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The Mysterious Fortune Teller

TL: Demigod

Chapter 11

Most of the mourners had left, but Pang Jiyeol remained. His son, Pang Jeoak, was still waiting for punishment, trapped in the Namgung family’s prison. For someone like Pang Jiyeol, it was unexpected for Eunho to suddenly visit his residence.

It was a bit sudden, but well, whatever. There was no fixed time for correcting the habits of such people. A smirk crossed Pang Jiyeol’s face.

“Right. Did your father go to apologize and come back?”

“Tsk tsk, he still hasn’t come to his senses.”

When he looked at this bear cub, there was a yokai that came to mind. Was it Guwoong?

That guy couldn’t contain his overflowing energy, but after taking him around for a few days and beating him, he became filled with shyness and awkwardness.

Pang Jiyeol seemed to be just like that.

He felt an obligation to help him find the unfamiliar sense of propriety.

“Your arrogance seems to reach the heavens, as if the name ‘Heaven’s Greatest’ is meaningless to you. I heard you even dared to challenge Yu Gaek to a martial arts duel? Today, as a senior in the martial world, I will teach you proper etiquette.”

Pang Jiyeol held back as much as he could. If he caused any more trouble, even within the Pang family, it wouldn’t end well.

However, Eunho’s next words made him forget all his resolve.

“Heaven, huh…”

Eunho’s gaze seemed to reach far into the distance.

“For someone who has never seen the sky to discuss the heavens, your arrogance is quite something.”

Pang Jiyeol’s tightly clenched jaw revealed just how strongly he was holding back. He was one of the 24 Lords, known as Cheonwaecheon (Heaven Beyond Heaven).

And Pang Jiyeol was always associated with the term “Lowest Seat.”

People in the world referred to him as King Pang Jiyeol, Green King Jin Sacheok, and Iron King Cheol Museong, collectively calling them the “Lowest Seats” of the Lords.

It wasn’t just empty words.

Among the 24 Lords, only the three of them hadn’t reached the pinnacle of the Enlightened realm.

This fact always bothered Pang Jiyeol. However, Eunho’s words strangely pricked at him.

Of course, what Eunho mentioned was the real “sky,” but Pang Jiyeol had no way of knowing that.

Energy flowed from his entire body.

It was a different force from the energy that had burst forth unknowingly before.

Nevertheless, the names of the 24 Lords were not to be taken lightly.

Fist King Pang Jiyeol.

Despite his unruly personality, he was the reason why the Northern Pang family was respected in the martial world.

A fierce aura swirled around him as he roared at Eunho.

“Kid, I’ll give you one last chance. If you kneel down and apologize right now, I won’t take your life.”

In other words, if he didn’t apologize, it meant he would die.

Pang Jiyeol scrutinized Eunho with each word he spat out.

Eunho merely raised an eyebrow, facing the fierce energy.

“Tsk, the so-called Heaven’s Greatest can’t even protect your own neck.”

With those words, Pang Jiyeol casually threw a punch.

His power surged toward Eunho’s head.

To outsiders, it might seem cruel, but Pang Jiyeol had no intention of going easy.

Later matters could be dealt with later.

That was the way of the Northern Pang family!

‘I’m already bored.’

The relentless force felt like falling cherry blossoms to Eunho.

Eunho waved his hand from side to side and deflected his fist energy.

Even though he didn’t draw his sword, there was no difference.

It was the realm of the divine sword unity, where flesh and blade became one.

Pang Jiyeol’s expression showed surprise.

There was no point in prolonging this, he intended to finish it in one breath

Moreover, there was something unusual about his movements.

“You claimed to have learned martial arts from Yu Gaek, yet you seem to have some basic skills.”

“Indeed, today it’s your turn to learn the fundamentals. Since I’ve acquired extensive knowledge, I’ll personally teach you.”

Provoked by Eunho’s persistent taunts, Pang Jiyeol intensified his aura.

Channeling his inner energy with precision, a reddish hue began to emanate from him—a presence akin to facing a wide-mouthed beast.

However, Eunho remained composed.

“You’re quite stubborn. Fine. From now on, address me as your master.”

Eunho felt pleased. Educating fools like this always brought a strange satisfaction.

Pang Jiyeol unleashed the Supreme Palm Technique (乾坤神掌), a comprehensive martial art.

Dozens of techniques flowed incessantly, each imbued with formidable power.

The Northern Pang family’s martial art originated from the battlefield. It embodied the desperate intent to kill opponents, a characteristic of aggression!

While the martial world evaluated it as such, Eunho saw it differently.

It felt genuinely urgent.

His battlefield experience surpassed that of anyone else.

In Eunho’s eyes, the essence of the Northern Pang family’s martial art wasn’t solely about victory.

Survival necessitated killing opponents without hesitation.

The brutality of the battlefield.

That essence was embedded within it.

Eunho nodded.

Treating such a formidable opponent lightly would be disrespectful.

Without hesitation, Eunho drew his sword.

“you should be honoured. Besides my master, you’re the first to witness this martial art.”

The culmination of years spent alongside Namgung Cheong, the Heaven Shattering sword (破天劍形) martial art

The shape of a sword that breaks the heavens.

Even when reconsidered, it remains a beautiful name.

Eunho’s satisfied laughter echoed as his hand moved. The Heaven Shattering Sword (破天劍形) consists of three distinct sword forms, each harboring unique secrets.

For this vigorous opponent, Eunho would reveal the “Ilgeom” (一劍) sword.

TL/N: “Ilgeom” also means first sword or one sword.

Ilgeom, the single strike that cleaves through clouds.

The face of the master who named it and smiled with contentment came to mind.

Perhaps he would face divine retribution for killing him, or something like that.

Clutching the sword with both hands, Eunho pulled it close to his chest.

The preparatory motion for Ilgeom.

Despite being just a prelude, an eerie calm settled over the surroundings.

The explosive techniques had long ceased. Pang Jiyeol’s immense force was swallowed by Eunho’s Heaven Shattering(破天).

The essence embedded in splitting the clouds was exhilarating.

Eunho’s bent knees and taut calf muscles prepared for the strike.

Not a single flaw marred his movements.

Pang Jiyeol’s pupils trembled.

Although he hadn’t faced all 24 Lords, he was certain.

The young boy—or rather, the warrior—had already reached the pinnacle of the Enlightened realm.

What Namgung Cheong, the old man, had done remained a mystery.

One thing was certain: the shadow of death had completely enveloped him.

Death brushed Pang Jiyeol’s mind, urging him to move.

It wasn’t a finishing move but a survival technique that unfolded endlessly from his hands. A fusion of various techniques clashed with divine methods.

And with every preparation complete, Eunho’s body shot forward in a straight line.

All of Pang Jiyeol’s attacks shattered upon meeting Eunho.

His eyes couldn’t track it. Irresistible death closed in on his throat.

A swift sound.

Eunho’s sword had already struck Paeng Jiyeol’s neck.

Unable to match Eunho’s speed, the empty space transformed into a vacuum, sucking in the air. Along with the air, the dust particles danced in its wake. From the tip of Eunho’s sword, a thin stream of blood trailed where it had struck Pang Jiyeol’s neck. He blinked cautiously, his tightly shut eyes questioning, “Am I still alive?”

The shadow of death dissipated, leaving behind reality and shame. Pang Jiyeol examined the blood on his hand that had touched his neck. “You dare insult me?” he asked.

“I was warned against reckless killing,” Eunho replied. “And now, the humiliation begins.”

Eunho’s firm fist struck Pang Jiyeol’s face.


Despite the impact, Eunho’s relentless assault continued.

Thwack, crack.

“This is for So-mi.”

Thump, thud.

“And this is for So-mi too.”

Boom, crunch!

“And this…”


Pang Jiyeol’s disheveled hair was stained with blood.

“Better to kill me outright than endure this beating from a brat.”

Each blow hurt, but Eunho’s hand didn’t waver.

Eunho raised an eyebrow. Even after he spared him, he still wanted to be killed.

“If that’s your wish,” Eunho shrugged.

As he pulled out the sword he had sheathed, Pang Jiyeol urgently shouted, “Wait!”


Pang Jiyeol’s face flushed with embarrassment.

“I apologize for what happened earlier. I couldn’t control my momentary rage.”

“Fine. You’re still at that age.”

Pang Jiyeol’s words sounded like those of a mad monster from another world, incomprehensible to Eunho.

“And about my son…”

“No. Your son needs to face punishment and apologize.”

Eunho’s gaze shifted toward the window.

Coincidentally, outside seemed chaotic, likely due to the execution of his brother. Pang Jiyeol’s residence provided a clear view of it all.

Namgung Family, or rather Namgung Yong, must have orchestrated this.

Eunho had sensed it all along—what a cunning fox… no, more like a wolf.

Calling him a fox wouldn’t do justice.

Anyway, despite the mess in his dwelling, it didn’t matter much.

Probably, this bear cub couldn’t contain his anger and caused a ruckus.

“Oh, they’re coming.”

Three young men were dragged in, hands bound.

The first to fall was Seokga-jang’s son.

Eunho wasn’t interested in him.


The sound of a blow against Seokga-jang’s rear echoed. His face bore a mix of shame and pain.

Even the Moyong family guy resisted fiercely.

These Pang family members had undeniable spirit.

“Given the chance, I’d like to teach your son a lesson,” Paeng Jiyeol’s expression brightened noticeably.

“Is that really necessary?”

Eunho shook his head.

This guy was strange. He wanted to spare his son but beat him up too.

Despite the strong resistance, Pang Jeoak eventually yielded.

His eyes held a venomous glare.

He was probably searching for an opportunity to retaliate.

“Hey, are you still staring at me?”

However, Pang Jiyeol turned away, completely ignoring him!

What caught Pang Jeoak’s eye was his proud father and… the Heaven’s Greatest!

The Heaven’s Greatest jerked his head toward Eunho, smirking.

‘What’s that guy saying now? Ugh… Oh, idiot…?’

The shape of his mouth unmistakably conveyed contempt.

With those handsome lips, he was clearly mocking Eunho.

‘Father! Smash that guy’s head right now…!’

However, contrary to Pang Jeoak’s expectations, the blow landed on his own rear.

“Aaargh! I’ll drink all of these guys’ blood someday!”


And so, the incident came to an end.

Eunho’s mood was excellent after a long time.

How long had it been since he tasted this feeling of accomplishment?

Perhaps ordinary life could be challenging. Yet, with so many interesting things happening, what did it matter?

As Eunho walked lightly, his gaze fell upon an unfamiliar scene.

A crowd had gathered on one side of the street.

What could be going on?

“Hey, come out.”

Curiosity piqued, Eunho pushed his head through the crowd, and there he saw… a fortune teller?

“What do you want now?”

Suddenly, he felt irritated.

The well-groomed fortune teller was reading fortunes with a piece of wood.

Tsk, tsk. If this method could truly reveal destiny, everyone would be walking around muttering predictions.

Even if someone managed to steal a glimpse of destiny, reading so many people’s fates would surely attract some fresh troublemakers.

After all, humans were a troublesome bunch, always lurking around, whether they were murderers or supernatural beings. Of course, this was Eunho’s perspective; if the supernatural beings were listening, the story might be different.

Anyway, humans were a peculiar species.

Feeling disenchanted, Eunho was about to move on. If someone hadn’t shouted from behind, that is.

“Everyone, run away!”

The somewhat mysterious fortune teller, whether male or female, suddenly stood up and shouted.

People jumped in surprise, and Eunho, equally startled, stared at the fortune teller.

Huh? But…

Was the fortune teller pointing at him?

The fortune teller was instructing people to run away, gesturing toward Eunho.

It left an odd feeling.

Encounters like this used to happen during his supernatural days in a past life.

Did I ever devour any of you?

Even in his previous life, Eunho never consumed humans.

He couldn’t just beat up someone who hadn’t learned martial arts, but he decided to give a few light blows.

What’s going on?

Although the approaching Eunho seemed intimidating, the fortune teller’s expression remained resolute.

Now that I think about it…

As Eunho raised his fist, the fortune teller pulled something out from their pocket and tossed it at him.


It was an amulet.

The powerless amulet struck Eunho’s body a few times before falling to the ground.

It was absurd.

“What are you trying to do?”

The fortune teller’s voice trembled when their attempt to influence Eunho failed.

“That… that’s the question I want to ask! How dare you come to this place…! Is the sky not watching? You wretched creature!”

The fortune teller’s supernatural remark caught the attention of the crowd.

“Hey, sir. What nonsense is this about supernatural beings in today’s world? Oh my, what a waste of time.”

A merchant who had dismissed Eunho earlier chimed in, shaking his head.

“This is just a charlatan! Do you even know how to read fortunes?”

The supernatural comment was enough to label the fortune teller as a charlatan.

When someone demanded a refund, the fortune teller promptly extended their hand to comply.

Although the street had turned chaotic, Eunho and the fortune teller kept their eyes fixed on each other.

‘You wretched creature?’

Eunho’s pupils trembled.

That guy had definitely called him a supernatural being.


Eunho struck the ground with a forceful stomp.

The people who had demanded refunds were startled and fled.

The once chaotic place fell silent in an instant.

The fortune teller pulled out a few more amulets from their pocket.

Watching closely, Eunho understood. These amulets had some efficacy against supernatural beings.

That guy was genuinely convinced Eunho was a supernatural being.

How on earth…?

Eunho’s divine form vanished momentarily, leaving the fortune teller bewildered.

“You’re running away… Argh!”

In the blink of an eye, Eunho grabbed the fortune teller by the collar.

“Follow me for a moment.”

The fortune teller wanted to protest vehemently.

But he wasn’t following, he was being dragged!

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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