bang! Quang!

Although it could have accepted death, it continued to swing its fists at Dohyun, who was approaching it.

Nevertheless, as he continued to approach without stopping, its struggles became more desperate.

Being bitten by a mosquito once is just annoying and itchy, but being bitten by a mosquito that never dies tens of thousands of times is terrifying.

Slowly. Shake!

Even though it could no longer back away, it took a step back, and a loud noise echoed from the restraints.

Dohyun’s expression as he looked at it was cold.

“I endured as long as I could. Go now.”



The moment his sword hit and pierced the creature’s foot right after he calmly avoided the crushing blow.


Its gigantic body fell down with an unsightly tremor.

Numerous messages floated above the creature who made a noisy exit, kicking up a cloud of dust.

[You have defeated the restrained Iron Blood-Dragon.]

[ you are the first to defeat a legendary named boss in the tutorial.]

[You defeated a legendary named boss single-handedly.]

[An unbelievable achievement has been achieved.]

[It is recorded in the Adventure Book.]

[As compensation… ]

Dohyun sat down after seeing all kinds of messages appear.

He wanted to lie down to check his reward and everything else.

It was fun at first, but later he was so focused that he didn’t have time to think about it.

“What a disgusting guy.”

5 hours and 30 minutes. That was the time it took to hunt him down.

He expected it would take a long time, but the delay was longer than expected.

This was because the difficulty level was higher than expected.

‘What happened 10,000 times… ‘

The moment HP dropped below 30%, the creature’s pattern of simply swinging his arms around changed.

Dohyun, who was hiding under its feet and hitting it, must have been so excited that it got annoyed and started stomping its feet, but later it suddenly hit its butt.

It’s a shame that the restraints are tight compared to its free arms.

If it wasn’t for that, Dohyun wouldn’t have been able to catch it.

Dohyun was sure of that.

‘No one caught this.’

Even if it were his old colleagues, they wouldn’t have been able to catch this.

If his condition wasn’t as good as it was today, he wouldn’t have been able to catch it, so he was saying everything.

And that prediction was exactly right.

[For the first time, you defeated a legendary named boss in the tutorial.]

Because the system was proving that fact.

All of his colleagues said they were frustrated after meeting it.

‘He must have swore out loud.’

He chuckled when he thought of the words his colleagues, who met it, said.

Geomje would probably frown, but try his best to pretend to be reticent, and he would quickly fire off swear words that were even vulgar.

Look, the uncle said, ‘Hehe…’ … Then, yes, this is the sequel to the ttongmang game.’ He might have laughed it off.

‘No, maybe I couldn’t have come here in the first place?’

Basically, that creature is the culmination of effort and capital.

The system was disadvantageous for Bora, who had to perform well on the first tutorial stage.

Anyway, he did it.

What will be the reaction if this fact is revealed later?

‘I’m going to lie around for a few days because my stomach hurts.’

Just as he did every time they drew a good item or skill card, they would react similarly.

‘I don’t know where I am or what I’m doing.’

They were clearly supposed to be in the rankings, but even when I searched for high rankers, I couldn’t find anyone who was supposed to be them.

Considering that it can be set to private, we cannot rule out the possibility that it was intentionally hidden, but it was puzzling.

To be honest, he wondered why they, who were ‘Attention Seekers’, had bothered to keep it private.

Or are they not playing God’Ose?

He had that thought for a moment, but quickly shook his head.

These are the people who played shit games like Demrok to death.

There was no way those gentlemen wouldn’t have started God’Ose unless something special happened, like the ‘Mandatory Military service’.

‘They are people with such strong personalities… Where else would they be playing around with strange concepts?’

Like being stuck in the mountains somewhere and playing the secluded game of master.

Do-hyeon chuckled and opened the closed reward box.

He was curious about what kind of reward he would receive, after recovering from some fatigue.

‘It looks like it’s shining so brightly that it probably isn’t a brick.’

He didn’t know, but he thought they would have given some pretty good rewards.

He would have received a reward higher than the minimum hero level. The moment he confirmed the reward with high expectations.

[Obtained the title ‘The First Slayer’.]

[You have completed the tutorial with an incredible achievement. Characteristics that match your play and achievements will appear.]

[The trait ‘Weapon Master’ has been activated.]

[The trait ‘Sleep Dragon’ has been activated.]

[The trait ‘Slayer’ has been activated.]

[The trait ‘Hero’ has been activated.]

[The trait ‘Overcome’ has been activated.]

[Conditions met.]

[The unique characteristic ‘Eyes of Truth’ is revealed.]

“… ?”

Dohyun, dazed, blinked his eyes, as if his sense of reality had disappeared.

Unlike Demrok, God’Ose had several ‘special’ systems in addition to skills.

One of them is characteristics.

An ability given separately from the 13 skill slots.

Unlike active skills, it was passive and was an element that helped in play and combat.

Contrary to concerns about the inclusion of a strange system, people who actually started playing the game gave favorable reviews, saying that diversity had increased.

As the game progresses, there will inevitably be a national tree determined for each occupation.

The most efficient and best skill tree.

Of course, due to the nature of God’Ose, it is not easy to match the skill tree you want, but once you become a ranker, that was the only option.

At that time, it was the characteristic that made it special.

Even if it is the same job, the skill tree can change depending on what characteristics you have, and even if it is the same skill tree, variables have been created.

There are more elements to engage in psychological warfare, and the game is looking for more diversity.

However, not everyone was able to have the desired characteristics.

There was only one way to obtain the trait known so far.

It is displayed appropriately according to the achievements in the tutorial.

“crazy… ”

That was the case with Do-hyeon now.

A trait that any user who completes the tutorial will receive.

Nevertheless, the reason why Do-hyeon was so surprised was simple.

“… “Why are there so many characteristics?”

Because there was only one characteristic that emerged in the tutorial.

There were no exceptions.

Whether it fully fills Charlie’s likeability or decreases his likeability, only one trait is revealed.

However, there were differences in quality and type depending on the achievements.

From exploration-type traits like “Pathfinder” to combat-type traits like “Sword Master”.

Depending on the performance shown in the tutorial, appropriate characteristics are revealed, and higher level characteristics are granted depending on the level of achievement.

This was the reason why large guilds wanted to scout users who had greatly increased Charlie’s favorability.

Because it has been proved that it has greater potential through objective indicators.

It was natural that if a user with high level characteristics grew, they would have a comparative advantage in the future when they reached full level under the same conditions.

In that respect, Do-hyeon’s situation could only be said to be unusual.

[Weapon Master]

-Grade: Characteristics

-Effect: Ignores weapon type restrictions.

You can increase your proficiency with all weapons and grow quickly.

[Sleeping Dragon]

-Grade: Characteristics

-Effect: Stat points gained when leveling up increase by 2.


-Grade: Characteristics

-Effect: You can check the location and hidden information of the type of monster that earned the Slayer title.


-Grade: Characteristics

-Effect: The hero’s spirit prevents mental pollution.


-Grade: Characteristics

-Effect: Overcome limitations with an indomitable spirit.

“… Every single characteristic is of a high level.”

Unlike skills, characteristics do not have separate grades, but there were characteristics that could be guessed.

First of all, this weapon master.

In general, it is such an outstanding trait that a guild will recruit you, even if you just obtain the ‘Sword Master’ trait.

If you are a sword master, your skill level increases faster and your power becomes stronger than other swordsman occupations.

This means that you can become a master of weapons in one field.

What if you are a Weapon Master?

‘The Weapon Master effect can be achieved with all weapons.’

A trait that allows you to handle all weapons and respond to any match.

Even if you can’t help but have job-related skills, you will be excellent at creating anomalous situations.

What about the dragon?

‘The potential is crazy.’

A morale characteristic that can produce a level 140 effect when reaching the maximum level of 100.

It simply creates the effects of a few items with just the level up.

Considering that the higher you go, the more you risk your life on a single ability, it was an incredible trait.

Looking at this alone, it could be said to be a cheat-like characteristic, but in fact, it was ambiguous to say that it was superior to others.

‘It’s a bit disappointing in terms of usability.’

Others utilize good characteristics, but for the owner of the Sleeping Dragon, the benefit of ability points is the end.

In some ways, it seems simply ignorant.

Although it is simple and guarantees solid performance, the latter half of the game, which is based on characteristics, was somewhat disappointing.

The difference becomes more noticeable after reaching max level.

That’s why Sleeping Dragon’s evaluation is not that high…

‘Not me.’

To Do-hyeon, who did not exhibit just one characteristic, it was just a meaningless shortcoming.

Because he displayed as many as six characteristics.

And they all have powerful abilities.

What about heroes or slayers who directly help in battle right now?

‘Immunity to abnormal status.’

Considering that the warlock’s curse was a problem in Demrok, ‘Hero’ was a trait I liked.

Because there wasn’t as much trouble as a warlock when doing things like guild wars.

There is a condition for ‘Slayer’ that you must do to obtain the Slayer title of the same type as the desired boss, but the effect was certain as long as you obtained it.

‘We can start with an information advantage.’

Considering that the importance of information increases as you become a high-ranking player, it was worth going all the way.

These are characteristics that can be used anywhere even if you have just one of them.

The effect of the ‘Overcome’ trait is vague, so it takes a while, but I didn’t feel particularly disappointed, perhaps because the other traits were so good.

Lastly, among all these characteristics, the one that stands out the most.

‘The eyes of truth… ’

Dohyun gulped and slowly read the explanation.

The Return of the Greatest Genius Ranker

The Return of the Greatest Genius Ranker

역대급 천재 랭커의 귀환
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"The Virtual Reality Game That has taken over the World, God of Saviors.
And Kaiser the overwhelming number one player of its predecessor, Deus Ex Machina - Ragnarok, commonly known as Demrok, He was once called a god, but disappeared due to unavoidable circumstances, and has returned after a year and six months!
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