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The Boss Awakens

Chapter 19

He was as shrewd as he was capable of accurately calculating his chances of winning.

‘It’s a game with no chance at all. A game with a predetermined outcome where not even 0.1% is in his favor.’


Lee Kang-han, lying flat on the ground. Johan, too, stopped taking action and sat on the coffin.

He started to reveal everything, even though he hadn’t been asked.

“A few days ago, I heard a rumor from the guild. They said that the lower-level dungeon, Tomb of absolute, where only the Skeleton King appears might not be a lower-level dungeon after all.”

“The guild? You have an affiliation?”

“I’m with the Reaper Guild. I heard from them about how to awaken the true boss of this dungeon.”

“Oh, the Reaper Guild, huh? You guys really can’t be rehabilitated, can you?”

“…They said there’s a hidden treasure in the boss room, which can only be found using the mechanisms.”

“How did the Reaper Guild obtain this information?”

“The master obtained documents about the Absolute One during a dungeon exploration. It was a document about Absolute One’s legacy being left in various places.”

It was just a mere coincidence. It would have been better if there were no reasons at all.

“So that’s why you came here.”

“Yes. While the guild was looking for a promising mechanic, I came here alone. If I consume the spoils of this dungeon alone, I can live comfortably for the rest of my life.”

“You’re brave. Trying to take the dungeon without the Reaper Guild knowing. But how did you come alone? Surely people would have been looking for a mechanic like you?”

“Of course, they said I couldn’t. They said my proficiency was insufficient for handling such mechanisms.”

In short, he had come here while double-crossing the guild.

The Reaper Guild had a nationwide network of information, and he really had guts.

No, at this point, his brain was clearly single-celled.

“According to the obtained information, if the mechanism is activated, the true hidden boss will wake up. That’s exactly what that mole, that guy, we need to eliminate to safely activate the rest of the mechanism.”

“So now we just need to reactivate the mechanism?”

“But, what treasure could have made you take such a gamble? How are you planning to handle the enraged Reaper Guild?”

“They said it was the treasure of the Absolute. No one knows exactly what it is, but…… can’t it change your life? It’s the treasure of the Absolute, after all.”

“You have the confidence to live on the run?”

Due to the nature of the Reaper Guild, they don’t ask for much information when you join. I haven’t given any information to the Reaper either. And they won’t be looking for me anytime soon. The treasure of the Absolute isn’t just buried here.”

“Right, there’s the Absolute’s Sanctuary, the Training Ground, and the Battlefield.”

This isn’t the only dungeon starting with the Absolute.

Dungeons with connections, dungeons of a much higher level, at least five more.

The guilds will probably be trying to get the treasures there first.

“So, this is the final destination.”

It’s information from the Reaper Guild, not just any guild. The information is unlikely to be wrong.

‘This is a golden opportunity.’

Yohan, who had entered this place countless times, perfectly knew the previous structure.

The altar where the dog was placed must be related to the treasure.

Those mysterious pillars over there.”

“Try activating the rest of the mechanism, you never know, you might even get a cut.”


Kang Han’s eyes slightly brightened. Had he seen a glimmer of hope?

Kang Han, who staggered to his feet, headed outside the boss room, towards the side of the door. It seemed the mechanism was there.

“Deoji, keep a close watch on him. If he does anything strange, just cut off his hands.”


Deoji nodded and stuck close to Yohan.

Terrified, he did his best to handle the mechanism to stay away from Deoji.


A loud noise echoed. Simultaneously, the dungeon trembled as if an earthquake had occurred.

The sound of gears meshing together was heard.

At the same time, something round began to rise.

Rising between the two pillars was a tomb.

“Oh……… that.”

“It’s the real tomb.”

That was the true tomb of the Absolute. The reason this dungeon was named after a tomb was not because of the Skeletons, but because of that grave.

“I wondered why the pillars rose; they were surrounding that tomb like a temple.”

If someone could bear the title of Absolute, this kind of splendid tomb made sense.

If the tomb was like this, how incredible must the legacy he hid be?


At that moment, the breath of the guy staring blankly at the tomb from behind started to become rough.

His eyes were turning increasingly red, indicating something was wrong.

“You, what are you doing?”

“The legacy, I will have it. I won’t give it to anyone.”

He had lost focus. Like someone bewitched, he kept muttering to himself endlessly.

The mana pouring out continuously was raw and completely unrefined.

‘No way.’

I looked at the tomb. It was a tomb where no aura could be felt.

“Is it bewitching people, urging everyone who enters to fight?”

If it was the Absolute, it was possible. If his plan was to pass on his legacy to the last survivor, that made sense.

[Your spirit rejects the ‘Absolute’s Bewitchment.’ The bewitchment will remain until only one survivor is left, so hurry, commands the God of the Dead.]

Imagination became reality. The Absolute wanted them to fight.

“The Absolute isn’t normal either. They’re all crazy.”

Perhaps the Skeleton Kings were also victims of this bewitchment.


At the same time, my head felt like it was splitting.

– Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

A voice resonating in my soul engulfed my entire body. If I succumbed to this voice, I would turn out just like Kang Han.

I needed to hurry.


Sniff sniff-

Deoji sniffed the air and sat down obediently, waiting for orders.

“Take him………… out.”


With reddened eyes, Deoji immediately began digging into the ground at Yohan’s command.


At the same time, Kang Han’s latent power exploded. He, having detonated all the mana in his body, rushed to kill Yohan.

“Sorry, I don’t want to get hurt dealing with you right now.”

I had to remain calm. Right now, the Absolute’s relics were more important than someone like Kang Han.


Deoji intercepted. Kang Han faced Deoji, pulling out all his weapons from the subspace.

Unlike before, he charged at Deoji, disregarding his own life, and skillfully countered Deoji’s claws.

“I’ll open the tomb first.”

Deoji would take care of him. I just needed to focus on opening the tomb without being disturbed.


There’s a door that leads to the back of the tomb. Opening that door will reveal the source of all this.

Surprisingly, the door had no lock. It seemed the bewitchment acted as the lock.

Creak- The door opened weakly.

Just in case, I blocked the front with the coffin, but all that came rushing out was the cold air and dust trapped inside the cave.

“This is… inside the tomb.”

The inside of the tomb was astonishingly shabby. I didn’t expect gold and jewels, but I thought there would be something more.

During that time, I heard a chilling cracking sound. It had been about 30 seconds.


I heard hurried footsteps.

Peeking out, I saw Deoji approaching Yohan, carrying Kang Han.

The head that should have been attached to the body was lying at the spot where the battle had just occurred.

Deoji proudly lifted Kang Han. It hadn’t been an easy fight, as his durability had dropped to 70.

“Well done. He was bound to die anyway.”

As soon as Kang Han died, my headache disappeared as if it had been a lie. The bewitchment had ended.


[Kang Han]

Grade: D

Occupation: Mechanic

Karma: 450

– A 4th-year hunter, he had endless greed. He believed anyone could be sacrificed for his desires. He had a criminal record of five murders, eight instigations of murder, and ten thefts.

“This guy was an even bigger piece of trash than I thought.”

I felt a bit of guilt and used evaluation, but there was no need for that.

I didn’t expect it to be this bad. His karma score was higher than anyone I’d seen so far.

He was a criminal who deserved the death penalty. The death he received here could be considered natural.

“The investigation department’s workload just decreased. No need for interrogation anymore. Or did it increase?”

The five murders he committed were probably shrouded in mystery. Investigating this part might be quite troublesome.

“Go ahead, take care of the aftermath.”

Even a silent prayer was a waste for Kang Han. Yohan, who silently placed him in the coffin, gathered the bonus stats and invested them in his senses.

Then he focused again on the inside of the tomb.

Looking closely, the walls of the tomb were filled with pictures depicting his exploits.

Though weathered and hard to recognize, the image of a fierce monarch riding a horse remained intact.

“There’s more space at the back?”

The wall in the middle of the tomb divided the space. Seeing the faintly visible candlesticks, it seemed to be where the tomb’s owner was placed.

Seeing something occupying the space, I paused in thought.

Is this really the treasure? Or is it a prank set up by the Absolute to mess with me? Countless thoughts crossed my mind.

“Oh, hello?”

A corpse sitting in a small space within the pillar. To be exact, a weathered skeleton.

“Why is there a corpse here………………?”

Given the dungeon’s name, the Tomb of the Absolute, it’s a possibility.

It makes sense.

“But why, why is it here of all places?”

A skeleton sitting where a reward should be.

Could it be that the reward turned to dust like this skeleton? Could it have disappeared over an unknowable length of time?

I barely managed to control my wild thoughts and anxious eyes.

Calming himself, Yohan decided to use his ability to reassess the current situation.


[Emperor Ian’s Corpse]

Grade: S

Appraisal: Impossible

· This is the corpse of Emperor Ian, who was the Absolute of the empire. His achievements shine most brightly in the empire’s history books. The strongest of his era, even dragons and demon kings bowed to him. But could he be called a wise king? He was destined to trample the opinions of the few for the happiness of the many.

The skeleton was no ordinary, common skeleton.

It was the owner of this tomb and an Absolute of his era.

“How extraordinary must he have been for even his skeleton to be rated S-grade.”

I was in awe. An utterly useless skeleton being S-grade was astonishing.

Yohan could feel, albeit indirectly, how amazing this person must have been during his lifetime.

Had he been alive, he would have probably been more overwhelming than any being on Earth.


At that moment, a faint light flickered from the skeleton.

It was the light indicating the activation of the Retainer skill.


This skeleton must have been dead for at least a thousand years, yet the Retainer skill had activated.

Does the Retainer skill have no expiration date?

“No matter how much of an Absolute Emperor he was, does he still get classified as a villain?”

Perhaps the system’s evaluation is accurate.

History is written for heroes, but heroes aren’t always good people.


I hastily cast the skill, holding onto my trembling heart, imagining Ian the Great as a retainer.

“If even a fraction of his power in life remains… would there be anyone who could stand against him?”

Kang Han is rated A-grade, and the Reaper and the guild masters of Justice are rated S-grade.

“The dragon Inferno, which appeared only once, was SS-grade.”

An SS-grade that took ten S-grades to finally defeat, and Ian the Great was even stronger than that.

“This is the real reward. A reward that only I can obtain.”

No treasure could be better than this. Even if it could only grow to the grade of the skeleton, it didn’t matter at all.


I collected Ian the Great’s skeleton. For some reason, the bandages seemed more cautious than before.

One minute that felt like a year.

I eagerly awaited the coffin’s opening, hoping for the emergence of a being that could advance my aspirations.

“Why isn’t it coming out? Could it be that it can’t be made into a retainer?”

But the lid didn’t open. Even after 2 minutes, even after 10 minutes, there was no sign of it opening.

[This is a being beyond your current capacity. It will take 100 days to fully make it a retainer.]

A notification appeared belatedly. Although slightly disappointing, it wasn’t bad news.

“Yeah, I guess it was too OP even to me.”

Nothing changes with a 100-day investment.

If I could get the strongest being in just three months, I could spend that time with dedication.

I’ve survived 30 years as an F-grade; I can surely wait 100 days.

When the skeleton disappeared, a book appeared. It had been hidden beneath the skeleton, a rather ordinary treasure.


[Absolute’s Talent]

Grade: A

– A book containing some of Ian the Great’s talents. It allows you to acquire the Absolute’s Leadership skill.

“This isn’t an ordinary treasure.”

It’s a very decent, even extremely remarkable skill book.

A skill that allows a leader to draw out more from their guild members, one of the most essential skills for anyone aspiring to be a ruler.

Despite its high value, the drop rate is so low that there are only a handful of people worldwide with this skill.

“No wonder the Reaper coveted it.”

This must be the treasure the Reaper Guild wanted.

Imagine their frustration when they realize they missed out on this precious item because of one rogue guild member.

Without delay, I used the skill book. This skill would be very useful for me too.


[You have acquired the passive skill ‘Absolute’s Leadership.’]

The book crumbled like powder and was absorbed into Yohan’s body.

I felt every detail of the air touching my skin.

[Absolute’s Leadership]

Grade: A

Level: 1

– The power most loved by Ian the Great. It increases the abilities of those within a 34-meter radius who are subordinated to the user by 1.1 times and strengthens their dominance. The range is proportional to the user’s Sensory stat, and as the skill level increases, the ability enhancement effect also increases.

It’s not just leadership but Absolute’s Leadership.

Moreover, it’s not an active skill that needs to be cast; it’s a passive skill that always applies its effect.

“This isn’t just a mild envy; it’s enough to make someone grab their neck and faint.”

The value of a passive skill can’t be measured in money.

It maintains its effect at all times without consuming mana, whether sitting, standing, sleeping, or waking.

Experienced fighters will clearly feel how extraordinary this is in battle.

“I have more reason to invest in Sensory now.”

It’s far superior to the existing leadership skills. Given its growth potential, all future battles should be fought with retainers.

“Time to head out.”

I got a reward worth tens of times what I expected. Thinking of what I gained today, it’ll take months to digest it all.

All of this must be Ian the Great’s blessing.

Before leaving, he bowed towards where the skeleton had been seated.

“See you in 100 days, Your Majesty.”

Dragging his exhausted body outside, Yohan waved to Alex, who was waiting for him.

“Ah, Yohan!”

Alex ran up with a delighted expression.


Seeing Yohan covered in blood, Alex’s face turned pale, and he stuttered as he checked him over, clearly shocked.

“Are, are you okay? What happened?”

“Here’s the promised footage.”

Too tired to talk, Yohan pulled out the body cam and handed it over.

Alex took the body cam, glancing at Yohan while reviewing the footage with a serious expression.

He paused the video at the part where Kang Han confessed his crimes.

“This lunatic…”

“The video doesn’t show it, but there are an additional five murders he committed directly. He also incited quite a few.”

“Was this guy also a member of the Reaper… I mean, the Reaper Guild? Do you know where he is now?”

Yohan pointed upward. Alex quickly understood and covered his mouth in shock.

“No way.”

“He resisted too much, I had no choice. Despite being a D-grade Hunter, capturing him was quite challenging.”

“I see. That’s why you’re so injured.”

Yohan nodded silently. Anyone seeing his blood-soaked shirt would think the same.

“I also brought back the bodies of the victims. They were badly damaged, so I took measures as needed. Please take note.”

He briefly and subjectively recounted what happened inside.

He kept the details about Maul vague and said nothing about the rewards.

Finally, he handed over seven corpses to Alex, who, after receiving the tightly bandaged bodies, nodded gravely and contacted the management bureau.

“We’ll do our best to piece together the details. Anyway, I’m really glad you’re safe, Yohan.”


A notification of a deposit of 50 million won arrived.

“Huh? I thought I already received the advance payment?”

“You went through a lot. We thought it would just be a cleanup job, but you faced life-threatening situations, so we feel indebted.”

“Well, there were a couple of times I almost died.”

“Plus, you captured a serial killer. You did two tasks the investigation team should have done, so you deserve this.”

“I won’t refuse it then. Oh, and make sure the Council handles it anonymously, okay?”

“Of course. We won’t let the Reaper pick a petty fight with you.”

“Nice. You’re always quick on the uptake.”

Yohan gave a thumbs-up.

As expected, Alex is the best at the management bureau.

Thanks to him, Yohan probably avoided several annoying tasks.

“Ah, I’m craving carbs and protein.”

With the tension gone, hunger hit him hard.

Today, it seemed he needed something more substantial than a meal kit—something like juicy, dripping meat.

“Well then, I’ll be off!”

With a light salute, Yohan headed to a restaurant.

He didn’t notice the intense gaze Alex was giving him.

Dungeon Undertaker

Dungeon Undertaker

던전 장의사
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Johann, who eked out a living by recovering corpses in the dungeon until he acquired an unusual ability. An ability that made him stronger with each corpse he recovered. "what kind of absurd ability is this?" He initially dismissed it as nonsense, but as it turns out, the world is vast, and there are far too many corpses in the dungeon. F-grade tracer. A traitor who betrayed his team. Now, it's time to break free. Trapped by a stigma


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