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The Clash at Wudang Sect

TL: dishanna

Chapter 16

As the two men growled and faced off against each other, the attention of everyone around them was instantly drawn.

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t know. Master Myeongjin said that guy stole our Azure vital pill?”

“No way.”

The situation was incomprehensible to them.

One was the benefactor who had found the shaman’s treasure, and the other was the shaman’s pride and the master they respected.

Myeongjin, conscious of the surroundings, shouted for everyone to hear.

“Show me, then. How are you going to show it? This is not Cheonhajang. This is the Great Wudang Sect, the leading sect of Zhongyuan martial arts, where one walks the path of the sage through endless cultivation and achieves mastery through bone-breaking pain and endurance. And you, believing in the paltry wealth of Cheonhajang, dare to…”


Eunho, who had been silently listening, cut him off with a low murmur.

“Why are you bringing up Cheonhajang?”

For a moment, Myeongjin swallowed hard as he met Eunho’s eyes.

Eunho, who usually showed a laid-back demeanor, now had fierce eyes.

Without any warning, his demeanor had changed instantly.

If Myeongjin’s next words were not to his liking, he seemed ready to draw the sword at his waist at any moment.

But Myeongjin couldn’t back down either.

Already, many third-generation disciples had gathered to watch.

If he backed down here, his dignity would be in ruins.

“Because you are the heir of Cheonhajang…”

“As a martial artist?”


“Leaving aside Cheonhajang, what if I stand before you simply as a martial artist?”

“Well, that…”

He doesn’t know.

He has never considered such a thing.

What use is such a hypothetical situation?

Either way, this guy is still the heir of Cheonhajang.

“Are you saying you want to claim that you went alone to the Aso clan and defeated their chief, a top-level expert, and all his subordinates, and brought back the Azure vital pill for Wudang ?”

It was ridiculous even as he said it. When laid out like this, it sounded utterly impossible.

Even if this guy is an exceptional martial artist who could defeat the Aso clan’s chief, it’s impossible for him to handle all his subordinates alone.

“You got one thing wrong.”


Was the Aso clan’s chief not there? Or were there no subordinates?

Such doubts arose.

If that’s the case, then maybe, just maybe, he could understand a little.

Should he apologize if it’s really true?

As Myeongjin’s mind was racing.

“I didn’t bring it for Wudang . I didn’t even know it was Azure vital pill. I just saved it for later because I didn’t want to use it right away. It was pure bad luck that the headmaster caught me.”

Myeongjin’s jaw dropped.

‘B…bad luck?’

One thing was clear.

This guy is not normal.

Myeongjin’s face started to turn red and blue.

He spat out each word, biting them off.

“So, you did wipe out the Aso clan on your own?”

Eunho shook his head.

“What’s the big deal about that? You just don’t like me, do you? Stop trying to justify it and act like a man.”

Myeongjin’s patience was at its limit.

“Fine. If you’re so confident, you should be able to prove your innocence! Then right now….”

“What do you think you’re doing!”

Myeongjin’s words were interrupted by a loud, familiar voice.

It was a voice he didn’t want to hear in this situation.

“M-master Taeheo!”

The person Myeongjin feared most in the world was Master Taeheo.

Who would be the happiest to see Azure vital pill return to Wudang ?

The Sect Leader? Or the one who lost it? No, it was Taeheo.

He was the head of Wudang ’s medical department, responsible for all medicine and elixirs.

The veins bulged on Taeheo’s neck and forehead, and his face was so red it looked like it might burst.

“How dare you persecute Wudang ’s benefactor in front of everyone! I didn’t teach my disciples to act like that!”

“I, I’m sorry, Master.”

Myeongjin instantly lowered his gaze.

The most feared person in Wudang was not the headmaster or his master but Taeheo.

First, because he had a notoriously nasty temper.

Second, because he held all the power over the elixirs.

What good is training hard and honing your skills?

If you fall out of Master Taeheo’s favor, while your seniors and juniors grow stronger with elixirs, you’ll be left to suffer, perhaps under a waterfall somewhere, struggling on your own.

As Master Taeheo, who was breathing heavily, silently looked at Eunho, his lips twitched and then he burst into laughter.

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

Ah, it’s a joy just to look at him.

The precious benefactor who brought back the rare Azure vital pill is right in front of him.

Wow, that guy is really handsome too.

He exudes an air of nobility.

How great was the loss he felt when the Azure vital pill, which took ten years to make, was lost?

To Taeheo now, Eunho was someone he cherished dearly.

As Taeheo looked at him and grinned, Eunho frowned, feeling something unpleasant.

Why is he acting like that?

Yesterday, I saw a disciple named Taecheong, who was a bit talkative but seemed quite strong.

But this guy… he seems a bit out of it.

Eunho involuntarily took a couple of steps back.

Taeheo looked at Myeongjin again.

Oh? His face is turning red again.

“You rascal!”

He looked like he was about to drag him off and give him a beating right there.

If it weren’t for the voice that was soon to be heard.

“Medical Department Head, what is going on?”

Jinyang had come out after roughly finishing his meal.

“Ahem. This foolish Myeongjin here is daring to persecute Wudang ‘s benefactor, Master. As the head of the medical department, I couldn’t just stand by and watch.”

Jinyang’s gaze passed Eunho and landed on Myeongjin, who had his head bowed deeply.

“Is what he’s saying true?”

” It’s true. I saw it with my own eyes. Myeongjin, this idiot…”

“Enough. There are too many eyes watching. Didn’t I tell you not to scold the disciples in front of everyone, even if they make mistakes?”

When Jinyang scolded him, Taeheo could no longer reprimand Myeongjin.

He realized it was a mistake to harshly scold a second-generation disciple in front of the third-generation disciples.

‘I was too angry….’

Jinyang quietly looked at Myeongjin.

Despite his extraordinary natural talent, he was a diligent and hardworking disciple.

The more you cherished him, the greater his achievements, making him truly commendable.

But if there was one flaw, it was his intense competitive spirit and jealousy.

Myeongjin needed to monopolize all the love and attention from his master and the world.

It was clear from a glance what was happening.

Jinyang, with a gentle smile, patted Myeongjin on the shoulder.


“…Yes, Master.”

Myeongjin approached Eunho with heavy steps.

“I’m sorry. I made a mistake.”

Eunho just shrugged his shoulders in response.

What’s there to apologize for?

Jinyang himself was once a young and passionate martial artist.

How could he not understand the competitive spirit of young martial artists?

If only the two could get along, it would be perfect. In his eyes, Eunho was someone who would soon make a big name in Murim.

‘Though his personality is a bit rough, he means no harm…

And his martial skills are beyond words.

I hope they influence each other positively and grow together, which is why I mediated their reconciliation.

Oh… Myeongjin’s eyes are darting around.

“Master, I was shortsighted.”

“Hmm, yes. Acknowledging your mistakes is also a part of cultivation.”

“Yes, and because of that…”

Myeongjin furrowed his brows.

Something feels uneasy.

“Soon, there will be training for the ‘Eight Trigram Formation.’ How about letting the young master experience it as well?”

Jinyang could see right through his intentions.

One person training against a formation created by many.

It’s not meant to be won. The goal is to overcome one’s limits and grow stronger during the process of enduring it.

Myeongjin intends to give Eunho a hard time.

But he overlooked something.

In Jinyang’s opinion, Eunho seemed capable of enduring the formation.

Completely breaking it might require a first-generation disciple, but just enduring it—there were occasionally second-generation disciples who could manage it.

It wouldn’t be bad to show Myeongjin a broader world, giving him a solid foundation for his achievements.

“The Eight Trigram Formation… If the young master is willing, I permit it.”

Of course, Eunho was well aware of Myeongjin’s intentions.

The Eight Trigram Formation? Experience?

You’re dead.

Eunho grinned.

“Sure. Sounds fun.”


In the spacious training ground, eight second-generation disciples, including Myeongjin, formed a circular sword formation.

Standing in the center was Eunho.

A sword formation.

Eunho’s eyes sparkled.

He had never experienced a sword formation in either his past life or present life.

It’s always exciting to encounter something new.

He was looking forward to it.

The Eight Trigram Formation. The name itself sounded grand.

“Raise your sword.”

Myeongjin spoke to Eunho in a somewhat stern voice.

It was unusual for the elders and even more unusual for the Sect Elder to be watching.

Aside from the desire to beat up that annoying young master, Myeongjin wanted to show off the sword formation he had diligently practiced and receive praise.

When Eunho silently drew his wooden sword, the eight swordsmen of the second-generation disciples moved into formation without any unnecessary movements.

The tips of the eight swords pointed to one single spot.



He could feel the pressure just from them drawing their swords.

As he felt during the previous formation practice, the formations were truly fascinating.

“We’ll begin.”

As soon as the words were spoken, energy began to flow through the bodies of the second-generation disciples.

Individually, each stream of energy was weak, but they didn’t interfere with each other and instead amplified.

Three people would produce the strength of five, and five would produce the strength of ten—this was the power of a sword formation!


Myeongwoo, the second disciple, let out a spirited shout as he leaped forward.

His sword aimed at Eunho’s neck.

Though it was a wooden sword, its momentum was no different from a real one.

Eunho slightly twisted his sword to deflect the attack.

The Sect Leader and the first-generation disciples watching were surprised.

They expected him to endure it, but not with such ease.

At the same time, Myeong-woon’s sword thrust towards Eunho’s waist, and Myeong-hyeon’s sword swung towards his chest.

Eunho felt his body become heavier due to the pressure of the formation. However, he was not someone who would be hit by such attacks.

The thrust to the waist was a feint.

If he dodged, he would be hit by the sword aiming for his chest.

Instead, Eunho leaned towards Myeong-woon, who was thrusting at his waist.


Caught off guard, Myeong-woon hesitated.


Eunho’s wooden sword struck Myeong-woon’s shoulder.

At the same time, he twisted his body to avoid Myeong-hyeon’s strike aimed at his chest.


Myeong-woon, hit on the shoulder, groaned and stepped back, while Myeong-hyeon found himself closer to Eunho than expected.

He had anticipated a block or a backward retreat.

While he hesitated at the unexpected situation.


Eunho’s sword touched Myeong-hyeon’s solar plexus.

Eunho’s lips curled into a slight smile.

“Well, that’s two down.”

Watching this, Myeongjin gritted his teeth. He had intended to give Eunho a hard time, but it seemed he was the one struggling.

Myeongjin murmured, sending a mental command to his disciples.

There’s no need to hold back against that bastard!

Huh? We weren’t holding back! That guy is no ordinary person.

You fools! If that guy endures this formation until the end, I’ll give you ‘special training’ before bed.

At the mention of ‘special training,’ the faces of the disciples showed urgency.

Having dealt with Myeongjin for years, they knew what it meant.

It just meant he would make their lives miserable.

The second-generation disciples’ demeanor changed instantly.

They had to make sure Eunho couldn’t endure the formation!

They rushed at him with a force incomparable to before.

Unfortunately, the same results kept happening.

Whack! Thud! Tap! Smack!

With various striking sounds, the second-generation disciples either stepped back or fell.

Jinyang and Taeheo, watching this, were amazed.

‘He’s not just enduring against them, instead he’s winning?’

Seeing the disciples fall one by one, Myeongjin finally jumped in himself.

His strong resolve to bring Eunho down was evident.

Surprisingly, Eunho considered himself a polite person.

If the opponent was sincere, it was only polite to respond with sincerity!

Eunho adjusted his grip on his sword.

His stance changed, and he bent his knees slightly, tilting forward.

Myeongjin’s fiercely thrust sword was deflected to the side by Eunho’s sword.

There was no brutal force. It was just a gentle push.

But Myeongjin couldn’t resist.

He had never seen such a technique before.


Before he realized it, his sword was being gently but firmly pushed aside.

Like the serene smile of the Buddha—no, that’s too much!

Like the gentle smile of the Jade Emperor, the sword was being pushed aside.

And when the sword was completely out of Myeongjin’s control.

The wooden sword, now like the King of Hell, descended on his head.

In a short moment.

Myeongjin’s eyes grew wide.

Whack! Thud! Smack!

The sounds his disciples made when they were hit.

He thought it would sound the same when he got hit.

But contrary to his expectations, an unfamiliar sound echoed in Myeongjin’s ears.


As he flew through the air, Myeongjin thought.

Is it possible to make such a sound with a wooden sword?

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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