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The Berserk Portal

The origin was right nearby. My skin tingled with the strong magic radiating from it.

“Why is it going berserk all of a sudden?”

Even though the frequency of berserk events has increased recently, why today of all days?

Why on a day when I longed for peace, does it have to go berserk?

And at such a close location that I have no choice but to go.

“There are no hunters around. I have to stop it.”

There was no one with any significant power inside the bar.

This meant I was the only awakened one nearby, and I had to either hunt or endure the situation.

I’ll take care of the berserk portal in Yeonhui-dong.


After sending a message to Alex, I quickly cast the opening spell.

From the darkness, a coffin emerged, and the murderous intent that surpassed E-rank was wildly surging as if it had found its target.


As far as he knew, the warehouse was in the alley next to the one-story building.

The murderous intent was emanating precisely from that location.

“Hey! Why did you come out?”

Under the faint streetlight.

President Choi, seemingly unaware of the murderous intent, waved a bag of clams and called out to Johan.

He had a bright, innocent face.


Behind him, red eyes gleamed.

A gigantic being with blue skin, which seemed familiar, was towering over President Choi.


I could feel the tension in its expanded muscles as it moved.

Though I couldn’t see it clearly, it was undoubtedly its arm muscles moving to strike President Choi.

“You bastard, your opponent is here!”


Instinctively, I released my killing intent. The surge of it from my body enveloped the darkness.

[Due to the skill ‘Poisonous Aura,’ your resistance to poison has increased. The main poison is being integrated.]

Alcohol was recognized as poison, instantly clearing the intoxication from my body.

My now clear mind sharpened my senses even further.


The creature’s movements halted. At the same time, its red eyes met mine.

It seemed to recognize me, who had stronger energy, as its enemy.

“Hyung Sang-Hyun, get down!”



Shouting at the top of my lungs, I threw the coffin.

Sensing something urgent from Johan, President Choi instinctively tossed the clams and lowered himself.


A terrifying sound echoed. The unbreakable coffin easily blocked the monster’s attack.

“Kill that crazy bastard!”


As the coffin opened, the attendants sprang out. King, brandishing a massive axe, charged out.


The axe aimed for the monster’s head. Caught off guard by King’s sudden appearance, the monster hastily retreated, dodging the axe.

Bark- Bark!

The Borks surrounded the hidden monster, threatening it.
Their keen sense of smell was even more effective in the dark.


During this, kowen, who emerged from the coffin, grabbed the prostrate Sang-Hyun and tossed him. Kowen effortlessly lifted the rather large Sang-Hyun with one hand.


It was a perfect combination.

I safely caught the airborne Sang-Hyun in my arms.

“Y-You, you.”

Sang-Hyun, seemingly in shock, couldn’t form his words.

“Don’t worry, just rest easy. I’ll take care of things here.”

I laid him down in a safe spot.

Even though he was a part of the search team, it would be hard for an ordinary person to keep their sanity in such a situation.

“Let’s see what damn monster crawled out of its hole.”

After confirming the safety of the surroundings, I let out my frustration and anger.

There was no compensation for interrupting my precious leisure time with expensive drinks.

Even at this moment, the drink was getting cold.

“I’ll roast your belly and eat it as a snack, you pig bastard.”

From its sleek blue skin, I could roughly guess my opponent.

There was only one type of monster that walked on two legs, had blue skin, and stood nearly 2 meters tall.



The moonlight reflecting off its blue skin revealed its presence.

Seeing its blue skin, it seemed to be from the tribe that escaped from the mountains.

Sniff- Sniff-

The monster tilted its head, observing the Borks that didn’t retreat at the sight of it.

The beast, which should be following its instincts, was defying the instinct of fear.


Quietly, I raised my bow, aiming at the creature.

Determined to pierce through its thick face.

[A critical quest has been activated. The quest cannot be declined.]


At the unexpected notification, I quickly checked the window. It was the first quest I had received since becoming an undertaker.

[Portal Stabilization]
Time limit: 30 minutes
Difficulty: D
Deaths caused by beings from other dimensions accelerate dimensional collapse. To preserve energy balance, the portal must be sealed without any fatalities.
Reward: +10 Killing Intent Stat

“That’s a hard-to-refuse reward. Not that I can refuse it anyway.”

The quest offered a 10-point increase in Killing Intent, which would usually require entombing 10 people.

The fact that there was a quest attached to what seemed like a simple task meant that the God of the Dead, who empowered Johan, didn’t consider this a trivial matter.

“So, I must not allow deaths caused by otherworldly monsters.”

As the one managing death, he wished for the beings of this world not to die at the hands of such monsters.

“In other words, I mustn’t let anyone die.”
Easy. There’s no easier path than one with a clear goal.

“Alright. I’ll put an arrow between each of your brows.”


A silver arrow tore through the air. The monster lightly tilted its head, avoiding the attack.


Taking advantage of the opening, King’s axe aimed for the exposed neck. The monster, unable to dismiss the attack, leaped back.
King, a monster of the same rank, was a formidable opponent even for the Uruk.

“To a lowest-rank D-class monster, King is a tough match.”

The creature, intimidated by the sheer force, hurriedly grabbed the club hanging from its waist. It seemed to realize the difference in strength.

“King, looks like we’re getting new recruits today. That guy seems usable.”


King shook his head. No matter what, it seemed to express that the creature wasn’t as good as it.

“Really? Guess we’ll have to see.”


To live up to expectations, King closed the distance, swinging his axe multiple times.
The narrow alley was somewhat cramped for the two hulking figures to move freely.


With a single strike, the wall crumbled. Startled by the noise, nearby residents peeked out their windows one by one.

“Ah! It’s a monster!”

“C-call the police! There’s a monster!”

In an instant, the place turned into chaos.
Such is the fear instilled by a dungeon going berserk.

Even in the safety of their homes, people would panic to this extent.

“You, stop the one in front! I’ll evacuate the civilians.”


Perhaps coming to his senses, Sang-Hyun shouted resolutely. With a determined look, he reassured Johan.

“Leave the rest to me. I can still handle this much.”

Even though the days of military spirit were long gone, he still had the same composure that had once supported Johan’s mental state.

“This is what all those tough times were for.”

“Pretty cool, huh? Alright, I’ll focus on the front then. I’m counting on you.”


“Everyone, turn off the lights and lock your doors! If you’re not within sight of the monster, stay still. If you see the monster, follow me!”


Turning on his phone flashlight, Sang-Hyun began gathering the terrified residents.
With his exceptional leadership, honed in the military, Sang-Hyun would have no trouble organizing the surroundings.

“I just have to do my part then.”

It takes about 30 minutes for a berserk dungeon to stabilize. That’s the same time Johan had to endure for the quest.

“Before, I would’ve just run away, but it’s different now.”

I had reliable allies all around. Even King alone was already driving an Uruk into despair.


King was battling an Uruk!

It seemed like an intense fight, but King was overwhelming the creature.

The monster sustained deep wounds with every light counterattack. Covered in blood, it was swinging its club desperately to survive.

“As expected, King easily dominates a D-rank. He won’t even be pushed back by a C-rank.”

The fight was already heavily tilted in King’s favor. Even if left alone, King would easily win.

“The problem is the portal.”

The portal behind the monster, which was obscured until now.

The portal was still berserk and couldn’t be forcibly closed.

This meant that the appearance of this one Uruk wasn’t the end of the situation.

As expected, two more Uruks emerged from the portal.


“They keep coming out. Soon this place will be filled with Uruks!”

Seeing this, the residents screamed, and the Uruks, hearing the cries of their prey, roared as they beat their chests.

“Let the hunting begin.”

Bark bark-

There’s no time to waste.

The Borks split into two groups and pounced on each.


The Uruks sneered at them as if finding them ridiculous, swinging their clubs.

The Uruks saw a group of Borks as nothing more than bugs. But the dogs I raised weren’t ordinary pets.


At that moment, the club missed its target and struck the ground.


Then an Uruk’s hand holding the club was cleanly severed and fell to the ground.
The Uruks, aware of the ability of Borks, were staring at the bleeding stump in shock.

“King, clean up.”


King, always ready for combat, swung his axe once more. The Uruk, having lost its arm, could only step back in fear.

The axe head smashed into its unprotected face, shattering its skull with a resounding crash.

“Are you finished over there?”

Meanwhile, kowen, who had taken out his wand from the coffin, was battling the remaining Uruks.

Waving the black stick around, he swatted away the approaching club.


A flash of red light burst forth from the wand.


The Uruk’s arm flew off, accompanied by a spray of blood.

“Good job. You’ve almost handled them.”
The moment when the monsters were suppressed was brief.

The number of monsters was too overwhelming.

If it were just one or two, it would be manageable, but now more than ten had emerged.

“That’s enough for today.”

Johan calmly assessed the situation. Now that all the residents had evacuated, there was no reason to continue guarding this place.

“Servants, retreat.”

He commanded the remaining Uruk attendants and kowen and King. The servants quickly moved away from the portal following Johan’s command.

As the surroundings grew silent, Johan took a deep breath and looked at the portal. The portal was still going berserk, but…

The creatures split into two groups of Borks, led solely by Johan, for this ambush.




Meanwhile, a swiftly swung club crushed a Bork’s head. Surprisingly, the inside of the broken skull was empty.


The abnormal sight made the creature take a step back.

Despite its head being crushed, the Bork kept squirming and bit into the creature’s forearm.


The startled creature shook its arm. The Bork, oblivious to pain, only bit harder.

A long limb pierced the creature’s waist. The unnaturally long foreleg functioned effectively like a rope.

The creatures began their pack hunt, not missing a single opportunity.


Each time the club was swung, another Bork’s head was crushed. Despite the confusion, the creature’s strength remained formidable.

It was the power befitting an Uruk, known as the ruler of the mountains.

But there was one thing it overlooked.

“You may be the ruler of the mountains, but you are not the ruler of servants.”

These were not beasts that tucked their tails and ran, they were servants.


Ignoring its shattered body, one Bork crawled up and bit the creature’s Achilles tendon.


It bit the other leg. Eight Borks hung on its limbs, biting its thighs, abdomen, and shoulders.


The creature went berserk, but the Borks, clinging like leeches, hindered its movements. The more it moved, the tighter they clung, acting as a prison.

“This is quite gruesome. Finish it off.”


The leader dealt the finishing blow. Its massive jaws engulfed the creature’s side and easily broke its ribs.

Squeal- Squeal-!

The Uruk finally began to feel fear.
The situation of being besieged by what were mere prey, now attacking like zombies and tightening the noose, was more terrifying than anything else.


Its strength drained. The creature, with muscles severed in various places, breathed heavily and gradually collapsed.

Sinking into the Borks like quicksand, one Uruk vanished, while the remaining one watched in a daze.


Seizing the moment, Johan’s arrow flew toward the creature’s forehead. The arrow struck accurately between its eyes.


The arrow pierced the skin but not the skull. The startled creature instinctively broke the arrow shaft.


It began to rampage. Losing its mind in an incomprehensible situation, it smashed its surroundings with a sturdy club.


At that moment, kowen, hiding in the darkness, jumped. He stepped on the creature’s back and climbed up to its head, striking with an axe.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

If the arrow was a nail, the axe was a hammer. The endless strikes of the axe drove the arrow deep into the skull.


The creature, with its brain pierced, convulsed and died instantly.

[Servant ‘kowen’ has leveled up. Lv.6 -> Lv.7]
[Servant ‘kowen’s stats have slightly increased.]

Killing a high-level monster had immediately raised his level.

Kowen’s aura thickened, but there was no time to celebrate.

More Uruks kept emerging from the berserk dungeon.

Five came out simultaneously.

Swoosh- Swoosh-

Their eyes focused on the evacuating residents.

Drooling, they charged at their targets without hesitation.

“A real-life defense game, huh? I need to stay sharp.”

Johan gritted his teeth and jumped through the collapsed wall.

The distance between the residents and the creatures wasn’t far, and the worst could happen if not handled quickly.

“I won’t let any of you through.”

No need for lengthy thoughts.

Whatever it takes, he must stop them all. He will use every possible means to prevent harm.


He put the two dead Uruks into the coffin. The injured Borks had fulfilled their roles excellently.


A child in the middle of evacuation tripped over the debris of the collapsed wall.
Momentarily letting go of his mother’s hand, the child froze in fear, seeing the Uruk charging with fierce eyes.

“Waaaah. Mom, I’m scared.”


The mother, realizing too late that her child had fallen, screamed. But the Uruk was already too close.

Just a few steps away.

“Move slowly, or you might lose your leg.”


An arrow pierced the creature’s thigh.
Compared to its size, the wound was minor, but for some reason, the creature limped, unable to move its leg easily.


Green liquid mixed with blood oozed out.

“Luckily, I still had some left.”

He had coated the arrow with poison extracted from the wilderness.

Although the small amount would only immobilize it briefly, that was enough.


King caught the falling axe, and kowen swiftly grabbed one of the creature’s legs.


The relatively uninjured Borks used swarm tactics to hold back two Uruks.

Johan, getting a feel for how to maneuver these creatures, operated them more precisely.

Using the leader as the vanguard, they took turns to tire out one creature at a time.

“You’re not hurt, are you?”


The child, unable to speak, nodded. Johan lifted the child gently. The mother, running over without her shoes properly on, hugged her child tightly.

“Thank you. Thank you so much!”

Ignoring the mother’s continuous thanks, Johan turned back to the battlefield.
Although all this happened in less than a minute, it was enough to turn the tide.

Plod- Plod-

New servants emerged from the coffin. They were made using the bodies of the dead Uruks.

“In defense games, replenishing troops as the coins accumulate is the fun part.”

Having once been addicted to defense games, he knew. The only way to hold back strong enemies was through constant production and upgrades

“Go, Wild Boar!”

Following Johan’s will, the new servants moved to fill the spots of the fallen Borks.

Emotionless, moving solely for death, they were weapons.


A creature struck on the back of the head collapsed, twitching. Kowen swiftly slit its throat, ending its life.


One creature, witnessing all this, staggered. The last one, paralyzed by the poison, couldn’t move.

All its comrades were dead. Worse, they had come back to life, now taking orders from the enemy and killing their own.

This was a fight it couldn’t win.


Desperately, it tried to retreat to the portal. Falling dozens of times, it ran to widen the distance.


But the newly emerging comrades from the portal prevented that. The frenzied kin simply ignored its pitiful cries.

They couldn’t win. They had to escape.

“Is this an all-you-can-eat place? The pork belly just keeps coming. I’m starting to get full.”

Contrary to his words, a thick smile spread across Johan’s face. Behind him stood the Uruk servants, having replaced the Borks.

Eight Uruk servants, along with King and kowen.

It seemed doable.

Now, the battlefield was also a new supply source for Johan.

“Melee combat.”


With a line straight out of a movie, he faced the monsters that began to pour out in earnest.

The narrow villa-lined alleyways were like a canyon, providing Johan with an absolute geographical advantage.


“Annihilate them all.”

The servants didn’t take the safe route. No, there was no need to.

Crunch- Crunch- Snap-

They slashed, chopped, tore, bit, and broke.

The fight of those who did not fear death was a one-sided massacre.

Killing and reviving, killing and reviving.
“Servant. Servant. Servant. Servant.”

He distributed his skills efficiently.
Saving as much Killing Intent stat as possible, creating eight servants at a time.

The fallen servants were replaced by other Uruk corpses, and the servants hunted the enemies tirelessly.

Piles of bandages on the ground.
About 50 Uruks were killed, and 40 servants perished.

This meant Johan still had 10 reserve servants.

An immortal army that kept reviving no matter how much they were killed.

Swoosh- Swoosh-!

Terrified, the creatures started to flee.
Foreseeing their future of endless death and revival, they chose to run.

Dungeon Undertaker

Dungeon Undertaker

던전 장의사
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Johann, who eked out a living by recovering corpses in the dungeon until he acquired an unusual ability. An ability that made him stronger with each corpse he recovered. "what kind of absurd ability is this?" He initially dismissed it as nonsense, but as it turns out, the world is vast, and there are far too many corpses in the dungeon. F-grade tracer. A traitor who betrayed his team. Now, it's time to break free. Trapped by a stigma


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