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The Divine Thief

Chapter 21

“There’s a way to do it.”

Surin, who joined the tabletop discussion, demonstrated her capabilities as the head of the Hao Sect, pulling out various strategies.

Director Jang’s exclamations doubled.

Ha Jinwi, who was watching, smiled.

Although he had a cold impression similar to Eunho, it was a kind smile, unlike Eunho’s sinister one.

‘The world is full of unknowns.’

It seemed like just yesterday that the fallen Eunho woke up.

He learned martial arts and traveled the world, and before he knew it, he had such people by his side.

Although he was a bit of an arrogant son, his luck with people was undeniable.

The five people, including Eunho, settled down and started talking.

Especially Surin, who had followed to seduce Eunho, tried hard to look good to Ha Jinwi.

Of course, to someone who had lived for over a thousand years, her actions were as transparent as a child’s lies.

“But didn’t you say you had something to do in Muhan?”

“…It’s not that urgent.”

“Hmm, I see. Still, it’s fortunate that there are many good accommodations in Muhan.”

The words were indirect, but the meaning was clear.

Get out of my house!

Surin looked a bit disappointed.

Sensing the atmosphere between the two, Ha Jinwi smiled subtly.

“Is there a need to find a separate accommodation? There are dozens of empty rooms in the Cheonhajang. Of course, if Miss Surin doesn’t mind.”

Surin’s expression brightened noticeably.

“Is that okay?”

“Why not? If you’re a friend of our Eunho, you’re like a child to me.”

“Oh my, can I call you father?”

“Hahaha, what an amusing young lady. Feel free to rest as much as you like.”

If someone from the Hao Sect had seen this, they would have wanted to wash their ears with water.

She was the head of the Hao Sect, known for being as cold as ice.

“I can’t believe she’s showing such a friendly attitude.”

Of course, she had an important goal named ‘Eunho.’

With Eunho’s martial talent, he could easily reach the level of a master.

Considering his age, it wasn’t far-fetched to think he could become the best in the world.

‘I must capture him!’

Surin’s mind was already filled with the vision of welcoming the world’s best as her husband and making the Hao Sect the strongest and greatest organization in the central plains.

Surin and Ha Jinwi laughed together, each for different reasons.

Eunho was displeased with the sight.

Seriously, since when?

Why is my father your father?

Eunho felt very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Ha Jinwi looked at Director Jang and asked.

“But until now, they have kept at least the minimum line. Why are they suddenly using force? Did we give them a justification?”

No matter how powerful the Green Forest is, they can’t turn the whole world against them.

If they touch someone from the merchant guild, the world will be outraged, and the Martial Alliance will step in.

In other words, without justification, they couldn’t use force.

Therefore, the business branch of the Cheonhajang tried not to give the Green Forest any justification.

“The branch manager is not that incompetent. However, there is new information…”

Director Jang and Surin simultaneously looked at Eunho.

Eunho tilted his head for a moment, then seemed to realize something and spoke.

“Oh, could it be that?”

Judging by the atmosphere, everyone seemed to have an idea, except for Ha Jinwi. Director Jang cautiously opened his mouth, watching Ha Jinwi’s reaction.

“Master, there is something I haven’t told you…”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“Our young master is quite admirable and clever, isn’t he?”

Ha Jinwi was puzzled.

What kind of prelude is this?

“Hehe, Master said that I have quite a bit of talent.”

Ha Jinwi’s face was filled with pride as he looked at Eunho.

“Of course. I cleared out mountain bandits alone, what more can be said?”

“Hahaha! Yes, yes, my son cleared out mountain bandits… What?”

Ha Jinwi suddenly stood up.

The chair fell with a loud crash.

His son had gone into the Green Forest alone.

What parent wouldn’t be worried?

Especially since Ha Jinwi didn’t know Eunho’s level, his heart was burning with anxiety.



It seems his son’s talent is greater than he thought.

Seeing how quickly he disappeared.

He should have a serious conversation with Eunho sometime.

At the very least, he should know his son’s achievements.

Ha Jinwi didn’t know.

That he would confirm his son’s martial prowess sooner than expected.


Eunho stretched, enjoying the sunlight breaking over his head.

After training and sleeping to his heart’s content, his whole body felt refreshed.

Life at the Cheonhajang was pure happiness for Eunho.

No one feared him, and no one was envious or jealous.

There was no need to accumulate unnecessary merit or fight.

Well, maybe he missed the feel of a good fight a little.

As he headed to the dining hall, licking his lips as usual, he was met with an unusual sight.

“What is this….”

Between his father, Somi, and Director Jang, Lee Ryang and Surin were seated.

Lee Ryang had brought them directly, so that was understandable.

“Are they planning to stay for good?”

They seemed to get along quite well.

Even Somi was busy calling Surin “sister” and bringing side dishes to her.

“I guess I was secretly jealous of friends who had sisters.”

Still, it felt strangely disappointing.

“Oh, Eunho, you’re up.”

Ha Jinwi greeted Eunho nonchalantly.

“Yes, well…”

Eunho sat down with a displeased expression.

After greeting Eunho, they focused back on their conversation.

“This time, even the Samhui Arsenal was attacked.”

The topic of conversation was about the ‘Divine Thief.’

Eunho shook his head.

Just yesterday, they were talking about Inwangchae, and now the topic had changed.

Being rich didn’t seem all that great.

There were so many things to worry about.

Regardless, Eunho focused on his meal.

It was a time that no one could disturb.

As the spicy stir-fried tofu entered Eunho’s mouth, the conversation heated up.

Recently, various arsenals in the central plains had been raided.

All by a single person.

People called him the ‘Divine Thief.’

The arsenals sought protection from related martial artists or sects, but it was useless.

And last night.

Even Samhui Arsenal, one of the four great arsenals in the central plains, was attacked.

“Even though Samhui Arsenal sought protection from the Moyong family, they were still attacked.”

Ha Jinwi’s expression was extremely serious.

It was no longer a matter to be taken lightly.

The fact that they were attacked despite seeking protection from the Moyong family, one of the five great families, meant it wasn’t an ordinary thief.

A master who had mastered superior martial arts!

“The Martial Alliance’s reputation is at stake. They will soon formally request cooperation.”

Ha Jinwi nodded at Surin.

“Hehe, you really know everything. Indeed, a letter from the Martial Alliance arrived this morning.”

“The more I see her, the more I think she’s truly clever.”

In fact, I had a hunch about her true identity.

The information she poured out overnight wasn’t something an ordinary woman could access.

Still, I didn’t worry too much.

For some reason, it was clear she had a favorable view of Eunho, and her gaze didn’t seem to harbor any harm towards the Cheonhajang.

I was confident in my ability to judge people better than anyone in the central plains.

“By the way, our Cheonhajang should be on alert.”

“Maybe… Cheonhajang will be fine.”

Saying this, Surin looked at Eunho.

There wouldn’t have been a supreme master at Samhui Arsenal.

There aren’t many supreme masters around, and it would hurt their pride to merely protect an arsenal.

But the Cheonhajang has a supreme master standing firm.

Deep within, with eyes blazing.

Regardless, Eunho continued to focus on his meal.

Lee Ryang chimed in with Surin’s words.

“I’ve also reinforced the formation overnight, so don’t worry too much.”

Unlike Surin, Lee Ryang had no particular purpose, but he wasn’t just there to waste food either.

“It’s reassuring to hear that from both of you.”

However, despite his words, Ha Jinwi’s expression remained dark.

Samhui Arsenal wasn’t a small local arsenal.

The fact that it was raided meant that even Cheonhajang couldn’t be complacent.

The news of Samhui Arsenal being raided spread quickly.

Those who had entrusted their money were withdrawing it in fear.

If the funds for operating the arsenal decrease?

It’s the worst-case scenario.

It was obvious what the face of the head of Samhui Arsenal would look like now.

It didn’t feel like someone else’s problem.

Eunho, having finished his meal, looked at his father with a dark expression.

“Shall I capture him?”


Everyone’s eyes, who were eating, focused on Eunho.

“That thief.”

Look at that confident spirit!

Ha Jinwi, with a bewildered expression, shook his head.

If they were raided despite being guarded by the Moyong family, the opponent is clearly a master.

He knew his son was skilled, but what father would push his son into danger?

“As Miss Surin said, the investigator dispatched by the alliance will arrive soon, so let’s wait a bit.”

Eunho just shrugged his shoulders.


After dropping Somi off at the academy, Eunho leaped over the tall wall.

“It’s bustling as usual.”

With so many people coming and going at the Cheonhajang, it was more convenient for Eunho to move over the walls.

Eunho jumped again, heading inside the Cheonhajang.

“What is that?”

He suddenly twisted his body, kicked the air, and landed back on the wall.

If someone had seen it, they would have been amazed, calling it the legendary movement technique ‘Lingkong Xudao,’ but for Eunho, it was just routine.

Eunho looked down at the bottom of the wall.

He saw numerous merchants coming and going from the Cheonhajang.

And one man with an unusual appearance.

Despite his thin build, he had well-developed leg muscles, and his balance was focused on the balls of his feet, unlike an ordinary person’s walk.

It was a very subtle difference that one wouldn’t notice unless they looked closely.

Moreover, he was oddly erasing his presence.

There were only two possibilities for such a person.

An assassin or a thief.

Eunho continued to watch the man from the wall.

“He doesn’t seem like an assassin here to kill someone…”

It would be unfortunate if he caught an innocent assassin by mistake.

After pondering for a while, Eunho shook his head.

“Well, I can just ask.”

The man used his energy to erase his presence, making it hard for even those who just saw him to remember his face clearly.

He was slowly but surely approaching the inside of the Cheonhajang.

At that moment, Eunho dropped from the sky, blocking his path.

The man was startled when someone suddenly blocked his way and stared at him intently.


He cleared his throat and tried to step aside to pass by.


Eunho also stepped aside, blocking his way again.


The man moved to the other side, and Eunho followed.

Clearly blocking his path!

“What are you doing?”

The man asked, sounding annoyed, and Eunho apologized.

“Sorry. I was too curious about something and couldn’t help but block your way.”

“No problem. I’m a busy man, so find someone else.”

Saying this, the man tried to walk past Eunho.

“Just in case, are you an assassin or a thief?”


The man’s movements stopped abruptly.

Although he was somewhat flustered, he was always prepared for such situations.

Regaining his composure, the man spoke.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m a merchant.”

Eunho narrowed his eyes.

“You don’t seem to have any goods.”

“Huh, what are you talking about?”

The man confidently pulled out a small pouch from his pocket and showed it.

“Here, take a look. Satisfied?”

Eunho bent down to look inside.

The pouch contained small wooden crafts.

“Hmm, really a merchant….”

At that moment, the man suddenly drew a dagger and swung it at Eunho.

Eunho easily dodged by bending his body.

“Of course not.”

The man ran without looking back.

“He didn’t swing to kill in the first place.”

He just wanted to divert attention and buy time to escape.

He was confident in his lightness skill.

He had a record of evading several supreme masters.

No one in the central plains could catch him.

A fight? That was a luxury for a thief.

The man, running for his life, darted into a narrow, shadowy alley.

He intended to hide his presence in the darkness.

But someone was standing in the alley.

They stood with arms crossed, waiting for someone, their face obscured by shadows.

He needed to hide.

“Hey, you! Don’t block my way, get out of… Ugh! Damn!”

It was Eunho, whom he thought he had shaken off earlier.

The man was so shocked that he fell backward.

“How are you here?”

He had run for his life, but did Eunho arrive even faster?

No. That couldn’t be.

Maybe a twin?

…No, that’s even less likely.

Eunho slowly walked towards the man.

“As I thought, you’re a thief. With that skill, who could you kill?”

Eunho was satisfied with his deduction.

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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