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The master’s funeral

TL: Demigod

Chapter 7

Not because she’s my little sister, but she’s kind of cute.

Look at those sneaky guys over there.

They were about to chase away all the street dogs in the neighborhood.

When Eunho’s fiery gaze swept around, the kids glancing at Somi flinched and looked away.

“Let’s go eat that!”

Somi pointed to the rice cake.

Interestingly, it was a place where they slightly grilled the outer layer, and people were lining up because it tasted pretty good.

“Let’s do that.”

With rice cakes in their hands, the two of them walked around, looking at the streets here and there.

Somi’s face, which had been bright all along, suddenly darkened.

“Are you going to the grandfather’s funeral?”

Eunho looked at Somi.

It was an awkward expression.

Her brother’s aura was indifferent to everything outside of family matters.

It was frightening to think that he might not even go to his master’s funeral.

Eunho smiled slyly at the sight.

“We should. After all, he’s our master.”

Only then did Somi heave a sigh of relief.

“But aren’t you sad, brother?”

He was usually composed, but to be calm even at the death of his master.

But Eunho knew.

When humans die, they go to the afterlife.

It was more like a true beginning than an end.

He could easily accept not seeing his master, but there was no need to be sad.

Suddenly, he wondered.

When ordinary people die, they lose their memories and become spirits.

Hmm, would that happen to me too?


The scale of the funeral was truly remarkable.

Not only figures related to Namgung family but also numerous connections Namgung Cheong had made throughout his life, including the Murim Alliance.

It was a gathering of those who had made a name for themselves in the Central Plains.

“Make way!”

Someone shouted loudly, and people parted.


An envoy consisting of 30 carriages entered the Namgung Residence.

The people who got off the leading carriage were twenty elite warriors.

One by one, each showed off their well-honed swords and sharp moves.

Someone commented on it.

“Is that the famous Heavenly Guard? I heard that the elite of any martial arts faction can’t compare.”

The Heavenly Guard

They were elite guards who protected the world, boasting top-notch martial skills.

In particular, Cheolhwi, the leader of the Heavenly Guard, who was in his late prime, was a highly skilled person who made a big name for himself in the Murim world.

Despite the commotion around them, the Heavenly Guard approached without even glancing around and moved towards the second carriage.

All eyes were on the figures getting off the carriage under the escort of the Heavenly Guard.

One of the masters of the four major battlefields in the Central Plains, Ha Jin-wi.

Normally, martial artists ignored merchants, but it was different when it came to the Great War.

It was an era where power dictated everything, but even that power was influenced by money.

You could tell by the fact that the Heavenly Guard was their escort.

As people split and made way, Ha Jin-wi, Eunho, and Somi walked at the front.

Behind them were Chief Minister Jang Gwan-pyeong and Cheon Ha-jang followed.

At the end of the road stood a sturdy middle-aged man welcoming them.

He was a man with tightly tied hair and strong eyebrows, giving a strong impression.

“The most busy man in the Central Plains, the great master of the Great War, has come to welcome me here. It is an honor.”

There were only a few people here who did not feel the need to use extreme honorifics for Ha Jin-wi.

Except for the head of the household, Namgung Yong.

“What a regrettable thing to say. There’s nothing more important than my master’s business to me. I’m even more honored to be welcomed like this.”

Some of Namgung’s men were irritated by the outsiders calling Namgung Cheong a master.

One thing is for sure, if their lord Namgung Yong remains silent, how could they intervene?

“Hehe, my uncle praised you endlessly. I’ll escort you personally.”

Namgung Yong’s gaze went beyond Hajinwi to Eunho and Somi on both sides.

“Oh, these are my son and daughter, Eunho and Somi.”

Somi was the first to respond.

“It’s an honor to meet the esteemed landlord of the great family.”

Unlike her usual confident demeanor, Somi greeted them with a humble tone and attitude.

Namgung Yong responded with a pleased smile.

“Nice to meet you. Your grandfather talked a lot about you before he passed away. How much he missed seeing you…”

Namgung Yong didn’t finish his sentence.

It was because of the intense gaze directed at him.

“So, you’re Eunho.”

What was evident in Eunho’s intense gaze was curiosity and competitiveness.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Lord.”

Namgung Yong’s thick eyebrows twitched slightly.

Not the family head, but the Lord.

The one Eunho faced was not the family head of Namgung family, nor Namgung Cheong’s nephew, but one of the twenty-four lords, the Lord of the Golden Castle, Namgung Yong.

“I heard that you learned martial arts from your mentor.”

“Yes, I learned a little bit of Namgung’s martial arts.”

A young martial artist behind them interjected, fuming.


Namgung Yong raised his hand to silence him.

“What impudence.”

Although the martial artist shrunk his neck under his cold gaze, he couldn’t withdraw his intense gaze towards Eunho.


What? What are you going to do about it?

In fact, the fact that an outsider learned martial arts from the Namgung Residence itself must have caused great resistance.

Due to the nature of the three families, they were closed-off, and if the family’s martial arts spread, there might be concerns about exposure.

Therefore, leaking martial arts to the outside world was truly forbidden, but for Namgung Cheong, who had such a free disposition, it meant nothing.

The spark of anger that couldn’t be directed at the family’s elder, Namgung Cheong, was directed at Eunho.

Of course, to Eunho, who had lived as a monster and is currently the eldest son of a merchant, it was incomprehensible.

Even though he had raised his old teacher’s status to the highest level, he was still being treated like a rebellious young man.

“I apologize. Please forgive these children who don’t know how to control their emotions due to lack of education.”

Namgung Yong apologized to Hajiwi with a subdued tone and bowed.

“Hehe, that could happen.”

Shouldn’t the apology be directed to me?

With that, putting Eunho’s dissatisfaction aside, the small disturbance came to an end.


The Namgung Residence boasted a wide courtyard, not as large as Cheonhajang’s, but still large enough to accommodate hundreds of people,

Some said, “As expected of Anhwii’s owner.”

Not only the Kupa-ilbang and Odaeseoga, but also the three outside forces and some members of the Sapa came to visit.

Naturally, they divided into the Myeongseuk and Hugi divisions and took their seats.

Hajinwi and Jang Gun-gwan visited the reception hall under Namgung Yong’s guidance.

It was unsettling to leave the children, especially Eunho, alone, but Somi was there too, so what could go wrong?

Unfortunately, sad premonitions were always true.

This was an immutable law that even the owner of Cheonhajang could not escape.

Eunho was hungry and wanted to eat with Somi first.

He took a seat and went to the back room for a moment.

It was only for a moment.

He was surprised by the sight when he returned.

In the meantime, the three punks who had been fine were stumbling around Somi.

One guy even raised his hand on her shoulder.

“I told you to move your hand.”

“Haha, why are you so sharp when we’re just talking? Don’t you know who we are?”

Eunho approached them step by step.

“They must be frustrated.”

Yes, the master said to endure if it’s bearable.

Let’s just cleanly cut off that hand.

As he approached, the guys next to him blocked his way.

“What did you say to us?”

“Oh, Brother!”

When Somi, who spotted Eunho, shouted, the guys who were blocking the way had no choice but to step back.

What kind of person would stop in front of his younger brother.

“Hey, move your hand.”

With Eunho’s cold voice, the man withdrew his hand, but his anger surged.

He spat out informal language like a rough woman to a girl who saw her like a punk.

However, he tried to maintain his demeanor as a member of a prestigious family.

“Sohyeop, your words are too much.

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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