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Showdown at Dawn

The Immortal Genius Spear knight(2)

At the creaking sound in the hallway, Damian sprang up from his seat.

It was unusual for anyone to be wandering the hallway at dawn, but the cautiousness in their footsteps was suspicious.

‘Did Pucker send them?’

After all, he wasn’t the type to let things go easily.

However, coming this far to avoid him meant…

‘Did he not recover from the beating?’

No, perhaps it was precisely because of the beating that he was determined now.

But there were no regrets.

If he hadn’t given him a beating, he would have regretted it for a long time.


Feeling as if he was pressing his ear against the door, Damian approached it cautiously.

Soon, he sensed a presence outside.


Holding his breath, Damian stood still until he heard a click and the locked door opened.

‘…Are they all in cahoots?’

However, he didn’t want to blame the innkeeper. He was just making a choice he had to make.

If he had meddled with those guys under the pretense of protecting guests, who knew what trouble he might face later?



As soon as the door swung open, Damian kicked off the ground and launched himself toward it.


“What, what is that?!”

Before the door was fully open, Damian dashed through the gap, and the guys screamed as if they had seen a ghost.

They were amateurs.


Damian stabbed the right thigh of the closest guy with the dagger he had prepared Just in case.



But what does it matter?

Dragging the half-inserted dagger down, Damian swung it toward the side of the guy next to him.



It was shallow.

The guy instinctively pulled back.

“You bastard!”

The guy whose side was cut hurriedly drew his dagger and swung it at Damian.

Originally, they were ordered to bring him in after beating him enough not to kill him.

But after being cut, his eyes completely went wild.

“I’ll kill you!”


The moment he lunged at Damian with the knife…


Even though he hadn’t fully thrust the knife, the kid in front of him was already moving as if he knew exactly where the dagger would go.

As the target wavered momentarily, the thug holding the dagger looked bewildered. But…



Feeling pain in his left leg, he screamed as he collapsed to the ground.

Damian’s dagger had split his thigh.

“Hek… Hiek… Hiek…”

What had happened that left me out of breath?

Damian tried to calm his racing heart and catch his breath.

Then, grabbing the collar of the guy lying on the floor, he asked, “Did Pucker send you?”

“U-Ugh… Spare me… Ahhh!”


“I asked if Pucker sent you!”

Damian shouted as he pressed on the guy’s wound again. But at that moment…

“That kid is terrifying.”

Damian turned his gaze toward the voice that came from the side.

The figure was slightly taller than an average adult but seemed somewhat thin.

Wearing a black leather jacket, he had a prominent vertical scar over his left eye.

As he approached, chewing something like gum, Damian’s expression turned cold.


“Um? Did I introduce myself?”

At Damian’s mumble, the guy looked at him with a puzzled expression.

He never expected that this kid would know his name.

However, when he appeared, Damian felt like one of the puzzles tangled in his mind was finally clicking into place.

A painfully twisted puzzle.

“Kukukuku, Kuhahahaha!”

Damian burst into laughter, shaking his shoulders.

Mookman frowned slightly at the laughter that wouldn’t stop.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you suddenly crazy?”

“Fuck… Does this mean it was all planned?”

The gangster he met after entering the alley was Mookman.

Yeah, thinking back, there were many strange points.

No matter how much he ran into the alley, it didn’t make sense that he would be dragged to these guys at that timing.

‘They… sold me out?’

Not only had they taken his parents’ insurance money, but they also sold him out.

Pucker, that bastard.

Swish, stab!


With no trace of emotion, Damian executed a cold strike.

After slicing the throats of the two thugs, he slowly stood up.

Yeah, he needed to straighten out the mess first.

He remembered what he had to do first.

* * *

Unlike others, Damian had one special ability.

He had incredibly sharp eyesight.

You might ask if that’s really a special ability, but after being beaten thousands of times and facing death hundreds of times, he eventually began to see the movements of others.

At the moment someone was about to strike, he could clearly see their gaze, the direction of their feet, how their waist twisted, and the movement of their shoulders, indicating where they intended to attack.

At first, he had to concentrate hard to see it, but after about ten years, his body would react automatically without him even realizing it.


“Ouch! You little rat!”

How many times had this been?

His dagger had already swung through the air again.

Dagger fighting was a field Damian was quite confident in, so how was it that he couldn’t even graze this kid’s clothes?


Once again, Mookman’s sword cut through the air.

While Mookman’s expression contorted, Damian’s gaze remained coolly fixed on him.

‘Was Mookman always this weak…’

Predicting his movements seems too obvious without even trying.


Tilting his head slightly to the side, Damian avoided Mookman’s sword and swiftly grabbed his dagger in reverse grip, thrusting it upwards.



As Damian’s dagger slashed across Mookman’s right collarbone, the guy groaned and dropped the sword he held.


Just seeing this shows how much lower these alley guys are compared to seasoned warriors on the battlefield.

Losing a sword during a fight is akin to throwing away one’s life.

Thump! Thud!

Mookman’s sword frighteningly dropped to the ground as Damian swept it away with the sole of his foot.

The incident happened so quickly that Mookman didn’t even have time to pick up his sword again.

“This… this bastard…”

Flustered, Mookman tried to curse at Damian, but…

Thunk, thunk!

In an instant, Damian’s dagger lightly pierced Mookman’s sides and swiftly withdrew.

Trembling, Mookman dropped to his knees.

His face showed a mix of astonishment, confusion, and gradually, fear.

It’s unbelievable.

‘He… he said he was only fourteen…’

No, without needing that information, it’s clear he looks tough at first glance.

Although he seemed a bit tall, he was still chubby with baby fat on his cheeks.


‘What’s with those eyes…’

Moreover, how can these movements be explained?

It’s as if he already knew where to strike beforehand, evading his attacks with precision without changing his expression.



At Damian’s sudden question, Mookman flinched and looked at him.

Eyes sharp as a knife, unusual for such a young face.

However, Damian had seen many guys like Mookman before.

‘Yeah, most of them were like that.’

At some point, those who fought against him always wore expressions of incomprehension.

As if they’d seen magic.

“It’s nothing special. I just see where you’re attacking. Your gaze, the way you lift your arm—just from that, I can predict everything.”

“Does that make sense? It sounds absurd…”



With a grimace that seemed to chew on words, the boy flinched as the blade approached his throat, keeping his mouth shut.

To which Damian spoke, “Believe it or not, it doesn’t matter. It’s the truth.”

“…Even if you tell me this truth, does it matter? Just to clarify, this won’t be the end.”

“Hehehe. Well, what can you do? If I just kill you here, how will the others know?”


“Because you’re smart, you’ll know. Tell me what you should do next.”

Damian’s eyes gleamed sharply.

“Did Pucker send you?”

“Ah, ah, even if you’re an alley thug…”

Damian pointed to the boy’s knee.

“If I stab here, you’ll be disabled. You’ll live limping for the rest of your life, so answer well.”

Under Damian’s chilling gaze, as sharp as a blade, Mookman trembled and said,

“Yeah, yeah. It was Pucker… Ugh… He set it up…”

And as expected, the boy began to confess immediately.

Though he could have lied, his current state suggested otherwise.

Even if a single lie came out, Damian was prepared to turn him into a corpse.

‘I bet he felt that.’

Damian glanced indifferently at Mookman.

“Yeah, that’ll do.”


Before the boy could say anything, Damian’s blade moved first.


Slowly, a red line appeared on the boy’s neck…


With a grip on the wounded area, the boy collapsed to the ground and died.

Drip, drip.

Watching the blood flow on the ground, Damian turned away.

“Alright, even when leaving, cleanup must be done thoroughly.”

By the age of thirty, Damian had learned a few things.

While living in the world, it’s best not to make “enemies.”

It means it’s important to go as smoothly as possible. But if an “enemy” appears unintentionally…

‘I must crush them firmly.’

Damian made his decision and began to slip into the darkness outside his lodging.


“Now it’s almost over.”

Glancing at the wristwatch, the man turned his gaze to the man sitting in front of him.

It was hard to recognize his original appearance because of how badly he’d been beaten.

Especially his left cheek had swollen severely, almost the size of his face.

“Hey kid… Come here…”

Here’s the translation of the text:

“Ah, it must be hard to talk, but don’t speak. I’ll finish the job and bring him here.”

Montaul, the leader of the organization that attacked Damian at Pucker’s request, smirked as he looked at Pucker, who was struggling even to speak.

“Seems like you’re quite angry. Calling me just to catch that little brat.”

“It was because of your order…”

Due to his swollen and bursting wounds, his pronunciation wasn’t clear, but Pucker gritted his teeth with a fierce glare and struggled to stand.

But even that was so painful that he soon groaned in agony.

“Damn it…!”

He was in such a condition that even moving was nearly impossible.

He wanted nothing more than to tear the man apart if he were in front of him right now. But still, there was a lingering doubt about whether he could change the insurance policy.

It was only these guys who could be trusted with such annoying tasks. But it was costing him a lot of money.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Time passed relentlessly in silence.

As the sound of the clock ticking endlessly filled the silence, Montaul’s expression contorted in frustration.

“Why does it take this long to bring in one damn kid?”

Surely, the appointed time had long passed.

However, the fact that he hadn’t arrived yet indicated that something unexpected had happened.


Unexpected variables made Montaul stand up abruptly.

Pucker glanced at Montaul with a slightly irritated expression.

What’s with all this delay about catching one kid? Why is there so much trouble?

“Montaul… what’s going on?”

“It’ll be resolved soon, just wait a little longer. Don’t think about cutting the payment just because it’s a bit late.”

Pucker was a thorough businessman.

Knowing what he would say, Montaul preemptively turned away from Pucker to block his words. But then…

Knock, knock.

“…He’s here.”

The Immortal Genius Spear Knight

The Immortal Genius Spear Knight

죽지 않는 천재 창잡이
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
Damian, a commander of the Punitive Force of the Baroque Kingdom. "Damn it." Just once. If I were given just one more chance... 'I would have truly dominated the battlefield with these guys.' At the age of 30, he closed his eyes on a nameless battlefield. But when he opened his eyes, he had returned to 17 years ago. And this time, he had a fully functional mana core, capable of learning magic. 'This time.' I will rise higher than anyone. Instead of being swept away by the era of war, 'I will dominate.' Damian, who has returned to the past, wields his spear towards the world.


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