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The Shattering Sword

Chapter 31

As the immense energy of the three people filled the mountain stronghold, Nokwang also sensed that something was amiss.

Upon directly facing the energy, he realized that this young man was no ordinary person. He looked at his old friend, Sawang.

“Attack simultaneously.”

Sawang, understanding Nokwang’s thoughts just from his gaze, nodded. He also thought that there was no other way to confront Eunho.

Just as the two were tensed, ready to spring out at any moment, the door of the stronghold slowly creaked open.

First poking his head in, then cautiously entering, was the Fist King. Eunho’s eyebrows twitched. He had clearly told him not to come in as it would be a disturbance.

Pang Jiyeol, glancing at Eunho’s expression, crouched in a corner.

“Hehe, I’ll just watch quietly from the corner. Just watch. Surely, that’s not too much to ask?”

Nokwang and Sawang were greatly surprised. They both knew Pang Jiyeol’s personality well. He was someone who wouldn’t care about anyone’s opinion, not even in front of leaders or masters.

Yet, here he was, being so cautious…

They became even more curious about the identity of the person in front of them.

It was time to focus on the immediate battle. The two exchanged a brief glance and then swiftly charged at Eunho.


Nokwang’s massive axe swung with the force to split Eunho’s waist in two. The axe, a weapon that best embodies the essence of weight, was usually best avoided rather than confronted head-on.

Thus, Sawang thrust his sword behind Eunho’s waist to block his retreat.

Their coordination was quite precise for an impromptu attack.

Of course, it was unfortunate that their opponent was Eunho.


Eunho’s sword and Nokwang’s axe clashed head-on.

The force behind the axe was so immense that the recoil caused a gust of wind to blow past Eunho, scattering his hair.

At the same time, someone outside the mountain stronghold could be heard retching.

– “Uweeeek!”

The tremendous recoil must have been transmitted to Lee Ryang, who had set up the formation.

Nokwang and Sawang ignored it and resumed their coordinated attack.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

The weapons of the three clashed hundreds of times in an instant.

– “Kraaaah! Ugueeeek!”

Of course, the damage was entirely borne by Lee Ryang.

It was a fitting display of the combined technique worthy of the name “Twenty-Four Masters.”

Watching this, Pang Jiyeol’s blood boiled.

‘It’s the first time I’ve seen the combined technique of the Twenty-Four Masters in action. I… I want to experience it too…’

Whether Eunho knew this or not, he was merely swinging his sword lightly, blocking the attacks of the two.

However, Eunho’s expression was unusual.

He was frowning, which was unlike him!

Pang Jiyeol suddenly stood up and shouted.

“Just say the word, and I’ll help you anytime!”

He seemed to be hoping for it.

But Eunho just shook his head.

Eunho had other concerns.

‘This is troublesome.’

In an instant, Eunho withdrew his sword and used his left hand to unleash the Namgung family’s Heaven Thunder Three Palms.

Startled by the immense power contained in the palm technique, the two leapt back to avoid it.

At the same time, Eunho also leapt back to create some distance.

Then, with a serious expression, he said,

“This is troublesome.”

Pang Jiyeol’s expectations soared.

He thought he might be included in the fight.

However, Eunho’s next words shattered his expectations.

“I intended to kill one and just beat up the other. But at this rate, I might accidentally kill both.”

He was sincere.

The combined technique of the two was far more impressive than he had anticipated.

Killing both would be one thing, but sparing one was quite troublesome.

“So, Sawang, I’m giving you a choice.”

Everyone, especially Sawang, swallowed hard, waiting for the next words.

“First, you can continue the combined attack and both die, or second, you can step aside until I kill Nokwang.”

Sawang and Nokwang’s eyes met.

Both knew from the recent fight that it was difficult to win against Eunho.

There was a desperate look in Nokwang’s eyes.

However, Sawang slowly turned his head away.

Tap, tap.

Sawang gently patted Nokwang’s shoulder.

“Go on ahead.”

“Wh-what do you mean?”

Sawang shook his head and went to sit next to Pang Jiyeol.


Nokwang seemed unable to understand the situation.

Did my old friend Sawang just abandon me?

Unfortunately, he did.

Eunho looked at him calmly, then gripped his sword with both hands and pulled it close to his chest.

Pang Jiyeol jumped up and shouted.

“That’s it!”

Byukwoon Ilhon (Heaven Shattering Sword).

It was the technique that had stopped just before his neck last time, but now… Paaang!

Eunho shot forward.

Nokwang’s pupils shrank as he took in Eunho’s form.

Instinctively, he tilted the blade of his massive axe to block.

A light blue streak cut through the axe and Nokwang’s waist entirely.

It was a single swing.


The massive axe split in half and fell to the ground.

And then, belatedly, the sound came.

Thud, thud.

Nokwang’s massive body split in two and slumped to the ground.

Pang Jiyeol swallowed hard.

His clenched fist trembled.

He literally felt a thrill.

Cheonoecheon (Heaven beyond the Heavens).

‘Literally a world beyond the world. I never thought I would see a new world after experiencing this.’


Pang Jiyeol punched Sawang, who was next to him.

Sawang was also one of the Twenty-Four Masters.

He quickly raised his arm to block the attack.

“What are you doing!”

“I can’t hold back my boiling blood!”

Bang! Boom! Bang! Bang!

He struck again and again.

Pang Jiyeol was more vigorous than any other late-stage master.

Sawang struggled to fend off Pang Jiyeol’s attacks.

Even for a fellow Twenty-Four Master, it was difficult to only defend.

Unable to hold back, Sawang also raised his fist to strike back.

At that moment.


Eunho grabbed Pang Jiyeol by the scruff of his neck and pulled him back.

“Didn’t you say you’d just watch?”

Sawang looked bewildered.

He had been getting hit and was just about to counterattack.

“Wait, now…!”

Just as he was about to protest, he saw Eunho’s gaze and realized it wasn’t the time for that.

Eunho approached Sawang Cheolmuseong.

“Don’t worry, I’m here.”

From that moment on.

Crack! Snap! Thud! Boom!

It was intense. Really intense.

Sawang suddenly remembered.

Eunho had said something like that.

I’ll beat you just enough so you won’t die.

And when the beating stopped after about a quarter of an hour.

Sawang was truly half-dead, no, barely alive.

A few martial artists from the Hao Sect, who had been waiting, came to bind and take him away.


Eunho stopped them and approached the unconscious Sawang to apply acupressure.

Eunho could use three types of energy.

First, it was the raw, unrefined natural energy. Second, it was the refined and accumulated internal energy.

And finally, it was the highly purified internal energy, condensed and honed once again.

Eunho used the most purified internal energy to apply acupressure to Sawang. Despite appearances, he was still one of the Twenty-Four Masters.

He could easily break free from ordinary acupressure points.

If he woke up without Eunho around, it would be hell for the martial artists tasked with escorting him.

As everything seemed to be settled, Lee Ryang, with a dazed look, entered the mountain stronghold.

“Heh, heh heh… heh heh heh… it’s all over…”

Considering that Eunho’s Heaven-Splitting Sword and Nokwang’s axe had clashed within his formation, the impact was obvious without needing to be said.

When Lee Ryang, who walked in like an empty shell, collapsed, Eunho quickly caught him.

Then, extending his index finger, Eunho infused natural energy into Lee Ryang’s Du Meridian through the Baihui acupoint at the top of his head.


Lee Ryang was bewildered.

He had clearly collapsed from exhaustion, so why did he feel this strange sensation?

His mind was still in a faint state, but his body felt invigorated, which was odd.

Seeing Lee Ryang’s deeply furrowed brow, Eunho spoke.

“Isn’t it better for you to be damaged than for nature to be harmed? At least you can be easily restored like this.”

Eunho, the greatest nature lover in the central plains, said this. Just as everything seemed to be wrapping up.


Asoche leader Lee Jagwang approached Eunho and knelt before him.

“Please accept me.”


No. Why would he accept a bandit? Even if he had some spirit, he was still a bandit.

“No. Why should I accept a bandit?”

“I have already left Nokrim.”

“I see. Still no.”

Lee Jagwang had an intense desire to become a master.

He had left his position as a general in the military because he couldn’t tolerate the corruption of his superiors and became a bandit after being impressed by Nokwang’s strength.

Since the day he met Eunho, he couldn’t get him out of his mind.

The first person he wanted to seek out after leaving Nokrim was also the master of the world.

Now that he was right in front of him, how could he miss this opportunity?

“Please accept me.”

He had no talent for eloquence.

He just stubbornly repeated his conviction.

In other words, he was being persistent.

“Please accept me.”

Eunho, with a tired expression, ignored him and left the mountain stronghold.


The group leaving the stronghold headed straight for the headquarters of the Cheonhajang.

Having finished a rather troublesome task, they deserved a bit of rest, didn’t they?

Of course, Surin couldn’t rest.

It was too early for Eunho’s martial prowess to be known to the world.

Since the Fist King Pang Jiyeol was with them, they intended to attribute Nokwang’s death and Sawang’s capture to him.

And Eunho couldn’t rest for another reason.

“Please accept me.”

“I said no!”

Eunho pondered.

Should I just beat him up?

The thought didn’t last long.

Thinking about it, it was strange that he hadn’t beaten him up yet.

As Eunho raised his fist, Lee Jagwang flinched.


The fist that should have hit his face didn’t land.

Cautiously opening his eyes, he saw Eunho standing still with his fist raised, staring at something.


Everyone followed Eunho’s gaze, but it was just an ordinary street scene.

Then it happened.

“Move aside! I’ll just pass through! Just a moment!”

A woman was urgently pushing through the crowd, using light footwork.

It seemed that Eunho was staring intently at the woman.

The group looked at Eunho with puzzled expressions.

He seemed dazed. It was the first time they had seen Eunho like this.

Surin was tense.

‘Could it be that he has such a taste?’

Even in her urgent situation, the woman running towards them was quite a beauty.

Despite covering her face below the eyes with a mask, her prominent nose and clear eyes instantly drew attention.

While Surin captivated men with her seductive and decadent charm, this woman, with her pure and delicate appearance, evoked a protective instinct.

Moreover, her jade-like clear skin and slightly taller height made her suitable for martial arts, or rather, enough to stir the hearts of many men.

Surin felt dejected.

It was strange.

Men should be losing their minds in front of her, but there had been no reaction.

‘Who knew his taste would be the complete opposite…’

Eunho, unaware of what Surin was thinking, just stared intently at the woman.

She was running towards them.

Oh, she seemed to have learned some martial arts. Her light footwork was quite good.

Seeing the group, she urgently shouted.

“Sorry! I’ll jump over!”

Then she leapt over their heads.

How much time had passed since she left? Several men in bright red uniforms appeared, chasing in the direction she had gone.

The Fist King, seeing this, spoke quietly. “She must be the woman the Blood Sect is chasing.”

Eunho’s eyebrows twitched.

Then he immediately sprang into action.


Hwayeon was cornered in a dead-end alley, facing four men in bright red uniforms.

“Persistent woman. There’s nowhere left to run.”

The men approached her.

“You bastards! Even if I die, I will never hand over what you want!”

She drew a small dagger from the outside of her thigh and pointed it at her own neck. Unfortunately, her life was the only means to threaten them.

“Damn it!”

The men quickly moved in panic.

If she died, they wouldn’t be able to get what their leader wanted.


Someone swiftly grabbed her arm.

“Let go! You bastards….”

Hwayeon’s words trailed off.

The person holding her arm was not one of the Blood Sect members but a man she had passed by earlier.

“Who are you?”

Eunho smiled warmly at her question.

So this was the small gift Buddha had mentioned.

“Long time no see, Hwayeon.”

“Do you know me?”

“Of course, I do.”

Hwayeon tilted her head in confusion.

No matter how she looked at him, he was a man she had never seen before today.

Hwayeon wasn’t the only one curious about Eunho’s identity.

“Who are you? If you have no deep connection with that woman, it’s best you pretend you didn’t see anything and go on your way.”

The Blood Sect members drew their swords and surrounded Eunho.

They were on high alert.

When Eunho had descended from the sky, no one had been able to react to his speed.

‘At least a master beyond the pinnacle.’

Eunho nodded.

“That’s a reasonable statement. Meddling by the weak only shortens their lives. But I have a very deep connection with this woman. And I’m strong enough not to worry about my life.”

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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