Switch Mode

The Lightning Barrage

Chapter 23

[Conquering the Tower Lord (Unfinished Guide)]

[Thanks to a certain streamer, there are now a lot of people trying to defeat the Tower Lord, so I’m sharing the information I have about the Tower Lord. (Note: this is written informally. Also, I haven’t beaten him myself, so calling this a guide is kind of embarrassing.) The background is the 8th floor, the highest floor of the tower, with a sky-like ceiling and the Tower Lord’s office.]

The Tower Lord’s battle is divided into two confirmed phases.

**Phase 1** involves the use of common spells like:

– Fireball
– Ice Arrow
– Forest Bind
– Earth Wall
– Teleport, etc.

If you enjoy hack-and-slash and have encountered many spells while completing quests in previous floors or in the city, it’s difficult but possible to dodge these spells.

The reason it’s difficult is that the Tower Lord’s spells are much larger in scale, cast much faster, and are relentless.

He also occasionally uses multi-casting.

It’s recommended to have utility skills and high defense gear.

Anyway, if you’re skilled enough to enjoy hack-and-slash, you can get through Phase 1.

**Phase 2** is where the real problem starts.

Once you take a hit, Phase 2 begins and the Tower Lord starts using a barrier.


Normal attacks don’t work.

I used a high-damage bomb, which slightly broke through the barrier, but then he immediately used the barrier again.

So, should you just bring a ton of bombs?

The problem is you can’t survive long enough to deplete his health that way.

In Phase 2, the Tower Lord starts using lightning.

It’s really fast.


As you can see, it’s really hard to dodge.

And he spams it.

How much mana does he have?

I even tried calling a friend to act as a lightning rod, but infinite mana means there’s no winning.

(By the way, don’t try this with friends. The game balances the difficulty by doubling the strength of the spells.)

I’m going to look for some special items. Since the game is so vast, there are definitely multiple ways to conquer him.

There might be a Phase 3.

It’s only been a day, so I’ll keep researching.

“Got it.”

Seojun opened his inventory with an embarrassed expression.

All he had were a worn-out guard’s sword and a basic hood.

And about 40 machetes he had gathered while clearing out gangs.

It looked a bit pathetic.

– LOL, he has nothing.
– Even if you can handle the lightning, you can’t break through the barrier.
– Just go for an assassination.
– The 8th floor is the most fun for stealth. It’s full of traps set up directly by the Tower Lord.

“Well, there must be a way. The mission says an assassination counts as a success, but I do have a conscience, so I won’t do that.”

The mission didn’t specifically say not to assassinate.

Of course, if Seojun did assassinate here, the viewers would undoubtedly riot.

“Besides, I really don’t understand the principles of magic. Hmm, this might be the first time I die. The barrier just looks like a circle, so I’m not sure if it’s together or separate.”

Seojun played the video from the guide.

It wasn’t as fast as real lightning, but it was fast enough that it made no difference to a human.

Honestly, even with Weakness Detection, it’s too fast to react to.

– Looks like a mission failure.
– Safe investment.

Just as Seojun finished speaking, a notification sound rang.

Seojun then smiled broadly.

[+5,000 won added to the reward]

[+7,000 won added to the reward]

[+3,000 won added to the reward]

As soon as the first notification came, the reward kept increasing as if in a chain reaction.

In Travel’s mission system, once a streamer accepts a mission and it appears on the broadcast screen, anyone can freely add to the reward.

Because Seojun’s remarks made viewers think the mission was likely to fail, they were adding money.

If he fails, they get their money back, hence it’s called a safe investment.

[Clear without using Weakness Detection against the Tower Lord – Mission reward: 1,230,000 won]

– Don’t be fooled!
– The streamer’s acting weak on purpose. He replayed the video to get more reward money. He probably already has a plan.

– Smells like familiar capitalism.

– These sharp kids…

As Seojun laughed, the viewers started to catch on.

“No way. How would I know what to do? I’m not the game developer.”

– Gasp, could it be??

– Seems very plausible.

No wonder he was so confident when he reported himself.

Seojun closed the chat and opened the door to the 8th floor.

“I said no. Sheesh, fine, I’m going in now.”

“Hmm? Who are you?”

A young man sat at the desk, fingers interlocked on top.

He had slicked-back white hair, a sharp uniform, and neat white gloves on his hands.

The Tower Lord, Duke.

His office was lined with high bookshelves filled with books, and the ceiling looked like it opened up to the sky.

Behind the Tower Lord was a corridor, where strange mechanical devices and artifacts could be seen.

“I’m nobody.”

Seojun answered the Tower Lord.

“Nobody, huh? Why are you here? No, how did you get here?”



Seojun stopped mid-answer and drew his sword, slicing through the incoming magic.

“So, you have some skill. That’s unfortunate. This could have ended easily.”

With a single gesture, the Tower Lord created three more fireballs and sent them towards Seojun as he slowly stood up.

Seojun dispelled the fireballs with a mere word, without moving an inch.


And he took a step forward.

“How rude. Don’t you agree?”

“Are you talking to me?”

The Tower Lord conjured over ten ice arrows with another gesture, his other hand behind his back.

“Not you, obviously.”

Seojun dodged the arrows and approached the Tower Lord.


“So, how did you get here?”

Shwish shwish shwish.

Boom boom boom.

The vines that tried to bind him and the sharp rocks that aimed to crush him all came one after another.

Seojun cut through the vines and embedded his sword in the rock, destroying the magic and taking another step forward.


“I just walked in. The doors weren’t locked.”

– So cool.
– Fact: He’s right.
– LOL, should’ve managed the doors better.

“So easy.”

“Hmm… Can you dodge this too?”

Another wave of magic attacked.

But no matter how much faster and stronger it was, it was still fundamentally the same magic.

“Yeah, I can dodge it with my eyes closed.”


– Fact: He’s right 22222
– Streamer’s got some nerve LOL
– Considering how he used to deceive the viewers, no way he’s a good guy LOL

“We’ve gotten closer, haven’t we?”

Seojun quickly closed the distance and slashed his sword from left to right.


The Tower Lord teleported backwards, but a thin line appeared on his neck and blood spurted out.

He had been slightly too late.

However, the Tower Lord did not show any signs of surprise. Instead, he wore the same calm expression that Seojun usually had.

“Hmm. Very well. I’ll fight you with all my might.”

The Tower Lord removed his white gloves and clasped his hands together.

Blue sparks began to flicker around the Tower Lord.

– Phase 2
– Back away for now
– Run!


The Tower Lord reached out towards Seojun.

The air ruptured and thunder roared.


A bright blue lightning bolt, like something out of a Tesla coil, struck the ground next to Seojun in an instant.

The magic lingered in the air for a moment before disappearing, leaving a scorched, cratered floor.


The speed was far faster than the rapid sword techniques he had faced in his previous life. “How am I supposed to deal with this?”

Seojun broke into a cold sweat.

A speed of 100,000 km/s.

Even slowed down 10,000 times, it was still 10 km/s.

Good thing I watched the video.

– How did he dodge that? LOL
– Isn’t this pro-level? Why is he streaming?
– Because the streamer is a lunatic for streaming LOL

Dodging by sight was impossible.

Instead, he had to predict and time his moves by watching the Tower Lord.


Sparks flew from the Tower Lord’s hand as current gathered again.

Seojun did not take his eyes off the Tower Lord’s hand.


Once more, lightning struck the ground.

The magic grazed Seojun’s right shoulder.

Seojun believed that the most important thing in a fight was observation.


Charge gathered in the Tower Lord’s hand.


And lightning magic struck again.


This time, Seojun dodged to the left.


Unlike a bullet that fires as soon as the trigger is pulled, magic had a slight delay before activation, and Seojun used this delay to dodge and continue observing.

After a few more exchanges, turning the office into a mess, Seojun began to notice a few things.

First, the Tower Lord.

‘For some reason, he doesn’t want me to get close to that area behind him.’

Whenever Seojun moved to the right, the Tower Lord would cast magic even further to the right, forcing Seojun back to his original position.

‘The same happens if I go left.’

Even when Seojun narrowly dodged the lightning and closed the distance, the Tower Lord did not retreat. Instead, he used shields to push Seojun back and held his ground.

Since Seojun had no way to break the shield, he had to retreat again.

In this situation, it was obvious.

‘He must be protecting something important behind him.’

Seojun looked at the back wall behind the Tower Lord. There, a ring-shaped object the size of a soccer ball was floating inside a glass container.

‘I want to try messing with that.’

Seojun took a machete from his inventory and threw it.

But it was blocked by the Tower Lord’s shield, which was nearly 3 meters wide.

– No way.
– LOL, how long are you going to keep dodging?
– There’s no solution? Should we try again?
– Let’s come back with some bombs.

‘As expected.’

Just as he thought.


“Where do you think you’re going!”

The Tower Lord shouted, extending his hand.

He seemed agitated.


Seojun dodged the lightning by tilting his head to the side and thought.

‘This is the second question.’

Seojun observed the blue lightning lingering in the air for about a second.

It was beautiful.

From a distance, it looked like a single bolt of lightning, but up close, it was made up of multiple thin blue strands coming together and splitting apart to form a single shape.

‘Why did the mission specifically say not to use Weakness Detection?’

Anyway, lightning cannot be cut or neutralized.

This was impossible even if Seojun had his past life’s body and skills.

‘Was it just something a regular person said?’

But would they spend a million won for that?

Seojun felt instinctively that the person who set the mission must be related to the game.

And the more he observed the lingering lightning, the stronger this intuition grew.

There’s something there.

Seojun refocused and entrusted his body to his instincts.


The sound of air bursting reached his ears, and a fantastic streak of blue electricity passed right before Seojun’s eyes in an instant.

Like shattered glass, multiple branches of lightning converged and scattered.

The overlapping intersections of small branches. The focal point.

In that fleeting moment, Seojun followed his instinct and thrust his sword into that spot.

Swordmaster’s Stream

Swordmaster’s Stream

검술 고인물의 게임방송
Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"What's the point of being a Sword God in a past life?" For some reason, I recalled memories of my past life when I was young. Is that why? By chance, I found joy in a virtual reality game. But due to a congenital issue, I couldn’t access virtual reality, and it wasn’t until seven years later that a solution appeared. “The price of the capsule is 100 million won.” It's Expensive. “So, have you heard of Le.o.s?” League of Streaming? A streamer competition? Why? “The grand prize there is this capsule. So, what do you think? Want to give it a shot?”


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not work with dark mode