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The Little Husband

Chapter 4: The Little Husband

The logic of power is always useful. It’s enough to force an unreasonable marriage.

About two weeks after my private meeting with Duke Aselton, I received a cautious visitor. The visitor was a man with a well-toned physique hidden under shabby clothing.

At first glance, he seemed like a labourer who had been working hard in the fields, but seeing him kneel with discipline made me reconsider. Given his unusual demeanor, he appeared to be an intelligence agent working under Duke Aselton.

“His Grace the Duke asked me to provide you with the details.”


The story provided by the intelligence agent was as Duke Aselton had described. Yubas had already deployed a considerable number of troops near the borders. Approximately 1,000 to 2,000, or possibly even tens of thousands if comparing to areas of conflict.

But numbers aren’t everything. The agent detailed why Duke Aselton had no choice but to accept this marriage proposal.

“According to frontline scouts, it’s estimated that there are nearly 1,000 cavalry, including knights and armed soldiers.”

“1,000 cavalry alone.”

I understood how much Duke Aselton must have agonized over this.

Yubas’s wealth wasn’t just a rumor; it seemed he was truly wealthy. Horses for knights are expensive and quickly wear out. Considering the need for at least two horses per heavily armored knight, Yubas was handling quite a load.

Moreover, cavalry is not used extensively because maintaining and training them is prohibitively expensive, not due to poor performance. Cavalry can easily crush an equal number of infantry. To have around 1,000 cavalry stationed at the border was a substantial threat.

It was effectively a threat—they’ll cross the border and plunder if the marriage proposal was rejected. They planned to ravage nearby territories using superior mobility and overwhelming military power.

The main goal was to destabilize Duke Aselton’s position, either provoking war or coercing him into accepting the marriage.

I tapped my cheek with my index finger, looking down at the kneeling agent, and spoke.

“Is there any other reason why Yubas is so desperate for this marriage? Are there
any other suspicion?”

“I can’t say.”

“Even rumors will do. Just tell me anything.”

My insistence on pushing for an answer wasn’t without reason. Yubas had set up a plan but was showing signs of incompetence in execution.

The success of a scheme depends on how quickly and secretly it’s carried out. However, what’s crucial for a schemer is patience and the preparation of a Plan B.

In this regard, Yubas seemed contradictory. I felt anxiety and impatience in Yubas’s actions.

Raising an army isn’t something that can be done recklessly, no matter how much money one has. Mobilizing vassals and knights for just one marriage doesn’t make sense financially.

Even if the marriage is critically important. There must be another reason behind this marriage proposal surrounding me. I was certain of that.

However, the agent seemed hesitant, probably due to his strict training. He appeared reluctant to offer his own opinions and merely fulfilled his role of gathering and delivering information.

He took a deep breath, opened his mouth, then closed it again as he gathered his thoughts, repeating this several times. He was extremely cautious about contaminating the information with his own opinions. Still, seeing that I was patiently waiting, he had no choice but to speak.

“The origin of the Yubas family is uncertain as to whether they are of noble descent. Despite this, they managed to repeatedly conquer lands and eventually claimed kingship due to the backing of the Holy See of Saint Aidea and the Papacy.”


Though these were names I was hearing for the first time, I could guess what kind of places they were, given that this was a medieval European-like setting. The combination of religious and secular power was common, and even if it was just a rumor, it sounded quite plausible.

The Papacy, wanting to expand its influence in this area, and the Yubas family, lacking noble roots, likely formed an alliance. This alliance would have helped the Papacy curb the power of uncooperative noble families and support the rise of this new force.

After saying this much, the informant took a deep breath and carefully watched my reaction before continuing.

“However, there are rumors that their relationship has cooled recently.”

“The alliance is fracturing?”

“The details are not clear yet. What’s confirmed is that a bishop who was supposed to appear during the Feast of Saint Elenio was absent.”

I adjusted my posture and clasped my hands together.

Determining whether information is true or false is up to the receiver. I found the information provided by the agent to be quite ‘plausible.’

Here’s my reasoning:

Yubas had been able to wage unchecked wars thanks to the support of the Papacy. With their relationship souring, Yubas must be feeling apprehensive. Yubas’s power was built on the Papacy’s tacit approval and support.

Yubas likely realized this fact too late and is now trying to dismantle the regional noble cartel. This is either to gain a legitimate succession to replace the Papacy’s protection or to preemptively defeat potential rival forces.

A young boy who hadn’t received proper heir training must have caught his eye.

Hmm. Although this is somewhat speculative and based on intuition, I felt confident that I understood the background of the marriage proposal and that the plan would proceed smoothly.

I raised my eyebrows and gave the agent a pleasant smile.

“Yubas has made a very critical mistake.”


“Thank you. You may leave.”

“Yes, yes.”

I smiled pleasantly to show my appreciation, but the response was odd. The agent, looking pale, nervously darted his eyes around and quickly stood up, leaving the room.

Upon reflection, it seemed he worried that his personal opinions might have tainted the information. Ah, I really dislike such rigid individuals. I’ll have to have a word with my father, Duke Aselton, about this later.

Training intelligence agents is fine, but it should be done in moderation.


Now, it was a foregone conclusion that the twelve-year-old boy would become a married man.

Even if it’s an undesirable match with an unsatisfactory family, there comes a time when one must keep quiet and accept it. Strategic marriages are also a noble duty. In fact, when potential in-laws threaten with swords, it’s safer to comply.

However, no matter how urgent the marriage proposal is, it takes time. The dowry and arrangements for the wedding are very important issues.

Of course, the most crucial part of this marriage proposal is verifying the rumors. Duke Aselton was determined to confirm whether the malicious rumors about the bride were true…

But the response he received was a cold declaration.

“Dare you doubt Yubas’s daughter?”

In the sunlight streaming through the bars, warming the office,

Duke Aselton put aside the reply from Yubas with a thud and turned his head. The soft gaze and slightly lowered eyes of a father who cherished his child were nowhere to be seen.

Duke Aselton was looking at me as a leader demanding clear answers, not as a father.

“You said you realized Yubas’s critical mistake.”


“Why bring that up in front of the person I sent?”

“I thought Your Grace would summon me.”

I hadn’t expected confidentiality to be maintained. In fact, he wanted it to be known. Since he was sent by Duke Aselton, it was natural to be loyal to the king, not to me.

Thanks to that, I was summoned again. Even as a child, approaching the duke casually is an act of challenging authority. The last time, I avoided a beating only because I had accumulated favor points.

Another such incident would result in a severe punishment. Although Duke Aselton was a gentle father, it was problematic by medieval standards. Duke Aselton valued authority as a head of a noble family and as a noble.

Naturally, he wasn’t someone who would let insults slide easily. He was a proud noble, and that’s how I saw Duke Aselton.

As expected, he showed significant displeasure at the unreasonable marriage demands and the disrespect towards his family.

Duke Aselton’s burning eyes stared at me, urging me to answer.

“Since I’ve summoned you, speak.”

“Yes, Your Grace.”

I willingly conveyed my opinion. The critical mistake Yubas made was evident in the message he sent to the Papacy. Relationships can be surprisingly simple yet surprisingly difficult.

And as soon as Yubas’s relationship with the Papacy soured, he immediately sought another lifeline. I said this while deliberately taking a breath, observing Duke Aselton’s reaction.

Duke Aselton, now calmer than before, listened quietly to my words. I took this as a sign of confidence but made sure not to get too carried away.

“Yubas’s military might is formidable, but his people are not as steadfast. Yubas forgot that the Papacy’s support helped him soothe the discontent of his people. He believed that his success was solely due to his own strength.”

“Narva, you are right about the mistake. But is it really that critical?”

“If Yubas had overwhelming superiority, the Papacy would have yielded. However, nearby duchies with long histories have united to check on Yubas. The Papacy’s disappointment in Yubas’s search for other allies provides fertile ground for finding new partners.”

I placed the clues I had gathered one by one, painting a new picture over the one Yubas had drawn. This is why conspiracies need to be conducted in secrecy.

If intercepted and used by enemies, it would waste money, time, and enthusiasm.

“We must turn this into an opportunity.”

“If you have a plan, I’m listening.”

“From the unprecedented marriage demands to the suspicious chastity, everyone agrees on Yubas’s arrogance. Though currently, everyone is only whispering due to fear, if there is an opportunity to expose it, they will willingly act. At least, there will be consensus that Yubas should not be left alone.”

The next step was the most important. I took a moment to carefully gauge Duke Aselton’s reaction. He was listening with a complex and subtle expression.

“To gain that opportunity… I might act somewhat crazily.”


It was the first time Duke Aselton’s eyes showed significant surprise. His reaction was so bewildered that I was almost taken aback. But as time passed, it became clear.

After all, no parent would be pleased if their child said they would act madly. Duke Aselton, despite his outward calm, was likely feeling torn inside.

Duke Aselton urgently questioned me with a serious expression.

“Are you truly intending to cut through the belly?”

“Your Grace, how could you speak of such a dreadful act?”

It turned out that Edwina wasn’t the only problem. Medieval people, indeed, have a frightening way of thinking. Once the idea of cutting through the belly was mentioned, it stuck in their minds.

But I was already prepared. Having lived in a more advanced society, it was best to understand the mindset of people from the past.

“I will never resort to drawing a knife.”


About a month later, the marriage was conducted in a hasty manner.

In a small chapel, only a few immediate family members gathered to applaud, and it ended there.

Even if they wanted to hold a grand ceremony, the groom was only twelve years old. Yubas’s side argued that gathering guests would only lead to more scandal. But the real reason was different.

Miriam of Yubas.

She was a woman with soft, fluffy skin reminiscent of rabbit fur, snow-white hair like falling snow, and warm, reddish-brown eyes like the flames of a hearth. She was as beautiful as the public said.

The problem lay beneath.

“Please take good care of me, little husband.”


Although her bulging belly was hidden under a voluminous dress, it was obvious to everyone. It wasn’t just a bloated belly, it was a noticeably protruding abdomen. The rumor that she was pregnant before the wedding was true.

If they had held a grand wedding in that state, it would have become the talk of the town, so Yubas chose to suppress it. I threw out just one line while looking at the radiant smile of Miriam welcoming me.

“Is it an unwanted pregnancy?”

Miriam lowered her gaze slightly and spoke as if making a vow to herself. Her tone was flat and devoid of tremor, but it conveyed much.

“…I am aware of the bad rumors about me. They are certainly malicious slanders against our family. I will try harder to win your favor, little husband.”

“I am uncomfortable with consummating the marriage. Let’s use separate rooms for a while and gradually close the distance.”

Miriam answered by quietly nodding.

Of course, I had no intention of consummating the marriage. I deliberately spent time meeting people I needed to see while keeping a distance from Miriam.

As time passed, Miriam’s abdomen continued to swell. Most people did not sympathize with her. They saw her as a spy seeking to steal the family’s honor and bloodline.

Surprisingly, the person who felt the most sympathy for her was Edwina, my maid. Edwina, twirling the end of her braided hair with her index finger and looking away, spoke.

“About Miriam, is there something else going on? If we could persuade her, we might be able to turn the situation to our advantage.”

“She might have considered that possibility.”

I dismissed such possibilities outright. In fantasy monarchy filled with intrigues, the most dangerous person, ironically, is a woman in love.

In fantasy monarch, there’s a strategy to enhance personal charm to captivate numerous married men and women. Those enchanted by this beauty become loyal puppets, assisting in courtly intrigues.

Instead of turning my head to face Edwina, I murmured quietly.

“Since she’s been sent here, she cannot return to Yubas. If she had been deeply involved in family affairs, she would have been used more cautiously. Even if she is won over, she is a worthless asset. Yubas only needed to finalize the marriage and will not care how she is treated.”


“The unborn child is innocent, so I have no intention of harming it. I will only insult Miriam to discourage her from attempting to annul the marriage. Since she is beautiful, she might at least become the wife of a low-ranking lord.”

This is really medieval top 1% welfare. Plotting a usurpation conspiracy but sparing her life? If I were a local, she would have already been executed.

“Your Highness, did you think about even these details?”

“Of course…”

For a moment, I blinked, wondering if I had heard incorrectly.


There was no response. When I turned around, Edwina was staring blankly at the wall with her lips pressed together.

Medivial Modern Man With A Gamer’s Mindset

Medivial Modern Man With A Gamer’s Mindset

게임 마인드의 중세 현대인
Score 9.7
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
A madman who would terrify both medieval and modern people has arrived.


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