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Tales of a shining sword Chapter 0


Gathering and recording all the events in the world was my mission.

I was born with that purpose and lived faithfully in its pursuit.

Until I encountered this obstacle, that is.

“Who is the current Fox patriarch?”

I went around asking and inquiring about all the self-proclaimed leaders of the yokai in the world.

He was such a unique character, you see.

The answers I received were truly varied.

He’s strong. He’s flexible.

He’s a true yokai. He’s not a true yokai.

I wondered what to make of these contradictory answers.

While recording the unsatisfactory responses, I continued my journey.

“Is this the last one?”

No need for ambiguous answers.

After all, I am a high-ranking (?) yokai myself.

The one who resides here is known for having an unpredictable personality.

A tiger who guarded the mountains of the human world, also known as the Mountain lord.

I don’t know how he became a yokai, but he is said to be incredibly powerful, as long as you can tolerate his personality.

I, too, am risking my life to fulfill my duty, mind you.

As I entered his domain, a suffocating aura engulfed my entire body.

Hmph, I’m a high-ranking yokai myself; this aura is nothing.

I comforted myself and continued to take each step with difficulty.

He spotted me and greeted me warmly.

“Kahaha. So, Eungak, you finally came to find me!”

He must be mistaking me for coming to record his strength.

Later on, after taking a deep breath, I asked him.

“Who is this Eunho person you’re talking about?”

At the mention of “Eunho,” the Mountain Army’s expression noticeably stiffened.

“Eunho. You mean the current fox patriarch?”

“Of course.”

I didn’t miss the fear that crept into his eyes at the mention of “Eunho.”

He began to soothe the wound on the back of his neck and said,

“That person is completely insane. His unpredictable personality, arrogance that takes on even the gods….”

I was astonished.

To hear “arrogance” and “insolence” from him.

How terrifying must this individual be…

The Mountain lord’s eyes lit up with anger.

He must have asked with such force that his fangs scraped, making a sharp scratching sound.

“If that bastard was weaker than me, I would’ve personally ripped his throat with my own hands…”



As the Mountain Lord was venting his frustration, his head rolled on the floor.


I hadn’t noticed when he appeared.

The young man who effortlessly beheaded the Mountain Lord.

With silver hair fluttering in the wind and long, extended fox tail.

An arrogant gaze that looked down on me,

I knew right away who he was.

Ah, this person is Eunho.

“Hey there.”

His clear voice struck directly into my mind.

I instinctively took a step back.

The fear of encountering a predator washed over me.

He was different from all the yokai I had met before.

“Are you the one called Eungak, who’s been following me lately?”

“Yes? Yes, I am….”

Am I going to die?

If he could kill the Mountain Lord so easily, there was no way for me to escape.

His gaze on me with disdain twisted his long tail.

When he asked with a strong jaw,

“Aren’t you”


“Aren’t you going to write records?”

I took out my brush and ink from my satchel and started writing.

Although I couldn’t comprehend what he was saying, what could I do?

If I didn’t write, he might kill me.

Only then did I realize.

The “promotion” he was talking about meant becoming human.

He was the head of the fox yokai and the king of all yokai, Eunho, who ruled over them.

He smiled satisfactorily.

At that time, I didn’t yet know that his “promotion” meant becoming human.

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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