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Unlikely Alliances

Chapter 12

“Eunho grabbed the fortuneteller with one hand and dragged him along.

“Listen! Put me down let’s talk!”

As soon as the fortuneteller shouted, Eunho rolled his foot and unleashed his divine power.

The fortuneteller couldn’t even open his eyes properly due to the strong wind pressure hitting his face.

Struggling to open his eyes, he noticed that the surroundings were changing rapidly.

“Ah, unmistakably a yokai!”

When Eunho arrived near the mountain, he casually tossed the fortuneteller aside.

The fortuneteller, feeling dizzy from the unprecedented speed, grasped a beautiful paulownia tree and began to read its insides.

“You’re up to no good. So, fortuneteller, what’s your name?”

“Sigh… I’m called Lee Ryang.”

The fortuneteller introduced himself as Lee Ryang and glared at Eunho.

That cursed yokai.

He must be thinking that way.

“If you don’t open your eyes nicely, I’ll pluck them out.”

Lee Ryang’s eyes transformed beautifully.

“You’re a clueless fellow. Alright, Lee Ryang. Where do you see a yokai?”

Eunho scolded him. After all, he had worked hard to accumulate merit and become human.

Lee Ryang tilted his head.

“No matter how I look at you, you’re a yokai.”


Eunho’s sweet punch landed on Lee Ryang’s forehead.

It was a simple blow, but Lee Ryang’s body flew through the air and crashed into a tree.

Lately, dealing with swordsmen, kings, and talented individuals had caused him to lose control of his strength.

“Is he dead?”

Eunho felt regret. The curious child had so much potential.

As Eunho approached the fallen Lee Ryang, intending to check on him, Lee Ryang suddenly threw several talismans.

Not stopping there, he muttered incomprehensible words and extended his palm toward Eunho.

“Emergency summoning!”

A fresh breeze, laden with the scent of clay, struck Eunho’s face. His hair fluttered in all directions, and for a moment, Lee Ryang felt utterly disoriented.

‘What kind of handsome yokai is this?’

Among the mischievous creatures that occasionally fooled people, was he part of that category?

Lee Ryang, who had experienced such situations himself, and couldn’t help but think that women would be utterly defenseless against this.

On the other hand, Eunho was baffled.

“What are you doing?”

Eunho’s cold voice snapped Lee Ryang back to his senses.

“You’re saying you’re not really a yokai?”

Normally, if he were dealing with a yokai, they would be suffering from the force of the wind.

It seemed that the young man before him was likely human.

Eunho chuckled and attempted to deliver another punch to Lee Ryang.

Or at least, he intended to.

However, Lee Ryang’s divine form had already vanished from its spot.

“Truly human… My apologies.”

Lee Ryang had already activated his secret technique nearby.

From behind, Lee Ryang’s divine form reappeared, eliciting a wry smile from Eunho.

Quite the cunning fellow.

As Eunho observed, curiosity piqued his interest.

Lee Ryang leisurely stepped away, attempting to escape.

Since he was already trapped within the divine technique, there was no way he could capture him.

However, contrary to his expectations, strong resistance came from behind.

Suddenly, Eunho grabbed Lee Ryang’s collar.


“Calling a living person a yokai and then trying to flee?”

He couldn’t be considered entirely human, but well, close enough.

That’s what Eunho thought.

Nodding, he said, “I’ll ask again, what made you think I was a yokai?”

“My instincts.”

Lee Ryang stood his ground, and Eunho was left dumbfounded.

“My master used to say that even if nothing else, I had an exceptional eye.”

“Indeed. You’ve got quite the exceptional eye.”

He must have seen something, and Eunho had to admit it at least to himself.

“Apparently you can read a little bit of Heaven and Earth.

“How do you know that?”

Divination is the realm of sorcerers.

Even if the young man before him is a master of martial arts, it’s not easy to recognize him as such.

Lee Ryang looked at Eunho with suspicion.

“I told you to open your eyes nicely.”

Lee Ryang’s eyes became beautiful once again.

“Let’s go.”

“Where to?”


“Ah, goodbye.”

With those words, Lee Ryang turned away.

Their parting was cleaner than expected.

Of course, that was Lee Ryang’s expectation.

Eunho, still holding Lee Ryang’s collar, rolled his foot again.

Strong wind pressure… changing scenery, and even screams.



Eunho’s divine technique was truly remarkable.

To arrive at the Cheonhajang so swiftly was impressive.

As Eunho looked at Lee Ryang, who was vomiting, he took a step forward.

“Follow me.”

Lee Ryang, realizing he couldn’t escape, silently followed Eunho.

Doubts still lingered.

If he truly was a yokai…

Lee Ryang secretly touched the talisman hidden in his pocket.

Eunho greeted the gatekeeper he knew with a smile.


But the gatekeeper averted his gaze, acting strangely.

Something was amiss.

Eunho’s curiosity grew with each passage through the gate.

“Are you being scolded at home?”

His suspicion was valid.

Not only the gatekeeper but also the officials, warriors, and even merchants had all averted their gazes.

‘What’s happening in the Cheonhajang?’

Just then, someone impossible to ignore came into view.

“General Jang, is there something going on at home? Everyone seems a bit strange.”

General Jang looked embarrassed and coughed before responding.

“Ahem. You should go see the Lord…”


Was he speechless?

He’d find out when he got there.

Eunho quickly changed his course.

And waiting for him was the displeased Ha Jinwi.

“Why are you causing such a commotion!”

The things he had been holding back seemed to burst forth due to the Pang Jiyeol incident.

“How dangerous is Pang Jiyeol…!”

After raging for a while, Ha Jinwi noticed Lee Ryang and asked.

“But who’s the person with you?”


Eunho hesitated for a moment before speaking.

“He’s a fortuneteller.”

Ha Jinwi’s expression crumpled.

Then Lee Ryang stepped forward.

“I’m Lee Ryang. I travel across the country studying the Way (도, Dao). Meeting the venerable master in person today feels like a day when the heavens assist me.”

Eunho raised an eyebrow, observing Lee Ryang’s flamboyant tongue.

Regardless, Ha Jinwi wore a somewhat satisfied expression. But his annoyance still lingered as he glared at Eunho.

“Why do you look at me like that?”


“Because I don’t know.”

“Sigh… Why are you causing so much trouble lately?”

Eunho was baffled.

What had he done wrong?

And Eunho, who needed to express his thoughts aloud to relieve his frustration, said, “What am I doing wrong?”

Ha Jinwi’s neatly trimmed beard twitched slightly.

“What am I…? I thought it was understandable that you’d get into trouble with the students at the academy, but causing a disturbance at an elder’s funeral…?”

“Then, am I just to watch Somi while she suffers?”


It was a valid point.

However, Eunho’s confidence was too apparent.

“Fine. Fine! But didn’t you also disrespect Elder Chu?”

“No. I merely answered a question. Should I politely respond to every inquiry from someone who scrutinizes me just because they’re an elder and a famous martial artist? I don’t think that’s the right attitude for a martial artist’s disciple.”

Ha Jinwi was genuinely taken aback.

When did this kid become so eloquent?

“Alright… alright. Let’s forget all that!”

As their voices grew louder, Lee Ryang glanced around nervously.

“About that Pang Jiyeol… I can’t even say it out loud in front of Father.”

The filial son spoke on behalf of his father, who looked embarrassed.

“That bear cub threatened Somi.”

Ha Jinwi rubbed his forehead.

Eunho understood. But that wasn’t the solution.

This time, Ha Jinwi was taking a firm stance.

Confronting the head of the Northern Pang Family like this was too risky, regardless of propriety.

Especially when the other party was a renowned hot-tempered master.

Without the presence of the Sword Saint, things would have gone terribly wrong.

“Father, that bear cub is not as dangerous as you think…”

“Enough. You’ll be going on a mission.”

“Father, I’m busy.”

“You still have to go.”

“No, I…”

“Follow along.”


Eunho couldn’t possibly defy his father’s words.

Perhaps it was due to the boy’s original memories.


And so, Eunho sat on the rooftop of the speeding carriage, lost in thought.

“Why am I…?”

L Ryang, who had been pulled along by Eunho, was now reluctantly joining the mission.

“How can I just leave someone as suspicious as you next to my family?”

“Then can’t you just let me go?”

“How can I simply let someone as suspicious as you go?”

Lee Ryang’s eyes narrowed.

Dealing with an incomprehensible master was more challenging than he had anticipated.

“But I have one question.”


“When you caught me back then, how did you do it? Just because you’re a renowned martial artist doesn’t mean you can easily break through my techniques.”

However, Eunho was unimpressed.

“Are there people who fall for such shallow tricks?”

“That is very common! Unless you’re a mmpriest like me or of the Zhuge family, it’s difficult.”

While it might be possible for people from the Zhuge family, famous for their techniques, it was tough for an ordinary martial artist.

“That technique has a significant flaw. Want me to tell you?”

Lee Ryang’s eyes sparkled.

“I’ll tell you since you’re so curious.”


Eunho’s tone seemed to playfully mock him.

“Your eyes.”

They became beautiful once again.

“But where is this mission taking us?”

“I heard it’s to the Wudang faction.”


Lee Ryang’s eyes began to shine even brighter than before.

To visit the Wudang faction, known as the masters of divination, was a place any martial artist would be curious about.

Eunho couldn’t understand his reaction.

“Are the Wudang really that impressive?”

The answer came from Jang Pyodu, who was riding alongside them.

As the leader of this mission, Jang Pyodu had extensive experience, having traveled throughout various parts of the world.

“It’s no surprise that you the young master is so indifferent. Where would we get an opportunity to visit the Wudang faction?”

His tone was somewhat curt, considering he was addressing his young master.

Understandably, Jang Pyodu wasn’t thrilled about adding another concern to an already straightforward mission.

“Ah, those Taoist fellows are so annoying.”

Eunho disliked Taoists.

Really, really disliked them.

They reminded him too much of the divine beings from the heavens.

Moreover, the Wudang faction was practically a gathering place for aspiring divine beings on Earth.

Or maybe the Shaolin faction was worse?

He had heard that they practiced like the Buddha himself, following the teachings of Buddha.

Just thinking about it sent shivers down his spine.

“Ugh. Just thinking about those Taoist fellows gives me the creeps. Maybe we should go somewhere else. Yes, the Demonic cult folks might be better.”

Eunho’s bold statement nearly made Jang Pyodu’s eyes pop out.

“Why would you say something like that, what if someone overhears?”

While it wasn’t yet the Wudang’s territory, it wasn’t a topic to be taken lightly.

After all, in the martial world, countless eyes and ears were everywhere.

Jang Pyodu knew the fear associated with uttering a single phrase that could lead to dire consequences.

And then it happened.

“Yes, indeed. It’s truly unfortunate that we’ve heard that phrase.”

A voice seemed to come from somewhere, causing Jang Pyodu to pause mid-sentence.

“Could it be that the Wydang Taoists really heard us?”

If that were the case, they were in big trouble.

Even if they were the best in the world, they wouldn’t be able to tolerate being ignored to their face.

Seeing Jang Pyodu’s signal, the soldiers drew their weapons and scanned their surroundings.

However, Eunho’s gaze remained fixed on one spot.

Soon, a group of burly men emerged from the dense forest, catching Eunho’s attention.

Jang Pyodu sighed in relief.

“Perhaps they were just bandits.”

The wary soldiers relaxed upon seeing the unexpected visitors.

“Hahaha! You all look surprised. Fear not! Unlike those petty Taoist fellows, we are known for our broad-mindedness.”

Although the situation was somewhat absurd, encountering bandits was an inevitable part of their mission.

Jang Pyodu stepped forward skillfully and spoke.

“Aren’t you from the Aso group. We are from the Cheonhajang.”

His words carried a sense of pride.

While Aso group was a massive mountain faction, the Thirteen Masters had already established an alliance with the green forest faction.

Having already paid substantial tolls in advance, there was no reason to fear.

“We know that the Cheonhajang have already paid the tolls. The issue is that the tolls have increased.”

The bandits chuckled, each with their own amusement.

“Hahaha! Brother, even I find that hard to believe!”

“Enough. Let it be. We all need to make a living.”

Listening to the bandits’ improvised attempt to extort money, it seemed they misunderstood the Aso group’s intentions.

Paying tolls to mere bandits was indeed laughable, but subduing countless bandits was also impractical.

Paying a reasonable toll and completing the mission was more advantageous.

But why push it so far?

Lee Ryang, who had been observing the situation, asked Eunho.

“Could this lead to something serious?”

Eunho nodded.

“It might. It seems these bandits have been extorting money from the Cheonhajang. We’ll need to reclaim it.”

Jang Pyodu’s eyes narrowed.

They tried to somehow get out of the situation.

However, that cursed young master’s remark ruined everything.

“Hey, kid. What did you just say?”

Eunho disappeared.

And reappeared next to the bandit leader’s head.

Whispering into his ear, Eunho said,

“Guide us to your home.”

Tales of a Shining Sword

Tales of a Shining Sword

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
I was reborn as a human and picked up a sword and learned martial arts for the first time. But is this really... easy?


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