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The Western Forest

TL: Enigma
PR: Kai

Episode 29: The Western Forest

West Forest of Raven.

A hunting ground that even NPCs avoid and be cautious against.

Unlike the open plains of Dongmun, it’s made up of a dense forest, making visibility difficult and infested with not only goblins but also numerous large insects.

The level of the monsters themselves also increased, but in fact, that in itself was not a problem.

The species itself isn’t on a different level, and the giant insects are a bit stronger and more difficult to catch, so it was worth catching them.

The problem was the topography of the forest.


“Hey, it’s flying over there! Catch it quickly!”

“Holy shit, there’s a monster hiding in the rock!”

As befitting of its title, Another World, the artificial intelligence was very advanced, and monsters with strong instincts knew how to make use of the geographical features.

“Ahh! Up! A surprise attack from above!”

“Arrow from the bush! Get into formation quickly!”

“Watch your feet! A centipede under your feet!”

The goblins, who were the first attack type, hid in the bushes and launched surprise attacks by throwing poisonous stings, while the giant insects often used their characteristics to come down from the trees or stalk from the crevices of the rocks.

That alone raised the level of difficulty to a bizarre level.

As so many things utilize geographical features and even carry out surprise attacks, it has become common for people to end up on the Nether Road at the moment of a missed encounter.

Meanwhile, an unspoken rule arose in the western forest.

“Solo in the western forest? That’s just crazy.”

“Listen carefully. It’s definitely a party there. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a hero or if you have good items.”

“Party of four. I mean, fill it up with the full number of people and go around.”

Form a party of at least three people.

It was a fact known to all users who set foot in the western forest that hunting should be done safely, preferably with a full party of four people.

Of course, this did not apply to everyone.

“Well, if it doesn’t hurt even if you get hit, and you have a weapon that can kill them in one or two hits, it doesn’t matter if you don’t save it.”

Defense and damage that can handle all the difficulties.

Because if you had those two things, terrain didn’t matter anymore.

Rather, the western forest overflowing with monsters will become a true honey hunting ground.

“But is that possible?”

“It’s absolutely impossible. Unless it’s a mythic god with top-level damage characteristics and hero-level skills, and even has items listed as rare+ or higher.”

Of course, it was an impossible task, and the users all compromised with reality to save the party.

Because I didn’t want to die and get a death penalty for being reckless.

“Looking for a party! Currently, we have a tanker and two dealers on standby. We’ll be there as soon as the healer arrives!”

“Looking for a close range dealer! Um… A thief? The thief is a bit…”

“The two of you who will help me until I graduate! A healer is needed!”

That was the reason why there were so many people looking for parties in front of the west gate.

If in Arde it was for benefits, here it was for stable hunting.

Everyone saved the party here, whether it was someone who had quickly leveled up from the alumni class with Temporal or someone who struggled and barely reached level 17.

“Seup, all you need is one healer… There is nothing wrong with it.”

“Healers aren’t popular. Isn’t it difficult to train them in party quests? “She’s honestly no fun.”

“Uh… I guess I’ll just have to go without a healer and go with one more sub.”

“uh? Hey, look at him.”

There are bound to be users everywhere who don’t feel it until they experience it.

A user who was looking for a party member tapped the colleague next to him.

“Oh, what is it?”

“One poor fire moth has increased.”

“Iced coffee. Is that it again?”

A colleague, annoyed by this, turned his head.

Then he looked at the man confidently entering the forest alone and nodded as if he understood.

There was a wry smile on his lips. It wasn’t something like pity or greed for that fire moth.

“There are things like that everywhere you go.”

It was clear ridicule or mockery.

Even with a little searching, you can see that soloing in the western forest is suicidal.

No, didn’t the NPCs already warn you before that and show everyone saving the party as soon as you enter the western forest?

Nevertheless, the thoughts of those who decided to play solo were all clear.

“Most of the rankers said they had a party during this time, but they thought it was different.”

“Well, maybe he’s trying to debut. I was solo in the western forest. It’s a nice picture, right?”

Self is different from others.

He hasn’t shown anything special yet, but he can do it just because he hasn’t had the chance.

Either he’s an idiot who thinks such baseless thoughts, or he’s trying to use this hunt as an opportunity to debut as a BJ and make a mark on the guild.

“Well, everyone has a good plan.”

“Until you get hit?”


One of the two people who were giggling among themselves muttered in passing.

“Well, you never know. That person might be a mythical god with legendary skills.”

And the rebuttal came faster than ever.

“Is the land annihilated? It doesn’t make sense.”

“Why, a monster appeared six months ago.”

“Ah… But he really is a bitch. Will someone like that appear again?”


Because it made so much sense.

Wouldn’t it be more rational to think of him as a simpleton who doesn’t know his subject rather than a genius who appears once in a while?

“Let’s find party members quickly.”

“Okay, if I keep this up, I won’t be able to reach level 20 today.”

Because of this, they paid no attention to the man who walked into the forest, and it didn’t take long for them to forget him.

So they couldn’t have imagined it.

That the man who walked into the forest is still wandering around in the forest just fine.

* * *

Dense forest.

A bloody battle was taking place in a place so deep that there were few people.

Numerous goblins surrounding a man. Although he looked like he was completely surrounded, the man was relaxed.


Goblins rush at you before you notice them.

At that moment.



As the man easily dodged and stabbed the large sword, the goblin let out a loud scream.

Kirik! Kiririk!

Goblins are excited by their comrade’s screams and rush towards them all at once.

A dog fight quickly broke out.

And the person who stirred up the fight was none other than a man with a greatsword.

Hwirik- Bakak!

Sigh! Suddenly-.

There was no major movement.

Just avoid the first attack with minimal movement or use the blade of the greatsword to dodge it.

Then stab or cut.

Meanwhile, the goblin that came in at close range tilts its head to dodge, hits the crowd with a slightly raised fist with its middle finger, and then breaks the neck.

The series of movements was performed as naturally as a machine, and when the attack and defense ended, the three goblins had collapsed.

Each one died in one hit.

Kiek, kiek!

The goblins’ faces were filled with bewilderment.

They lived here and met quite a few people, but this was their first time seeing such an ignorant and strong person.


Does this make sense?!

I don’t know the language, but I’m sure it’s not my mood that makes me look like I’m shouting.

But it seemed like it wasn’t just a scream made out of panic.

Surprisingly, at the sound of their cries, new goblins raised their heads through the bushes.

They were goblins who were lying in ambush for an unexpected situation.

“That’s right.”

When the goblins saw the man shaking his head, they spread their shoulders in triumph.

Kick. Kirikik!

They seem to think they have won, as they are smiling brightly.

It was a difficult situation since there were still four beasts left at close range and five more were added at a distance.

If you are a normal user.

S-Swish whoosh!

The man who saw the arrow being shot, Do-hyeon, immediately wielded his greatsword.

Ting- tingling-

As the arrow that hit the sword face bounced outward, the goblins prepared to shoot again.

Even the goblins at close range did not stay still. He tried to come closer to prevent the man from blocking the arrow.

But Do-hyeon was faster.


He made a large circle and threw the great sword at the goblins at a distance.



The guys were so scared that they didn’t know they were going to throw their weapons and scattered.

Is it because I didn’t even think about it?

The goblin, who was about to fire an arrow, had no time to dodge, and eventually had to fall down with the great sword stuck in his head with both eyes open.

Kirik! Cheek!

The goblins at a distance were angry, but the goblins at a close range smiled wryly.

He thought it was actually good that Do-hyeon’s weapon was gone.

That wasn’t all.

[The effect of the warrior set is canceled.]

[The goblin is released from the ‘Overwhelmed’ status condition.]


As the pressure that I had been feeling for some reason disappears, my confidence rises.

Do-hyeon chuckled at the faces of those guys whose true intentions were clearly revealed and took out something from his inventory.


“Someone said I don’t have a weapon.”

It was an axe.

‘Honest Axe God’s Iron Axe’ obtained by catching Kkoumyeoneodohae.

‘It’s just one room anyway, so there’s no need for a warrior set.’

Even though the level has risen, the root is the Red Goblin tribe.

Their physical strength was not even that of the Blue Goblins of Raven Meadow.

This one axe was enough for them.

The nearby goblins, embarrassed by the appearance of a rare grade axe, shouted urgently.

Kick! Kirik!!

Perhaps it was some kind of signal, but the goblins from a distance reorganized their lineup and fired arrows.

However, even if it was a poisonous stinger, Do-hyeon was able to block such an arrow even with his eyes closed, and his movements were unstoppable.


Poop! Sigh!

He quickly burrowed through the goblins at close range, grabbed one by the neck and used it as a target for his arrows,

[Weapon restrictions are lifted through the Weapon Master effect.]

[The adventurer’s effect allows you to use the weapon’s basic skills.]

[You have used the axe’s basic skill ‘Down Crush’.]

[The Red Goblin in the forest has been defeated.]

The goblin throws the guy with the arrow holder on the floor, breaking the earthen pot on the frozen guy, and he falls down in one hit.

“Good taste.”

This is my first time using an axe, but the sensation of hitting feels better than I expected.

Do-hyeon, who had tasted it, went all the way and cut up the goblins.

No matter how many arrows they fired at them, they would block them with their axes or use their unfortunate comrades as shields, and they would not stop attacking, which was fear itself.


In an instant, the close range was wiped out and only four ranged ones remained.

The guys lost their will to fight and began to run away.

This was why the goblins in the forest were annoying.

They were clever, made good use of the terrain of the forest, and knew how to run away when they were at a disadvantage.


[Use a back grab.]

It was just a laughable struggle for Do-hyeon, who had the strongest assassin Lee Dong-gi.


Do-hyeon, who appeared behind him like a ghost, swung an axe and his head was cut off in one fell swoop.

He probably doesn’t even know why he died.

Do-hyeon’s eyes rolled quickly.

The two guys scatter in different directions. On one of them, I could see the greatsword that had been thrown earlier.


Without hesitation, Do-hyeon threw the axe at the other guy, ran to pick up the greatsword, and used a lunge slash.



[The Red Goblin in the forest has been defeated.]

[The Red Goblin in the forest has been defeated.]

[Axe mastery increases to LV2.]

As if the timing was right, the moment he cut his back with a lunge, the person who threw the axe also fell.

In this way, all goblins have been eliminated.

But I couldn’t let down my guard yet.


Something huge came aiming for Do-hyeon’s back.

The Return of the Greatest Genius Ranker

The Return of the Greatest Genius Ranker

역대급 천재 랭커의 귀환
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"The Virtual Reality Game That has taken over the World, God of Saviors.
And Kaiser the overwhelming number one player of its predecessor, Deus Ex Machina - Ragnarok, commonly known as Demrok, He was once called a god, but disappeared due to unavoidable circumstances, and has returned after a year and six months!
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not work with dark mode