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The Madman

Chapter 5: The Madman

Becoming a married man at twelve didn’t change much.

Even without consummating the marriage or having doubts about whether an erection would even occur, having a wife at that age seemed pointless. Engaging in intimate relations would only lead to more trouble, not to mention the potential ruin of the family.

Even a libertine who touches any woman would restrain himself if family assets were at stake. To avoid giving Yubas any suspicion, I had to completely rule out the possibility that the child in Miriam’s womb was mine.

However, there was a risk that it might be perceived as if I were pushing my wife away too harshly. If I went too far, Miriam’s family might come, threatening with swords.

What was needed was a way to firmly but gently push her away. Fortunately, there was a reliable ally by my side. The church, with its adherence to norms and traditional values.

The church began to interfere in the marriage life of the twelve-year-old groom, mainly to prevent Miriam from demanding consummation. As evening approached, a priest would inevitably block Miriam’s path as she came to see me.

The priest did not speak much. He silently watched Miriam with a faint smile under his graying hair and calm eyes. Miriam faced him defiantly, but the outcome was always her defeat.

After Miriam left, the priest would give me a questioning smile before leaving. It seemed Miriam was nearing her limit. After days of glaring contests with the priest, Miriam finally spoke to him.

“Father, I just want to see my husband. Is it wrong to feel the need to talk for the sake of a harmonious relationship?”

“Your devotion to your husband is truly admirable. That is precisely why we must delay the consummation.”

“How can you say such things when distance naturally causes estrangement?”

“Sadly, the young lord is still too young to distinguish between physical desire and sincere affection. If you understood that a marital relationship encouraged by the church is not about lustful days but mutual support and growth, you would understand my concern.”

The priest delivered his response as if prepared, then turned his head slightly to look at me. He winked one eye with a smile that creased the corner of his eye. I internally smirked at the sight.

Indeed, he is a person who lives by his words. After observing for a while, he extended a helping hand, having read the background of this marriage negotiation. yubas’s attempt at independent survival was disfavored, and he likely saw it as a good opportunity.

I needed the church’s help for my plans. I accepted the priest’s offer of assistance with gratitude. I had to strongly emphasize that I was still an immature boy.

“I’m sorry, madam, but hearing stories of great heroes is as important to me as being a good husband.”

“…How very childish of you.”

So, what’s the point of using beauty to charm me? I maintained my stance as an innocent, unworldly child, which left Miriam with no options.

Miriam, showing a hint of displeasure, quietly stepped back. One notable point was that when she mentioned the word “child,” her jaw tightened noticeably.

I remained with the priest until Miriam completely disappeared from view. Only then did I open my door and invite the priest inside.

“The maid has been sent away. I’m sure we have things to discuss, so could you spare some time?”

“Thank you for the advance notice from the His Grace. I would have worried I was dealing with a demon if I had seen the young lord’s true nature first!”

The priest laughed heartily as he entered the room. It seemed he was trying to be funny. If I looked in a mirror right now, my expression would likely be grim.

Humoring such jokes might make me a real demon. I offered him a chair while I sat on the bed, resolved to quickly get to the main point.

“I trust the goodwill you’ve shown, Father, and will speak freely.”

“Please, go ahead, Young Master.”

“I’ve heard that the bishop from Yubas did not attend the Feast of St. Elenio. Was it merely a coincidence, or, as rumors suggest, a result of some political discord?”

“Oh, Young Master, it seems you too enjoy rumors. Those tales are just gossip by people who want to make a small matter seem significant.”

The response I received was evasive and detached. Those with little patience might have been greatly disappointed. However, I noticed the subtle emotions hidden beneath the priest’s calm eyes.

It was clear he was testing how I would react to an answer that differed from my expectations. His exaggerated gestures and the way his eyes swiftly scanned my body were evidence of this.

As expected, after remaining silent and observing me, the priest slowly began to regain his composure.

“Of course… what has been said so far is the church’s surface-level explanation. The truth is, as you surmised, quite accurate.”

“I am too young and inexperienced to guess exactly what Yubas did to disappoint the Sovereign and the church. But it is clear that instead of repenting for his sins and seeking forgiveness, Yubas chose to turn his back on the church’s light.”

I applied all my finely honed sensitivity and empathy. I had once attended a military event just to get a chocolate pie, singing hymns all the while. I could confidently say that if placed in a church, I’d be considered a pastor’s friend, and if in a temple, an unshaved layperson.

“Yubas’s arrogance is not only a problem for them. As the saying goes, “what is of the secular should remain with the secular”, but how could things flow that way? Secular rulers forget their duty to lead people by chasing their own desires, and thus the holy mighty and the church have no choice but to intervene. This is my belief.”


“The issue is that the unavoidable intervention of the church is unwelcome by the secular powers. The nearby duchies insult Yubas as “rootless,” not merely because of their new status. Secular rulers implicitly deny the church’s intervention.”

The priest, presumably in his fifties, began to nod, wiping away tears as he felt understood for the first time within the dreary gray walls of the church.

“Young Master, I did not expect you to be so humble despite your keen insight. Indeed, if the secular rulers acted before the church had to intervene, the church would not need to act.”

In the Middle Ages, clergy often also served as intellectuals, and it seemed similar here. The priest carried a strong sense of mission to lead the uncivilized and barbaric contemporaries.

To me, this priest seemed a refined barbarian, but that’s beside the point. Since he was someone I needed on my side, I decided to set aside any bad thoughts or words.

“Father, I believe the steadfast light of the church can achieve more than the wavering secular power. We must not tolerate Yubas’s arbitrary actions and his attempts to undermine the church.”

“Young Master is correct. However, Yubas is already so powerful, and the surrounding duchies are fragmented, leaving the holy with no clear solution.”

“I plan to create an opportunity. I intend to use the bait Yubas has thrown to incite opposition.”

I outlined my plan to the priest, explaining how Yubas’s actions could be used to avoid the annulment and seeking the priest’s full support.

Of course, it wasn’t for free. I had prepared proper compensation for the church. This was a topic I hadn’t yet discussed with Duke Aselton. While exploring intentions is fine, honesty is essential when requesting cooperation.

I adhered to this principle, and the priest, moved, clasped his hands together in gratitude.

“O Lux Stella, star of mankind’s light, Now that I have understood your intentions, I will also reveal why the church turned against Yubas. Please forgive me for first consulting the bishop on matters connected to your plan.”

“Was this what I expected?”


If I truly disliked religion, I wouldn’t have even eaten a chocolate pie at a military event. My soul would likely have been pledged to all the gods by now. As long as it benefited me, I didn’t care what religion do.

And time passed quickly. The priest brought crucial truths around the time Miriam’s pregnancy reached full term.

Upon hearing the truth, I couldn’t help but applaud.

“Thought as much”


As the star of this world set and the star of mankind rose for the 1208th year, the birth of a new life is a mystery. The arrival of a child is undoubtedly a blessing, and joy and jubilation are natural.

But here, in these walls, things were different. The mother’s cries filled the air, and finally, the sound of a baby’s cry echoed. Though it should have been a day of blessings, no one cheered. The people of the inner sanctum looked at each other with pale faces.

“Young Master?”

“We don’t know yet.”

Should we reveal it or not? The servants were in a dilemma.

“What do you mean, you don’t know?”

“Young Master.”

A twelve-year-old boy appeared from beyond the corridor. With black, wavy hair and eyes like obsidian, he wasn’t exceptionally beautiful but was charming enough. And this was also the reason why the servants could not celebrate the child’s birth.

“I heard the baby’s cries. I was worried because the lady was in great pain.”

Narva’s Orin Stregos Clerio Povius.

He is the third son of the Povius Duchy, which governs this area. Unlike his older brothers who had taken on significant roles and matured quickly, Narva remained youthful. He was originally a lively boy with a bright smile, loved by those around him.

That evaluation changed over time, especially after the unwanted marriage negotiations. His smile remained, but his eyes changed.

The innocent, bright eyes became sharp and intense, reflecting a blade’s flicker, and no one could approach him easily. His previously awkward attempts to emulate adults had evolved into a refined and sharp demeanor.

Narva stood with his arms behind his back, accompanied by Edwina, a maid with a braid down her back and bead-like eyes, looking up at a small, long window in the corridor.

“Seeing that the stork has already delivered, it must be a significant event. This child is surely a gift from the gods.”

“It’s likely so…”

In normal circumstances, everyone would have rejoiced. The problem was that a wife, who hadn’t even consummated marriage and hadn’t had a single union, had just given birth. There wasn’t anyone in the world who believed in the notion of a virgin conception.

This was the reason why the servants couldn’t meet Narva’s pleased smile and averted their eyes. In the end, there was no time for the servants to stop him. Narva, ignoring the pale faces of the servants, headed towards the room where the mother was.

“I received a report that I could hear the baby crying. Is both the mother and child safe?”

Loud noises came from inside. The midwife’s voice trembled faintly.

“Y-yes, they are safe. But you cannot see them right now!”

“The noise seems unusual. I must see for myself, so open the door.”

“Oh dear, the baby is ill!”

At that moment, Narva’s previously smiling eyes became sharply focused.

“So you mean I will never see my child again? That I can never face it for the rest of my life?”


“Open it.”

The midwife opened the door without a word. Narva didn’t immediately approach the mother and child. Instead, he looked at the midwife, who was hesitating in front of the partition.

“This is a precious child. Midwife, don’t you wash your hands when receiving a baby? I must receive it with a pure heart as well.”

The midwife brought a cloth and bowed repeatedly.

“Young Master, please cherish the child.”

“What kind of father would be so cold-hearted towards his own child?”

After washing his hands clean, Narva moved past the partition. Miriam, his wife arranged through a political marriage, was smiling warmly. Her expression showed no signs of guilt or hesitation, only a clean face.

“Darling, look at this child. Isn’t it adorable?”

“Let me see.”

The swaddled baby was handed to Narva. Narva embraced the child and smiled brightly. He smiled so widely at the cooing baby that the midwife let out a sigh of relief, though unwittingly.

However, at some point, Narva’s face hardened into a stern expression.

So much so that it was hard to believe he had been smiling just moments ago. Narva carefully handed the baby back to the midwife.

“It seems you took me for a fool.”

“Y-young Master.”

“How dare you.”

The midwife, startled, closed her eyes tightly and turned away.

“Even if I accept it, such a wretched seed!”

The sound of Narva’s slap echoed throughout the room.


That day, Narva was immediately summoned by Duke Asleton.

Medivial Modern Man With A Gamer’s Mindset

Medivial Modern Man With A Gamer’s Mindset

게임 마인드의 중세 현대인
Score 9.7
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
A madman who would terrify both medieval and modern people has arrived.


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